The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1376 The Continually Destroyed Angel

Chapter 1376 The Continually Destroyed Angel

Qin Lang waved his hand directly, and the Baizi Feilin in his hand flew over in unison, forming a loose trap.

Qin Lang planned to use Baizi Feilin to trap all these people in front of him.

However, when the trapped formation was set up, most of the enemies still fled, which made Qin Lang feel a little regretful: "There is no way, it is too difficult to trap all the enemies with just a basic trapped formation!"

Those who escaped were all the stronger ones among the enemies, about [-] of them, and the remaining [-] were weaker, and they were all trapped in this basic formation.

However, although these twenty enemies are slightly weaker, they are only relative. Each of them has at least a sub-shaman-level cultivation base, and they are still ordinary leader-level figures.

Qin Lang manipulated the formation to control these enemies and prevented them from escaping. At the same time, he said to his teammates: "Now I will give everyone a chance to take revenge. I have trapped these people. Everyone must have been tossed for so long before. If you are full of anger, then now you have revenge and revenge, and revenge if you have grudges!"

When dealing with trapped enemies, there is no need to talk about morality or benevolence. These people are murderers with blood on their hands. The people who hum will definitely do it without hesitation.

"it is good!"

"Brothers, kill me!"

All the people in Yikuo's team rushed towards the trapped formation with murderous aura, and killed with the people inside. With the help of Qin Lang's trapped formation, they killed the enemy like chopping vegetables and cutting melons.

After everyone vented, there were no more enemies standing in the trapped formation, so Qin Lang accepted Baizi Feilin.

And after the people who escaped from the Anokyi coalition joined together again, everyone seemed a little frustrated: "Damn it, that Han guy in the Yiwu team is too perverted, we can't deal with it at all, now we have to find the God Envoy and find a way Already... After the Lord God Envoy left the team, he has been looking for news of the inheritance token, and he doesn't know what's going on now."

At this moment, there was movement in the distance, saying Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and the envoy of Qingmu disguised as an ordinary Gu Master that everyone was obsessed with appeared in front of everyone.

"Sir God!"

"My lord envoy is back, it's all over now, I finally have a way to deal with that Han boy."

Regarding the ability of the God Envoy Aoki, the coalition forces on the Anokoi Village are still full of hope. In addition, this is among the hidden seedling treasures in the Miao Temple, which can be said to be the home of the God Envoy, so their Gu Teachers are more confident one by one.

And God Envoy Aoki had been looking for the High Priest's inheritance token and found no clues, so he returned the same way. He felt that the High Priest's inheritance token should be on another route.

After meeting the coalition forces like Anokeyi again, and knowing that the Giant Mosquito Gu that I gave them was actually wiped out by Qin Lang, God Envoy Aoki was also surprised. This Giant Mosquito Gu was given to him by Priest Mama for special use. Those who came to deal with this Han kid, never thought that the other party was so strong that even the Giant Mosquito Gu couldn't do anything to him.

Now that the Giant Mosquito Gu is destroyed, there are actually not many methods available to the envoy, but, as Arnokeyi and the coalition Gu masters thought, the treasure of King Miao is also the home of the envoy of Qingmu, Mama The priest has already made some arrangements, so if the envoy of Qingmu really meets Qin Lang, I believe there are still some means that can be used.

"Let's go, let's deal with that wave of enemies first, and solve everyone's troubles, and then we will continue to look for inheritance tokens together."

After thinking about it, Aoki God Envoy made a decision.

Hearing this decision, everyone in the Anokyi coalition army cheered, and then walked back surrounded by the Aoki envoy.

On Qin Lang's side, he had already told his companions the news that he had obtained the token passed down by the high priest, which drew another round of cheers.

Now that we have obtained the High Priest’s inheritance token, everyone has the intention to leave King Miao’s Treasure Treasure. Although the Treasure King Miao Treasure has been open for a total of ten days, and it has only been about a day now, everyone’s biggest goal has been completed. I have no idea of ​​staying here anymore.

And Qin Lang doesn't really care. In addition to the high priest's inheritance token in King Miao's treasure, he also has a little gain. If he leaves now, it won't be a disadvantage. Hey, everyone here can let go of the heavy burden in their hearts earlier.

And when Qin Lang and the others walked back and approached the teleportation area, they began to meet the people of Anokeyi again.

But this time, the people of Anokoy also had high spirits and spirits, and their big killer, the Aoki God Envoy, also came back. The Aoki God Envoy hidden in the Anokoyi coalition army saw Qin Lang and the others, sneered, and launched Another arrangement among the treasures was prepared by Priest Mama.

Rumbling, the entire area of ​​the temple treasure suddenly shook. Qin Lang's team was shocked to find that the surrounding passages began to close together, and the rocks formed a hard wall and squeezed towards the center.

