The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1377 High Priest Inheritance Ceremony

Chapter 1377 High Priest Inheritance Ceremony


Seeing that the formidable enemy, the copy of Aoki, shrank back, it also greatly boosted the morale of Yixuan's side, and immediately roared in unison, and everyone began to rush towards the Anokoyi coalition army.

As for the coalition forces on Anokeyi's side, they were hesitant when they saw the envoy of Shenmu escape. They didn't know whether to attack or flee with the footsteps of the envoy.

The Yigu Shanzhai team with Qin Lang leading the formation is now unstoppable. In an instant, it broke up the opponent's formation, and directly killed five or six of the coalition forces in one kill.

It was only then that the rest of the Anokeyi Allied Forces realized that the opponent had that Han Chinese kid in the lineup, and now even the God Envoy has escaped, so let's continue to escape!As a result, the team broke up immediately, and one by one followed behind the ass of Aoki Shenshi and chased after them vigorously.

Yikuu's cottage finally felt elated, and killed another five or six opponents during the pursuit. That is to say, now Anokeyi was hit by Yikuo's side for a round, directly losing a dozen or so, which is not a small loss.

Now, the Arnokyi coalition army retreating into the depths of King Miao's treasure with the Aoki envoy is estimated to have less than 20 people, and they can no longer make any waves.

And Qin Lang started to return to the teleportation point with the team from the Yiquan cottage. Before he was about to teleport, he suddenly thought about it, and decided to try to see if he could contact the priest of enlightenment outside.

Next, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness tried to communicate with the priest of enlightenment through the small group of witch power left in his body by the priest of enlightenment.

"Priest Qizhi!" "Priest Qizhi!" "Priest Qizhi, please answer..."

Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness kept changing frequency, and he didn't know how many times he tried, and finally received the mental fluctuations from the outside world from the priest of enlightenment: "Little brother, what's the matter? Contact me in such a hurry, is there any news about inheriting the token?" ?”

Sure enough, the cloud of witchcraft left behind by Priest Qizhi can be used as a communication medium for communication.

And Qin Lang replied: "Master Priest, I have already got what you want. Now everyone has returned to the teleportation point and is ready to teleport it back! But we don't know what the outside world is like now, so we just teleport it back. I'm afraid the priest Adults will also become well-known, I wonder if there will be any special impact?"

In fact, Qin Lang also had a hidden worry that the competition for the succession of the high priests of King Miao’s treasure was so fierce. He was afraid that after the inheritance tokens were taken out, it would be troublesome if there were any mistakes in the process of receiving the priests of enlightenment, and it would be troublesome if they were plotted against by other priests.

Of course, such a hidden worry is just a guess, but it is correct to communicate with the Qizhi priest in advance about the news that he has obtained the inheritance token. It depends on how the Qizhi priest outside will make arrangements after receiving the news.

Sure enough, the next message came from Priest Qizhi: "Wait a minute, I will arrange it secretly and send you to a hidden location later."

After about half an hour, Priest Qizhi sent a message: "Okay! Everyone can activate the teleportation circle at the internal teleportation point to teleport! The coordinates of this teleportation have been modified, and then everyone will be teleported to God There is a hall inside the temple, this area has been blocked by the old man, I will wait for you here."

After receiving the confirmed news from Priest Qizhi, Qin Lang laughed, and led the team to activate the teleportation restriction at the teleportation point inside King Miao's Treasure.

The next moment, Qin Lang and more than 20 people under his command had already appeared in a hall inside the Miao Temple, and Priest Qizhi was looking at himself and the others expectantly.

"Hehe, fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life."

Qin Lang took out the inheritance crystal ball from the storage ring and handed it to Priest Qizhi.

And Qizhi, an old man with dead branches, stroked the crystal ball for a while, and was also full of joy: "It is indeed a token of inheritance, this is great! It's really great!"

Holding the inheritance crystal ball tightly like a chicken paw, Priest Qizhi smiled on his old face, and said to Qin Lang and others: "Everyone take a rest in this hall first, Qizhi will go to the inheritance ceremony first, and come back to entertain everyone." , and left here in a hurry.

After the Qizhi priest left, Qin Lang realized that after the priests of the temple got the inheritance token, they needed to perform a special round of inheritance ceremony in order to truly inherit the power that the high priests of the past generations had poured into the inheritance crystal ball. Possesses various special abilities that match the High Priest.

That is to say, the Priest of Wisdom is only a Gu Master at the peak level of the Orthodox Sorcerer before he gets the infusion of power from the inheritance crystal ball, but after receiving the infusion of the power of the Inheritance Crystal Ball through the ceremony, he will definitely be promoted to a great witch and have the level of a great witch of various abilities.

In Miaojiang, the previous high priests of the temple were all at the level of great witches, and each high priest would inject his own witch power into the inheritance crystal ball before his death. This is why the inheritance crystal ball is so important as the inheritance of the previous high priests. the real reason.

