The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1383 Digging the Spirit Stone Mine

Chapter 1383 Digging the Spirit Stone Mine
After entering the passage of the Yagu secret place, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness also shortened the detection distance a lot due to the viscous earth evil yin inside the secret place, from three hundred feet to about fifty feet.

After walking for about one, two, and ten minutes, Qin Lang's spiritual sense detected a powerful aura in front of him, which should be a monster or a yin beast, which can be roughly equivalent to a cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment.

For the monsters or Yin beasts in the late stage of foundation establishment, Qin Lang in the middle stage of Yuanying naturally didn't need to pay too much attention, and continued to move forward, and soon saw a deformed leopard with three heads. When a person breaks into his own territory, he immediately growls and is about to attack.

However, as soon as Qin Lang let go of his body breath, under the pressure of the powerful aura of Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivation, the three-headed leopard suddenly became numb, lying on the ground and whimpering non-stop.


Qin Lang yelled at the three leopards, and then the sound spread forward in the passage, forming waves of echoes in front of him, "Go... Go... Go... Go..." endlessly , I don't know where the echo will eventually reach.

And the three-headed leopard in front of him couldn't stand such a fright, and immediately staggered and fled away.

While escaping, this guy was probably thinking: "Where did such a terrifying demon come from! It's too scary, with such a powerful aura, one finger can kill me!"

Regardless of the three-headed leopard fleeing in a panic, Qin Lang continued to walk deep into the passage of the Yagu secret place. His cultivation base has reached this point, not to mention walking sideways on the earth, but it is indeed no longer possible to threaten his existence. too much.

In fact, Qin Lang's spiritual sense didn't fail to sense other special existences when walking through this passage, but the powerful echo just now scared most of the special creatures in this secret place, and they passed all the way unimpeded , not a single special creature jumped out to block the way.

Then Qin Lang went deeper and deeper. The interior of this cliff valley secret place is completely oval-shaped passage structure, and the surrounding mountain walls are rib structure, which makes Qin Lang walk in the passage without going deep. Walking inside the body of a large monster.

However, there should not be such a big creature in this world. Qin Lang has walked four or five miles in the secret passage and has not yet reached the end. If there is such a monster in the world, it is really too big to imagine.

After walking for about ten miles, Qin Lang finally came to a place and stopped. This place is actually the end of the passage, but the reason why Qin Lang stopped was because he had a new discovery.

There are traces of excavation on a mountain wall, and there are faintly strong aura fluctuations. Qin Lang carefully checked with his spiritual sense, only to find that this is a small vein of spirit stone, and the purity of this spirit stone vein is very high. Before " "Tang", the eldest brother of Dorji in the "Kan" tribe, should be a middle-grade spirit stone unearthed here.

Discovering the source of the middle-grade spirit stone, Qin Lang is also delighted at the moment: the small-scale spirit stone vein, and it is also a small spirit stone vein with high purity. If the spirit stone in this vein is completely excavated, the obtained middle-grade spirit stone Certainly a lot.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that it is a small spirit stone vein. Next, he used his spiritual sense to detect it. This small spirit stone vein is at most 300 meters deep, and it can be regarded as a miniature spirit stone vein.

However, there is really nothing to say about the quality of the spirit stones in this miniature spirit stone vein. Except for low-grade spirit stones, they are medium-grade spirit stones. The ratio is about ten to one, which is a very good ratio.

He got busy right now, and first used the Heaven and Earth Refining Technique to refine a set of magic-level digging tools to mine the spirit stones here.

Then, Qin Lang's life as a miner officially began. This set of magic-level digging tools includes Luoyang shovel, miner's hoe, miner's brazing, miner's hammer, etc., which looks very professional.

"Haha, the magic weapon level mining tool is currently the only one on Earth, there is no semicolon!"

Qin Lang also smiled proudly when he saw the mining tools that he had successfully refined using the technique of the Heaven and Earth Refining Tool.

In fact, not only the earth, but even the comprehension world is not as luxurious as Qin Lang. They use magic-level mining tools. You must know that the spirit stone miners in the Qinghe continent in the cultivation world actually use ordinary refined iron tools to mine spirit stones.

Mining spirit stones is a very laborious process. The rock mass of the veins that produce spirit stones is generally ten times harder than granite, and a large number of spirit stones are embedded in them, but the hardness of spirit stones is not as hard as the rock mass If you don't pay attention to the process of taking the spirit stone, it will be broken, which will greatly reduce the overall value of the spirit stone.

However, these mining processes, which are a big problem for ordinary miners, are not valid for Qin Lang. With magic-level mining tools in hand, digging up the rock formation in front of him is as easy as cutting tofu with a knife.

And Qin Lang is a man of ingenuity and ingenuity. It doesn't take much effort to remove the spirit stone from the rock formation. The test is the eyesight, technique, and cultivation ability. It is much more capable than ordinary miners in the comprehension world.

