Chapter 1380

After defeating Mu Ziqing's magic attack, Guo La sneered, and manipulated the pole to wind towards Mu Ziqing. The current situation was not good for him, so he decided to take Mu Ziqing, a weakling, as a breakthrough and take him as a hostage.

But Mu Ziqing was not as weak as he imagined. After the magic weapon was scattered, he was summoned back and faced the shoulder pole again.


Following Mu Ziqing's loud shout, a magic weapon exploded, and the huge impact force knocked the shoulder pole apart.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, four or five magic weapons exploded at the same time. The huge explosion was as powerful as the explosion of four or five grenades. The shoulder pole is not good at defense. It exploded to pieces.

"Hehe, hehe!"

Seeing that one of Guo La's portable Gu was destroyed by himself, Mu Ziqing also smiled happily while panting. He was not at a disadvantage in the first round of confrontation.

Guo La was also very surprised to see that one of her voodoo was accidentally blown up, but then she snorted coldly without changing her face: "It's just a voodoo, don't be too happy, such a voodoo I have eight if not ten!"

Saying that, Gola summoned the blood-red bird again.

"Smell the birds?"

When Mu Ziqing saw it, he said with some uncertainty.

"No! This is the weeping blood cuckoo, which is the advanced stage of the song-smelling bird... Have you heard the story of the weeping blood cuckoo? This weeping blood cuckoo is the same as the song-smelling bird, but it is also a sound path Gu insect, but its power is much greater. many."

"At least how powerful it is, let the next battle to witness!"

Guo La is not a nonsense person, and then stimulated the sound path Gu worm.

"Chicka Kaka! Chicka Kaka..."

The Crying Blood Rhododendron flew into the air, hovering around with blood-red wings, chirping. The sound sounded very beautiful, but it turned into a magical sound in the ears of everyone on the field.

This kind of sonic attack is actually a kind of sonic skill.

The difference is that the general sound wave power is emitted by people through the mouth, qin, zither, etc., which is always equivalent to a target, but this weeping blood cuckoo emits sound wave power, because the weeping blood cuckoo can fly, high in the air , it is very difficult for others to attack it, and of course it is difficult to stop this sonic skill.

There was almost no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. When most people present heard the cry of the weeping blood cuckoo, they felt dizzy, chest tightness and heartbeat accelerated. The heart seemed to be getting bigger and bigger in the magic sound.

All of a sudden, Tu Lala, a dozen or so weaker elites from the Yigu village in the distance couldn't hold on to Yin Gong at the same time, spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

Seeing this, Guo La sneered even more, and increased the transmission of witch power and spells, making the weeping blood cuckoo in the air scream more joyfully.

"No, I can't let this strange bird keep singing!"

Both Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng's expressions changed.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the two of them began to move the elite of the cottage over there, and at the same time decided that after transferring these people, if Mu Ziqing's situation was still not good, the two of them would directly intervene.

Although Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng are strong and can't feel any harm from the indiscriminate sonic attack of Crying Blood Rhododendron, most of the other elites from Yiqu Village who followed were only at the level of witches, and they couldn't resist at all. This powerful sonic attack.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen people on Yigu's side were injured and stunned. If the bird is allowed to sing, the rest of the people may not be able to resist.

Thus, Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng started the intensive transfer work.

On the other side, Mu Ziqing, a high-ranking witch, was the first to bear the brunt, and his face turned pale under the impact of the Crying Blood Cuckoo's sound waves. He tried his best to manipulate the magic weapon to chase the Crying Blood Cuckoo in the air, intending to use the same self-destruct method to kill the Gu insect. Get rid of it.

However, on the one hand, he had to work hard to resist the powerful Gu worm's sound wave attack, and on the other hand, he had to manipulate the magic weapon. When he was distracted by two or two, the magic weapon's movement speed slowed down and its trajectory was crooked. Crying Blood Rhododendron.

After all, he couldn't compare to Qin Lang, he possessed extremely powerful mental power, which could be used for both purposes.

Puchi, Mu Ziqing couldn't hold it anymore at this time, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Fortunately, he just spurted blood, and didn't faint on the ground like the elites who fell to the ground in Yikuo, but he also felt hurt after spurting blood. A lot of vitality.

"Haha! Hahaha..."

Seeing the embarrassment of this eldest nephew, the Village Master Guola laughed triumphantly, "What's the matter, my poor nephew, aren't you very confident that you can take me down directly? Where are your confidence and courage? Now I am standing here, come on, kill me and you will win completely!"


Hearing the ridicule from his father-killing enemy and uncle Guo La, Mu Ziqing also erupted, and a more powerful aura appeared in his body!
There were blue and white lights constantly shining on his body, and Guo La was also very surprised when he saw this scene.

"No way... This kid really made a breakthrough! With such a strong aura gathering, this kid actually directly crossed the peak of the secondary witch, and began to gather the aura of the level of a witch. Could it be that he directly broke through and became a witch? "

"If that's the case, it should have something to do with the boy's inheritance of the Heaven and Earth Stream wizard... The Heaven and Earth Stream inheritance is really the most peculiar inheritance in Miao Jiang. It is related to a legend in Miao Jiang. Is that legend true?"

