The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1395 Chasing down Priest Mama

Chapter 1395 Chasing down Priest Mama
Priest Mama fled in embarrassment in front, and Qin Lang manipulated the magic house to chase after him. The speed of both sides was very fast, and they had already left the sphere of influence of the Temple of King Miao in an instant.

3 minutes passed quickly...

The chasing and fleeing parties are now about ten kilometers away from the Miao King Temple, and the speed of Priest Mama has slowed down after the disappearance of the dragon god's hegemony, but in the process of fleeing, there is a huge commotion like before. Disappeared.

Now Qin Lang is completely relying on perception to judge the location of the priest of Mama. Due to the profound witch power of the priest of Mama, and the ability of some aspects of the body after the possession of the dragon god is stronger than Qin Lang, Qin Lang has not been able to fight in the past before. leave a spiritual imprint on it

Fortunately, the distance between Qin Lang and Priest Mama has been kept within three hundred feet, so he has been able to lock this person with his spiritual sense and not lose him.

Now that Priest Mama's Dragon God Overlord status has disappeared and his speed has dropped, Qin Lang is naturally refreshed. Knowing that it is the best time to catch up with Priest Mama, he puts more effort into driving the Magic Treasure House to accelerate towards Mama. Priest Ma rushed over.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, 280 feet...250 feet...30 feet, closer, closer!Qin Lang's current speed is at least half faster than that of Priest Mama, and the distance has been shortened instantly in less than [-] seconds.

180 zhang...150 zhang...[-] zhang!

Qin Lang chased closer and closer, and within a minute the distance between the two sides was within a hundred feet.

Finally, it took Qin Lang about a minute and a half to catch up with Priest Mama.

And Priest Mama was chased by Qin Lang's magic weapon house, and he was very angry!
With the disappearance of the state of the dragon god's hegemony, he now has not much witch power. At this time, he stuffed another handful of Thinking Gu into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it, and cast a blow back!
"Blast me!"

Priest Mama threw a handful of Gu worms at Qin Lang, who was manipulating the Magic Treasure House behind him.

A large number of densely packed Gu worms exploded in the air, and with the blessing of Mama, a great witch-level Gu master, the power was comparable to the strongest blow of a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

boom!The Gu worm self-detonated and blocked all of Qin Lang's advance areas, and the impact of the self-detonation hit the magic house, bursting out five-color lights mixed with blood flowers all over the sky.

And Qin Lang's magic house also shook violently, it felt like a small earthquake, and it took a while to stabilize.

At such a short distance just now, he really couldn't avoid the power of the self-detonation of the Gu insect, and after the magic treasure house survived this round of self-destruction, Qin Lang found that his true energy suddenly dropped by [-]%. Eighty percent of the true energy reserve has dropped to about [-]% of the current level.

Qin Lang, who was taken aback, quickly grabbed a handful of high-grade spirit stones again to recover. At this time, he found that Priest Mama exploded himself through this round of Gu insects, and once again opened the distance between the two, soaring more than 200 Husband.

Qin Lang was also extremely persistent, and once again chased after it with all his strength, and when he was about to approach Priest Mama, Priest Mama repeated his plan and threw a lot of Gu insects.

However, this time Qin Lang had already prepared in advance. At the moment Priest Mama turned around and threw the Gu worm, he had activated the magic house and teleported into a small area, leaving the main area where the Gu worm blew up, and was only slightly affected.

At this moment, Qin Lang didn't stop, and the Magic Treasure House directly caught up with Priest Mama and launched an attack.

The dragon god possessed state of Priest Mama has not disappeared, and the witch power has been consumed a lot in several battles. Even if he swallowed a lot of three-thought Gu, it would not replenish much. It's not impossible, but once activated it will completely consume everything.

In this situation, it is very dangerous for both sides to completely exhaust their power, and they will definitely be slaughtered afterwards.

That is to say, Priest Mama's witch power is only enough for a powerful blow, and this opportunity is a double-edged sword. Once launched, the enemy will either die or be dead, and the consequences will be very serious.

And Priest Mama had completely lost the courage to fight when he escaped from the Temple of King Miao, so he would not risk his life in any case, because the previous battles proved the horror of this Han kid in front of him many times. There is no confidence that Qin Lang can be killed in one fell swoop.

And while Priest Mama was hesitating, Qin Lang's magic house had already pierced through. This time Priest Mama did not use the Gu worms to self-destruct. The most critical few Gu worms exist.

And these few Gu worms, whether it is the Dragon God Gu or the Myriad Threads Gu, are the foundation of Ta Mama's past and present foothold in Miaojiang. He couldn't bear to blow these important Gu worms away.

"Slaying on the battlefield!" Priest Mama used a voodoo technique at this time, and the whole person suddenly disappeared, leaving the magic weapon house that pierced it empty.

And Qin Lang in the magic house was also puzzled. He didn't expect that after the priest Mama was forced to explode a large number of Gu worms, he hadn't reached the end of the road, and he still had this kind of magical Gu technique.