"It's a mechanism! Damn it, why are the people in Arnoke so familiar with the mechanism layout of Miao King's Treasure? They want to trap us here! Moreover, the surrounding walls have been shrinking. This mechanism is very poisonous. I didn't think of a good way, we all have to be crushed into meat paste..."

Now everyone in the team is terrified, and the crisis environment in front of them is too frightening.

At this time, Qin Lang also had a cold face, and summoned the ghost ship of the magic house, leaving only two minutes for everyone, and he couldn't do anything else at all in this time, so he planned to use the ghost ship of the magic house to force Break through a wall to see if you can break through the blockade of the wall that is constantly being squeezed.

The next moment, Qin Lang had already got into the magic house, started the ghost ship and began to rush towards a wall, and plunged into it.


The powerful impact immediately drilled a hole in the wall. The hole was so deep that the wall was three or four feet thick. Even the walls of the Great Wall were not so thick, and the stone of the wall was also the hardest granite.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House is much more powerful than the alloy drill bit. He managed to deepen the connection between this blocked area and the outside world in just two minutes. The next moment, Qin Lang finally brought everyone out safely.

"Is that all right?"

Seeing that the people in Yikuan Village successfully rescued the siege with the help of Qin Lang, the coalition forces on Anokeyi's side were stunned again. Qin Lang's magic house made a great contribution, which also made them realize the power of this magic house.

Gritting his teeth, the Aoki Divine Envoy chewed up a Thinking Gu worm, swallowed it alive, and increased his spiritual power, then activated another strange Gu worm on his body, and the next moment, another Aoki Divine Envoy who was exactly the same appeared .

"Copy Gu!"

Now God Envoy Qingmu has used the copy Gu to copy another self. The strength and cultivation level of this copied self are exactly the same as the main body, which is equivalent to an extra combat power. He decided to fight Qin Lang.

After the copying Gu was completely copied, the two Aoki envoys rushed towards Qin Lang, facing the two enemies at the witch level, Qin Lang felt a familiar atmosphere, and frowned: "Aoki envoy? "

He guessed the other party's identity right away, because the aura on the other party's body was so familiar, after the last battle, he never forgot it.

And the Aoki God Envoy whose identity was guessed and the clone had exactly the same smirk on their faces: "Since I guessed my identity, I won't allow you to live any longer, and all of you will die next!"

The two sides took over more than a dozen moves, and the fighting style of the Qingmu God Envoy was very different from the previous one. I don't know what kind of Gu insects were used on the body besides the copying Gu. It actually changed from a Gu master of the original healing system to a physical combat system. Gu Xiu.

"Good come!"

After more than a dozen moves, Qin Lang was also full of energy, and Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist directly hit one of the guys in the chest with a force of one or two hundred tons.

Immediately, this guy's chest was smashed down, but the strange thing is that if an ordinary Gu master got such a punch, his skin would peel off even if he didn't die, but this guy's chest just collapsed and then bounced back, as if he didn't suffer much. s damage.

"This should be a replica!"

Qin Lang understood that the clones of the Gu worms had different weaknesses from the human body, so smashing the opponent's chest by himself was actually similar to the damage caused by discounting an arm of the opponent, and it was not a vital point, so this illusion was created.

After knowing this situation, Qin Lang has already experienced the real body of the Aoki God Envoy, and the target of the next battle is mainly aimed at the Aoki God Envoy's body. He smashed dozens of punches in a row, and finally smashed the Qingmu God Envoy regardless , completely dizzy, after all, compared to combat experience and combat ability, he is still inferior to Qin Lang.

"Haha! Die!"

Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist punched out, with a force of [-] to [-] tons, directly decapitated the Aoki God Envoy, and then the Aoki God Envoy's primordial spirit turned into a puff of smoke and floated into a replica, and directly drilled in.

The main body died, and the primordial spirit of the Aoki Divine Envoy had to drill into the duplicate body, but at this moment, the Aoki Divine Envoy started to feel awkward, and actually wanted to escape.

"Want to escape again? Didn't you say you wanted to kill us all at once, why did you escape again... Could it be that the toad is bragging, what a big breath!"

Qin Lang satirized from behind.

Behind him, Yi Gu's teammates were also elated and booed together: "Yes! Yes! Is this guy a coward..."

Now the Aoki envoy whose Yuanshen hid in the duplicate body is also suffering. This Han boy is too powerful, he is simply a monster. The few tricks given to him by the priest of Mama have all failed, and now he has nothing to do , it seems that he can only escape.

What he didn't know was that now Qin Lang even got the high priest's inheritance token. If this guy knew the news, he might vomit blood even more.Because the purpose of God Envoy Aoki's escape now is to avoid Qin Lang first, and then go to find the high priest's inheritance token.

It's a pity that Priest Mama's greatest wish is destined to never be fulfilled.

Now the entire Miao King Treasure has no second inheritance token.

(End of this chapter)

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