The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1384 Wild Ancient Palace

Chapter 1384 Wild Ancient Palace
After spending more than ten days, Qin Lang finally excavated this miniature spirit stone vein, and then left the mine that he dug hundreds of meters deep with satisfaction.

After returning to the passage of Yagu Secret Land, Qin Lang continued to walk forward, intending to go to the end of this passage to have a look.

He had a premonition that there would be such a powerful movement in Yanziya every time it was windy, thundery and rainy. There must be some mystery in it. If he didn't check carefully, he would have made this trip in vain. .

Qin Lang kept walking, the passage became colder and colder as he went in, and a strong current formed from the evil spirits in the ground could almost freeze a person's eyebrows.

Qin Lang can be sure that it is true that Duoji's elder brother "Tang" once went to the secret place of Yanziya Valley, but he is definitely not as deep as himself. He may have picked some spirit stones from the place where he mined spirit stones before, and then turned around and walked back .

Why?Because the cold air here is so terrible, I am afraid that even the high-ranking Gu masters of Ciwu can't stand it, that is to say, the "tang" can't go deep into it at all.

Qin Lang stretched out his defensive shield, only to hear the Yin Sha mixed with the force of the underground magnetism forming a strong wind, blowing on the shield, the rustling sound became more violent, as he went deeper, now this The gust of wind will also deplete the primeval layer of the force field defense more intensely.

Everything is within the acceptable range of Qin Lang, so he has no fear and has been striding forward.

Half an hour later, Qin Lang finally reached the end of this passage, and what he saw in front of him was an extremely ancient building complex. This building complex seemed to be an abandoned ancient temple, and its scale was even larger than that of the current Miao King God. The temple is even more magnificent.

However, this ancient temple seems to have been neglected for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. It is rather barren, and many places are already dilapidated.

And the evil wind with the power of the underground magnetism is blowing from the rear of this building complex, which should be the source of the evil spirit.

After Qin Lang came here, he felt a sense of palpitation inexplicably. He felt that this remnant and barren ancient temple might not be simple, and it might be the residence of some powerful person in ancient times.

It's just that with the change of time, I don't know whether this great power has fallen or ascended to the heavens. It is certain that he will not stay on the earth.

In addition to these feelings, Qin Lang also felt a certain direction of the ancient temple, as if something was being suppressed, and wave after wave of spiritual fluctuations were sent out like living creatures, calling him to go.

Out of curiosity, Qin Lang kept approaching that direction following the feeling in his consciousness, and slowly entered the buildings of the ancient temple.

As soon as he entered the building complex, the scene in front of him changed immediately. Qin Lang seemed to be transported to a completely unfamiliar forest. There were towering ancient trees everywhere, and none of them were tree species that Qin Lang knew. Many tree species were probably from before the wild Yes, it is extinct by now.

"There should be an illusion in front of me, this should be a large illusion array!"

Qin Lang immediately made a correct judgment, knowing that the scenes in front of him are deceiving, but this phantom formation is indeed extremely clear and real, even the damp feeling in the forest can be clearly simulated.

However, Qin Lang didn't want to be deceived by it anymore. Speaking of it, although this phantom array is good, it has existed for many years, and it is actually broken after years of disrepair, so if Qin Lang doesn't rely on his eyes but his sense If you come to spy around, you won't be fooled by the phantom array at all.

Next, he felt the magic of this phantom formation while walking. Unfortunately, his mechanisms and formation skills are only at the level of advanced apprentices, and he can't reach the essence of this phantom formation at a higher level. If it is Liu Zhenzhen here It is estimated that you will gain more if you come to this phantom array.

After breaking through this phantom formation, Qin Lang came to an ancient altar, where the voice of calling he sensed before came from here, but as soon as he approached the altar, the voice of calling suddenly disappeared.

"what happened?"

Qin Lang stepped onto the altar, and at this time the entire altar trembled a little, and in the center of the altar, a ball of flames appeared fiercely, burning out of thin air, burning more and more vigorously.


There was a howling sound like a dragon's chant from the flames, and then the flame suddenly grew larger, turning into a fire dragon and standing in the mid-air of the altar.

Qin Lang opened his mouth at this moment, seeing the abnormality in front of him, he was also very surprised: "This... this seems to be a dragon soul? An ancient dragon soul?"

In front of him is the dragon soul of an ancient fire dragon. After Qin Lang stepped into the altar field, this dragon soul was also awakened.

As the dragon soul was awakened, the powerful dragon power began to spread around. This fire dragon dragon soul must have been an extremely powerful real dragon of the five elements. Almost close to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

This newly awakened dragon soul does not actually have much wisdom. Dragons have three souls and six souls just like humans. This dragon soul is actually similar to a soul in a human body. Seeing the breath of a stranger like Qin Lang, the battle of the dragon soul The instinct immediately woke up, and a long fire dragon was sprayed directly towards Qin Lang.

