Chapter 1408
In fact, although the Yangming topaz has been lost for a long time, this broken jade is not very valuable. These pieces of broken jade can neither be made into jade bracelets nor ring noodles. It is estimated that they can only be used as a few gadgets in the market. Sell ​​an extra [-] to [-].

Thirty to fifty thousand is a lot of money for ordinary people, but it is really nothing to ordinary rich people nowadays, even a meal is more than this amount.

"Hehe, as long as Mr. Luo likes it, it's fine. This kind of jade is nothing, but if you put it in the hands of someone who knows the goods like Mr. Luo, you've really found the right person."

Qin Lang chuckled and said, he got these pieces of broken jade from Miao Jiang by accident, and at that time he thought they were worth collecting so he put them in his pocket. Now, in order to build a good relationship with Luo Lizhi, the general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, it can be regarded as borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

These broken pieces of Yangming topaz can only be sold for tens of thousands of yuan in the hands of ordinary people, but in the eyes of collectors like Luo Lizhi, they are priceless treasures, rare objects that cannot be bought no matter how much money is spent.

On the other hand, Luo Lizhi is not a person who doesn't understand the world. He knew that Qin Tian had carefully studied his hobbies, and then did what he liked, and gave him such a valuable item. Naturally, he also remembered this favor.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang really chose the right gift this time. The price was not high, but it undoubtedly brought the distance between the two parties closer. It will undoubtedly be much more convenient to deal with in the future cooperation process.


When leaving, Qin Lang took Tang Qian into his own Audi A8: "Tang Qian, you didn't drive, I will take you home."

"Thank you, boss." The intellectual beauty Tang Qian supported the frame of the gold-rimmed glasses and said with a slight smile.

After drinking a little wine, Tang Qian's face turned red. This beauty with a skinny figure looks very seductive, and she is so beautiful that even Qin Lang was stunned by the slightly blurred eyes at this moment. .

However, Qin Lang is a very determined person, the ripples in his heart disappeared in a flash, and after the two got into the car, they started driving seriously.

Tang Qian's current residence is in Yunhai City. In order to facilitate her work, her residence is not far from Yunhai Building. It takes about three hours to travel from Shanghai to Yunhai by high-speed highway. It is not too far, but it is not too close either.

"Tang Qian, your cousin Tang Xue seems to be 32 years old now, and you don't look too young, 27 or [-], right? Why are you two sisters still not married and looking for a partner? Have you found someone you like?"

Qin Lang chatted while driving, concerned about the private affairs of his beautiful subordinates.

"Well, 27, I haven't found a partner yet." Tang Qian replied next to him.

She was a little nervous, although she was an out-and-out strong woman in Lanrun Company, but she didn't know why, she felt a little strange now, maybe it was because Qin Lang raised this question.

"27, it's time to find someone at this age. I personally feel that it's not good for a woman to find a partner when she's too old. It's too disadvantageous. In the past few years, the company has held blind dates at the annual meeting. It seems that there are several times. Why didn't you watch any of them? Is it up..." Qin Lang asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm still focusing on my career, and I feel that I haven't found the time to find a partner. Besides, it's a new era, and this society is not so traditional. Even if a woman is over 30 and starts a family, it's not a big deal... ..."

Tang Qian answered very seriously, and it could be seen that this beautiful subordinate had high expectations for the other half of her future life.

"Well, the more capable a woman is, the more difficult it is to find a good man who is well-matched."

Qin Lang muttered, with Tang Qian's current ability, it is really not easy to find someone who is of the right age and who is more capable than her.

This is also a common problem among professional white-collar workers in metropolises nowadays, because good men are hard to find, so all of them are moving towards the direction of older leftover women.

Nearly three hours later, the Audi A8 got off the expressway, and now it is only a few ten minutes' drive from Yunhai City. This section is a winding national road surrounded by mountains.

It is said that the car was walking on such a mountain road after eleven o'clock at night, and the surroundings were dark and there were no street lights. It was really scary, and the timid people must be very scared.

And Qin Lang didn't drive much, suddenly his expression changed, he hurriedly turned the car sideways, and at the same time stepped on the brakes, and quickly came to a drifting stop.

During this process, the Audi A8 slid directly for nearly 20 meters with strong inertia. There was no way, the speed was too fast before, and Qin Lang still drove at the same speed when he came down from the high speed, and even drove faster because there were no traffic lights. Directly opened more than 140 yards.

After gliding for more than 20 meters, the car finally stopped just before hitting an obstacle on the road ahead. Yes, the road ahead has been artificially blocked, and a large truck was parked in the middle of the road.

What kind of person is so wicked? Parking a large truck in the middle of the national highway in such a dark environment will definitely kill many passing vehicles after a long time.

After Qin Lang stopped the car, he was startled when he was about to get out of the car, because seven or eight burly men with weapons got off the opposite truck.

Although these seven or eight burly men were ordinary people, it was obvious that they parked the truck here not just because of their nerves, but premeditated.

