The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1385 Meeting 4 Angels

Chapter 1385 Encountering the Four God Envoys
After drinking a lot of pool water, the strong underground yin evil essence directly began to work on this Shuibai. The Shuibai, which had already reached its peak, broke through and emitted powerful Yin energy fluctuations, and the beast suddenly became motionless. Fell down by the pool.

The underground yin essence that entered Shui Ba's body spread directly, brutally transforming the body of this yin-attribute beast.

With the progress of this process, many veins of blood vessels that were originally hidden in the flesh and blood emerged on Shui Po's dark and shiny skin. As the qi and blood were stimulated, these veins of blood vessels appeared thick and writhed like bugs. twist away.

During the whole process of physical transformation, thick black yin energy also appeared outside Shui Ba's body, very much like the gray scene in foggy weather.

With the deepening of the transformation, the black yin energy outside the Shuiba became more and more thick, gradually covering the bodies of the two Shuiba inside, turning into a black air mass.

This transformation process didn't take long, it took about 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, the black air mass covering the water cave gradually faded and dissipated.

And when Shuiba appeared in front of Qin Lang again, it was completely different from before. Now Shuiba has become a monster in the early stage of alchemy, and its aptitude has undergone earth-shaking changes compared with before.

The improvement of aptitude and strength also makes it look stronger, and even the fur is more beautiful.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Shui Ba felt that his ability had improved, and he seemed very excited, so he happily flipped three somersaults on the spot.

Then, he may feel that the underground Yin evil essence in this pool is very precious, which is very important for improving the physical fitness, and immediately the little guy opened his belly to hold it up again, and drank to his stomach.

However, after drinking enough for the second time, the Underground Yin Sha Essence did not continue to transform its body as before, but completely consolidated Shui Ba's cultivation base in the early stage of alchemy.

Now, the remaining essence energy is hidden in the body of this little guy, waiting for time to slowly refine.

At this time, Qin Lang, who had gained a lot, nodded with satisfaction, and then put the beast that seemed drowsy after drinking it into the pet bag again, so that it could take a good rest.

Next, Qin Lang began to return the same way, leaving this huge ancient building complex.

When passing by the altar, he never looked at the altar again.

He knew that although the altar of this ancient temple seemed to have a lot of things to dig out, his intuition told Qin Lang that even the mid-Yuanying himself could not afford to offend the suppressed things below.

Thinking about it, this ancient temple complex seems to involve the existence of the ancient gods and demons. Even the fire dragon soul of the five-element real dragon is just a leftover that was suppressed in the altar. How terrible the master is.

Qin Lang returned all the way back from the original road, wanting to leave the secret place at the bottom of the Yanziya cliff, but just as he was about to walk out of this secret place, his spiritual sense suddenly sensed some different aura from the outside world.

The breath was both familiar and unfamiliar, and Qin Lang's consciousness swept away, and he frowned immediately, and muttered to himself: "Miao Wang Temple's priest Mama... God envoy Aoki, this guy came to this swallow What is Ya doing?"

He is very familiar with the aura of Aoki God Envoy, after all, he has dealt with this guy more than once, and that kind of battle is at the level of life and death. Whenever he meets the right lord, his innate induction will always be close to him soon. Even determine the specific location.

In fact, Qin Lang sensed not one but four auras just now with a sweep of his consciousness, but among the four, only the Aoki envoy whose soul was entrusted in the substitute Gu is an old acquaintance, so Qin Lang would Pay extra attention to this guy.

And now at the bottom of the Yanzi Cliff, the four envoys under Priest Mama have appeared below. These four guys are Aoki, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Lieyan.

In fact, the reason why these four guys came here is also because of the task that Priest Mama gave them, which is to collect dragon souls in the Miao Border and complete the final step of the Dragon God Gu that Priest Mama has not yet refined.

After the four of them received the mission and left the Miao King Temple, they also inquired about the legends in Miao Jiang from many sources, and the four of them in Yanziya had already heard about it. There must be something unusual about the sound of dragons roaring in the cliff valley, so the four of them happened to come here.

What the four of them didn't know was that there really was the dragon soul they wanted in the Yanzi Gorge, and it wasn't an ordinary sub-dragon soul, it was indeed the real dragon soul of the Five Elements mentioned by Priest Mama.

It's a pity that Qin Lang was one step ahead of them and collected the Fire Dragon Soul, one of the Five Elements True Dragons, in advance, so this time they probably have no hope of getting the Dragon Soul again.

After the Aoki God Envoy and the four descended from the cliff valley, after taking some measures to prevent poisonous insects, they began to look for the entrance to the secret place at the bottom of the cliff.

Although they came here for the first time, they were born and bred in Miaojiang after all, so they quickly found the entrance to the secret place at the bottom of the cliff, and the four envoys entered the passage of the secret place one after another.

And Qin Lang in the depths of the secret place frowned when he sensed this.

God Envoy Aoki can be said to be his enemy, so he does not intend to let go of the four guys who entered the secret tunnel at the bottom of the cliff this time.

However, Qin Lang could clearly know that the cultivation bases of the four opponents were all at the level of witches, and it was not easy for him to directly deal with four levels of witches in one breath.

Let's put it this way, the level of Zhengwu is actually not much different from the cultivators in the early Yuanying period. That is to say, Qin Lang is now facing four Gu witches whose strength is close to that of the early Yuanying practitioners.

However, although the opponent's strength is not weak, Qin Lang still decided to give these four guys a little color.