This fire dragon is pale in color, and the temperature of the flame is almost thousands of degrees. It will definitely burn the human body to ashes.

Fortunately, Qin Lang is not an ordinary person, he is a cultivation world in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his body itself is mainly fire attribute, so the resistance to flames is quite high, even so, seeing the dragon soul spew out fire dragons and shoot at him , is also a dodge to avoid the fire dragon directly attacking the body.

Then, Qin Lang summoned the Magic Treasure House to fight the fire dragon.The reason why the Magic Treasure House was summoned instead of Baizi Flying Scale or Black Eagle Sword was because the fire dragon flames spewed out by the Dragon Soul would be too hot to melt their own magic weapons, but the Magic Treasure House was different. The resistance of flame is much stronger than other magic weapons.

When Qin Lang summoned the magic treasure house, he also entered the ghost ship and fought against the dragon soul. Now he can attach the power of lightning to the metal shell of the magic treasure house ghost ship. This thunder and lightning ability happens to be the soul and spirit body Even the Dragon Soul is no exception.

During the battle between the two sides, the dragon soul has been at a disadvantage. Slowly, the soul body of the dragon soul shrinks and fades with the loss. From the original huge dragon shadow phantom, it finally slowly becomes two people. It was so tall that it was almost unable to maintain its dragon shape.

At this time, Qin Lang saw that the time was running out, so he took away the magic treasure house, and turned to use the restraint method on the dragon soul, intending to restrain this dragon soul and keep it in his pocket.

You know, this is the dragon soul of the ancient pure-blooded dragon clan, not to mention the ancient pure-blooded dragon clan, even some sub-dragons are full of treasures, this dragon soul is actually one of the treasures of heaven and earth, and it is almost When you meet something you can't ask for, of course Qin Lang can't let it go.

In the world of comprehension, in fact, the most in need of dragon souls should be sword cultivators. Injecting the soul of a powerful monster or spirit beast into the flying sword can multiply the power of the flying sword. Of course, the dragon soul is the most important thing. It's a good choice, but even 1 sword cultivators don't want to have such a heaven-defying opportunity to get a dragon soul.

It is really too difficult to obtain the dragon soul. The ancient five-element true dragons are at least high-level cultivation of the gods, and some creatures of the sub-dragon genus are not weak, such as bipedal dragons, which can spit venom, and belong to sub-dragons. However, the Dragon genus has at least the cultivation level above the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Fortunately, the dragon soul in front of me has been suppressed for thousands of years and cannot move near the altar, and it is so weak that it only has the strength close to the middle stage of Yuanying. Put a ban on it and clean it up.

If it weren't for the restriction of this altar, this dragon soul would not be so easy to deal with. As a dragon soul, it has been able to search for blood and food to strengthen its soul for tens of thousands of years, not to mention how much it has improved itself, just to maintain its strength. If the strength of the original dragon soul does not decline, Qin Lang will not be an opponent at all.

After accepting this dragon soul, Qin Lang felt that the altar should suppress something, but the aura was stronger than this dragon soul, and he felt that he couldn't deal with it at all. Qin Lang didn't dare to release the suppressed thing, so He stopped his search on the altar.

At this time, Qin Lang left the altar and walked directly to the back of the ancient temple. There should be the end of the underground magnetic power and evil spirit. He wanted to take a look and see if he could find some evil essence liquid.

Judging from his experience of searching for a ghost cultivating cave in the Yuanying stage in Qinghe Continent, the evil spirit in this ancient temple is so strong that it is entirely possible that the essence of the evil spirit will condense at the source.

One must know that Yin Sha Essence is one of the treasures of heaven and earth. It not only has a nourishing effect on ghost cultivators and Yin objects, but also can change one's aptitude. Even the water cat in his pet bag needs it.

For Shui Chi, Yin Sha Essence is also a rare treasure, taking some of it can change its aptitude, and it should not be difficult to upgrade it from the peak state of the foundation establishment stage to the alchemy stage.

The building complex of this ancient temple is very large. It is estimated that 3 or [-] people can stay here without any problem. It is hard to imagine such a large and exquisite building in ancient times.

The building complex of this ancient temple is probably not made by humans, but it is more likely that the temples built by the legendary gods themselves.

Qin Lang walked for a while, and then left the building complex and came to the rear. This is the source of the underground evil spirit. Qin Lang saw a small black pool, which was indeed the essence liquid of the underground evil spirit. The abundance of subterranean evil essence is also unexpected.

It was too much, Qin Lang couldn't take so much away, he just took out a dozen big jade bottles and filled them all up.

Then, he summoned Shui Chi again, and Shui Chi was very happy to see so many underground Yin Sha essences in front of him.

This kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure has stayed in a small secret place in the desert for hundreds of years without getting even a small drop, but now it is such a big pool, so I quickly plunged into the pool, drank it, and planned to drink it. Have a good drink.

(End of this chapter)

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