Chapter 1396 Triumph
At this time, Qin Lang began to clean up the battlefield in front of him, but the fly in the ointment is that people are the spirits of all things, and Gu is the essence of heaven and earth. When Priest Mama was killed by Qin Lang, the remaining few Gu insects on his body were also in one thought. All ruined.

Among them is the mother body of the Gu worm Three Thoughts Gu, which is of great value and can continuously generate one-time recovery of mental power, Myriad Threads Gu.

What's more regrettable is that the Dragon God Gu was also destroyed by Priest Mama's thoughts before he died.

However, even though the Dragon God Gu was destroyed, the ray of fire dragon soul contained in the Dragon God Gu did not dissipate. It was once again grasped by Qin Lang in the palm of his hand, and put into the storage ring after being banned.

Qin Lang re-collected the fire dragon soul, which is also one of the unexpected gains. He probably never thought that he would have this opportunity to miss it.

The reason why the fire dragon soul still exists after the Dragon God Gu is destroyed is also because it is the fire dragon remnant soul of the ancient five-element true dragon. The speed is actually not very high, so this is the phenomenon that after the Dragon God Gu is destroyed by the priest Mama, the dragon soul is automatically stripped out again.

However, apart from this fire dragon soul, Qin Lang never got anything more valuable from Priest Mama, after that, he directly used Feitian Luo Yunsuo to leave here.


When Qin Lang returned to the Miao King Temple again, the high priest Qizhi had already cleaned the battlefield of the Miao King Temple, and was sending people to tidy up the broken Miao King Temple, preparing for a major repair.

At this time, a group of reinforcements from Yixuan Village also arrived, headed by the old village owner Qiu Sheng, all of whom got off their horses and traveled relatively quickly.

At this time, when everyone saw Qin Lang returning with the head of Priest Mama, they were overjoyed. Priest Mama was finally killed!

Priest Mama was killed, so, needless to say, the temple crisis this time has been resolved.

"Brother Qin Lang, you have done a great job this time! It seems that the high priest will definitely reward you..."

Everyone came over to congratulate.

"Haha, thanks to everyone, but this guy is really hard to deal with!"

Qin Lang lifted the head of Priest Mama in his hand, laughed, and threw it to High Priest Qizhi.

At the same time, Qin Lang also handed over the primordial spirit of Priest Mama, and now the task is finally successfully completed.

The high priest Qizhi was also overjoyed to get the head and soul of Priest Mama. Now that he has successfully quelled the rebellion, his position as the high priest is finally secured.

I believe that after killing Priest Mama and Priest Mantou, the two green foxes and goats in the temple will never dare to cause trouble again even if they have different intentions in the future.

In fact, the strength and courage of the two priests, Qinghu and Goat, are not that great. Now that Qin Lang has killed the two biggest villains in the temple, the high priest Qizhi of the entire Miao King Temple is now in control of the power. You can sit back and relax.

Next, High Priest Qizhi ignored the current clutter of the temple, and directly ordered the servants in the temple to set up a banquet to celebrate the victory, and more than [-] tables were directly set up in the square in front of the temple.

At this time, the supporting reinforcements also arrived one after another, more than a dozen tables were almost full, and in the temple, the green fox and the goat also came out at this time, and the two embarrassingly expressed their feelings to the high priest Qizhi again. surrender.

The High Priest Qizhi didn't care too much about the small thoughts of these two guys.

He knew that both of them were mediocre people. If they were taken down because of their previous mistakes, the High Priest Qizhi would really have no one to use in the temple except his thirty or so subordinates.

Therefore, the High Priest Qizhi waved his hand, indicating that this matter is over, but if the two of them have any more careful thoughts in the future, he will not be polite again.

But the green fox and the goat showed extreme panic, and they both said that they would definitely serve the High Priest of Qizhi wholeheartedly in the future, and their performance similar to that of a weed on the wall would never appear again in the future.

Then, the two priests also took their subordinates to the banquet, and the celebration banquet of the entire Miao King Temple officially began.

At the table of High Priest Qizhi, Qin Lang was actually arranged to add a stool beside Qizhi, and the two sat on the chief seat together.

In fact, it is true. Without Qin Lang's timely support and Qin Lang's strong fighting ability, it is still uncertain who will continue to stay in the position of the high priest of the Miao King Temple!
"Come, come, come, little brother Qin Lang, it is thanks to your help that I, Qizhi and the people under my command were saved this time, I would like to offer a toast to my little brother."

Next, the dumbfounded scene of all the Miaojiang men in front of him appeared. The High Priest Qizhi stood up and poured a glass for Qin Lang himself, then raised the glass to Qin Lang and drank it down.

"Okay." Qin Lang is also a hearty person, he didn't talk too much, and he drank to the end.

The High Priest Qizhi personally poured and toasted the wine. This incident also fully confirmed the weight of this little Han brother in his heart. Qin Lang's weight definitely surpassed all the people present, including the old village owner of the Yikuan village who had allied with him. Ask Sheng.

