The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1373 Dead Zone Mark

Chapter 1373 Dead Zone Mark
In the next moment, Qin Lang found that he had been teleported out of the dead zone, and there was a glimmer of light in front of him. There was a large hall inside, probably somewhere inside the treasure of King Miao.

And Qin Lang looked at his wrist at this time. Now that he left the dead zone, the "X"-shaped imprint on his wrist still did not disappear, but remained directly, imprinted on it like a fetal shape.

Regarding the spiritual imprint left by this ancient spirit, Qin Lang didn't have much time to study it for a while. Now that he has come out of the dead zone and came to the treasure of Miao King, it is important to hunt for the treasure first and find the high priest's inheritance token as soon as possible. .

Then Qin Lang began to search around the hall. This hall was sealed off, like a square box with an area of ​​about [-] square meters.

The light in the hall comes from the surrounding walls. I don't know what materials are used for the surrounding walls. It's like coating the walls with a layer of fluorescent coating, so the whole hall has a little light.

Qin Lang carefully studied the surroundings, and found that there are some forbidden patterns on the walls and floors of the entire hall, which are very mysterious. This hall should be set up with a formation prohibition. If it is forcibly destroyed, it is likely to touch these organ formations, so that it is really trapped. in.

Next, Qin Lang carefully searched and studied, trying to find out some key points from these formation restrictions, and find out a way to leave this closed hall.

His formation is an apprentice-level formation, and after studying the prohibition formations on the walls and ground, he feels that this is definitely a formation master-level arrangement, and it is still difficult to analyze it with his current ability.

However, after half an hour, Qin Lang still used his spiritual sense to sense that a certain part of the surrounding walls seemed to have a relatively weak formation restriction, as if it was a trace of omission left on purpose.

So, Qin Lang walked over and stretched out his hand to press the place, and then heard the sound of the mechanism opening, and a passage was opened in the wall.

"Finally we can leave here!"

Qin Lang was overjoyed, and immediately left here without hesitation.

After walking for a short time, Qin Lang's keen senses heard movement nearby. It seemed that there was a team entering the treasure trove, and it seemed that it was a team from the Shengmiao tribe, talking in a chattering voice.

Although Qin Lang stayed with Maijia for a while and learned a few words of Shengmiao dialect, but these Shengmiao tribes spoke so fast that he basically couldn't understand them, but he heard the key phrase " The high priest... the token..."

"They discovered the high priest's inheritance token?"

Qin Lang couldn't help but jump in his heart, it couldn't be such a coincidence that he just came out of the dead zone and encountered such a good thing!

For the high priest's inheritance token, Qin Lang also had to take it, so after getting the news, he decided to follow the Yimiao tribe's team and wait for the opportunity to seize the high priest's inheritance token that might have been discovered.

Slowly, Qin Lang has approached this Shengmiao tribe. The team of this Shengmiao tribe is about 20 people, basically all of them are primary witches. Of course, there are also three Gu masters of the second level of witchcraft. It is considered a relatively weak one among all treasure hunting teams.

This small tribe of Shengmiao seems to be called "Kan". Qin Lang was stunned when he heard them talk about the word "Kan" many times. Could this tribe be the same Shengmiao at the junction of Nanjiang Shengmiao and Shuluo? Let's exchange tribes with middle-grade spirit stones!

If this Shengmiao tribe really knew the news about the mid-grade spirit stones being produced somewhere in Miaojiang, then after leaving King Miao's treasure this time, he really had to communicate with the people of this tribe.

After walking for about ten minutes, the Shengmiao tribe entered a super huge square with an altar or something, and the leaders of the Shengmiao tribe chattered for a while, Qin Lang still couldn't hear I understand, but seeing them pointing in the direction of the altar, Qin Lang felt that the inheritance token of the high priest was probably placed in the area of ​​the altar.

And at this moment, footsteps sounded nearby again, and someone approached this area, and soon saw that two more teams rushed here.

These two teams are still Shengmiao tribes. They are much stronger than the small Shengmiao tribe team called "Kan" just now. They are all fully staffed. Appearing here and seeing the altar in the square not far away, he immediately understood everything, and immediately started to drive away this small tribal team.

"Kan" was driven away helplessly. The situation was stronger than others. Even if he resisted a little, this small tribe only had about [-] people, and it couldn't stop the two extremely powerful tribes from joining forces.

After the "Kan" tribe was driven away, the two powerful tribes started a battle, as if they were trying to determine the ownership of the square. The loser would lose the right to search the square.

Although both sides only sent three people to participate in the battle, the battle was extremely bloody. It was a life-and-death fight, and it was extremely tragic.

