The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1379 Finishing Action

Chapter 1379 Finishing Action
After staying in the Miao King Temple for almost a month, a group of people from Yikuan Village returned to the station and started a new round of plans for the Anokoyi Village.

This wave of plans has a resounding name called "Operation Sweeping Up".

Anyway, everyone in the cottage now, including the children, knows that there is bound to be a battle with the enemy Arnokeyi cottage, and there is no possibility of the two sides shaking hands and making peace.

And now that his own stronghold has confidence, it is a good time to take down the enemy's stronghold.

After all, the current Yiquan Village has received the full support of Qizhi, the high priest of the Miao King Temple. It is not what it used to be, and its strength in all aspects has been greatly improved.

On the other hand, Guola of the Arnokeyi cottage, although it is still the most powerful force in Miaojiang's mature seedlings, has been greatly damaged since the failure of the Miao King's Treasure Competition.

Moreover, the current situation in Anokeyi is very bad. Not only has he lost the support of the priest Mama on the temple side, but the original dozen or so allies in the cottage are now dissociated from each other. so intimate.

For a moment, the prestige of Arnokeyi's cottage was greatly lost, and it felt like the sun was fading away.

It can be said that the hearts of the people in the village are floating, and there are clansmen with various thoughts.

Seeing that even if Yixuan's cottage does not take the initiative to attack, his own cottage may be scattered from the inside, Guo La is in a hurry.

At this time, it is obviously inappropriate and time-consuming to organize energy to unite the village. He can't wait for failure.

Therefore, Gola of Anokeyi was unwilling to be defeated, and organized a surprise attack on the Yikuan stronghold.

But the effect was very bad. The people from the Yiquan Shanzhai just rushed back from the temple and met each other. The two sides engaged in a big scuffle. All died in battle.

In this battle, Yiquan Village lost nearly 60 people, while the opponent, Anokeyi, was even more miserable. He attacked with almost all the strength of the entire village, leaving behind almost two hundred corpses before fleeing in panic. , even Guo La, the copycat owner, suffered a lot of injuries, and was almost left behind by the people from Yi Kuang's side.

Qin Lang was not present in this battle, because he had to come back two days late in the temple.

Therefore, Mu Ziqing is naturally the one who contributes the most to the outsiders in the Yixuan village. The Artifact Liu Gu master is best at group attacks, and at least a quarter of the people in Arnoke's side are planted in his hands.

It's a pity that the biggest enemy, Guo La, was not able to stay. Guo La's strength is very good, and he is almost a high-level witch at the same level as Yixuan Shanzhai Qiusheng.

This is also a very helpless thing. Mu Ziqing feels uncomfortable watching the enemy escape. It would be great if his good brother Qin Lang is here now. If he is good, he will not let this old guy go.

And two days later, Qin Lang also rushed back to the Yikuan village, and when he got the news, he sighed secretly. Seeing the situation, Anokeyi was already in a hurry, and now is a good time to fight back, so he decided to follow the Yikuan village to make a big move Fight back and enter the process of "sweeping action".

It was the first time in more than ten years that the people from Yiyu Village came to Arnokoyi with a massive attack. Everyone was very excited, and everyone was ready for a hard fight.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After nearly 20 years of development, Anokeyi has become the most powerful force in Miaojiang. There are currently more than 600 cottagers. Resistance is still there and cannot be ignored.

But everyone was dumbfounded as soon as they arrived at the Arnokeyi village. That guy Guola had already abandoned the village with some of his elite men. Now there are only more than 300 old, weak, sick and disabled people in the village.

Guo La is indeed a heroic figure, he is straightforward and decisive, and many people present can't do this.

The current Guola is estimated to have escaped from Miaojiang with people, or sneaked into the depths of Miaojiang, and now many valuable and soft things in the cottage have also been taken away by these people and left to Yikui. Although it is not an empty shell of a cottage, it is almost the same.

"A strong man breaks his wrist, what a ruthless determination!"

Seeing the messy scene in front of Anokeyi's cottage, Mu Ziqing, who was the former young village owner, also punched hard on the gate of the village, vomiting blood in anger.

Speaking of which, the whole of Anokeyi used to be the painstaking effort of his father, but now that he has become like this, can he not be depressed?

However, fortunately, the cottage has been taken back now, and Mu Ziqing will stay in the cottage for rectification in the next few days, gathering these old, weak, sick and disabled villagers.

Knowing that Mu Ziqing used to be his own clan, the former head of the young village, these old, weak, sick and disabled actually had nothing to resist. Those diehards had been taken away by Guola. All are ordinary villagers, and many of them are old people who have lived in the village for more than ten years.

After incorporating the entire Arnokeyi, Mu Ziqing has become the new owner of the village, and Miao Nu Xianruo, the fiancée, is also assisting Mu Ziqing to reorganize the village.

The cottage is a mess, it's really not easy to sort it out, everything is so complicated, Mu Ziqing is a little too busy alone, but fortunately, Xianruo and her Miao girls are helping, so it's short In just a few days, the personnel were reorganized and cataloged, the materials were reclassified, and everything in the cottage was reorganized.

Of course, in the process of sorting out the cottage, everyone did not forget to search for information on the fugitives like Guo La.

Qin Lang's former guide, Maijia, got a message at this time that Guo La took a group of elites from the cottage into the Miaojiang Miao area, and at the same time carried a group of Gu worms secretly supported by the priest of the Miao Temple Mama, depending on the situation. He intends to occupy the mountain as king in the depths of Miaojiang, and intends to make a comeback.

