The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1386 2 Dead 2 Wounds

Chapter 1386 Two Deaths and Two Injuries
Therefore, the Flame God Envoy who owns the Vermilion Bird is actually the most powerful one among the four guys, and it is also the one that makes Qin Lang the most careful.

After all, even Qin Lang is also dominated by the fire attribute physique, but he can't completely ignore the high-level flames such as the Sanmai Shenhuo. This kind of existence that is at the same level as Kanli's real fire is always bad when burned to the body. The body is hurt.

It is worth mentioning that the samadhi divine fire spewed by Zhu Niao can ignore the defense, that is to say, the magic weapon defense of Qin Lang's body is basically ineffective. This magical flame can directly penetrate Qin Lang's defense layer and burn to Qin Lang's body. Qin Lang needs to be especially careful.

However, next, Qin Lang will focus on the vermilion bird, the envoy of the flames. The battle process is much easier. He only needs to pay more attention to every time the vermilion bird opens its mouth, and predict the direction of the Samadhi fire attack in advance, so that it can avoid the attack. Open the flame attack of each vermilion bird.

This process is simple to say, but it is not easy. That is to say, Qin Lang, a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator with strong spiritual sense and amazing physical coordination and response ability, can do it, and even without certain combat experience.

Qin Lang's current battle strategy is to avoid the flames of Vermilion Bird, and at the same time try to avoid the basalt that is like a meat shield, and then attack the other people in a violent storm, trying to beat one person to the ground in a short time, and break the barrier first. Let's talk about the four gods and beasts Gu formation.

This idea is good, but Qin Lang found that it was quite difficult to implement it. None of the four divine envoys in front of him was his enemy for ten rounds, but after forming such a set of four divine beasts, he couldn't do anything to the four in front of him. , but occasionally will be suppressed by the opponent.

After being depressed, Qin Lang also summoned the Magic Treasure House, holding the flying sword in one hand, and manipulating the ghost ship of the Magic Treasure House to attack with the other.

The shuttle body structure of the ghost ship in the house of magical treasures is spinning in the air. This top-quality magic weapon is made of special materials, and it is a surprise that it can actually block the three-flavored magic fire spit out by Zhu Niao.

Of course, for a cultivator, magic weapons and other foreign objects have always been a part of their strength, and Qin Lang would not say that he was not strong enough to block Zhu Niao's Sanwei Shenhuo with the help of the magic weapon house.

What's more, isn't the opponent also using Vermilion Bird's Shenhuo attack power, that is also an extension of strength.

Next, Qin Lang mainly used the ghost ship to attack Zhu Niao, and quickly suppressed Zhu Niao's arrogance. Casually spit flames leisurely.

And Qin Lang took the opportunity to gain momentum, swept away the previous decline, took out the broken ax from the Three Lives Sword Art, and directly chopped the flame god envoy who threatened him the most, severely wounding him.

The severely injured Raging Flame Angel let out a scream, and the blood spattered from his body was not red, but spots similar to flames.

And the red bird in the air suddenly disappeared when the Lieyan God Envoy was seriously injured, and it should have returned to the Lie Flame God Envoy's body.

After the flame god envoy returned to his body, his body's injuries were actually healing quickly. This made Qin Lang quickly think of the Phoenix's ability to regenerate from the ashes of fire. The descendants of the Phoenix's bloodline still possess some special abilities.

After Qin Lang seriously injured the flame god envoy, there was a small loophole in the four god beast Gu formation in front of him, and Qin Lang also took the opportunity to gain momentum, and directly sent the flame god envoy, the green wood god envoy, and the white tiger god four people. Execute the fifth form of the Sanshengjianjue.

The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art is overwhelming.Send out 32 huge sword qi slashes, radiating in all directions. This is a group attack skill, and its power is not bad, and the coverage of sword qi slash is not small.

This is a sword move that is close to the level of the Yuanying stage. Qin Lang has already practiced the fifth form for several days, and his sword intent is clear, and he is only one step away from the realm of the fifth form.

Once these 32 huge sword qi cuts were issued, they were pushed over with great momentum.

"not good!"

The face of the Suzaku God Envoy changed drastically, showing a strong sense of fear, and even felt the approach of death!
The rest of the people were not much better. Facing the power of Qin Lang's sword, they felt weak and unable to fight back!
Brush brush!
The sword energy swept over directly, attacking the four great envoys indiscriminately!

"I die..."

Before the Divine Envoy of Suzaku could shout out the words "My life is over" in horror, he was swept away by this terrifying sword energy!


The Suzaku Divine Envoy who was in the healing state was directly chopped into two pieces!
The Aoki God Envoy and the White Tiger God Envoy were also seriously injured by the sword qi.

At this moment, the situation was suddenly reversed. One of the four gods was killed and the other was seriously injured. Only the meat shield-shaped Xuanwu was missing.

Speaking of which, the Xuanwu Divine Envoy with the "Bagua Shield" is really a tortoise shell, and his defense is astonishingly terrifying. The Sanshengjian was definitely not under such an offensive just now, and he only suffered a little injury.

However, this guy's defense is amazing, but his attack power is not very good. It's like scratching Qin Lang's body several times, and he can't break through the defense at all, so Qin Lang has been directly ignoring the Xuanwu God Envoy, as if this guy doesn't exist.

