Chapter 1405 Fushen No. [-]

"Okay! The current development of the company is also inseparable from the joint efforts of all of us. I decided to double the bonus for everyone this quarter. Tang Xue, you should prepare more for the financial side."

Hearing that Tang Xue said that the company's current development is so good and the situation is extremely bright, Qin Lang was very happy and decided to add benefits to his employees this time.

Although it seems pretentious to describe him giving extra benefits to his employees by taking them from the people and using them for the people, Qin Lang does know the true meaning of having money for everyone to earn together, knowing that he will never be able to earn all the money alone, It's better to unite all the company's owners and give up some benefits appropriately. This will only make other people in the company focus more on serving Lanrun Company, and he can take this opportunity to obtain more and greater profits.

"Okay." Tang Xue replied, and then she was going to be busy copying the financial records.

And after hanging up the phone, Qin Lang was also pondering, cosmetics is really a huge profit industry, his business vision was really right at the beginning, it seems that choosing this industry as a business breakthrough seems to be the right choice.

And now Lanrun Group has gradually grown after several years of development, and now it has begun to diversify its operations, further involving the fields of medicine and real estate.

Especially in the field of medicine, Qin Lang feels that this is a bigger piece of cake, and it is even more of a huge profit. Almost everyone will never get sick in their lifetime, so compared to the cosmetics industry, the audience of the medical sector is wider.

Lanrun Cosmetics has gradually started to establish a brand internationally. Although the main product distribution areas are China and the Middle East, the operation of the brand has gradually matured. In the future, it will compete with other capital predators internationally to seize more The market is also fine.

And then Qin Lang put the focus of his business on the emerging sector of medicine. Currently, the laboratory is intensively developing new drugs.

In fact, the first new drug has been developed as early as a week ago, and is currently undergoing pharmacological and toxicological tests. It is estimated that it will take another half a month to officially mass-produce it and put it on the market.

The effect of this first new drug is closely related to the neurons of the human brain. It can inhibit the excessive conduction of neurons in the brain and effectively stabilize the transmission process of human pheromones. It is a wonderful psychotropic drug, mainly used for depression. , mania, psychosis treatment.

The successful development of the new drug is inspired by the information factor of the genetic fragment of the mutant genetic warrior, and the effect of this psychotropic drug is expected to be at least 40.00% stronger than all related drugs currently on the market, so this drug Once put into the market, it will definitely cause a new round of medical storm.

Since the drug has only been successfully developed for the first time, it is currently undergoing pharmacological and toxicological tests in the laboratory, so it has not yet been named, and a series of related patent applications have begun to enter the submission process. I believe it will be completed within half a month. Can win all patents.

The successful development of the first new drug has also formed a good start for the pharmaceutical sector. Of course, Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory is developing more than one new drug. In fact, every research and development team in the laboratory has its own new drug project, so In the follow-up, other new drugs will appear in turn.

The recent Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory has undergone a new round of transformation under a series of suggestions from deputy director Guan Kunpeng. The supporting equipment of the entire laboratory is more reasonable, and the office space is more comfortable and humanized.

Such an environment also makes every researcher in the laboratory less prone to fatigue when working, and can happily do research in such an environment and make more contributions to the laboratory.

And these days, after Qin Lang is busy with the things at hand, he often visits the laboratory. Sometimes he simply practices and meditates in the laboratory, waiting for the success of the first new drug test, and waiting for the new drug. Put into production and formally enter the market.

This is a crucial step in the development of Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical sector. Qin Lang knows the significance of this, so he is very excited and looking forward to it.

In the next period of time, the pharmacological and toxicological tests of the new drug have been completed, and the results are very satisfactory.

At the same time, the patent approval of the new drug submitted to the Huaxia Patent Office and relevant international patent departments has finally come down, and the new drug successfully developed by Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology also has a new name "Fushen No. [-]".

The name was obviously given by Qin Lang. Qin Lang, who was not good at picking names, directly borrowed the name of Fushen Pill, the repairing primordial spirit elixir in the cultivation world, and thus gave such a name to the new medicine.

However, "Fushen No. [-]", a drug that stabilizes the nervous system of patients with depression, mania, and psychosis, is really similar to the effect of Fushen Pill in some aspects, so Qin Lang's choice of this name is still very appropriate.

Speaking of it, the initial plan of the new drug "Fushen No. [-]" was really proposed by Qin Lang and the relevant research team in the laboratory, which inspired the researchers of the research team a lot, so this new drug can be successfully developed. Qin Lang should also have a small contribution in it.