"Damn it, after Priest Qizhi succeeded High Priest Mama of the temple, he continued to resort to secret methods. He really wants to die! Once this matter is over, I have to inform High Priest Qizhi."

The old village head Qiu Sheng was also very angry when he got the news. Priest Mama was too courageous. What he did was not only making it more difficult for Yiguo to pursue, but also completely ignored the current high priest Qizhi.

Priest Mama's doing this is asking for trouble. This guy is just a temple Gu master at the peak of the witchcraft. No wonder he is confident that he can fight against the enlightened high priest whose strength has risen to the level of the great witch?

After discovering the information about the fugitives like Guo La, Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng decided to go out together, and they also brought more than [-] leader-level subordinate elites, and Mu Ziqing also joined the ranks of pursuers, handing over the current affairs of the cottage Leave it to fiancee Xianruo to take care of.

After a round of rectification, the current Arnokeyi has officially become a family with Yixuan, so it is not uncommon for Mu Ziqing to ask Qianruo to take care of the cottage affairs.

Afterwards, a rush-like pursuit began. Guola received a batch of Gu insect supplies secretly from the priest Mama of the temple, while Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng, the old village master, also recently received a batch of high priest Qizhi. Gu worm materials, armed with more than 60 subordinates, it can be said that although the escaped gang led by Guo La has [-] people, but when the two sides meet, even if the two big bosses, Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng, do not take much action, they are vulnerable The ones are definitely Gola's subordinates.

The rapid march was chasing at a speed of nearly 30 miles per day, and finally caught up with Guo La and the fugitives on the seventh day. Afterwards, Qin Lang followed Qiu Sheng to press the formation, and the men and horses of both sides fought. The battle damage killed nearly [-] of Guo La's men and captured [-] people.

In the end, Guo La took the last two men on the left and right and wanted to escape again, but Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng descended from the sky and attacked him from the left to the right.

"Escape! Let's see how you escape now! Uncle, I never thought you would have today!"

On the other side, Mu Ziqing also chased after him, forming a siege with Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng, and surrounded the three of Guo La.

Now Guo La's face is very heavy. This big man in Arnoke who has always been pampered and pampered really did not expect to be in such a mess today. Facing this former nephew, Guo La snorted coldly: "Winners and losers, this You guys won the first battle! It's a pity that I didn't completely kill you back then, and left behind the root of today's disaster."

It can be seen that Guo La is also very unconvinced. Seeing that his power and status will be lost, he has a deep unwillingness, which is also a feeling of the end of a hero.

"Old father-in-law, brother Qin Lang! You two suppress me, don't let people escape... I will personally kill the enemy in this battle."

Mu Ziqing stared at Guo La in front of her and said loudly.

"Okay!" After thinking for a while, Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng backed away a little and controlled the scene.

The two of them were not worried that Mu Ziqing would not be able to deal with Guo La. In fact, Guo La had not recovered from his injuries during his escape. Although his strength was still higher than that of Mu Ziqing after the injury, he would be somewhat affected during the battle.

And Mu Ziqing is now facing a big enemy who killed his father and family, so it is also good for him to face his big enemy in person. Although his strength is only a second-level witch, his combat power is obviously affected by the momentum of the scene in front of him. Great improvement, maybe after this battle he will be able to gain comprehension, break through himself, and be directly promoted to the level of a witch.

Moreover, the biggest key is that Mu Ziqing has a life-saving treasure on him, which was a reward from Qizhi, the high priest of Miaojiang. Ra is engaged in a life-and-death battle.

The air mechanism of heaven and earth was pulled, and Mu Ziqing, a materialistic Gu master, sacrificed all the magic weapons on his body, there were nearly a hundred pieces, these magic weapons included throwing knives, flying knives, darts, and all kinds of grotesque objects. Although they are all primary magic weapons, their combined momentum should not be underestimated. It is completely at the same level as Qin Lang's Baizi Feilin.

Swipe, swipe, swipe!Mu Ziqing launched an attack first, and a hundred and ten magic weapons attacked Guo La in one attack, the momentum was unparalleled for a while.

While attacking, Mu Ziqing's other hand was also pinching Fa Jue, communicating with the Qi mechanism of heaven and earth, increasing the power of his air magic and air.

As a Gu master of Artifact Logistics, Mu Ziqing and Qin Liang have slightly different ways of using magic weapons to fight. Qin Lang's battles are mostly crushed by his own ability, while Mu Ziqing's communication with the heaven and earth qi mechanism is a bit different. The ability is undoubtedly higher than that of Qin Lang. Although he doesn't understand the magic circle, the attack is still extremely powerful.

As a high-ranking witch, he is still seriously injured, but Guo La is not afraid of Mu Ziqing, who is only a second-ranking witch in front of him. The unequal level of wizards is doomed to a huge gap between the two, so he is not worried at all. Mu Ziqing will defeat herself.

Seeing that the two biggest opponents, Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng, were just holding up the formation and did not make a direct move now, Guo La was secretly vigilant, but at the same time felt relieved, saying: "Since you are looking for death, then don't blame me for being rude!" Guo La also shot Well, with a random move, a dark green rope came out of his body, facing Mu Ziqing's attacking magic weapon.

"Parallel rope!"

Different from the pole rope used by the boss, the pole rope that Guo La used has reached the limit of the voodoo. It has been raised for at least 20 years. After the rope appeared, it directly became more than ten meters long, entangled all the magic weapons in the air, Then, like a spirit snake, with a twist and a swing, these magic weapons were thrown away one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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