Chapter 1410
Next, the production lines of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory began to be put in place one after another. On average, a new production line can be assembled in about ten days. In one month, the production line has increased from the original one to three.

In the past month, the sales volume of Lanrun Pharmaceutical's "Fushen No. 200" has reached [-] million yuan.

The Lanrun Group recently borrowed 25 billion from the bank to increase the production line of the pharmaceutical factory. The follow-up plan is to expand the scale of the pharmaceutical factory to have more than [-] production lines.

If the 25 production lines are dedicated to the production of the new drug "Fushen No. 5000", the monthly factory sales will be about [-] million. This scale is already very large, and it is estimated that it is more than enough to meet the market demand of the entire China.

In this case, the annual output value of the pharmaceutical factory's production of "Fushen No. 18" is [-] billion. After deducting related costs and personnel wages and benefits, the net profit is about [-] billion.

A net profit of [-] billion a year is equivalent to the money paid by a pharmaceutical factory to purchase three production lines each year. It will take about five years to repay the [-] billion loan. Of course, if interest is added, it is estimated that It will take about six years.

This is already very good. At present, the new drug only occupies the top spot in the domestic psychiatric drug market. If it expands its distribution channels overseas, I believe that the speed of return of Lanrun Pharmaceutical will be faster.

And the new drug made its first shot in China, and it also made Qin Lang, the largest investor, and the large and small shareholders of the pharmaceutical industry see hope, and increased the investment in the laboratory, so that those researchers can feel more at ease. Carry out research attempts on various new drugs, no need to worry about funding and stop research.

The successful entry of the new drug into the market has received a good response in the market, and it has also made the entire Lanrun Pharmaceutical sector start to become more vigorous. Currently, the funds are in a virtuous circle process, and the future prospects are immeasurable.

At present, the cooperation between Qin Lang's Lanrun Pharmaceutical and Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group has become closer because of "Fushen No. [-]", which is like a golden chicken that can lay eggs.

Now not only Lanrun, but even Huairen Medicine has directly or indirectly benefited from this, because new drugs are only sold at Huairen's chain terminals, and now the flow of customers in the pharmaceutical market has begun to flow geometrically to Huairen's facades. The income has driven several times the popularity and formed a good reputation. In the past few months, the turnover has also been rising steadily, and it has doubled several times.

The executive general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group also formed an alliance with Lanrun Pharmaceutical because of his unique vision, and borrowed this lucky golden rooster for Huairen, which was well received by Huairen.

I heard that when Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group held the board of directors, Luo Lizhi's annual salary was raised by half to 500 million because of this matter. For Luo Lizhi, this is indeed something to be proud of .

To Luo Lizhi, money is actually a trivial matter, the key is that he has been affirmed by the whole company, and the achievements and prestige he brings are of great significance.

And Luo Lizhi, who is proud of the spring breeze, now often communicates with Qin Lang on the phone, sometimes chatting all over the place, and the relationship between the two is not just a partnership in the business field, it has become more and more like a friend.

On this day, when Qin Lang was chatting with Luo Lizhi on the phone for a while, Luo Lizhi suddenly gave Qin Lang a message: "Enke Pharmaceutical, our foreign partner of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, will come to China for inspection recently. There are sales channels in more than a dozen countries, if Lanrun is interested, we can talk to Enke Pharmaceuticals about cooperation in overseas channels.”

"Enke Pharmaceuticals?"

After Qin Lang answered the phone, he asked the company's assistant to check this foreign pharmaceutical industry giant for himself. After the investigation, he found out that Enke Pharmaceuticals started out selling condoms, and it also has several exclusive sales rights for pharmaceutical and health products in the world. At present, it has become one of the world's top [-] enterprises.

However, Enke Medicine's strength among overseas pharmaceutical distributors is not ranked high, at most outside the top [-].

Even so, Qin Lang was overjoyed. After all, the current Lanrun Pharmaceutical was founded not long ago, and through domestic cooperation with distributors such as Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, it barely made a name for itself and gained a firm foothold.

As far as foreign countries are concerned, there is simply a blank for the current Lanrun Pharmaceutical. If you can use the news provided by Luo Lizhi now, seize the opportunity to contact Enke Pharmaceuticals, and "recombine" the new drug through Enke Pharmaceuticals' overseas sales channels. It is undoubtedly a very wonderful thing to promote "Shenyi No. [-]" to overseas markets.

As for the matter, in the past half a month, all the executives of Lanrun Group have been thinking about this matter, that is, how to promote new drugs overseas as soon as possible.

Because it is the first time to set foot in the new field of medicine, the relationship network of Lan Run Group in the field of medicine is almost like a blank sheet of paper, so it has always been at a loss as to how to open up overseas channels.

Afterwards, Qin Lang kept in touch with Luo Lizhi by phone, asking Luo Lizhi to do a little favor and let him keep an eye on when Enke Pharmaceutical, a foreign pharmaceutical tycoon, would enter the Huaxia market for inspection, so that he could find an opportunity to contact him at that time.