Guo La's face changed, and he thought of a possibility in the legend of Miaojiang, that is, the wizards inherited from the world of Miaojiang are as powerful as those inherited from the high priest of the temple. .

"If this is the case, this kid will have to die even more, and I must get the secret about the inheritance of heaven and earth from him!"

Guo La was also crazy when he thought of this. If he could rely on the inheritance of heaven and earth to become a great witch, then who would be his opponent in the entire Miaojiang? I am afraid that no one except the high priest of the Miao Temple would be able to deal with him.

In that case, all the troubles in front of me will no longer be troubles, and I still have a chance to make a comeback!

Looking at Mu Ziqing whose aura is still improving, Guo La's eyes showed both greed and coldness. At this time, he dodges and rushes towards Mu Ziqing. Now Mu Ziqing can't move at all during the process of improving his ability. Interrupt this kid, take him down, and you can directly turn the tide of battle.

However, he completely ignored the fact that there were two powerful beings behind him that were watching him all the time, so Qin Lang stepped in front of Guo La and blocked him: "What are you doing?"

Qin Lang also had a sneer on his face. Facing Guo La, a cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period actually had a slight upper hand.

Guo La didn't say a word, and directly shot with a dull head, but after fighting for more than a dozen moves, he realized that the Han kid in front of him really lived up to his reputation.

"If this Han kid wants to take me down, I'm afraid I won't take long before he will take me down!"

Thinking of this, Guo La was startled suddenly, and then realized how terrifying Qin Lang is, such a strength is probably no more than that of a high priest at the level of the great witch of Miaojiang.

For a moment, Guo La was disheartened, and no longer had the idea of ​​challenging these people in front of her, but wanted to escape directly.

But with Qin Lang around, he couldn't do what he wanted.

Qin Lang was like a wall, while preventing Guo La from escaping, he laughed and said, "Your opponent is my good brother Mu Ziqing. I can't let you go until he avenges himself for killing his father."

Qin Lang's behavior is completely like a cat playing with a mouse, and Guo La is so depressed that he vomits blood. He never imagined that there would be such a day, a majestic high-level Gu Wu, who was once the most powerful Arnokey in the mature seedling area of ​​Miaojiang Those in power in the cottage will be teased by a Han kid like this.

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!"

Guo La was also completely angry, and stretched out her hand to summon a large number of Gu insects to rush over Qin Lang, "Gu explosion!" As soon as the large number of Gu insects approached Qin Lang, they exploded and turned into a large cloud of poisonous mist.

The impact of the Gu explosion and the poisonous mist are a two-pronged approach. In Guo La's mind, Qin Lang can no longer stop himself. Now he just wants to escape, and he doesn't care about his face anymore. He has to use escape techniques to escape.

But what I didn't expect was that Qin Lang had nothing to do during the Gu explosion. Although the powerful magic weapon's defense was blown away seven or eight layers, the Lieyan Yuanyang Ruler had a full twelve layers of defense, and the remaining layers were tenacious. Withstood this wave.

Qin Lang dodged directly, grabbed Guo La's hand that was pinching him, and said with a smile, "Want to escape? No way."

Then he punched lightly, hitting Zara's forehead with one punch, knocking Guola unconscious.

This is also the most powerful Gu Master that Qin Lang has ever knocked out since he entered Miaojiang.

After knocking Guola unconscious, Qin Lang was worried that this guy was pretending to be unconscious, so he used restraining techniques to put Guola on layer after layer of restraint, and he was completely relieved.

There is no way, the enemy in front of him is too high-level, and all kinds of strange methods of Gu Wu are emerging one after another, so he has to be on guard.

On the other side, Mu Ziqing was unexpectedly promoted to Zhengwu, and his strength has been soaring. After several minutes of breath exchange with heaven and earth, this world-flow wizard finally stabilized his identity and officially became a high-level wizard. Gu Wu.

After becoming official, Mu Ziqing's momentum also became calm. Seeing Guo La who had been subdued by Qin Lang, he nodded: "My good brother, this time is thanks to you!"

And Qin Lang laughed, and said: "Which of us brothers is with whom, there is no need to be so polite. By the way, this guy has been subdued now, how are you going to deal with him?"

Without thinking, Mu Ziqing said, "I will bring this guy back to the village, and use his head directly on the family's grave to worship the ancestors."

"It's really good."

Qin Lang nodded, Mu Ziqing had been trapped in the Middle East for almost 20 years, and today he finally felt proud, which was considered to be the resolution of one of his greatest wishes.

This is a good thing. Since then, Mu Ziqing's great hatred has been completely resolved, and Yiquan Village has also resolved all crises. The former Anokey Yinuo La's defeat no longer exists, and the new Anuo Under Mu Ziqing's leadership, Keyi has already formed an integral body with Yixuan Village.

Since then, the mature seedling branch of Miaojiang Sanmiao, the Yiquan cottage has once again exploded with great vitality, and has once again become the leading cottage in the mature seedling area.

(End of this chapter)

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