The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1413 Going to Enke Medicine

Chapter 1413 Going to Enke Medicine
After returning to the company, Qin Lang began to ask Tang Qian to make a planning document, which was about how to develop the entire Lanrun Pharmaceutical section.

The business of going abroad for negotiation was also included in this plan. The number of people in the team was determined to be ten people, led by Qin Lang, followed by Tang Qian and several senior executives of Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

The time for the negotiation team to go abroad was determined to be about half a month. During the absence of the company's boss and general manager, Lan Run's specific affairs were transferred to Tang Xue, the company's financial director.

In fact, several sections of Lanrun Group have basically started to get on the right track now, and they can operate normally even if the group's top management is not there. The daily operation is basically no problem, only some important decisions need to be signed by the top management.

However, Qin Lang made two preparations for going abroad this time, one was for the pharmaceutical company to open up overseas channels, and the other was for the Leitzman Company.

The goal of Lanrun Pharmaceutical at the beginning of its establishment was not to only focus on China, but to gather the resources of the group to create a large pharmaceutical company that stands at the forefront of medical technology. Channels must be opened.

The headquarters of Reizman Company is not in country M. Reizman has always regarded Qin Lang as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh. In the past half a year, the two sides have fought openly and secretly many times. Although Qin Lang has eliminated Reizman's Asian branch Department, killed the son of Reynolds Noguli and his nephew Nikolai, the head of Reizman's headquarters, but did not hurt Retzman's vitality too much.

Because most of Reizman's foundation is in country M. Although the Asian branch was set aside by Qin Lang, the foundation of Reizman is still there. A branch comes out.

Therefore, when Qin Lang went abroad this time, the other half of the mission was also directed at Reizman, and he decided to take the opportunity to uproot the entire Reizman.

And if you want to kill Reizman's group headquarters, Qin Lang alone may not have enough manpower, so this time Qin Lang also contacted the three families of the five major alliances in advance, and asked the three families to send some powerful warriors to follow him. country.

After selection, Qin Lang selected 20 people from three families, all of whom were warriors of the late Wu Zun level or above, and there were even two ancient warriors among them.

These two ancient warriors are newly promoted and successful elders in the three families. At present, there are no more than ten ancient warriors in the three families of the five major alliances. , The three families have indeed tried their best.

However, the ancient warriors are not bad against ordinary super-level mutants, but they are still not good enough to deal with mutants in an explosive state, so Qin Lang did not regard these twenty warriors as the main combat power. The purpose of bringing them to country M this time is just to use The warriors under his command are the next to fight.

That is to say, when encountering mutants above the extraordinary level, Qin Lang would still do it himself, and leave the other corners and errands to these subordinates. In this way, everyone will not feel too tired.

Counting the 30 fighters from the three families of the five major alliances, the team going abroad this time is about [-] people, enough to charter a passenger plane.

However, after all, he was going abroad, Qin Lang felt that it was better not to be too ostentatious, and let everyone take an ordinary flight in order not to attract attention.

In this case, the 30 people were divided into several batches to board the plane, and then contacted in country M.

Qin Lang took Lan Run's official ten-member negotiating team and boarded the plane and left, while the twenty senior warriors followed suit and left Huaxia.

In the afternoon of the next day, Qin Lang and Lan Run's negotiating team had already appeared in a five-star hotel in Luojishan, M country, because the headquarters of Enke Pharmaceuticals was in Los Angeles.

The hotel was booked with the help of people from the company, so naturally the big boss Qin Lang didn't need to do these things himself.

After booking the hotel rooms, Qin Lang asked everyone to disband on the spot and take a good rest. After all, everyone was tired after several hours of flying and then several hours of driving.

In fact, Qin Lang is not tired, he is a cultivator, even if he can't rest for a few days, he will be fine, but Lan Run's negotiation team is ordinary people, his physical fitness is not as abnormal as him, and he needs normal rest every day to be able to nourish himself Spirit.

In order to meet the next negotiation with the best mental state, Qin Lang gave everyone a small vacation, let everyone have a good rest for a day, everyone can go shopping after getting enough sleep and nourishing their energy.

At the same time, an e-mail was also sent to Enke headquarters, telling the people at Enke headquarters that the Lanrun negotiation team had arrived, and they would go to Enke headquarters for cooperation negotiations on related business in a day.

Everything was ready, and Qin Lang also left the hotel at this time, and contacted his twenty warriors, asking them to collect some information about the headquarters of Leizman, as well as the recent developments of the Leizman company.

Twenty warriors were divided into two teams, each team led by an ancient warrior, and began to execute the orders issued by Qin Lang, each of them took action.

