The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1407 Inventory of Sales Channels

Chapter 1407 Inventory of Sales Channels

The next day, the top management of Lanrun Group held an internal meeting on the new drug.

"Boss, regarding the distribution channel of Fushen No. [-] in the domestic market, we have already found a pharmaceutical channel provider who is interested in this, and it is Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Supply and Marketing Group, one of the domestic pharmaceutical retail giants."

Tang Qian said in the meeting: "We are the first to start the Lanrun Pharmaceutical section, and currently we don't have our own pharmaceutical sales channels, so we must rely on the channels of these retail distributors to do a good job in the terminal sales of new products."

"The Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Supply and Marketing Group ranks among the top three pharmaceutical distributors in China. If we, Lanrun Pharmaceutical, can establish a good relationship with such distributors, it will be of great help to the further development of the pharmaceutical business and the rapid return of the original new drug research and development funds. help."

"Of course, if we look at it in the long run, we at Lanrun Pharmaceutical must have our own independent pharmaceutical sales channel in the end, but this development process will be very long and requires a lot of planning. At present, we can only take it step by step. You can't eat fat."

"At present, Lanrun has already contacted Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Supply and Marketing Group, and the other party proposed that we need to have a meeting with the person in charge of Lanrun's operation and the investors behind it. Boss, can you confirm the time..."

After listening to the general manager Tang Qian's report, Qin Lang nodded: "Everyone is very good, you have found a domestic pharmaceutical sales channel so quickly, and I agreed to the meeting with Huairen Medical Chain Supply and Marketing Group, just this week It's fine within the time limit, Tang Qian, you can discuss the meeting time with Huairen later."

"Okay, boss." Tang Qian nodded and asked the assistant next to him to record the matter.

Then, as the host of the meeting, Tang Qian continued to say to everyone present: "The new drug Fushen No. [-] will be sold in China, and we can start after we negotiate the conditions with Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Supply and Marketing Group. However, foreign channels still need to be sold." Let's work hard to find a good sub-distributor."

"Currently, the distribution of pharmaceuticals at home and abroad is in a pyramid structure. At the top is the manufacturer, then the general agent of the secondary distributor, and then the third and fourth tier distributors...the level decreases gradually."

"Lanrun's Fushen No. 40.00 function has a significant effect on patients with depression, mania, and mental illness. The effect is about [-]% higher than that of drugs currently on the market. This is a remarkable breakthrough in the history of medicine, so it is being put into the market Afterwards you can expect it to be a hit, it’s not a problem at all to create a frenzy, it’s a huge piece of cake.”

"So, please work hard to cooperate with the company's advertisements to promote the new drug abroad as soon as possible, so as to obtain more profits for the company, and let Lanrun Pharmaceutical develop and grow as soon as possible."

Tang Qian said at the meeting that the next development plan of Lanrun Pharmaceutical is to spread from home to abroad, and all the senior management of the group present are listening carefully and trying to take notes. This meeting is very important, because Lanrun Pharmaceutical Whether it will succeed in the future really depends on how much effort these group executives put in.

This time the meeting lasted for three hours, and after the meeting, Tang Qian asked her assistant to contact Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Supply and Marketing Group to confirm the meeting time and location of the meeting.

"Boss, the meeting will be held at seven o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow in a small box on the ninth floor of the Wanguo Hotel in Shanghai." Tang Qian reported to Qin Langhui after contacting Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group.

"Okay, then you will go to this meeting with me." Qin Lang nodded.


Time quickly turned to the meeting between the two parties. In order to show the sincerity of Lanrun Pharmaceutical, Qin Lang and Lan Qian had already arrived at the Wanguo Hotel half an hour earlier.

Arriving at the reserved box on the ninth floor of this five-star hotel, Qin Lang and Tang Qian were indeed the first to arrive here.

Looking at the star-studded night sky of the magic capital outside the box, Qin Lang sighed: "We have to ask for help from others, and we are always humble, so we belong to the weak side. Next, the people on the medical section of our group should work harder to strive for early recovery. Open up one's own pharmaceutical sales channels, and then you won't have to rely on others so much."

"Yes, boss." Tang Qian nodded, expressing her deep sympathy.

And at seven o'clock, the negotiators of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group also arrived on time, this time it was the general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical and several assistants.

This is a well-mannered middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a gray brocade robe with a retro look.

His name is Luo Lizhi, he is the general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical Group, and he is also a well-known domestic collector in private.

It can be seen that Huairen Pharmaceuticals actually paid great attention to this negotiation. After all, the new drug Fushen No. [-] developed by Lanrun Pharmaceuticals this time is actually not simple. It is a popular drug with great market demand. The reaction after application is so miraculous, so Huairen Medicine is equivalent to borrowing a golden rooster that can lay eggs.

