The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1409 Money Comes In

Chapter 1409 Money Comes In

It is estimated that Qin Lang's superman's performance was too shocking, which frightened the big fat man like this. Although this guy is not moving on the surface, in fact, his whole body is trembling slightly all the time.

This guy is acting like a coward now, but he can't be blamed for that. As long as Qin Lang let go of his aura, few ordinary people can stand in front of him.

And the Pang Li in front of him just performed a little worse, and Qin Lang couldn't even arouse the slightest interest in such an ordinary opponent.

However, Pang Li was the mastermind of this idiot's plan, but he had to be punished.

Because Qin Lang knew that if he let him go easily, other people might think that he was easy to bully in the future, and all clowns would jump out and get involved, trying to deal with him.

Therefore, Qin Lang smiled coldly, directly broke the two arms of the big fat man, and threw him to the ground.

Pang Li immediately cried out in pain, looking at Qin Lang with fear in his eyes.

He only thinks that Qin Lang is an elegant devil, usually very civilized, but if he provokes Qin Lang, Qin Lang will not hesitate to resort to the means of the devil. In short, the consequences of offending Qin Lang are very serious, and he should not dare to do this again in the future.

Qin Lang finished this matter coldly, without any emotional fluctuations.

Then, Qin Lang took a few steps forward, easily lifted the truck weighing dozens of tons with one hand, and then lifted it high above his head like a weightlifter.

"get out!"

Qin Lang threw the entire truck blocking the road, and threw it directly to the side of the cliff and fell down. Ten seconds later, there was an earth-shattering loud noise.


Now that the roadblock is finally gone, after kicking the disabled people on the national highway, Qin Lang once again got on the Audi A8, with a bang of the accelerator, and a row at the end, this high-end German car once again headed towards the city of Yunhai at an astonishing speed.

The original roadside of the National Highway, after leaving a burst of pain and groans, looks extraordinarily weird in this dark night, and I don't know if it will scare other drivers passing by behind.

After Qin Lang drove back to Yunhai, he sent Tang Qian to his residence and then went directly back to Yunhai Building, where he lived a small life with Liu Zhenzhen who lives in Yunhai Building.

And the cooperation between Lanrun and Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group is also in full swing. Lanrun's pharmaceutical factory is also located in the sea of ​​clouds, and it encloses a place in the suburbs with more than 200 mu of land. These days, the new building is less than a month old. The pharmaceutical factory is extremely busy, all the workers are working overtime, Fushen No. [-] is being produced batch by batch.

The new drug "Fushen No. [-]" is a tablet, about every ten tablets is a version, and the second version is packed in a packaging box.

The packing box is very refined and green, which symbolizes environmental protection and safety. There is also the logo of the new drug on it, which is a young golden dragon, and the words "Lanrun Pharmaceutical" are written on the bottom.

The whole package is both beautiful and eye-catching. Lanrun has spent a lot of thought on this first new drug product. Just for this packaging box, three advertising design companies have been invited to come up with no less than a dozen proposals, and finally they have decided on the one in front of them. box version.

The design of the entire packaging box cost more than 70 yuan, which is not a lot of money, but it is not too little. For the entire Lanrun executives, as long as the new product can successfully launch the first shot and become the champion in the market, it will be considered a waste of money. It's worth the extra money.

With the current production speed of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory, there is only one production line in operation at present. The output of new drugs is about one ton per day, about [-] boxes, and the handover is about every ten days, and the produced products are handed over to the cooperative channel business. Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group.

This speed is not fast. After all, Lanrun Pharmaceutical starts from scratch, so it is understandable that there is only one production line at present.

In the follow-up, the second production line is actually under preparation. It is estimated that after the machine is in place, it can be assembled by the end of next month, and the production speed of the product will be accelerated a lot by then.

It is worth mentioning that all the production equipment of Lanrun Pharmaceutical is imported from Germany, and the supporting equipment is absolutely the most high-end in the world today. The price of equipment for a production line is about [-] million. It can be said that Lanrun Group has In addition to the laboratory, the investment in the pharmaceutical sector is the largest investment in the production line of the entire pharmaceutical factory.

However, Qin Lang thinks such an investment is worth it. His business philosophy has always been to either do nothing or do the best, so the entire production line of the pharmaceutical factory uses the best machines in the world instead of using, for example, Second-rate equipment from countries like the island nation instead.

On the other hand, there is always some gap between Huaxia and the world's first-class medical heavy industry and precision instruments. This is also a fly in the ointment, so that Qin Lang, who has always been patriotic, can't support domestic products.

Raw medicinal materials-purification-processing-extraction-concentration-extraction-drying-crushing-tabletting-coating-finished pharmaceutical equipment!
These steps are the entire pharmaceutical production process, which is very complicated and precise. Modern medicine is really extraordinary, and the degree of development of modern medicine is beyond the imagination of the ancients. Just like every ordinary doctor in modern times, in ancient times, he could be a doctor. Like a miracle doctor.

