The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1406 New Drug Conference

Chapter 1406 New Drug Conference

On this day, the press conference of Lanrun Pharmaceutical was held as scheduled.

In fact, before the conference was held, the publicity department of Lanrun Group widely publicized the "Fushen No. [-]" new drug conference from various channels.

Online words have organized a water army to occupy the hot searches on major medical forums, while offline advertising bombards through the media and radio stations.

"There is no festival this year, and only melatonin is accepted for gifts." I believe many ordinary people have experienced this kind of mindless advertising bombardment.

At present, Lanrun is using this kind of repeated chattering advertising bombardment to let the common people quickly recognize this new drug, and they are familiar with it. In the future, as long as they think of related drugs for the treatment of depression, mania, and psychosis, they will form a series of drugs. This kind of conditioned reflex "Fushen No. [-]".

Before the press conference started, reporters from all major media and newspapers in China rushed over. There were more than 300 people. Apart from these reporters from Huaxia, there were also more than 30 foreign reporters from [-] foreign countries.

The venue has strict review procedures, and everyone enters the venue with press cards and other relevant documents, avoiding the possibility of unrelated people entering the venue by taking advantage of troubled waters.

After all the reporters entered the venue, everyone was provided with tea, purified water and beverages, as well as a lot of various fruits.

After the reporter sat on the sofa and rested for a while, Qin Lang rushed here with the management of Lanrun Group and relevant researchers from the laboratory.

First, Qin Lang and the relevant management of Lanrun Group made a short speech and made an opening remark, and then left the venue for the research group "Guan Kunpeng", who is the main contributor to the development of new drugs in the laboratory.

The research team led by Guan Kunpeng, the deputy director of Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Laboratory, has a total of five people. In addition to the four resource researchers, Nalan Hairong, as an assistant, is also in the lineup of speeches at the press conference.

"Everyone! This time, the new drug Fushen No. [-] was successfully developed. In fact, our laboratory research team did not spend much time. It took less than a month. The reason why it went so smoothly is because of the funds behind Lanrun Group. On behalf of all the researchers in the laboratory, I would like to express my gratitude to Boss Qin of Lanrun Group!"

On the stage, Guan Kunpeng bowed deeply, while the audience applauded enthusiastically.

After that, there was a series of academic speeches and interactions. In fact, most of the reporters who came here to participate in the press conference this time have certain professional knowledge in medicine and are relatively familiar with the current situation of the pharmaceutical industry.

Basically, except for some sensitive information that needs to be kept secret, Guan Kunpeng's research team always answered questions from reporters, and the atmosphere after the scene was good.

When the more than 30 foreign journalists overseas heard some data reported by several researchers, each of them was full of splendor, and these foreign journalists were even more curious about the deeper things.

It's a pity that there is too much sensitive information involved in the deeper aspects of the new drug, and the research team in the laboratory is unwilling to disclose it no matter what, so they all look forward to it and sigh.

The entire new drug launch conference lasted for two hours. At the end, Qin Lang stepped onto the stage and announced: "The new product Fushen No. [-] of Lanrun Pharmaceutical is ready in all aspects, and it has been sent to the production line for mass production. It is expected to be on the market by the end of next month.”

"Currently the main distribution area for new drugs is the Chinese market, and foreign channels are currently being negotiated. We also welcome pharmaceutical retailers from various countries who have received news to come to negotiate business."

After saying this, Qin Lang smiled slightly, and said, "That's the end of this press conference. Thank you for coming to the baseball field. Before the end, I prepared a little gift for you. I hope you like it."

The effect Qin Lang wants is the extensive publicity of the media after the press conference.In this era when the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, excellent product quality is a necessary guarantee for product sales, but if you do not invest manpower and material resources to expand publicity, no matter how good the product is, it will not be popular and cannot be sold.

This time, Lanrun Company's planning department took great pains to entertain the reporters at the ballpark. Apart from a limited-edition cosmetic, each person also gave a big red envelope of [-] yuan. This kind of gift is considered rich enough.

This is actually an unspoken rule of business. I hope that after these domestic and foreign journalists leave, they can promote the positive side of Lanrun Pharmaceutical more, so that they can use the smallest cost to promote the new products of Lanrun Pharmaceutical as soon as possible.

After the press conference, it was the celebration dinner within the Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group. Qin Lang clearly requested that all researchers in the Lanrun Pharmaceutical Laboratory must put down their work, relax, and participate in this group's internal celebration banquet.

After all, for more than a month, the researchers of Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory have been researching day and night, living a life like an ascetic monk, each of them stretched the strings of the body too tightly, and it is time to relax .

Qin Lang's clear regulations are also for the sake of these researchers' bodies, so that everyone can relax the nerves that have been tense recently.

In addition to the researchers in the laboratory, a large number of management from the group headquarters were also invited to this dinner.