The game was broken for a while, and Qin Lang was also refreshed. The real energy consumed by fighting for so long is not much, and the total is less than [-]% of the body's reserves. Even the pills and spirit stones do not need to be replenished. The true energy of the human body is relatively abundant, compared with the initial stage of Yuanying, it is like heaven and earth.

At this time, Xuanwu covered the seriously injured Aoki and Baihu, the two envoys retreating, and the broken flame envoy gradually began to fuse under the powerful self-healing ability of the magical vermilion bird.

Seeing this, Qin Lang frowned. At this time, he directly slashed over with a few swords. The sword energy once again dismantled the corpse on the ground into eight pieces. Let's see how the corpse was spliced ​​together.


Seeing that there was no hope of resurrection, the primordial spirit of the Lieyan God Envoy floated out, and then the Vermilion Bird fused in the body also came out. The Lieyan God Envoy's Primordial Spirit penetrated into the Vermilion Bird, and then said viciously to Qin Lang: "Boy, you destroy my body, I want to die with you!"

Yuanshen entered Zhuniao's flame god envoy, and manipulated Zhuniao to rush over desperately, while Qin Lang hurriedly manipulated the ghost ship of the magic treasure house to resist. Surrounded by this one, under the desperate efforts of the Flame God Envoy, Zhu Niao seemed to want to spit out all the samadhi fire in its body at once.

The flame god envoy who had lost his body manipulated the vermilion bird desperately, and Qin Lang couldn't stand it anymore. The skin on his body had a scorching smell. The temperature around here was too high. The rocks were burning red, showing signs of melting gradually.

At this time, Qin Lang had no choice but to enter the magic house, and began to manipulate the magic house to directly hit Zhu Niao.At the moment of the collision, Qin Lang even attached the power of lightning to the metal shell of the magic weapon.

The Magic Treasure House collided with the Vermilion Bird, and the Primordial Spirit of the Flame God Envoy was directly crushed by the powerful electric current from the metal casing of the Magic Treasure House, and the entire Primordial Spirit disappeared without a trace.

At this point, the flame angel with the strongest attack ability under Priest Mama finally died.

And the vermilion bird was also smashed to pieces under Qin Lang's impact, but this vermilion bird also has the ability to be reborn from the ashes of a phoenix, turning into the soul of the vermilion bird again at the moment when the surrounding flames are about to disappear.

At this time, Qin Lang had already got out of the house of magic treasures, and directly pinched the soul of this vermilion bird. Strictly speaking, this soul of vermilion bird was not weaker than the soul of the five-element real dragon and fire dragon that Qin Lang had collected before. How many, and all of them are fire-attributed souls, which are also of great use to me. In the future, when refining weapons, I can focus on the sword body to improve the quality of the flying sword.

And after killing the flame angel, it was only a short breath or two. At this time, when Qin Lang glanced at the other angels from the corner of his eyes, he found that the remaining three angels had all escaped. signs.

"Haha, I want to escape again..."

Qin Lang also thought it was funny, this time he didn't expect to kill one of the four god envoys so easily and seriously injured two of them, it was really unexpected, originally he thought this time would be another extremely difficult and protracted battle, this turning point came just in time A little too fast.

Shua Shua Shua, Qin Lang attacked with a few more sword qi, leaving one person behind again. It turned out to be Xuan Wu who was not seriously injured. escaped.

But Qin Lang was cold-eyed at this time, looking at the Xuanwu God Envoy with a look of Bai Zhi, sacrificing himself to cover his companions from escaping, this looks great, but does it make sense?
I'm afraid his teammates won't remember the greatness of this guy after he escapes, but speaking of it, these Miaojiang Gu masters are all one-sided, and Li Shajia, the horse of Anokeyi who died in Qin Lang's hands back then, also died in the same way. fate.

Next, even though the white tiger's skin is thick and fleshy, facing Qin Lang alone, he can't escape, can't fight, and finally can't escape the result of being killed by Qin Lang.

So far, the four envoys under Priest Mama went into Yanziya to look for the dragon soul, but accidentally bumped into Qin Lang, two of them were killed directly, and the remaining two escaped.

As a result, if Priest Mama on the other side of the temple knew about it, he would also be so angry that he would vomit blood.This time he lost his wife and lost his army, not only did he not get the dragon soul, but also his subordinates suffered such heavy losses, it was really unlucky.

But who made them so unlucky, this time they could be regarded as directly hitting the muzzle of the gun, and they can't blame others.Meeting the evil star Qin Lang, they are doomed to end up in the street.

And Qin Lang also formally realized the improvement of his own strength through this battle. You must know that he could not have such an impressive record before the battle.

In fact, each of the four envoys is not weak, and being beaten so badly by himself also indirectly proves that Qin Lang is currently in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, with solid abilities in all aspects, and there is no trace of moisture.

After killing these two envoys, Qin Lang began to search their bodies for a while, but found nothing, and couldn't help frowning: "What a poor ghost, there is nothing valuable or anything on him."

In fact, it's not that these two guys don't have good things on them. The good things on them are naturally Gu worms, but these Gu worms and Gu things are the essence of heaven and earth.

Man is the spirit of all things, Gu is the essence of heaven and earth, and with the death of the master, all kinds of Gu worms that are bound for sacrifice will naturally explode with a thought, not giving the enemy a chance, so Qin Lang has no What discovery is also excusable, is a very normal thing.

(End of this chapter)

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