In fact, what Qin Lang didn't know was that Priest Mama was also very depressed now. What he had just performed was a Gu art battlefield ultimate move, which was formed by a combination of several Gu insects. This combination of ancient battlefield ultimate moves is quite demanding. High, the damage to the Gu worms on the body is also quite large, basically the longer the time is delayed, the greater the damage.

That is to say, if Priest Mama continues to perform this battlefield ultimate move formed by a combination of several Gu worms, I am afraid that Qin Lang will not need to do it, and the time will be a little longer, about half an hour or so. will be scrapped directly.

Priest Mama also figured it out in the battle of confusion. If the Han kid in front of him didn't get rid of him as soon as possible, he would be in big trouble next time!
Now, he can only risk his life for a blow, so after much deliberation, he decided that after launching this voodoo battlefield ultimate move, he will give Qin Lang a life-threatening blow to improve his chances of winning the battle.

In the battlefield ultimate move formed by Mama Priest Gu, Qin Lang felt that this area was blocked by the ban, and he couldn't find the position of Mama Priest. This guy seemed to have completely disappeared.

However, Qin Lang can faintly sense the witch power leaked by some priests of Mama with some sense of consciousness. This guy must be hiding in this area.

Now Priest Mama is in the dark, while Qin Lang himself is in the light, so even though Qin Lang is protected by the magic house, he is still very careful to prevent the priest Mama from sneaking in.

brush!There was a sudden riot in the witch power in the whole area, and Qin Lang's face changed drastically at this time: "Not good! Priest Mama is desperate, and he actually uses the dragon's breath attack!"

Now the entire area is blocked by Priest Mama's battlefield ultimate move, Qin Lang's magic house is impossible to escape, it seems that he can't escape this dragon's breath.

Since he couldn't hide, he just had to fight hard, swallowing more than a dozen Jingyuan pills, Qin Lang increased the strongest defense of the magic house, and used nearly a hundred pieces of high-grade spirit stones again.

Then, he gritted his teeth and slammed into it fiercely, facing the raging dragon's breath.

Boom!The space where the ultimate move was restricted on the entire battlefield seemed to be shaking violently, and the moment Qin Lang's magic house collided with the dragon's breath, a large piece of golden light exploded, as if the dragon's breath was about to melt the metal shell of the whole magic house.

In the magic house, Qin Lang's eyes were also blank, and he couldn't see the surroundings at all. The entire area around the magic house was full of violent energy storms.

In the process of piercing the dragon's breath, the energy of the magic house's defensive layer is also being consumed violently. Qin Lang's true energy is like a roller coaster, dropping to [-]-[-]% for a while, and rising to [-]-[-] for a while.

Nearly a hundred pieces of high-grade spirit stones in his hand were instantly shattered when Qin Lang exhausted his body's true energy, and at the same time, some of them were replenished under the double start of pills and spirit stones. shrouded range.

After getting out of the dragon's breath, Qin Lang saw Priest Mama in front of him. This guy stared in disbelief at Qin Lang manipulating the magic house to get out of the dragon's breath: "'s okay, you are simply not human, Looks like God is going to kill me Priest Mama!"

After saying this sentence, the aura on Priest Mama's body gradually weakened, and even the effect of the dragon god's possession disappeared.

Priest Mama's deployment of Gu art battlefield ultimate move just now, plus that dragon's breath, has basically exhausted all his witch power.

Therefore, the current Priest Mama is only an empty shell, and it is very difficult to even move his fingers. Looking at Qin Lang in front of him manipulating the magic house hanging in the air, he is also powerless now.

The Gu worms on his body were basically destroyed, and Priest Mama didn't have any power to activate the powerful Dragon God Gu.

Qin Lang flashed out from the house of magic treasures, and now he seems to have consumed a lot, looking a little tired.

However, after resisting the big move of Priest Mama, Qin Lang has been supplemented by Lingshi in time, and now he still has at least [-]% to [-]% of his true energy.

With [-] to [-] true energy, Qin Lang feels that it is enough to deal with the Mama priest who has no resistance, and in fact it is true.

After brushing it, Qin Lang directly chopped off the head of Priest Mama with a flying sword, and as the head fell to the ground, Priest Mama's very weak Yuanshen also turned into black smoke and dispersed, but was directly used by Qin Lang Priest Mama's primordial spirit was banned by means of prohibition.

"I'm sorry! I have to take your head and Yuanshen back to the temple for business. I must be able to exchange a lot of benefits from the old man Qizhi High Priest this time. Otherwise, I will lose a lot this time. Already!"

Qin Lang laughed out of breath, it is really not easy to deal with this Mama, this time he also worked hard to win.

And this time to rescue the high priest Qizhi of the Miao King Temple, Qin Lang's resource consumption is also very huge. The top-grade spirit stones alone cost at least 200 yuan, and there are nearly a thousand pieces of middle-grade spirit stones. Dozens of Jingyuan Pills.

If the depletion of these spirit stones and elixirs cannot be replenished from the High Priest Qizhi of the Miao King Temple, Qin Lang will really suffer a lot this time!
However, now Qin Lang has made a great contribution by taking down the head and Yuanshen of Priest Mama, presumably the High Priest Qizhi will not begrudge the hidden treasures in the temple, and it is inevitable to give enough rewards at that time!

(End of this chapter)

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