Chapter 1394 Dragon Breath
After just 10 minutes, Qin Lang, High Priest Qizhi and Priest Mama fought for at least a hundred rounds. The whole battle was very fierce, and the consumption of both sides was also very high.

In the law room, Qin Lang has already started to use mid-grade spirit stones to restore his true energy while fighting, and the high priest Qizhi who is in charge of assisting is also constantly absorbing witchcraft from the crystal ball in his hand to replenish himself.

On the other hand, Priest Mama also moved a little slower at this time. After this intense battle, his physical and mental strength seemed to have been consumed a lot.

At this time, Priest Mama actually dodged into the camp of his subordinates, and directly launched the dragon god bloodthirsty on his two subordinates.

"Master Mama, come on!"


The two subordinates were cheering for Priest Mama, but they didn't expect such an unprepared accident, the sound of cheering was interrupted immediately, and Priest Mama sucked away their energy and blood in an instant and turned into a human being.

Replenishment of Qi and blood from the two subordinates, Priest Mama regained her power, her eyes glowed red, and attacked Qin Lang and High Priest Qizhi again.

And Priest Mama's subordinates collectively lost their voices at this moment. While the scene just now witnessed the brutality of Priest Mama, it also left a deep shadow in their hearts.

At this moment, these subordinates almost wanted to coax them into fleeing, but Priest Mama had planted restraints on them. If they dared to resist Priest Mama, the consequences would definitely be disastrous. It is appropriate to say that life is worse than death. share.

Therefore, at this moment, although the Gu masters under Priest Mama were full of sadness, they had to stand still, waiting for the result of the battle and Priest Mama's order.

In this way, Priest Mama's subordinates have become Priest Mama's captives, which are used from time to time to supplement the consumption of battles.Relying on these thirty or forty subordinates, the battle between Priest Mama, Qin Lang, and High Priest Qizhi is still extremely strong.

As for Qin Lang and Qizhi High Priest, their consumption has gradually reached a critical point at this time. Qin Lang, as the main battle, even though there are mid-grade spirit stones constantly replenished during the battle, they can't replenish them. Less than thirty thousand.

As for the High Priest of Enlightenment, the consumption of witch power is also very high, and the crystal ball in his hand is no longer as shiny as before. This is a manifestation of the huge loss of witch power in this inherited object.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!There are now big pits everywhere in this hall, all of which are the result of being affected by the fierce battle. Even the bodies of some battle dead were shattered by the impact of the fighting force.

On the ground, there was blood red everywhere, and the inside and outside of the entire hall seemed to be soaked in blood, which was very scary.

Inside the house of magic treasures, Qin Lang stuffed some essence pills into his mouth. At the same time, he had already replaced the middle-grade spirit stones with top-grade spirit stones in his hands. He felt that the replenishment speed of the spirit energy could not keep up with the consumption speed of the battle. That's why I had to do it.

Not to mention, after replacing the high-grade spirit stones to restore himself, Qin Lang's body's spirit energy loss speed finally slowed down, and the body's total true energy began to increase slowly.

However, Qin Lang's heart is crying blood. Now he is using high-grade spirit stones... and he used a hundred of them at a time. Now he only has more than 900 high-grade spirit stones, so he used up so many at once. , how could it not be distressed.

"It's a big loss! It's a big loss!"

Qin Lang murmured repeatedly in his heart, one hundred top-grade spirit stones are used to recover from battle. This is the most extravagant time since he was promoted to the middle stage of Yuanying. Useless work.

Qin Lang fought hard at this time, opened the strongest ability of the magic house, and rushed towards Priest Mama repeatedly, trying to break through the blockade of Priest Mama's speed and strength, and attack Priest Mama's body.

On the side, the High Priest Qizhi also shot a few black rays of witch power blessing on Qin Lang, making Qin Lang more powerful in manipulating the magic house during the battle.

The witch power light blessed by the high priest Qizhi to Qin Lang has five attributes such as speed, strength, and agility, and lasts for about half an hour. This blessing consumes a lot of witch power. After the force blessing, the luster of the crystal ball has almost completely disappeared.

And then, High Priest Qizhi really withdrew from the battle group and handed over the battlefield to Chunlang and Priest Mama. It seemed that High Priest Qizhi might have exhausted his witch power and had completely lost his ability to fight.

After receiving the blessing of the high priest Qizhi, Qin Lang's attack frequency and speed of the magic house also increased greatly, and the rare sweep of the tide suppressed the fierce flames of Priest Mama.

Qin Lang, who was promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, finally encountered an extremely powerful enemy this time. This fight also strengthened his sense of fighting, and he felt that he was more comfortable manipulating the magic house, without the jerky feeling before.

It has to be said that the battle is of great help to the improvement of a cultivator's strength. This battle is of great significance to Qin Lang. By manipulating the magic house to fight against powerful enemies, Qin Lang finally improved his realm for a period of time, but it was a bit rough. Consciousness has also been polished.

At this time, the magic house in the air is more flexible and changeable, which means that Qin Lang's operation and awareness have improved to a new level, which is very rare.