At this time, Qin Lang took a picture of himself with an invisibility talisman, and approached the altar quietly. When he approached the altar less than ten feet away, the witch power breath left by the enlightened priest on his body began to move, and soon Give him a clear impression that the high priest's inheritance token is in this altar area.

"What a coincidence?"

Qin Lang couldn't believe his eyes, this luck is too good!

As soon as I came out of the dead zone, I discovered the high priest's inheritance token, which is something that all the tribes in the Miao King's treasure are fighting for. It's really against the sky!
Now that this thing is really here, Qin Lang will naturally not be polite, and directly approach all the directions of the inheritance token. The whole priest seems to have a special layer of restriction. As soon as Qin Lang approaches, the whole priest lights up, and the fluctuation of the restriction flashes non-stop.

The two nearby Shengmiao tribes who were fighting each other also noticed this weirdness. They immediately knew that something was wrong, and immediately stopped fighting with each other.

At this time, Qin Lang had already entered the enchantment formed by the prohibition of the altar. Originally, the restriction of the altar repelled him, but when the witch power of the enlightened priest suddenly came out of his body and touched the altar After the restriction, the rejection of the altar's restriction on his body disappeared without a trace, allowing him to enter the altar smoothly.

Qin Lang walked straight towards the inheritance token, and directly took the inheritance token in his hand. This is a crystal ball-like thing, the volume is only equivalent to a ping-pong ball, and the surface is glowing with a faint green light.

When holding it in his hand, Qin Lang felt that this inheritance crystal ball was heavy. Although it was only one size bigger than a table tennis ball, it weighed at least one hundred catties.

This kind of volume is not proportional to the weight. In the cultivation world, only the essence of heavy water is similar to this. The essence of heavy water in the cultivation world weighs more than a hundred catties. A bowl of heavy water can be merged into a river, which is heavier than this crystal ball. Even more terrifying.

Putting the weight of the inheritance crystal ball aside, Qin Lang can feel that the crystal ball contains terrifying inheritance energy. It should be arranged by the high priests of the past to leave the inheritance. He took a sharp bite back, if he hadn't received it in time, I'm afraid his consciousness would be burned directly by the energy in the crystal ball.

Putting aside his own curiosity, Qin Lang put the high priest's inheritance token directly into the storage ring. Looking around at this time, he found that the teams of the two Shengmiao tribes had slowly surrounded him. Although he couldn't see Qin Lang who was invisible in the altar, But just now Qin Lang made a lot of noise with the inheritance crystal ball, so the seedlings in front of him have sensed it.

These young seedlings are all pale now. They were fighting to death here just now, and they didn't realize that someone was lurking in and picked their peaches. This made them all extremely angry, and they were determined to give this mouse to the world. Find out.

But Qin Lang would not let them do what they wished. He laughed, and after taking the high priest's inheritance token, Qin Lang had already completed the biggest task entrusted to him by the Yiquan cottage and the Qizhi priest, and the next time was his own treasure hunting process.

Looking around, after searching for a few good-looking things on the altar, Qin Lang disappeared directly. The invisibility talisman is only valid for ten minutes, and it is almost time now. If you don't leave, you will be discovered by these young seedlings The real face is troublesome.

Whoosh... A gust of cold wind blows, Qin Lang has already dodged the surrounding seedlings, and left here quietly, leaving behind a group of waiting seedlings who are still groping around the altar.

Not long after Qin Lang left the altar square, he found people from the previous Shengmiao tribe team called "Kan". However, this Shengmiao tribe team is currently in a very bad situation. Afterwards, the Shengmiao tribe's exploration team got a mysterious and powerful Gu worm, which also caused other tribes to compete. There was a fierce battle between the two sides. The "Kan" tribe, which originally had 20 people, now only has three people left.

"Hand over the domineering leak test Gu! Spare you not to die!"

"Hand over the domineering leak test Gu! Spare you not to die!"

Surrounding the "Kan" tribe are the remaining three people. There are still more than [-] people. There are some raw seedlings and some mature seedlings.

The remaining members of the "Kan" tribe chattered among themselves for a while, as if they had made a decision, handed over a cicada-like Gu to a seedling boy, and pushed the seedling boy away from the battlefield, and the remaining two An older man was determined to fight for the chance to escape for the young seedlings, and block the motley army in front of him for a while.

However, after the Shengmiao boy ran no more than 500 meters, the two older ones were wiped out by these people in front of them, and then the motley army team in front of them laughed and chased after the last student of the "Kan" tribe. Miao juvenile.

And Qin Lang started to make a move at this time, and directly blocked this motley army team, because he heard the conversation of this motley army just now, and knew that the backer behind this motley army was Mama Priest, so he immediately decided Take action against this miscellaneous army and save the last seedling boy of the "Kan" tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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