The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1375 Fighting Giant Mosquito Gu

Chapter 1375 Fighting Giant Mosquito Gu

Tai Sui is a good thing, and it will be useful in alchemy in the future, so Qin Lang accepted it.

After thinking about it, the two discovered Tai Sui together, so Qin Lang threw Duoji an extra storage bag, which contained 2000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

He also didn't want to take advantage of others casually.

If it's Ye Xiaorui, Tang Xue and the others' advantage, it's fine if they take advantage of it, or even if they don't take advantage of it, but other than that, it's obvious that he doesn't want to take advantage of others.

Duoji got the storage bag and didn't know how to use it, but Qin Lang knew that this kid had spiritual power, so he simply told him how to open the storage bag.

And Duoji, who had learned how to use the storage bag, started to play with it, watching the things at hand suddenly disappear, and then change out of the storage bag, he was also very happy.

The storage bag is indeed a very magical treasure for this seedling boy. Although this thing is just a worthless primary storage bag in Qin Lang's eyes, with only one cubic meter of storage space, it is absolutely This is the only one, there is no other semicolon, except for Qin Lang, no one else owns it.

After getting such an object that can be shown off, the relationship between the young seedling boy Duoji and Qin Lang got closer. He felt that the big Han brother in front of him was really good.

After walking for another three hours, the sound of fighting appeared in front of him. Qin Lang's expression moved, and he quickly rushed in that direction with Duoji.

In a huge space somewhere in King Miao's Treasure, nearly thirty elite Gu Masters in Yiquan Village were heavily surrounded, and those who surrounded these elite Gu Masters in Yiquan Village were precisely the hands of Anokeyi.

The battle seems to have been going on for a while, and the Yigu Shanzhai side lost three or four, and now it is less than thirty.

And Anokeyi's side is still full, only a few people were slightly injured.

At this moment, on Anokeyi's side, Mimika, one of the three big horses, summoned a giant mosquito Gu, which rose in the wind and turned into a camel-sized one, with long mouthparts that were several meters long. Long spikes, and two huge wings the size of the blades on a windmill.

The changed Giant Mosquito Gu is extremely ferocious, the three people who were killed and injured in Yiquan just now were thanks to it, and now this Giant Mosquito Gu is under the control of Mimika, flapping its wings towards the remaining 20 people in Yiquan Village. Many people sent out fierce attacks, and the Giant Mosquito Gu flying in the air was like a huge bomber, really scary.

On Anokeyi's side, except for Mimika's shot, everyone else was watching the show with their hands behind their backs: "This giant mosquito Gu is really amazing. With this borrowed Gu, Mimika's leader alone Just suppressing the group of people in Yikuan Village, it’s really awesome! The current leader of Mimika almost has the combat power of a middle-level orthodox witch!"

"This is also the Gu worm cow given by the envoy. Although this battle-like giant mosquito Gu is not a natal core Gu, its strength is definitely higher than the natal core Gu on most Gu masters in Miaojiang, and even some of the witch level. The Gu worms in the hands of the Gu master are not so powerful, with this Gu in hand, the leader of Mimika can count one as ten, or even one as thirty!"

"That's right, it's a pity that I don't see that Han boy among this group of Yibo Gu masters. I heard that that guy is the strongest. I really want to see how that boy fights against the Giant Mosquito Gu... I think even if that Han boy is there, he will be able to fight against the Giant Mosquito Gu." It's not the opponent of the Giant Mosquito Gu manipulated by leader Mimika!"

These elites in the Anokoyi cottage are talking a lot. It is true that the Giant Mosquito Gu controlled by Mimika, one of the top three horses, is very powerful. Under the oppressive pressure, everyone in the entire clothing team was defeated, and they were about to be defeated.

At this time, there was a cold snort in the distance, and then a series of swishing sounds were heard, and a large shiny metal concealed weapon was suddenly fired by the person in the distance, from far to near, it soon reached the Giant Mosquito Gu and the people in the clothes. The place where the battle exploded and turned into a scattered trap, preventing the Giant Mosquito Gu from continuing to attack the people in the Yikuan village.

It's Qin Lang!At the critical moment, he appeared in time, and used the magic weapon of Baizi Feilin to save the group of people in Yigui.

"Ah! Brother Qin Lang is back..."

Everyone at Yikui saw Qin Lang, and wept with joy one by one. Now the hope has finally ushered in the dawn, and the strongest member of his team has finally returned. Suddenly, everyone felt that they had a backbone, and the morale of the team that had been sluggish was also swept away. And Kong, cheered up one by one.

"Brother Qin Lang, hello!"

"Brother Qin Lang, hello!"

"Brother Qin Lang, where you were teleported to before, you have been unable to contact..."

There were constant greetings around, and Mu Ziqing and Guo Xinghuo also approached Qin Lang and asked.

"Hehe, I encountered a little trouble, so I left the main force, but now that the trouble has been resolved, I am finally back."

Qin Lang laughed.

"Brother Qin Lang, you don't know... During your absence, our team is very tough. When we teleported in, we happened to meet Arnoke and his group. They have been hunted down, and now we have lost three or four teammates. Already!"

Next to him, Guo Xinghuo sighed.Obviously, the loss of his teammates made him very sad, which also made him realize how bad their team's combat power would be without Qin Lang in charge.

In short, they need Qin Lang to come back and continue to be their backbone.

"Brother Ziqing, don't worry, I will get better when I come."

Qin Lang laughed and said proudly.

"This little brother is..."