And Qin Lang's improvement in operating awareness gave Priest Mama the feeling that the enemy in front of him was even more difficult to deal with. Now it became more and more difficult for him to hit the magic house in the air. Instead, it was Qin Lang who brought The threat to oneself is growing.

At this time, the fight between the two sides has formed an afterimage, and the speed is so fast that it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize it with their naked eyes.

Priest Mama, who felt that it was difficult to deal with Qin Lang, made another trick this time, and a powerful roar of dragon sound waves appeared, directly attacking Qin Lang in the magic house.

And amidst the huge dragon chant, the blue and white rays of light flashed from the mouth of Priest Mama, like the breath of a giant dragon, and spit out an astonishing dragon's breath to Qin Lang's magic house.

Dragon Breath Attack!

Priest Mama used this super powerful attack method for the second time.

With the breath of the dragon, a strong red light shot up from Priest Mama's body, and his power was unstoppable for a while, increasing two or three times. Even Qin Lang in the magic house opposite felt a palpitation.

Priest Mama showed his power again, and the dragon's breath rushed towards Qin Lang at a short distance, submerging Qin Lang's magic house.

Wherever the dragon's breath passed, it was still so domineering, and all the objects along the way disappeared without a sound.

But this time, Priest Mama stared fiercely in that direction, thinking: "Damn Han kid, let's see how you escape this time!"

He was full of hope that this unexpected dragon's breath could directly swallow up that flea-like annoying Qin Lang.

Priest Mama's second breath of dragon's breath once again pierced a large hole with a diameter of five or six meters in many consecutive rooms in the temple, making the entire Temple of King Miao even more messy.

And just when Priest Mama thought that Qin Lang could never escape this time, Qin Lang shifted away from where he was originally and appeared in another direction instantly.

This is a little trick that Qin Lang mastered again after he became more proficient in the control of the magic house, which can make the magic house move five or six meters instantly.

The comprehension of the teleportation function of the magic house has also improved Qin Lang's comprehensive combat ability a lot. It is almost impossible for the priest of Mama to deal with the ghost ship in the air. Qin Lang can control the magic house and enter the teleportation in the mind , so that the enemy can't hit at all.

However, this new technique consumes a lot of true energy, almost half of Qin Lang's true energy will be consumed every time he teleports.

Qin Lang was also satisfied with the result of this teleportation. He finally avoided Priest Mama's big move. After this big move, Priest Mama's consumption must have bottomed out.

The advantages of the two sides shifted again, and now it was Qin Lang's turn to fight back.

When Priest Mama saw the scene in front of him, he jumped again angrily: "Damn it, how did this kid avoid my dragon's breath! How could he dodge..."

After the dragon's breath was breathed out, Priest Mama's face was also pale now, and his whole body seemed a little shaky.

At this time, Qin Lang in the magic house saw this and sneered, "It's time for me to fight back while you are sick and killing you!"Regardless of the consumption of true energy, Qin Lang's magic house directly teleported close to Priest Mama, piercing through Priest Mama's body.


Priest Mama screamed. The witch power was almost exhausted when the dragon's breath was exhaled just now, and he didn't have much defense. This really made Qin Lang's defensive counterattack succeed.

However, when Qin Lang was about to give Priest Mama a second blow, Priest Mama finally reacted quickly and activated the life-saving trick of Dragon God Gu: "Dragon God Overlord Body!"

With the activation of the dragon god's overlord body, the blood-red light in Priest Mama's body actively shrank to form a blood-red defensive shield, protecting him tightly.

And Priest Mama, who is in the state of the dragon god's dominance, is really like the reincarnation of the dragon god. Qin Lang's magic weapon house can't penetrate the state of Mama priest's dominance at this time, and was almost punched away by the priest of Mama.

After Priest Mama activated the Dragon God Hegemony, seeing Qin Lang retreating, he did not attack directly, but devoured the blood of the last three of his subordinates, and then went straight out of the Temple of King Miao.

Boom, boom, Priest Mama's body is as heavy as a mountain, and every footfall makes the ground shake.

However, the next scene surprised Qin Lang. Priest Mama didn't choose to fight directly with him, he actually ran away!
Although this guy escaped very unwillingly, his eyes were full of resentment when he looked at Qin Lang's magic house before leaving, Qin Lang could clearly feel that Priest Mama must be blaming himself for ruining his event.

"The Dragon God Hegemony has a time limit, at most it can only last for 3 minutes, so Priest Mama has to run away!"

The High Priest Qizhi appeared outside the hall again and explained to Qin Lang.

After getting this news, Qin Lang decided to pursue Priest Mama, but when he was chasing out of the Miao Temple, Qin Lang found that Priest Mama had already cast a powerful escape technique and fled directly to the southeast, and the ground along the way was rumbling. , The movement was huge, and the birds and beasts were all startled along the way.

This may also be a fly in the ointment in the dragon god's hegemony state. Priest Mama couldn't cover up his movement at all when he cast the evasion technique, and directly exposed the direction of his movement.

However, Priest Mama's escape speed was very fast. Qin Lang manipulated the Magic Treasure House to pursue with all his strength, but he couldn't catch up at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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