Could it be that these people came here for themselves?Qin Lang was stunned, and felt a little funny when he thought of this. Now he has already transcended the category of normal people, standing at the top of the pyramid in this world, if seven or eight ordinary people really come here for him, they are undoubtedly ants The image is too incredible.

No matter how tough these big guys are, they are not qualified to deal with him, let alone seven or eight, even a hundred of them will be useless!This is not a problem of physique, but a problem of life level. After all, Qin Lang is an extremely powerful cultivator, and he is also a high-level cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Therefore, in the eyes of people of Qin Lang's level, the seven or eight big men in front of him are actually no different from fleas, and the steel rods and iron bars in these people's hands are no different from toys in his eyes.

Sure enough, these people in front of me are here for Qin Lang, probably sent by some idiot competitor who has a hostile relationship with Lan Run, and without carefully understanding and analyzing the specific situation of the opponent, he rashly sent a bunch of gangsters out to make a fuss This scene in front of me.

This group of gangsters rushed over with steel and iron rods at this time, half of them started to smash the car, and half of them saw Qin Lang, who was looking at them coldly with his hands behind his back, and threw their weapons at Qin Lang in displeasure.

While smashing and smashing, these gangsters were also shouting: "Fuck! This guy can't be scared, he doesn't know how to escape!"

When they think about it, when ordinary people encounter the situation before them, seeing them is definitely the same as seeing the God of Plague.

However, these seven or eight gangsters all wanted to go wrong, and the next situation developed somewhat beyond their expectations.

Papa papa papa, in an instant, everyone flew out backwards, at least ten feet away. .

On Qin Lang's side, not only Qin Lang's car was fine, but even Qin Lang himself was fine.

While the seven or eight gangsters were flying upside down, all the weapons in their hands were lost, and they were snatched by Qin Lang in a sweep, and they were twisted into twists and thrown on the ground, jingling non-stop.

What a great power!
Superman doesn't have that power, does he? !

After landing, the seven or eight gangsters gasped in pain. It is estimated that each of them had at least three broken ribs. They fell hard enough, and some of them were so painful that they couldn't control their tears.

"Ah..." The scream sounded at this time. It can be seen that although the series of actions just now were complicated, the whole process was very fast. In just a few seconds, everything happened. up.

And after flying and injuring the seven or eight gangsters, Qin Lang clapped his hands, and scanned around with his consciousness a little bored, only to find that there was a guy hiding behind the horizontal truck, a very familiar big man fat man.

"Isn't this person the fat man I met when I was holding a celebration banquet at the Wanguo Hotel in Shanghai a few days ago?"

When his consciousness swept over this fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms, Qin Lang's eyes narrowed slightly: "This fat man seems to be called Pang Li, and he is a negotiator sent by the Jindali Pharmaceutical Group. , To actually want to represent Jin Dali to acquire all the patent rights of the new drug Fushen No. [-] just developed by Lanrun, and to monopolize all the production and sales rights of the new drug, it is really ridiculous."

"The new drug is the first child produced by the Lanrun Pharmaceutical Laboratory. Of course, it cannot be sold easily, and anyone with a brain knows that this is a cash cow. Of course, I will firmly hold all the rights to the new drug in the palm of my hand. ...So I directly and decisively rejected this person at the beginning."

"Speaking of which, Jin Dali is also one of the top three in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, and his reputation even surpasses that of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, which is also a pharmaceutical distributor. Back then, it would have been possible for Lan Run to cooperate with a pharmaceutical distributor like Jin Dali. It's a pity. What's more, because the Jindali Pharmaceutical Group was completely defiant before, the practice of directly acquiring Fushen No. [-] was really disgusting, so when Lanrun Pharmaceutical was looking for a channel provider, Qin Lang didn't even consider Jindali Pharmaceutical Group. It directly found the Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, which is not far behind Jin Dali in the pharmaceutical industry."

"And after Lanrun refused to sell the production and sales rights of Fushen No. [-], Jin Dali actually called several times later, wanting to indirectly carry out the agency and sales of new drugs, which is actually a kind of concession. It's a pity. It is my Lanrun who has already started to negotiate a specific cooperation plan with Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, so it directly rejected Jin Dali."

"Now, Jin Dali's Pang Li made such a foolish trick to retaliate against himself, probably because he was angry because he could not get the right to produce and sell new drugs. If ordinary people encounter this scene before them, it is really the same as encountering a murder. It's a pity that... I am not an ordinary person."

After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Qin Lang, who was a little annoyed, went directly to the back of the big truck at this time, and carried the fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms like a chicken.

After witnessing Qin Lang's supernatural performance before, this big fat man weighing more than 200 jin was really frightened and stupid at the moment. When Qin Lang gently grabbed his collar, he didn't move at all.

However, Qin Lang smelled a bad smell at this time, and when he lowered his head, he found that the water stains between the guy's buttocks had been dripping down. It turned out that the big fat man Pang Li was so frightened that he became incontinent.

(End of this chapter)

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