Chapter 1387
After Qin Lang finished cleaning the battlefield, he went straight out of the secret place at the bottom of the cliff, ready to go back.

But what he absolutely did not expect was that although he had won the battle completely, there was a flaw that even he himself could not discover.


In a secret place that Qin Lang couldn't find, under the cover of Xuanwu, his companion, at the cost of his life, the two divine envoys, Qingmu and Baihu, finally escaped from Qin Lang's pursuit.

The two envoys escaped secretly from the bottom of the cliff using the escape technique. The next moment, the end point of the escape technique was at least forty or fifty miles away from Yanzi Cliff.

In a flash, the two appeared in an empty valley with no one in sight.

Cough cough!Cough cough!
As soon as the two appeared in the valley, the White Tiger Divine Envoy bowed and vomited blood, apparently seriously injured.As for the Aoki God Envoy, the situation is a bit better, he is now the Gu body entrusted by the primordial spirit, and his recovery ability is still stronger than that of a human body.

However, if there is a choice, the Aoki Divine Envoy does not want to become this inhuman and ghostly appearance. After his physical body is destroyed, he has basically cut off the possibility of further promotion.

Moreover, the Substitute Gu needs a large amount of blood food every month to maintain the energy and blood consumption of the Gu body. The eating habits are no different from those of a hungry ghost, and it is completely out of the scope of human beings. The blood diet produces psychological disturbance.

After taking a few breaths, both of them looked at the back with some fear, and after realizing that Qin Lang hadn't caught up, they let out a long breath.

"Damn, what is the origin of that Qin Lang, it is impossible for the whole of China to have such a powerful monk, it makes no sense or reason."

The White Tiger Divine Envoy was very puzzled, obviously afraid of Qin Lang's strength.

"Hmph, I have been defeated by him several times, and this time I almost lost my life. I don't care who he is or where he came from. Anyway, I will do everything possible to kill him!"

Compared with Baihu God Envoy, Qingmu God Envoy's complexion is much worse, full of anger, wishing to kill Qin Lang now.

"Okay, it's useless to say angry words, let's think about how to get out of the predicament in front of us."

The White Tiger Divine Envoy was speaking, and at this moment he took out something.

And if Qin Lang was here at this time, he would definitely yell out in surprise: "This is the dragon soul! This dragon soul is so familiar, it is definitely the soul of the real dragon of the five elements and the fire dragon! This fire dragon soul is definitely from the cliff. I don’t know what happened to the dragon soul obtained from the altar of the ancient temple in the secret place, but now it appears in the hands of the white tiger envoy.”

Could it be that the White Tiger Divine Envoy is a clever thief who used his skillful empty-handed ability to take out the fire dragon dragon soul from Qin Lang?Others must have thought so.

But Divine Envoy Qingmu and Divine Envoy White Tiger knew that the reason why they were able to obtain this fire dragon soul was absolutely inseparable from the help of the dead Flame Divine Envoy.

When the four envoys came into contact with Qin Lang, they sensed that Qin Lang had the breath of being in contact with the five-element real dragon, the fire dragon, and the dragon soul, so it was immediately possible to judge that Qin Lang should have obtained the fire dragon and dragon soul deep in the secret place at the bottom of the cliff.

And the fire dragon dragon soul is exactly the task goal that Priest Mama has confessed, and it is also what the four gods are eager to get, but it is not easy for the four gods to get this thing from Qin Lang, and it will take a huge price.

Then, before the flame god envoy died, he used a soul-changing Gu when he was in physical contact with Qin Lang.

The soul-changing Gu is very special, and Qin Lang, who is the person involved, didn't know that the soul of the fire dragon on his body was transferred because of a special Gu insect.

And it was not easy to transfer the soul of the fire dragon into the hands of the White Tiger God Envoy. Before dying, the Flame God Envoy not only activated the soul-changing Gu, but also activated a sympathetic worm on his body, which successfully transferred the soul of the fire dragon. To the White Tiger Divine Envoy.

It can be said that in order to obtain the soul of the fire dragon on Qin Shen, the envoy of Lie Yan had already prepared to die. This is also an inside story that Qin Lang did not know.


The white tiger envoy and the green wood envoy carefully inspected the fire dragon soul they had obtained, and put it next to their bodies. At this time, they didn't care about healing, and went back to the mansion directly, and rushed back to the temple of King Miao to meet priest Mama.

The task of the two divine envoys can be regarded as a great success. Although the process was quite tortuous and two companions were lost, all the losses were worthwhile to get Yi and the high-quality five-element true dragon soul.

I believe that with this fire dragon soul, the priest Mama in the Miao Temple will be able to successfully refine the Dragon God Gu, and then use the power of the Dragon God Gu to break through in one fell swoop and become a great witch at the level of the Qizhi High Priest.

At that time, Priest Mama's position in the Miao Temple will also be reversed, and it is even possible to regain the position of the high priest in a round of open and secret struggles.


Qin Lang didn't know at all, because of a fire dragon dragon soul, the power structure of the entire Miao Wu Temple would undergo earth-shaking changes.

He has already returned to the Arnokeyi cottage at this moment. After more than half a month of management, the whole cottage has become orderly under the joint arrangement of Mu Ziqing and Xianruo, and it has regained its vitality.

In the final analysis, this Arnokeyi cottage is also the foundation left by Mu Ziqing's father, so this thin man in his 40s is determined to carry forward this foundation again, as well as a memory left by his father when he was alive.