The ex-factory price of each box of "Fushen No. 40.00" tablets produced by Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory is about 20.00 yuan and 11 cents. It looks like 40.00 yuan, and then the second-level distributor adds 15% to the third-level distributor, which looks like [-] yuan, and then the third-level distributor increases the price by [-]% for terminal sales in county, city, and district retail stores, almost [-] around yuan.

The above is the cost and profit of the channel provider, and the terminal sales are carried out in these four-level county, city, and district retail stores. Generally speaking, the retail stores will increase the price by one to two times on the basis of the purchase cost, so in the end When "Fushen No. 15" comes out, the price should be between 30 yuan and [-] yuan, which is the price that ordinary people see when they buy medicines.

Although such a price is more than five times higher than the ex-factory price, it is considered very kind in the entire pharmaceutical industry, especially the category of psychotropic drugs. Many similar products are more than half the price of "Fushen No. [-]". And it is far inferior to this new drug in terms of the curative effect of the drug.

Therefore, the launch of "Fushen No. [-]" is definitely a good news for the general public. It not only saves a lot of money to buy medicines, but also can quickly and effectively treat diseases. Why not do it...

Before the launch of the new product, Qin Lang's Lanrun organized a new round of advertising bombing in China's major media, and spent about 5000 million in advertising fees to conduct a round of warm-up activities for the launch of the new product. The hype is also one of the agreements signed with Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, which belongs to the promotion obligation of Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

The effect of the advertising bombardment was obvious. Before the new product was released, many people asked about this new drug from major pharmacies in the market, and many people asked about it.

After all, as the pace of modern life accelerates, more and more people suffer from mental illnesses. Depression, mania, and mental illness have become the number one killers of modern diseases, far surpassing other diseases such as cancer and liver disease.

Otherwise, how could the country set up a special psychiatric hospital in every city above the prefecture level? It is really caused by the increasing number of this type of patients, and the treatment methods for these patients have been the same in the past ten or twenty years. There are a limited number of species, which are relatively backward.


On the [-]th of this month, Lanrun Group's "Fushen No. [-]" was finally launched in the terminal store of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, and on the [-]th of this month, because of the launch of this new drug, all terminals in Huairen The shops became crowded, and a large number of relatives of patients who got the news came to the pharmacy to snap up the new drug.

The popularity of the new drug is indeed unexpected, but it is reasonable. It is really that the advertising effect invested by Lanrun Group before is too lethal. It's a few blisters, isn't it?
With an investment of more than [-] million yuan in advertising, knowledgeable people have to admire the courage of Lanrun Group in this regard, and Lanrun Group is also full of confidence in new drugs to invest and publicize on such a large scale. In fact, "Fushen Yi Lanrun has spent at least one billion yuan on the research and development of the product, production line and advertising investment.

More than a billion yuan is quite a lot of money. Even if a new drug is developed, it is not easy to earn enough for the research and development, production, and publicity costs in the market, and it may even be a loss. book.

But knowledgeable people also know that "Fushen No. 40.00" will never have the above situation. If the product is really as advertised, exceeding [-]% of the curative effect of all psychotropic drugs on the market, then the sales will definitely be higher. It will be very hot.

Even if the new drug is not as miraculous as advertised, as long as it exceeds [-]% of the curative effect of all psychotropic drugs on the market, the effect is already very obvious. This new drug is definitely worth pursuing.

Therefore, all of Lanrun's investments are basically stable profits without losses, and now it is just waiting for the Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group to transfer the withdrawn funds to Lanrun's medical account one by one.

On the fourth day after the launch of Lanrun's "Fushen No. [-]" new drug, Luo Lizhi, the general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, called Qin Lang in a hurry.

"Mr. Qin, the new medicine has been sold out in three days, please ask your pharmaceutical factory to speed up the follow-up supply! This is not enough to fit your teeth! In addition, the money for the first batch of new medicine has already been paid. I'm calling."


Qin Lang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the other party's ridicule, but it would take half a month for Lan Run's second-day production line to be completed, and the third, fourth, and fifth production lines were all under construction. Among them, this process cannot be rushed at all.

Later, Qin Lang had a phone call with the director of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory and Tang Xue, the financial manager of Lanrun Group, and conveyed Luo Lizhi's words. Tang Xue, the financial director, told Qin Lang that Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group won the first prize On the day when the new drug was approved, the payment for the drug had already been transferred to Lanrun Pharmaceutical's financial account.

Although this amount of money is not much, less than 20, it is also a good sign, which means that Lan Run Company has finally started to make money in the medical field.

(End of this chapter)

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