In fact, in the world of comprehension, only disciples at the Qi refining stage and foundation building stage will be miners, and those at the alchemy stage and above will not like to do this. Ling mine miners are a low-level profession. If you know that cultivators at the Yuanying stage and above Hui Lun would definitely laugh out loud when he fell to the point of being a miner.

In fact, there are many ways for cultivators above the alchemy stage in the cultivation world to find money, and many jobs are better than mining spiritual stones. There is really no need to do such thankless hard work.

However, the situation on Earth is different here. Now Qin Lang has been so hard that he doesn't have many resources, especially the resources of spirit stones are scarce, so he doesn't mind being a hard-working spirit stone miner.

clack clack...

Not to mention, the efficiency of magic-level mining tools is really good. After digging for less than 10 minutes, Qin Lang has already penetrated two meters into the mine wall. During this process, he found about ten middle-grade spirit stones, all of which were collected by him.

Of course, there are more low-grade spirit stones, about ten times more than middle-grade spirit stones, but Qin Lang has no need for low-grade spirit stones, and a middle-grade spirit stone is at least equivalent to 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and he has the time to collect them For low-grade spirit stones, it is better to dig a few meters deeper and find more middle-grade spirit stones.

Therefore, the low-grade spirit stones of this vein were directly ignored by Qin Lang, and what he was looking for were directly above the middle-grade spirit stones.

It is a pity that although the spirit stones of this miniature vein are of high quality, the spirit stones produced are of low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones, and no higher-grade spirit stones have been found. This is also a fly in the ointment that Qin Lang felt during the collection process one thing.

clack clack...

Now Qin Lang is moving forward at a mining speed of about 10 yuan for middle-grade spirit stones every 20 minutes, collecting more than 100 pieces in an hour, the speed is neither too fast nor too slow.

He is temporarily planning to spend ten days and a half months on this vein to see if he can mine out the mid-grade spirit stones from this mine. According to his prediction, if this miniature spirit stone vein is mined, at least Nearly 6 yuan of mid-grade spirit stones can be harvested.

Although [-] middle-grade spirit stones are not too much for a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage in the cultivation world, it is still a considerable amount of wealth. On the earth where resources are scarce, Qin Lang can get such a large sum of money. The income from Lingshi can be said to be a complete surprise.

Spirit stones, spirit stones, middle-grade spirit stones specially used for cultivation, you can’t even exchange them with anyone on earth!
Kakaka, thinking of this, Qin Lang dug harder and harder, and his digging speed gradually accelerated a lot. At the beginning, he could only mine more than 100 pieces per hour. Now with the increase in mining speed, he can mine 300 pieces per hour. [-] yuan, more than double the speed.

Of course, this is also the reason why Qin Lang's mining familiarity increases, and as the mining proficiency increases, the speed of mining middle-grade spirit stones will naturally increase.

Compared with ordinary miners, the biggest advantage of Qin Lang, a miner in the mid-Yuanying period, is that his spiritual sense is strong enough. During the mining process, he can more accurately pinpoint the position of each spirit stone, and there will be no errors in the mining process. Pin Lingshi was accidentally destroyed.

For the next week or so, Qin Lang spent all his time with this miniature spirit stone vein, except for a fixed two hours of meditation every day, the rest of the time was spent mining.

This kind of uninterrupted high-intensity labor, not to mention ordinary people, even the disciples of the Qi refining and foundation building stages of the cultivators may not be able to persist. This is completely exhausting physical strength and energy.

At present, only Qin Lang in the mid-Yuanying period can withstand this kind of high-intensity labor, and as the mining time passes day by day, instead of feeling tired, Qin Lang becomes more excited every day, because with every piece of middle-grade spirit stone in his pocket During the process, he could feel his purse bulge up a little bit again. He hadn't experienced this full feeling for a long time.

Qin Lang is indeed full of desire for resources, especially Lingshi resources, which is why he has such a state of blood.

Now he still needs spirit stones. Although Qinghe Continent has something more useful than spirit stones, which can be directly used for cultivation, but this is the earth, and it is estimated that he will not return to Qinghe Continent if there is no accident in the future. Stones are equivalent to the food for his practice, which is indispensable.

That's why he was so excited when he dug it up.

It took about ten days, and Qin Lang finally dug to the end of the vein. At this time, he dug hard, and with a bang, a large piece of hard rock fell, and a strong aura rushed towards his face.

"High-grade spirit stones?" Qin Lang was overjoyed, unexpectedly, there was a small nest of high-grade spirit stones at the end of the vein. Although the number was not many, there were still 200 yuan.

This kind of unexpected harvest cheered up Qin Lang, who was already almost exhausted to the extreme, and then worked hard to continue digging at the end of the mine vein, mining the high-grade spirit stones in the small nest in front of him little by little. .

After mining, the net worth of the spirit stones on Qin Lang's body has changed. The middle-grade spirit stones have increased to more than 7 pieces, and the top-grade spirit stones have also recovered to more than 900 pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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