And after Qin Lang returned to the Arnoke cottage, Mu Ziqing and Xianruo were planning to leave the newly accepted cottage at this time, go back there to hold a grand wedding, and return to Arnoke after the wedding. according to.

After defeating his uncle Guo La and regaining his own foundation, Mu Ziqing has avenged his vengeance, and now it's time to fulfill his promise to his fiancée Xianruo.

He once felt that Xianruo and his old father-in-law, Qiu Sheng, would give each other a grand wedding after avenging him. However, Anokeyi is now in a wait-and-see situation, so naturally it is not the most ideal place to hold a wedding.

After leaving a few people here, Mu Ziqing, Xianruo and the others returned to the Yixuan village.

The current Yiquan Village is full of people. After the Miao King’s treasure war and the subsequent annihilation battle with the Anokeyi side’s Gola forces, the reputation in the Miao area has reached its peak. There is no difference these days. There are endless tribes in Miaojiang who come to visit and make good friends in the cottage, and there are both raw and mature seedlings.

This is the huge benefit brought by prestige. The current Yiquan cottage has replaced Anokeyi and has once again become the well-deserved boss of the Sanmiao Miaomiao area in Miaojiang. His influence is definitely the pinnacle of history, a height that dozens of generations of copycats have not been able to reach.

In the village of Yixuan, the old village owner Qiu Sheng seemed very happy these days, and after seeing Mu Ziqing and Xianruo returning to the village, he also knew that it was time to prepare for the wedding.

So, he immediately ordered the cottage to start slaughtering pigs and sheep, and at the same time ordered the caravan under his command to stock up from the Han city, and prepare all the gifts and daily necessities needed for the wedding.

The wedding was held just a week later, and Qiu Sheng also sent a large number of messengers to deliver letters to various tribes in Miaojiang during this time period, and at the same time, he did not forget to send a gift note to the high priest Qizhi of the Miao Temple .

At the moment, the news of Mu Ziqing and Xianruo's marriage spread like flying wings throughout the entire Miaojiang. Due to the influence of their prestige, their wedding has now become the biggest event in the entire Miaojiang.

In this regard, the Miao Temple and the various tribes in Miao Jiang who have good relations with Yiqian seem to take this very seriously, and they all sent people to participate in this wedding feast.

In the Miao Temple, although the high priest Qizhi could not come, he sent his personal disciple Duoji to lead a team of temple envoys to congratulate him. There were more than 20 people in total.

Among the Miaojiang tribes, there are more than 40 tribes in the Miaojiang tribe who have successively made friends with the Yiquan Shanzhai during this period, and most of these tribes in the Miaojiang tribe have sent people to prepare to participate in this grand event.

In short, the number of guests who entered Yiquan this time exceeded a thousand people, plus the three or four hundred villagers in Yiquan itself, now the entire Yiquan village has become a small market town.

These days, these villagers are very busy, setting up tents for temporary accommodation for the guests, and preparing various steps for the wedding, they are so busy that they are in the dark.

Fortunately, this is the Yixuan village. If it were replaced by the newly closed Anokeyi village, the old, weak, sick and disabled would definitely not be able to cope with the scene in front of them, so Mu Ziqing and Xianruo returned to the Yixuan village to hold the event. Marriage is actually a wise choice.

And when the whole cottage in Yiquan was busy, Qin Lang was also assigned a task. As the future witness of the marriage of good brothers Mu Ziqing and Xianruo, he needed to read the marriage statement at the wedding.

However, the marriage testimony is only a few paragraphs, and Qin Lang has already memorized it, so he is mainly busy with some of his own things these days.

In addition to cultivation, it is to count what you have gained during this period, and then to refine medicine.And in the process of counting his harvest during this period, he discovered that the fire dragon soul he had obtained at Yanziya had been lost, and he only had the soul of a vermilion bird on him, not the fire dragon soul.

This made him feel strange. He remembered that he had put the dragon soul of the fire dragon into the storage ring. How could it be possible that the important items in the storage ring would be lost?It was the first time he met.

What he didn't know was that the flame god envoy sacrificed himself at the cost of his life, and the soul-changing Gu used in the process was so miraculous that it actually transferred the dragon soul of the fire dragon in his storage ring through the soul-changing method.

Unable to figure out how the Fire Dragon Soul was lost, Qin Lang simply didn't want to think about it. Anyway, the Fire Dragon Soul is not particularly important to him, but it is a relatively precious refining material.

Speaking of refining the flying sword, Qin Lang added his black carving sword to the fire dragon to improve the quality of the flying sword. Although he does not have the soul of the fire dragon, he still has a soul of the vermilion bird. He uses the soul of the vermilion bird to refine it. , can also improve the quality of the flying sword.

Next, he was going to start this matter, using the soul of the vermilion bird to infuse the flying sword into the flying sword, so that the flying sword would have a weapon spirit, and improve the quality of his flying sword.

The material of the black carving sword is not as simple as it looks on the surface in the magic weapon. This is what Qin Lang thought it was received from an old man who set up a stall in the late foundation building period in Fengcheng, Qinghe Continent.

The Black Eagle Sword is said to be the old man's ancestral property. Although it looks rusty, it is much stronger than ordinary magic weapons after being sacrificed by Qin Lang.

(End of this chapter)

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