Speaking of it, the channel cooperation in pharmaceutical retail is a win-win situation for both parties, so Qin Lang, Tang Qian and the general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical, Luo Lizhi, have been talking very happily.

"Mr. Luo, then this matter is settled. We, Lanrun Pharmaceutical, are responsible for the production of Fushen No. [-], and you, Huairen Pharmaceutical, are responsible for the sales of the product, which is equivalent to the general agent in China."

"Lanrun Pharmaceutical will give you Huairen pharmaceutical products at the ex-factory price, and your Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group will distribute them to the secondary distributors at 40.00% of the ex-factory price, and then the secondary distributors will increase the price by 20.00%, and give you 60.00% of the ex-factory price. The third-level distributors, and then the third-level distributors will increase the price by 40.00% to retail stores in counties, cities, and districts for distribution, and strictly control the price of the drug circulation link to about double the ex-factory price.”

"In this case, price control is also conducive to the circulation of drugs. Psychotropic drugs are hot-selling products in the market, but their prices have remained high. This time, we did the opposite and strived to be the first to buy The people who buy the new medicine can get benefits, and getting the new medicine a wide reputation is actually a strategy to seize the market. At that time, not only our Lanrun, but even you Huairen Medicine will receive more attention from the general public, and give the company Build a good image."

At the meeting, Qin Lang talked with Luo Lizhi of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group about the distribution strategy of new drugs, and Luo Lizhi also agreed to Lanrun's requirements for the distribution of new drugs in all aspects.

Strictly control the circulation cost and issue price of new drugs. It seems that both Lanrun Pharmaceutical and Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group have suffered a small loss, but considering that this is to establish the corporate image of the two groups, they are making small profits but quick sales. From the strategic line, we can understand more things contained in this strategy.

In any case, this small profit but quick turnover plan is indeed a real big benefit for the common people. The common people feel that the price of the medicine is cheap, so they will be at ease and bold to use the medicine. Even the medicine was not willing to pay for the medicine, and in the end it aggravated the disease.

In fact, today, when the price of medicine is getting more and more outrageous, such things have happened a lot.

It has to be said that the establishment of Qin Lang's pharmaceutical company is a great thing for the majority of Chinese people. Controlling the price of new drug products in the distribution link can be said to be a matter of "thousands of families living Buddha".

Through this meeting, Qin Lang also learned about the business philosophy of his negotiator, Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, which is also in line with Qin Lang's original intention. Huairen...has kindness in his heart and saves all beings. This is Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group business concept.

In the market, we often encounter such a situation, that is, the drug prices of Huairen Pharmaceutical’s terminal retail stores are always the lowest among all pharmaceutical stores in the entire market, and are always lower than the retail terminal prices of other pharmaceutical groups.

Moreover, the service of Huairen's terminal retail store is also top-notch. The same service compares with price, and the same price compares with quality. This is the overall image of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group.

Speaking of which, the Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group is not the oldest among the distributors in China, but in terms of development speed, it is undoubtedly the one with the fastest development in the past ten years. This is probably why Lanrun chose to cooperate with Huairen Pharmaceutical the second reason.

In the future, if Lanrun Pharmaceutical wants to have its own independent distribution channel, it needs to learn more from this current cooperative channel provider. Many aspects of Huairen are worthy of Lanrun's reference.

When Chinese people talk about business, they usually like to settle it at the dinner table, and Qin Lang, Tang Qian, and Mr. Luo of Huairen Medicine are no exception. Afterwards, they chat about some details while having dinner, and discuss the entire cooperation here. All finalized by the end of a meet-and-greet dinner.

"Cheers! Cheers to our cooperation!" Qin Lang raised his red wine bosom to Luo Lizhi at this time.

"Cheers!" General Manager Luo of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group also toasted and turned around.

Afterwards, everyone at the table got up and raised their glasses together. "cheers!"

Everyone drank it.

After eating, Qin Lang took out a refined small box and handed it to Luo Lizhi: "Boss Luo, this is the first time we meet, I know you have a hobby of collecting, please accept a small gift as a respect."

"Oh... what?" Luo Lizhi's love for collections really came from the bottom of his heart, and he immediately opened the gift box full of curiosity.

As soon as the gift box was opened, there were several pieces of antique light yellow broken jade inside, which were broken irregularly, and the pieces were like broken pieces of porcelain.

If ordinary people see this kind of Duanyu, they will definitely dismiss it. What kind of crap is this, and it is used as a gift to give to others, so it is not shameful to throw it away!
However, Luo Lizhi is indeed a well-known collector in China. When he saw these antique pieces of pale yellow broken jade, his eyes lit up immediately, and his hands trembled when the gift box stick was in his palm: "Yangming Topaz, Yangming Gallbladder topaz...I never thought that the jade seed that has been lost for a long time would be seen today, this gift is too precious!"

(End of this chapter)

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