The location of the dinner was held at the Wanguo Hotel, the most luxurious five-star hotel in Shanghai, on the No.18th floor of the Wanguo Hotel.In order to celebrate the dinner, the entire [-]th floor of the Wanguo Hotel was taken over by the Lanrun Group on this day, and only the internal employees of the Lanrun Group, as well as relatives and friends were allowed in and out.

And Qin Lang also brought Liu Zhenzhen in for this dinner party. Both of them were dressed formally. Qin Lang was wearing a suit, a black top hat, and even a small staff. He looked young and very gentleman.

And Liu Zhenzhen was wearing a pure white large round skirt with a lot of plush flowers on the skirt, and the whole person was dressed softly and demurely.

Holding Liu Zhenzhen's hand, Qin Lang walked into the five-star Wanguo Hotel, went straight up the elevator and reached the dinner party on the [-]th floor.

Now the entire [-]th floor of the hotel has become a sea of ​​flowers. Under the soft and bright lights, the place is covered with big red roses everywhere, which looks romantic and warm against the men and women who enter the place.

Of course, for the single men and women who enter the dinner venue, such a romantic scene in the venue has a different meaning. A speed-dating process for men and women in the company.

Basically, after every company gathering, there are at least a dozen or more couples in the company who are successfully matched, which is not a small gain.

The business philosophy of Lanrun Group is "stability", "vigor" and "vitality", and "stability" also includes the stability of employees' lives and careers, and the company solves marriage problems for employees, and indirectly solves many problems Things about employees' lives.

The dinner has lighting, flowers, red wine, and nearly a hundred kinds of delicacies in the form of a buffet. In addition, there is a dance floor next to the hall. The food is very rich, and we strive to make every participant of the dinner happy to eat and have fun.

After eating a little bit, many men and women entered the dance floor holding hands, and there was soothing music on the dance floor, the lights were dimmed, and the lasers were already moving.

And here Qin Lang also took Liu Zhenzhen's hand, and was about to enter the dance floor. At this time, a bald fat man in his 40s rushed over and stopped him: "Mr. Qin! Mr. Qin! Wait a minute."

"You are..." Qin Lang turned his head and looked at the bald fat man suspiciously. Qin Lang was very confident in his memory. But the faces are all impressed.

In his memory, he has never seen this person. This guy should not be from Lanrun headquarters, nor a researcher from the laboratory.

Then, the bald fat man in his 40s in front of him is probably a friend brought in by the employees of Lan Run Company to participate in the dinner.

And then the bald fat man spoke, and immediately overturned all Qin Lang's guesses: "Sorry! Mr. Qin, I am the negotiator of Huaxia Jindalee Pharmaceutical Group, Pang Li, our company has taken a fancy to the new drug developed by your Lanrun Pharmaceutical, Decided to buy out the production and sales of the drug, please make a price!"

"You want to buy out the production and sales of my new drug, are you right?"

Qin Lang looked at the fat man suspiciously for a while, and it turned out that this fat man named Pang Li came here uninvited, and he didn't know what was going on in the hotel, so he actually let such a guy in.

"Mr. Qin, don't refuse in a hurry, listen to me first."

Pang Li took a breath, he was a big fat man of nearly two hundred catties, it was really not easy to squeeze around in this crowded place. "Mr. Qin, your Lanrun Pharmaceutical has only been established not long ago. It is no different from a weak seedling in the domestic pharmaceutical industry. It may not be easy to promote new drugs. And our Jindali Pharmaceutical Group is the leading pharmaceutical group in China. With production and sales channels, if you Lanrun Pharmaceutical hand over the production and sales rights of new drugs to Jindadi, we can give you Lanrun a very satisfactory buyout price, how about it?"

"Do you think I would sell a chicken that lays golden eggs for a basket of boiled eggs?"

Qin Lang asked back.

"Hehe, in fact, what you get in exchange for selling the new medicine is not boiled eggs, but fresh eggs, and you can even hatch chicks."

The fat man chuckled, and said: "You Lanrun can get a lot of money after selling the new medicine, and you can use the money to continue research and development! In fact, I think it's pretty good for you Lanrun to directly do pharmaceutical research and development. Yes, after all, the competition in the pharmaceutical sales market is too great... Your Lanrun Pharmaceutical Company has just been established, and there are too many things to do to open up sales channels and face market competition! In this case, corresponding There are many more risks encountered in all aspects, and the risks faced by just doing pharmaceutical research and development may be much smaller.”

"There are no opportunities without risks and challenges. In fact, Lanrun has never been afraid of these, so I'm sorry... I disappointed you. Lanrun Pharmaceutical will not sell the production and sales rights of new drugs."

Qin Lang raised his hand to stop the fat lobbyist from Jindali Pharmaceutical Company from continuing to lobby.

"Hmph, you will regret it then."

Looking at the back of Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen entering the dance floor, Pang Li cursed angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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