Of course, what I’m talking about now is not the point. With the successful development of the first new drug in the pharmaceutical sector of Lanrun Group and the successful patent application, there will be a press conference to be released, and the follow-up Come down to the celebration dinner.

Matters related to the press conference and the celebration banquet are naturally planned by the planning department of the group headquarters. Now the Lanrun Pharmaceutical section has only been established. Many resources of this section are shared with the group headquarters. In the later stage, Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group The limited company will gradually become independent and have its own independent finance, planning, marketing and other departments.

However, there is no rush for this matter for the time being. The recruitment and training of high-end talents will take a lot of time, and it is not even something that can be completed in one or two years. Therefore, at present, the group of high-level executives at the group headquarters can only work part-time. up.

In fact, due to the part-time job, the current group of high-level managers of Lan Run basically receive double salaries and double benefits. This is also where Qin Lang is relatively generous. Capable people do more things and make more contributions to the group. Of course Deserves more and better treatment.

To be honest, such a generous boss is really a blessing to all the employees of Lanrun Group. Now the generous treatment of all employees of Lanrun Group has made many job seekers in the outside world envious. In the market recruitment, all job seekers are overwhelmed, and they must first submit their resumes.

Unknowingly, Lanrun Group has become a model of the Chinese industry, a model of conscience, and a real face in the field of cosmetics.


The location of the new drug launch event is Shanghai, a city bigger than the sea of ​​clouds, and also the brightest pearl in the east.

The Reizman Building in the center of the magic city, which was taken over by Lanrun Group as a whole, has now been renamed "Lanrun Medical Technology Building", and has become the second stronghold of Lanrun Group in China.

"Lanrun Medical Technology Building" is much more magnificent than Yunhai's headquarters. The whole building has a total of 200 floors and is a landmark building in Shanghai.

In the future, the management and marketing department of the entire Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical sector will be relocated here as a whole, and will be officially separated from the group headquarters.

However, this is all two or three years later. The current Lanrun Pharmaceutical section is like a seedling, and most of the management staff are still working part-time at the headquarters!

The launch of the new drug is on the sixth floor of the Lanrun Medical Technology Building, because the lower five floors are all comprehensive department stores "Lanrun Department Store Center" which deals in various Baihua daily necessities, as well as clothing, electrical appliances, etc.

And now Lanrun Cosmetics has already replaced Reizman's products, occupying the fifth floor of the entire department store center. The chain counters are full of various Lanrun cosmetics, ranging from shower products to skin care products.

Moreover, these cosmetics are classified in a very detailed way, some are for men, some are for women, some are suitable for dry skin, and some are suitable for oily skin.

Basically, people who buy cosmetics before entering the chain counters on the fifth floor of the department store will encounter Lanrun professional makeup artists who will recommend relevant products according to each person's skin quality.

Speaking of which, Lanrun Cosmetics has been born for four or five years, and now it is very mature from product development to marketing, and the response in the market is also very good. Huaxia's market share is about 40.00%.

And due to the increase in fame, the prices of Lanrun cosmetics products are now gradually on par with the first-line brands, and are closer to the prices of Chanel and Yalan Shidai.

However, although the price of the product has increased, it cannot stop the pursuit of beauty lovers. It is true that the products of Lanrun Cosmetics have been as reliable and reassuring as ever in the past four or five years, and some people have even made comparisons. It is concluded that the effect of Lanrun products on beauty and skin care has surpassed those first-line brands.

This is also a feature of Lanrun Cosmetics, pure traditional Chinese medicine products, without any additives harmful to the skin, pure natural, non-toxic, and pollution-free.

In fact, beauty lovers who can afford cosmetics usually do not lack a few pennies. Most people pursue the quality of life, and Lanrun has given these people confidence and protection, so they feel that all this is worth it of.


The venue for the launch of the new drug has been set up. This time, the new drug launch of the Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical section can be said to be a grand event for the entire Chinese medical community, so not only domestic, but also foreign media will come. .

After resting, the venue on the sixth floor of Lanrun Medical Technology Daxia has been able to accommodate nearly ten thousand people. It is simply a large press conference venue, and it is not crowded even if there is a concert in it.

The entire venue was decorated extremely gorgeously, with chandeliers, a red carpet, a large projection screen at the front, and a chairman ceremony platform, covered in red and colorful, while there were nearly a thousand leather sofas and chairs neatly arranged under the stage.

The entire layout of the venue is as grand as the awards ceremony of TV and movies, and the overall decoration cost is at least 5000 million. In the future, this place will also become the venue for the release of each new drug of Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

(End of this chapter)

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