The environment of Swallow Gorge is a bit special, it suppresses witch power and true energy to a certain extent, but it has a natural advantage over Qin Lang, who has a strong spiritual sense.

Since Qin Lang discovered the four opponents first, but the four opponents have not discovered Qin Lang until now, so now it means that Qin Lang is in the dark and the opponent is in the light, taking a lot of opportunities.

Qin Lang decided to make good use of this opportunity and give the other four guys a great surprise.

He used the invisibility talisman first, and then quietly walked towards the beginning of the cave, getting closer and closer to the four of them. When the two sides approached, Qin Lang took out the flying sword and directly launched the sword fight.

"Sword Qi beam!"

Qin Lang directly swung more than a dozen sword qi beams. The first form of the Three Lives Sword Art has the effect of restraining the enemy, and the sticking ability is surprisingly amazing.

And the reason why Qin Lang used Feijian Jianjue instead of using the Baizi Feilin magic weapon set was also considering that the strength of the four envoys in front of him was not average, and it was okay to use the Baizi Feilin magic weapon set to deal with one of them. But it is very reluctant to deal with four.

Don't expect how advanced the magic weapon set produced by the Tiandiliu refining technique is. This is a rough refining technique, which only pursues mass production and does not pay attention to quality.

Therefore, the Baizi Flying Scale Set is generally used by Qin Lang to deal with some enemies with low cultivation bases, and when the enemy's strength reaches a certain level, the effect of this magic weapon set is very limited.

Therefore, it is also a correct choice for Qin Lang to directly use the more powerful flying sword to deal with the envoys of the four priests of the Mama priest of the Miao King Temple in front of him.

Qin Lang was mentally calculating but not intentionally, more than a dozen sword qi passed, everyone's heart shuddered, but before he could react, they were all hit by this restraining sword and were pierced into the body by the sword qi.

The reaction of Aoki Divine Envoy is a little faster than the other three Divine Envoys. He is now the incarnation of Gu body, the whole primordial spirit is integrated with the substitute Gu, the nerve reflex ability is relatively simple, but the reaction speed is faster.

Moreover, Jian Jue's effect on God Envoy Aoki is obviously weaker than the other three, this guy just struggled a little, and he got rid of the shackles of the sword energy.

"Someone attacked!"

At this time, God Envoy Aoki yelled, and he reacted ahead of time, and began to help the three companions around him out of trouble.

"Who! Who is it..."

The other envoys began to look around and curse.

"Sword Phantom Crack!"

And Qin Lang in the dark sneered, and then cast the second precept of Sansheng Jianjue. The sword energy transformed from one to two, two to three, and three to countless small sword lights, and began to shoot at them like rain.

Whoosh whoosh!Qin Lang's sword energy came very quickly, and the three bound envoys were all hit, and their bodies suffered some injuries of varying severity.

However, they are also worthy of being Gu Masters above the Zhengwu level. Although they were injured at this time, they were completely freed from the bondage of sword energy. Getting out of trouble so quickly, I actually underestimated them.

"It's you! The nasty Han boy..."

The old acquaintance Aoki God Envoy recognized Qin Lang immediately.

"Yes, it's me."

Qin Lang chuckled.

"Set up the formation! The four gods and beasts formation!"

God Envoy Aoki yelled.

Then, these four witch-level Gu masters started to walk around, used their special Gu items, and set up a very neat Gu array, with Qinglong, Xuanwu, Suzaku, and White Tiger as the prototypes of the array, this set of Gu The formation is also a set of intermediate formations created by the Temple of Miao with reference to the four ancient beasts.

As soon as this set of Gu formations was put out, Qin Lang clearly felt that the fighting power of these four guys had been greatly improved. When he attacked each person, there would be three other people in the Gu formation to support him.

That is to say, Qin Lang does not directly fight against one person in every round of battle, but directly fights against four people, which also makes him feel a lot of pressure. It seems that it is not easy to deal with these four people.

As for the Aoki, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Lie Yan four divine envoys, except for the Qingmu envoy, the other three were more or less injured, with varying degrees of severity. Fortunately, their witch power was suppressing them deeply, so it didn't matter for a while.

The four god envoys who entered the Gu formation fought directly with Qin Lang. Among the four god envoys, Xuanwu used the "Bagua shield", which is the turtle shell Gu in Miao Jiang. This is a kind of material Gu, and its defense is very amazing. .

And the Xuanwu Divine Envoy who used the turtle shell Gu acted as a meat shield in the Gu formation. When Qin Lang in front of him entered the attack, this guy rushed forward and tried to block all the attacks.

As for the white tiger god envoy and the flame god envoy, the white tiger used the golden knife Gu. After using this Gu, it could turn into golden sword glows, and its power was almost the same as Qin Lang's sword art.

Of course, this is also the reason why Qin Lang didn't use the last few moves of Jianjue. Generally speaking, this golden knife Gu is very good, it is indeed a high-level Gu insect.

And the Flame God Envoy has a vermilion bird in his hands. This vermilion bird is not an ordinary thing, but a hybrid of an ancient phoenix, which is a kind of high-level spiritual bird. Tier Spirit Bird.

This vermilion bird seemed to have been tamed by the Flame God Envoy for a long time, and it was already psychic. Any orders from the Flame God Envoy could be transmitted with a single thought, allowing the Vermilion Bird to attack according to its will.

It is worth mentioning that the flame that Zhu Niao swallows is not an ordinary flame, but the Samadhi Divine Fire, which is a higher-level existence than the Fanhuo, and is actually at the same level as the Kanli Real Fire mastered by Qin Lang.

(End of this chapter)

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