The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1412 Giants Gathering

Chapter 1412 Giants Gathering
After a while, Qin Lang finally met his old friend Luo Lizhi, general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group.

He is now accompanying five or six international friends into the venue of the exchange meeting. These five or six international friends must be the team sent by Enke Pharmaceuticals to Asia for investigation.

Seeing this, Qin Lang went up to meet them, and extended a hand of friendship to these people. The foreigners in front of them were startled, and they didn't know what Qin Lang was from, so they turned their heads to look at Luo Lizhi, the person who led the way.

"This is Boss Qin of Lanrun Medicine, a rising star in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry. Don't think that Boss Qin underestimates him because he is young. His Lanrun Medicine has gathered the best medical scientists in the world, and the research results are very gratifying. "

Luo Lizhi chuckled and introduced it to several Enke medical representatives around him.

He has a good relationship with Qin Lang, so he is naturally willing to say good things about Qin Lang on this occasion.

The translator next to him translated Luo Lizhi's words naturally and accurately, and then the five or six medical representatives of the Enke investigation group suddenly realized.

"Isn't Lanrun Pharmaceutical the one that cooperates with your Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group? I heard that Lanrun is amazing. The psychotherapeutic drug "Fushen No. 40.00" developed can increase the medical effect by [-]% I don’t know if it is true? If it is true, it is really at the international leading level, and Enke is also interested in talking with Lan Run.”

"Of course it's true."

Qin Lang laughed, and shook hands with Luo Lizhi and these Enke's medical representatives at this time, and the two sides had initially known each other.

Several medical representatives of Enke were even a little flattered, and greeted Qin Lang in a friendly way, wishing that Qin Lang could remember their names firmly.

Because they know that Enke will definitely have some contact with Lanrun Pharmaceutical in the future. Now that they have met the big boss of Lanrun Pharmaceutical, they may be able to get unexpected benefits in the future.

"These representatives of Enke Pharmaceuticals still have important inspection tasks to discuss with the top ten domestic pharmaceutical giants in detail here. Boss Qin, you may have to wait a little bit about the cooperation with Lanrun New Drug Channel. Wait for these pharmaceutical companies After the representative is busy with the matter at hand, I will send someone over to call you."

At this time Luo Lizhi said to Qin Lang.

"It's okay, you guys do your work first."

Qin Lang waved his hand and said very understandingly.

Then Luo Zhifei led the Enke investigation team to the center of the exchange meeting, and plunged into the crowd. Big names gathered in that direction, and the biggest heads of the top ten giant drug giants basically gathered there.

And Qin Lang returned to his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen and Tang Qian, found a table by the side of the venue, sat down, rested and waited quietly.

"Miss, can I have a dance with you?" At this moment, a voice rang out from the table, and at the same time, a big head came over. It was actually that brat, Sun Jiatian, who for some reason now took aim at Qin Lang's girlfriend. , came over to invite.

There is a special place for dancing on site. The planning of this exchange meeting is very careful. The exchange meeting in front of us is also divided into regions. There is a dance floor not far away for the participants of the exchange meeting as a pastime.

However, there are not many people on the dance floor, there are only a dozen or so people sparsely, and most of them are actually gathered at the exchange meeting. After all, the main goal of everyone who comes here is not to entertain, but to obtain some cutting-edge medicine industry information.

After all, all the people present are businessmen, and businessmen are a group based on interests.

"I'm sorry, I have company."

Liu Zhenzhen rejected this guy with a smile.

"So? May I invite you, lady."

Sun Jiatian's goal shifted, and he began to invite Tang Qian who was next to him. This kid is really lustful. Speaking of which, Liu Zhenzhen and Tang Qian are both great beauties. The appearance of the two is also rare in the whole venue, no wonder Sun Jiatian will take a look over.

"Cough!" Qin Lang next to him coughed dryly at this moment, distracting Sun Jiatian's attention.

But at this time, when the stinky boy saw Qin Lang, he was taken aback for a moment, and began to scratch his head wondering: "Brother, have we met before, why do I always feel familiar when I look at you?"

"No, we haven't seen each other."

Qin Lang quickly said that part of Sun Jiatian's memory was sealed by him before, and he was also afraid that this guy would suddenly think of something and haunt him again.

"That's really strange. Although the two of us have never met, I feel very close... This means that we must be destined for each other. Maybe we were brothers in the previous life."

Sun Jiatian paused, smacked to a conclusion, and then leaned forward: "Brother, since we are destined, let's ask for help!"

"Sorry, I'm not free."

Qin Lang coughed again, quickly got up to avoid this guy, then dragged Liu Zhenzhen, took Lan Qian with him and left here as if fleeing.

"It's really strange. Why are you rushing away here? Wouldn't it be good to get to know each other?"

The big-headed second-generation grandson Jiatian looked at the background of Qin Lang and the other three suspiciously, wondering.

Then, this guy with the character of Tang Seng turned his head and saw that several of his bodyguards had strange expressions on their faces, and they were all blushing, as if they were struggling, so he asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? Could it be that the venue Is the air conditioner turned on too much? Or maybe I drank too much water just now and wanted to go to the bathroom. If you want to go to the bathroom, go quickly. I am safe in this venue now, and I don’t need your protection.”


