Chapter 1397
In short, this time Qin Lang really made a profit. With the resources obtained from the Miao King Temple, in the next year or two, Qin Lang no longer has to worry about cultivation resources.

"Thank you! High Priest!"

Qin Lang arched his hands, and contentedly took away nearly a layer of top-level materials in the treasure house of the entire Miao King Temple. Now the matter of rushing to help the Miao King Temple is completely complete.


Next, the whole Miaojiang began to crazily publicize that the high priest will preside over the wedding ceremony for the owner of the village of Yiquan to marry a daughter, and the high priest Qizhi will act as a witness in this wedding.

The location of the re-hosting of the wedding was also transferred from the Yiquan cottage to the Miaowang Temple Square.

As a result, the entire Miaojiang tribes, large and small, took action to inquire about the ins and outs of this marriage.

And the high priest Qizhi also summoned the couple to the Miao King Temple in advance before giving the daughter of the owner of the village Qiusheng a make-up wedding. He recognized the leader of the Miao girl, Xianruo, as his goddaughter.

In this case, it would be more justifiable for him to preside over this wedding. After all, High Priest Qizhi held a wedding for his goddaughter and godson-in-law. It is impossible for all the tribes in Miaojiang to fail, otherwise they would definitely be wiped out. The face of the enlightened high priest.

And if you take away the face of Qizhi Daji, hehe, the consequences will be very serious!The high priest can be said to be the spokesperson of the Miao King God in the entire Miaojiang, and the spiritual leader of the entire Miaojiang.

Therefore, with a word from High Priest Qizhi, nearly [-] tribes in the entire Miaojiang began to get busy, preparing gifts for this big wedding.

In fact, nearly [-] tribes in Miaojiang regard this matter very seriously, almost treating it as an annual tribute, so the congratulations that the two couples will receive during this big wedding must be very considerable.

The big wedding was scheduled for half a month later, which also ensured that the messengers of the Miao King Temple could spread the news of the couple's big wedding to the whole Miao area, so that all the tribes could come in time after getting the news.

And the logistics staff of the Miao King Temple have also been busy in this half month. Everyone believes that this time the wedding under the auspices of the high priest Qizhi must be a ceremony that can be compared with the Miao King God once every three years. Compared with the grand event, so none of them dare to neglect.

Half a month later, under the auspices of High Priest Qizhi, the make-up wedding ceremony between Mu Ziqing and Miaonu leader Xianruo finally began.

The entire Miao King Temple was decorated with lights and festoons, and more than 1000 tables were directly placed in the extremely wide square in front of the temple. Such a grand scene was like a festival in the entire Miao area.

And before the big wedding, all the tribes also saw the background of the new couple. The man was one of the three overlords of Miaojiang Miaomiao, Anokeyi, and the current Shaozhai master Mu Ziqing, and the woman was of the same status. Xianruo, the daughter of the old village chief Qiusheng.

Hearing that the High Priest Qizhi had adopted Xianruo as his goddaughter, this matter was more like a blockbuster, which severely blew up all the tribesmen who attended the wedding.

But now basically nearly [-] tribes, large and small, from Miaojiang were present, and most of them were village owners from various tribes’ villages. The high priest of Qizhi is the spiritual leader of the entire Miaojiang. All the tribes not only want to play, but also have to give enough face.

Therefore, in terms of collecting gifts and gift money this time, the new couple definitely made a lot of money. After a cursory calculation, the gifts and gifts sent by each of the more than 200 tribes are basically worth more than 20 yuan, and some even gave More than one million gifts and gift money, so the last statistics of the gift room of the King Miao Temple's gift room are already more than 1 million.

Holding a wedding and receiving more than 1 million gift money, such a thing is probably very rare even among the top wealthy circles in China, not to mention that this is just a make-up wedding, the previous wedding between Mu Ziqing and Xianruo in Yiyu cottage The gift money received is not included in it, otherwise the amount will be even more terrifying.

All the tribes in Miaojiang are so good, which also fully witnessed the status of Miao King Temple and the high priest in the whole Miaojiang.


The sky full of fireworks rang for three hours, and then the high priest Qizhi, the witness of this make-up wedding, officially appeared: "Hello everyone! Thank you all folks in Miaojiang for participating in the wedding of the newlyweds in front of you. I will be the host, and the couple in front of me are Mu Ziqing and Xianruo. I, Qizhi, is also the godfather of the couple, I believe everyone has heard about it, so... I would like to express my thanks again!"

With a slight smile, the High Priest Qizhi continued: "Now, on behalf of God King Miao, I would like to extend blessings to the couple. I wish the couple a happy marriage for a hundred years, and I also wish everyone here good health and free from all diseases. That's all for now, let's start the wedding banquet!"

The High Priest Qizhi had performed the wedding ceremony for the newcomers before, so now the wedding banquet is directly announced, and more than 1000 tables of flowing water are served at the same time. This scale is unprecedented in Miaojiang.