At this time, Mu Ziqing noticed the young man next to Qin Lang again.

"He is a kid I met on the road. He comes from "Kan" in Shengmiao Village. His name is Duoji."

Qin Lang introduced with a smile, and then said to Duoji: "Duoji, these two are my good brothers, this one is called Mu Ziqing, and this one is called Guo Xinghuo."

Qin Lang stroked with gestures for a while, the boy Shengmiao seemed to understand a little bit, and he also learned to cup his hands: "Duoji."

Right here, Qin Lang, the team leader, got in touch with his three team leaders, Xianruo, Guo Xinghuo, and Tajik, and prepared to fight back against this gang of enemies.

On Anokeyi's side, a group of people were stunned when they saw Qin Lang appear, but Mimika was overjoyed at this time: "The Lord has appeared, good, good, good! Now I, Mimika, am not under Wu. Amon, it happened to deal with this Han kid together, and avenge the last time I was humiliated and defeated."

The Giant Mosquito Gu lent by the envoy gave Mimika great confidence. He heard that these Gu worms could be refined by Priest Mama himself, and they can be ranked in the top ten in the list of Miaojiang Gu worms. Incomparably powerful.

Now that Qin Lang and Yi Que's team met for the first time among the treasures, the conversation was intense, and they seemed to have ignored the existence of Arnokeyi and the others. There is a hint of joy, since you don't pay attention to me, then I will launch a sneak attack and try to kill you kid in one fell swoop.

Mimika thought about this, and quietly manipulated the giant mosquito Gu to bypass Qin Lang's magic weapon formation, and launched a lightning attack, but what he didn't know was that Qin Lang seemed to be casually chatting with his companions, but in fact, his spiritual consciousness had already paid attention to it. All the movement around.

Just when the Mimika Giant Mosquito Gu made a sneak attack, Qin Lang also moved, and a small fireball popped out of his palm, flying towards the Giant Mosquito Gu at a super fast speed.

This small pale fire ball looks very inconspicuous, but it is actually transformed by the fire of Kanli. As soon as it touches the giant mosquito, it is ignited by a wing of the Gu insect, and the flame spreads like gasoline. , Instantly reduced one of the giant mosquito's wings to ashes.

All of a sudden, the giant mosquito was like a bomber with a broken wing. An upside-down onion fell directly from the air, and at the same time it made a shrill cry. The Gu worm burned extremely painfully.

The Gu worm was injured, and Mimibu's face was also pale. At this time, the mental force was activated, and the side of the injured Gu worm's broken wing began to wriggle slowly, and soon a new wing grew out.

The Giant Mosquito Gu flew into the air again, but this time he was more careful when facing Qin Lang, flying around in the air about two or three feet away from Qin Lang, preventing Qin Lang from popping out the terrible flame ball again.

The battle was still going on, and Qin Lang found that the self-healing ability of this giant Gu mosquito was really amazing. He manipulated Baizi Feilin to cut a lot of wounds on it, but as long as the injuries were not fatal, they could heal quickly.

However, this healing ability consumes the spiritual power of the Gu master. This giant mosquito Gu has changed several masters during the battle with Qin Lang. Yeji, the subordinate leader, is manipulating the Giant Mosquito Gu.

"Are you fighting a war of attrition with me... It's a beautiful idea."

Qin Lang saw through the thoughts of the people from the Arnokeyi cottage, and with a hand, Bai Zifei scale brush pulled back and flew back, forming a trap to trap the giant mosquito, and then rushed into the flying treasure formation he had set up by himself among.

"Dragon elephant yin and yang broken!"

Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist is used at Qin Lang Yuanying's mid-stage cultivation level, full of explosive power, and the moment the punch is punched, it seems to pierce the space.

With Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist and Yuanyingqi's fist strength, the strength of this blow definitely exceeds more than 100 tons!
The fist hit the head of the Giant Mosquito Gu, and then the entire body of the Giant Mosquito Gu exploded like a balloon!The Gu worm's bodily fluids were like smashed tomato sauce, spilling all over the air.

Qin Lang, who used the Phantom Wind Walk to avoid it from a distance, took back the Baizi Flying Scale. This set of magic weapon was refined well. After being contaminated by the giant mosquito Gu's body fluid and blood mist, it did not leave a trace, and it was still as shiny as new when it was in the hand.

"Haha, good brother Qin Lang!" Mu Ziqing and Guo Xinghuo laughed loudly when they saw the Giant Mosquito Gu that had caused great trouble to Yikui's side was killed.

And the other companions beside him also heaved a sigh of relief, now that the most powerful Gu worm among the enemies of Anokeyi has finally been eliminated, it is really joyful.

As for the Giant Mosquito Gu being wiped out, Anokeyi also knew that it was not good. The most powerful attack was gone, so there was nothing to play now!The strength of the opponent, the Han boy, is obvious to all. I am afraid that even if everyone uses other methods, he will not be his opponent.

And Anokeyi, the three big horses, and the others are also worried. Now the envoy is not here. If the envoy is here, they can join forces with the envoy and Qin Lang. Now... Naturally, it is best to avoid the sharpness of the Han boy for the time being, and to reunite with the God Envoy later to take revenge.

So, seeing that the situation was not good, these guys called out the whistle to retreat, and prepared to evacuate with Anokeyi and his group of coalition forces.

But Qin Lang snorted coldly: "Want to run away? Have you asked me if... People who have bullied me for so long should charge some interest now!"

(End of this chapter)

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