Luo Lizhi is really a good friend, and he has been paying attention to this matter since then, and he contacted Qin Lang suddenly half a month later: "There is news, the investigation team of Enke Pharmaceutical will arrive in Shanghai in three days, when several domestic The giants in the pharmaceutical industry are holding a pharmaceutical exchange meeting, and welcome this foreign pharmaceutical peer investigation team to come."

"The people who can join this pharmaceutical exchange meeting are the top ten companies in Huaxia's pharmaceutical industry. Originally, you, Lanrun Pharmaceutical, were not qualified as a new company, but we, Huairen Pharmaceutical, are also one of the organizers of the event, so we can." I will send you an invitation letter in advance, and then you can enter the venue of the exchange meeting with the invitation letter, brother."

After listening to Luo Lizhi's words, Qin Lang was very grateful and said: "Then trouble Mr. Luo." Luo Lizhi is very good, and Qin Lang's emotional investment during this period has finally paid off. For overseas sales channels, you can see your own performance at the medical exchange meeting at that time.

However, the new drug "Fushen No. [-]" was very successful, and Qin Lang had every reason to believe that it was impossible for Enke Medicine's overseas delegation to be tempted by such an excellent new drug.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time to use new drugs to open up overseas sales markets. Now that we encounter Enke Medicine, it is just a little bit earlier.


In Shanghai, No. [-] Gymnasium is the meeting place for this exchange meeting.

The No. [-] Stadium is also one of the landmark buildings in Shanghai. It has an indoor football field that can accommodate tens of thousands of fans, as well as other sports venues such as swimming pools, golf courses, and badminton.

But this time the exchange meeting actually only occupied a very small area of ​​the gymnasium, and some arrangements were made.Although it is said to be a small venue, it is actually not small. There is absolutely no problem in accommodating two to 3000 people.

The entire venue was arranged like a red carpet. This event was said to be to welcome the Enke Pharmaceutical inspection team, but it was actually a gathering of many domestic pharmaceutical industry giants. Usually, as competitors, it is rare for everyone to have the opportunity to appear together. Therefore, these giants in the pharmaceutical industry attach great importance to this exchange meeting.

On this day, Qin Lang also appeared at the exchange meeting with an invitation letter, accompanied by Tang Qian, the general manager of Lanrun Group, and his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen.

After entering the venue, Qin Lang discovered that the interior of the venue for the exchange meeting was even more luxurious than that of a five-star hotel. The tables and chairs in the meeting venue were all made of the most expensive mahogany, and the table was filled with various rare fruits and drinks. In addition, dozens of oil paintings were hung on the walls around the conference venue, and Qin Lang even saw one that was said to be an authentic work by Picasso.

The foreign representatives of the Enke inspection team have not yet arrived at the exchange meeting. At present, the exchange meeting is gathering these pharmaceutical giants in China, and when Qin Lang led people into the exchange venue, he only heard that the entire venue is now full of each other. The hum of conversation.

"Really, you and Tang Qian stay here first, and I will go around first." Qin Lang said to Liu Zhenzhen.

"Okay." Liu Zhenzhen nodded and rested in a corner of the venue with Tang Qian.

Qin Lang searched for a long time, but he didn't find Luo Lizhi, the general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group. Now, many people in the hall seemed rather crowded. Qin Lang bumped into a guy accidentally during the search process. He said sorry and got ready. He continued to move forward, but was held back by the man.

"Wait, I know you, aren't you the boss of the newly emerging Lanrun Pharmaceutical Company in Huaxia?" the man said to Qin Lang.

"Oh, may I ask if you are..."

Qin Lang looked up in surprise, and saw a young man with a head as big as Einstein, but a thin body, in his 20s.

"Haha, let me introduce, Sun Haotian, the chairman of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, is my grandfather, and Luo Lizhi, the general manager, is my uncle...My name is Sun Jiatian, and I just came back from abroad to take over from the old man."

The guy with the big brain said with a grin.

It turned out to be the third-generation son of the partner Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, but although this guy was wearing a formal suit, he was very disheveled, even the buttons on his suit were wrong, and he looked oily.

Out of politeness, Qin Lang stretched out his hand: "Nice to meet you, I am Qin Lang from Lanrun Company."


Seeing Qin Lang being so polite, the big-brained Sun Jiatian was overjoyed, and he didn't want to let go of Qin Lang's hand.

"Come on, come with me, you don't know... I stayed abroad for three years, and this time I returned to China, and I heard a lot about you. Not only grandpa and uncle praised you, saying that we are pregnant The boss of Lan Run, Ren's partner, is a great business talent, and even some of my buddies in the circle of playmates admire you very much, because you taught Duan Feifei's cousin a lesson."

"Duan Feifei?"

Qin Lang was puzzled, he had never heard of this name.

"Duan Feifei is the third son of Duan Ritian of Jindale Pharmaceutical Group. He is also very famous in our generation. He is a lawless master..."

Sun Jiatian is simply a chatterbox, he never stops talking.

And Qin Lang also understood at this time, he dared to tell Sun Jiatian that he had taught Jin Dali and the gang of scum before, because Pang Li, who had been severely taught by Qin Lang, was a member of Jin Dali Pharmaceutical Group, and he was also a member of the stinky boy in front of him. The uncle of that same dude, Duan Feifei.

(End of this chapter)

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