Finally, a guy couldn't help spraying, and then coughed continuously, and he didn't recover for a long time.

And when the first bodyguard sprayed it, it was like a contagious disease broke out, and the other bodyguards around him also lost their breath, and each of them finally panted like an old hen.

At this time, Sun Jiatian leaned in front of a few bodyguards, looked at this and that, and reached out to touch the foreheads of these bodyguards: "I'm not sick, I don't have a fever? What's the matter, you two?"

In order to hide the truth about the treasure in front of them, the next few bodyguards really endured a lot of hard work, so I won't mention anything for now.

Qin Lang took the two beauties to the exchange venue for a while, and slowly admired the dozens of oil paintings around the exchange meeting. At this time, Luo Lizhi's personal assistant finally came to find him: "Boss Qin, yes The task of the scientific investigation team has basically been completed, and we, Mr. Luo, will let you go there."


Hearing the news, Qin Lang was also refreshed, and now it was finally his turn to start playing, and then he signaled Lan Qian to follow him to negotiate with these foreign medical representatives.


Qin Lang entered the crowd and greeted several medical representatives of Enke again.

"Who is this young fellow?"

The people around hadn't dispersed yet. At this time, several pharmaceutical giants began to chat, and Luo Lizhi next to him began to introduce to everyone: "This is Qin Lang from Lanrun Pharmaceutical, and he is also a rising star in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry."

"Oh, I know Lanrun Pharmaceutical. The pharmaceutical company that developed "Fushen No. [-]" is really good."

While some pharmaceutical giants around suddenly realized, they also looked at Qin Lang with a little more respect.

In fact, most of these top ten domestic pharmaceutical giants are arrogant masters, and they usually dismiss people with unequal status. However, Qin Lang and Lanrun Company have recently set off a wave in the Huaxia pharmaceutical market with the help of "Fushen No. [-]". The wind and waves also made these old guys regard Qin Lang as a member with equal status like them.

However, although most of the top ten pharmaceutical giants in China appreciate Qin Lang, there is still an old guy who is very dissatisfied with Qin Lang, "It's just a brat, don't be complacent with some achievements, you think that just a new drug can Do you have a firm foothold in the market? The pharmaceutical industry is in a deep water, and you will cry if you are not careful."

"Who is this person?"

Qin Lang frowned, the other party's words were harsh.

He glanced up and saw that the person who said such harsh words was a fat, big-eared, pot-bellied old guy with a large tonnage. This guy reminded Qin Lang of the fat man Pang Li he had taught him a lesson.

"He is Duan Ritian, the chairman of Jindalee Pharmaceutical Group."

Beside, Luo Lizhi reminded Qin Lang at this time.

"It turned out to be Jin Dali's chairman, so no wonder the old man wants to ridicule me."

Qin Lang nodded to express his understanding. The old guy in front of him once wanted to acquire the production and sales rights of "Fushen No. [-]" from Lanrun Company. .

However, now Qin Lang doesn't have much time to talk nonsense with the old guy. It's better to get the business done first, discuss the cooperation with Enke and other members of the inspection team, and open up Lanrun's overseas sales channels.

Afterwards, Qin Lang ignored Duan Ritian, a dead old man, and started chatting with five or six members of the investigation team of Enke Pharmaceuticals, vigorously promoting his new drug "Fushen No. [-]".

After some exchanges, these representatives of Enke had a better understanding of Lanrun's "Fushen No. [-]". They exchanged glances with each other, and they were all moved by the new drug introduced by Qin Lang.

However, after the five or six members of the inspection team chatted with each other for a while, one of the representatives said helplessly to Qin Lang, "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin Lang, your new drug "Fushen No. [-]" is really exciting to us. However, the authority of these people in our inspection team is not enough, and they cannot directly make channel agency and sales decisions for the headquarters. Therefore, the specific content negotiations need you to go to our country M headquarters in person before it can be truly implemented. "

"Oh, that's it! It's all right, we'll go."

Qin Lang nodded after listening, and said that the people from Lanrun will rush to country M to conduct further cooperation negotiations with Enke headquarters, and finalize the matter of agency and sales through overseas channels.

Meanwhile, Duan Ritian, chairman of Jin Dali, saw that Qin Lang was chatting and laughing with several members of the Enke inspection team, and never took over his troubles, so he hummed heavily, turned around and left here very dissatisfied.

Qin Lang talked with five or six members of the Enke delegation for a while, and the conversation was very pleasant. The possibility of this matter being negotiated is basically the same. Now he only needs to go to the Enke headquarters for further cooperation negotiations and settle some details. Basically, this overseas channel provider can be won.

When they left, the two sides shook hands again, and Qin Lang also expressed his gratitude to Luo Lizhi who was the bridge: "Mr. Luo, this time is thanks to you. We have the opportunity to find a place to get together."

"Small, let's talk about it later."

Luo Lizhi smiled and waved his hands.

After that, Qin Lang also waved goodbye to several other pharmaceutical giants at the venue. This time, everyone became familiar with each other. Through this exchange meeting, Qin Lang also left a certain impression on the entire Chinese pharmaceutical industry.

(End of this chapter)

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