Fortunately, the Miao King Temple had been preparing for this make-up wedding banquet for many days, and nothing went wrong.Compared with the wedding banquet in Yishanzhai, the re-organized one at the Miao King Temple is even more grand, and the dishes are also extremely luxurious. There are everything that flies in the sky, runs on the ground, and swims in the water. Many of them are People in Miaojiang usually want to eat mountain delicacies that they can't eat.

And this time, the groom's official who made up the big wedding became the target of the big guy's drinking. There were more than 1000 tables in front of him, which made people dizzy. Mu Ziqing felt that he was not good enough after drinking almost [-] tables. If it weren't for the hangover drink prepared by the high priest in advance, I'm afraid he drank it directly during the toast.

Through this re-organized wedding banquet, Yiquan Village and Arnokeyi Village have also been repositioned in the entire Miaojiang, especially because of the deeper and special relationship with the high priest of the temple, Yiquan Village has been well received by the entire Miao area. All the tribes in Xinjiang are chasing sticks, and their prestige has also increased significantly.

Now the influence of the Yiquan Shanzhai has affected the entire Miao area because of the re-organization of the big wedding this time, and it is no longer limited to the mature Miao area. This is also very beneficial for future development.

As soon as the Miao Jiang matter was over, Qin Lang bid farewell to all Miao Jiang friends after the wedding banquet, and began to return to his base camp in Yunhai City.

Before leaving, Mu Ziqing, Guo Xinghuo, Mai Jia and others personally saw them off, and even the old village master Qiu Sheng came over, Qiu Sheng patted Qin Lang on the shoulder and said: "Little brother, I have stayed in the clothes for so long Heavens, are you satisfied... now we can be regarded as your second home, welcome to come and walk around in the future."

"I will." Qin Lang arched his hands and smiled.

Then, he patted his good brothers Mu Ziqing, Guo Xinghuo, and Maijia respectively, and especially said to Maijia who had lost his wife before: "Brother, a man in his 40s can't always remember the past, it's better to get along with him as soon as possible." Just like Qing, find a woman to marry!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang laughed, and left the Yixuan village alone, leaving only the handsome back of the people behind him.

Qin Lang returned directly to Yunhai City.

On the way, Qin Lang actually thought of his own relationship problems.

Although I am no longer a virgin, the women I have had sex with are Christina and Zhao Liying, and the girls who are closer to me, such as Tang Xue, Ye Xiaorui, Jiang Yingying, Liu Zhenzhen, etc., have not yet kissed. Fangze is still far away from getting married.

Besides, who to marry is also a problem.

Of course he wants to marry all the girls he likes, but can Ye Xiaorui and the others accept multiple girls to marry him together?
He can't forcefully deal with emotional matters, he can only develop slowly.Fortunately, his current cultivation is not low, and he can also change the spiritual root aptitude for Tang Xue and Ye Xiaorui in the future, so that they can embark on the road of cultivation just like him. The secular laws and customs do not necessarily need to be ignored. impossible.


After returning to Yunhai City, Qin Lang put into intensive work.

The preparatory work of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Lanrun Group, has been proceeding in an orderly manner. After Qin Lang's time in Miaojiang, the framework of the entire organization has been set up now, and the personnel are almost trained.

Although Lanrun Group is privately owned, its subsidiary Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock company. Qin Lang, as the chairman, holds 50.00% of the shares. The remaining 40.00% shares were obtained by Duan Zhifei, the chief expert and academic leader of the pharmaceutical sector laboratory.

The entire pharmaceutical section is currently divided into three parts: pharmaceutical factory, laboratory and company operation department.

On the day when Qin Lang left Miaojiang, the first investment of [-] billion yuan in the medical sector had been fully invested, and several major forces of the five-party alliance worked together to carry out a large-scale reorganization of resources and talents.

Now the original "Sanhe" life science and technology laboratory of the five major alliances has been merged into Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory, and all researchers have also made small-scale adjustments. Duan Zhifei's Xinjiacheng laboratory also has some changes. Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory conducts data docking and file sharing.

The position setting of the pharmaceutical company is currently as follows: the general manager is temporarily held by Tang Qian, the general manager of the group headquarters, and Tang Xue, the financial manager of the group headquarters, is also temporarily held concurrently. "All the researchers in the life science and technology laboratory, as well as the researchers in Duan Zhifei's Singapore laboratory, are all included in the medical establishment of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

The heads of some important departments have also been trained one after another. Some of them are concurrently held by the original management of the two laboratories, and the other part is temporarily transferred from the headquarters of Lanrun Group.

In addition, among the new recruits trained by the headquarters, there is actually an old acquaintance of Qin Lang, Nalan Hairong.

Nalan Hairong majored in life medicine at Yunhai University. She recently graduated and her major was very suitable, so she was assigned to the medical laboratory to help the senior researchers in the laboratory.

The main person in charge of the medical laboratory is Duan Zhifei, but Duan Zhifei has a lot of business in Singapore that needs to be handled by himself, so he can't sit in the sea of ​​clouds for a long time.

The laboratory of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. in Yunhai was handed over to another resource researcher named Guan Kunpeng to preside over it. Now Guan Kunpeng is the deputy director of the entire medical laboratory and is responsible for the daily scheduling of the entire medical laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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