After all, in order to rescue High Priest Qizhi, Qin Lang and Priest Mama's hard-fought performance was directly seen by High Priest Qizhi, and it is impossible to say that he is not grateful.

After toasting Qin Lang, the high priest Qizhi sat down, raised his glass again to express his gratitude to Yikuan Laozhai Yiqiusheng and all the supporters around him, and then drank it down in one gulp.

"It should be, it should be!"

All the people around Miaojiang returned the salute very politely, and also drank up the wine in the glass to show their respect for the high priest.

This time, although the supporters in front of me came a step late, soy sauce was added, and Qin Lang took all the credit, but they were able to come quickly to make Qizhi Daji very satisfied, which also proved the sincerity of the supporters.

"By the way, I beg Village Master Sheng, it seems that when the accident happened in the Miao King Temple this time, your daughter was out of the pavilion, right?"

High Priest Qizhi thought of something at this time, and apologized: "Because I scratched your daughter out of the cabinet, Qizhi expressed his shame, I decided to re-organize a wedding for your daughter, and I will preside over it."


Qiu Sheng is also a joy. If the high priest Qizhi organizes a make-up wedding for his daughter and son-in-law, the meaning is not as simple as it seems. By then, Yiqiu's status in the entire Miaojiang will be glorious, and it will grow and develop into the entire Miaojiang. The largest cottage is not a problem.

You must know that the high priest of the Miao Temple has a high status in the entire Miao border. He is the spokesperson of the Miao King God in the human world. There will be a high priest of Qizhi to preside over the wedding again. More than 30 cottages, but nearly [-] tribes in the entire Miaojiang.

This is a great honor. It probably never happened once in the entire history of Miaojiang. It is so rare that the highest spiritual leader of Miaojiang personally organized the wedding for a couple of newcomers in Fanbang Shanzhai under his command.

After the celebration banquet, the high priest of Qizhi called Qin Lang to a room in the temple alone, and now it is time to reward him for his merits.

"Thanks to the little brother's help this time, Qizhi and his subordinates were able to be completely preserved... Such a great kindness, how do you think I should reward you?"

The skinny old man Qizhi High Priest looked at Qin Lang and said with a smile.

"Well, High Priest, you can figure it out, and you know it... Originally, I don't need to be too polite in terms of my relationship with Yiquan Shanzhai and you, but I am a cultivator and need a lot of cultivation resources. And this time, in order to kill Priest Mama, that, I have suffered a lot."

Qin Lang rubbed his hands.

He is also looking forward to the return from the High Priest of Qizhi. The Miao King Temple in Miaojiang is the holy place of the whole Miaojiang. There must be many good things. This time his contribution is indeed great, and the reward will be very rich!

"Well, how about this... I will open the treasure house of the temple, and you can take [-]% of the resources in it as a reward for helping the Miao King Temple this time, little brother, how do you think?"

High Priest Qizhi smiled and said: "But I can only draw [-]%. If there is more, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to the majority of believers in Miaojiang."

"OK then."

Qin Lang is not an insatiable person either, every achievement is [-]%, with the inventory of Miao King Temple for thousands of years, there should be a lot of [-]% resources!
Next, High Priest Qizhi personally led the way and entered the location of the treasure house of the Miao King Temple, and opened the gate of the treasure house with the inheritance crystal ball. As soon as the treasure house was opened, Qin Lang's eyes were dazzled.

The gold, diamonds, emeralds, and agates in front of him are piled up into mountains, and there are also a large amount of Gu refining materials and various special resources. This kind of inventory is probably hundreds of times larger than the entire Yiquan cottage.

"Send it, send it!"

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes with a smile, even if he only draws one-tenth of the treasure house, he still has ten times the resources of the entire Yiqian cottage, this time he really made a lot of money.

"This, I want it! That, I want it too..."

Next, Qin Lang began to pick and choose from the entire treasury. The ones he picked were naturally the cultivation resources that would be used in the future, and those jewels such as gold, silver, agate, and diamonds were vulgar objects, although they were equally precious, but He doesn't want any of them.

He is a cultivator, and he only needs what he can use for cultivation. After all, he is pursuing the Dao of Longevity, and this process requires a huge amount of resources to accumulate.

And now the reward of the high priest of Qizhi is also an opportunity for Qin Lang, and he will certainly cherish the opportunity to obtain a large number of cultivation resources.

Therefore, Qin Lang picked and picked the most precious cultivation resources in the temple treasury. He gave up the ordinary ones and searched the entire temple treasury. I feel a little distressed.

This kid is too picky, and his vision is too poisonous. Most of the resources found this time are the top materials in the Miao King Temple for thousands of years. Although they only account for [-]% of the entire treasure house, their value is absolutely more than three percent of the total.

Seeing the scene in front of him, High Priest Qizhi didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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