Qin Lang estimated that it would take two or three days to complete these situations, which happened to be the time when he had finished handling the negotiations with the pharmaceutical company, so he was not in a hurry, and then returned to the hotel to meditate and practice daily routines.

When he entered the hotel room, Qin Lang frowned slightly. His spiritual sense keenly sensed that the hotel room was equipped with a camera. In this way, the privacy of the guests was basically exposed to the hotel.

Picking up the toothpick holder on the table casually, Qin Lang took out a toothpick from it, and used his magical powers of flicking his fingers, only to hear a "pop", and the camera hidden at the top of the room was scrapped immediately.

After finishing all this, Qin Lang took a hot bath in the bathroom, and then began to meditate on the bed while wearing a bathrobe.

The scrapping of the camera... The hotel will definitely find out after a while. However, compared to Qin Lang's status as a cultivator, exposing some martial arts skills is nothing. A master of kung fu.

However, if Qin Lang reveals his ability as a cultivator, then these foreigners may regard Qin Lang as a monster, and it may be possible to attract the special investigation department of the authorities at that time.

These foreigners just like to spy on other people's privacy. I once saw such a report that the owner of a motel in country M was a voyeur. He spied on the guests of his hotel in the monitoring room of the hotel every day, 360 days a year. , I especially like to watch the sex scenes of male and female guests, and I was so perverted that I made it into a video and recorded it all.

This inn owner doesn’t know how many G-related videos he has taken. This guy is not ashamed, but proud of it. He uploaded the video to some related websites, and even wrote a book, boasting that he is a human being, Behavior research specialist.

Such perverted things are not uncommon in country M, which is a country that is very open in all aspects, so this kind of thing that ordinary people in China thinks is simply immoral, but these foreigners don't think so, and sometimes they think it's a thing A cool thing.

After solving the internal monitoring of the hotel room, Qin Lang can finally practice with peace of mind. After entering the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Qin Lang now consumes at least a hundred middle-grade spirit stones and a large amount of pills for one practice.

Fortunately, after experiencing Miao Jiang's party, Qin Lang's spiritual stones and various resources have increased a lot, and the resources for cultivation are sufficient for a long time, so he did not deliberately wrong himself in order to save cultivation resources. You can use as much cultivation resources as you should use at ordinary times, and you will never owe yourself in this respect and slow down your cultivation speed.

It took Qin Lang a full three hours to complete the transformation of all the spirit stones and elixirs for the next practice. Although he couldn't feel the obvious increase in his true energy, after a layer of practice, The whole person is refreshed, and his spirit is definitely back to his best state.

It was night now, and Qin Lang didn't feel much sleepy at this time, he got off the bed and opened the hotel window.Looking down from a high altitude, the whole city is brightly lit, and the night scene in a foreign country also has a different kind of beauty.

"I heard that Luojishan is a city with the largest number of Chinese people living overseas. One out of ten people in the entire city is Chinese. Under such a big environment, it shouldn't be a bad idea for a team of 20 warriors under my command to launch an operation. Then it should be considered relatively hidden, and it is much more convenient to inquire about the news."

"However, Reizman's headquarters is not in Luojishan, but in another nearby city, Maicheng. That is to say, if I want to destroy Reizman at that time, I have to go to Maicheng."

Looking at the night scene, Qin Lang is also thinking deeply, considering the development of his next series of plans. He has always been a person who makes plans and moves by himself. He likes to arrange certain plans in advance before proceeding. Be prepared.

On the afternoon of the first day, at three o'clock local time, Qin Lang's Lanrun Pharmaceutical negotiation team had arrived at the headquarters of Enke Pharmaceutical Group as scheduled.

The person who met with Qin Lang and his team was Hardman, the CEO of Enke Pharmaceuticals. This is an extremely strong black man with a small head and a 1.9-meter-high man. It can be seen that this guy often exercises. His muscles are strong and powerful, and the muscles on his face The lines are all lumpy.

"Hello there!"

Qin Lang took the lead to shake hands with Hardman. Compared with such a big black man, Qin Lang's height of less than 1.8 meters can only be regarded as a small man.


In order to show respect, Hardman spoke half-baked Huaxia and shook hands with Qin Lang, and then the entourage of both sides performed relevant etiquette.

After being seated in the negotiation room, Hardman asked the company staff to serve black coffee for everyone first. People in country M like to drink coffee. They think that coffee can refresh and help them work in a more energetic state.

So coffee is also the most popular daily product in country M, just like tea in China.Under normal circumstances, an M countryman consumes at least two cups of coffee a day, and even four or five cups if he is working.

(End of this chapter)

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