If there is no inheritance of crystal ball witch power concentration, it is almost impossible for a Gu master at the peak level of a righteous witch to be promoted to the level of a great witch.

Because the earth's spiritual energy is scarce and resources are exhausted, the practice of Miaojiang Gu Wu is becoming more and more difficult, and it is more difficult to improve the later the realm.

Therefore, it is already very remarkable for a general voodoo to be able to cultivate to the level of a true shaman at the end of his practice. Such a voodoo can be very prestigious in Miaojiang.

And for a Gu witch to practice to the peak of Zhengwu... Basically, this is also the limit of Miaojiang Gu master's practice, and the witch power needed to improve it is too huge. At present, there is only the inheritance token of the high priest of Miao Temple, the inheritance crystal ball, Has the ability to raise a high-level voodoo to the level of a great voodoo.

Therefore, the high priest's inheritance token is not only a symbol of power but also a symbol of strength in Miaojiang. In the eyes of the priests of Miao Temple, its importance is irreplaceable.

In this way, it can also explain the real reason why each generation of temple priests actively strives for opportunities and promises various benefits to the major copycat forces in Miaojiang who have taken refuge in their own side when the Miao King's treasure is opened every 300 years.

It is really too many things represented by the high priest's inheritance crystal ball!As a priest, even if he doesn't covet power, even if he doesn't covet great power, but the increase in lifespan due to the increase in strength is probably undeniable.

One must know that Gu masters at the level of great witches generally have a lifespan of three hundred years, which is almost one or two times longer than ordinary people!

As for the Qizhi priest who took refuge in Yiquan Shanzhai, it is estimated that his greatest wish is to increase his life span. This priest is the oldest among the five priests in the entire temple, and he is now more than 120 years old.

The general lifespan of a wizard at the level of Zhengwu is 150 years old. Although there are still 30 to [-] years to live, the priest of Qizhi must feel that he has not lived enough. He must have been overjoyed by the increased power position.

After Priest Qizhi left, Qin Lang and his group stayed in this hall for six or seven hours, and then passed on a huge wave of witchcraft in a certain direction of the temple. This wave of witchcraft was as powerful as a nuclear explosion.

Although the powerful wave of witch power was only a flash, basically everyone outside the entire temple sensed it. At this moment, the expressions of the other priests in the temple became ugly: "Someone activated the inheritance crystal The ball has inherited the witch power inside the inheritance crystal ball! Who is it, who is this person..."

The five priests of the temple were all separated and lived in different areas of the temple. After a little thought, they knew who the lucky priest was.

"It's actually Priest Enlightenment! Damn it, how did he get the high priest's inheritance token so quickly... Damn it! Damn it!"

In the other direction, Priest Mama in the temple looked ashen. For this operation of King Miao's treasure, he took great pains. Not only did he secretly support several treasure hunting teams, he even sent one of his envoys in disguise.

However, after spending a lot of energy, the result is so unfair!

The group of my subordinates has not yet returned from King Miao's Treasure, but the Priest Qizhi has inherited the power of inheriting the crystal ball. Needless to say, all my wishes have come to nothing, and all the years of painstaking efforts have been turned into water!
boom!The angry Priest Mama punched the table heavily, the powerful witch power was uncontrollable, and directly shook the precious sandalwood table to pieces, and it fell apart in the next moment.

At this moment, the other priests in the temple whose wishes had been fulfilled were actually in the same mood as Priest Mama. Up to now, the high priests of this session were basically certain, and these priests had to accept this fact no matter how unwilling they were.

After all, after receiving the infusion of witch power from the inheritance crystal ball, the strength of enlightened priests has been greatly improved, which is far beyond what these priests can compete with. I am afraid that all of them will have to bow their heads next.

This is the reality in Miaojiang, strong strength can represent almost everything, no matter how dissatisfied these priests are, they can only do some small tricks secretly, at least on the surface, they dare not have any more confrontations with the high priest Qizhi resist.

So far, the inheritance battle among the five priests has been won by the sudden emergence of Priest Qizhi, and Qizhi's successful succession also means that the people in Yikuan Village, who have been oppressed by the powerful Arnokeyi side, can finally feel proud and become serfs singing songs. .

The succession of Priest Qizhi this time is a huge turning point and a good opportunity. It can be said that Mu Ziqing, Qin Lang’s good brother, wants to take revenge, and unite with Yiyu Shanzhai to defeat the current Arnokeyi and overthrow the rule of Guo La There is no longer any suspense in this battle.

After all, the high priest of the temple is the nominal supreme ruler of nearly 200 cottages in Miaojiang, and the king of Miaojiang. No one would dare to disobey an order. The only result of resistance is death.

Next, with the support of the High Priest Qizhi from behind, the actions of Mu Ziqing and Yiyu Shanzhai will take advantage of the righteousness, and they will be defeated in the next fight against Anokeyi without reason. With the strong support from the temple, the process of winning this battle will probably be very simple and easy.

(End of this chapter)

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