The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1414 Negotiations finalized

Chapter 1414 Negotiations finalized
"Welcome to the Chinese guests who came from afar! Enke Pharmaceuticals has carefully studied the information on Lanrun's new drug product Fushen No. [-]. To be honest, it is also a great honor to be Enke's new drug channel agent for Lanrun."

Hardman is a straightforward person, and he doesn't have as many twists and turns as Chinese businessmen. This is also the characteristic of most Europeans and Americans, straightforward and direct.

After clarifying his intention, he went on to say: "We, Enke, are willing to act as a channel agent for this new drug, but we have a small opinion about the distribution of channel fees for cooperation...Although Enke is not the top pharmaceutical channel in the world merchants, but it is also ranked among the top [-] in the world. In addition to the well-known dozen or so developed countries, the main distribution channels are also promoted in certain outlets in Africa and Australia.”

"In this case, Enke's distribution channels around the world should actually cover more than 20 countries, so regarding the share of overseas agency channel fees, Enke hopes to get [-]% of the product profits."

After talking about these things, Hardman laughed and stared at Qin Lang and Lan Run's negotiating team intently, waiting for the guests from afar to express their opinions.

However, Qin Lang and Tang Qian didn't directly pick up Hardman's words, but seized the time to communicate with other companions for a while.

Here, let me first introduce the difference between the channel agency of overseas channel providers and the channel agency of Huaxia. In China, Lan Run Pharmaceutical sells new drugs directly to the partner Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group at ex-factory prices. Run has nothing to do.

Overseas, in order to control risks, capitalists have a better agency method, which is cooperative operation.

For example, in the cooperative operation model, after Qin Lang, as the product supplier, provides the new drug products, Enke Medicine, the channel provider as the exchange party, does not need to pay the purchase price immediately, but first passes the new drug products through the channel Sales are carried out in the circulation market, and settlement is made with suppliers only after profits are generated.

The specific settlement method is to distribute the benefits generated by new drug products proportionally after deducting the cost of products and the capital consumption of intermediate links.

Speaking of which, this split sales model is beneficial to both suppliers and distributors.

On the supplier's side, it seems that the supplier needs a lot of capital costs to distribute goods in advance, but later participates in the operation of the channel provider. If the share contract with the channel provider is negotiated well, the money earned later will definitely Much more than selling medicines directly at ex-factory prices.

On the channel side, there is zero-risk operation, which only needs to provide channels to revitalize the capital flow. Under such circumstances, as a channel provider, it can also spread a larger spread, eliminating the possibility of capital rupture during the operation process.

After studying for a while, Qin Lang shook his head at Hardman at this time, and said: "After discussion, we at Lanrun think that the result of [-]% or [-]% is not very reasonable. It’s not worth the risk to sell, and spend a lot of money on overseas advertising, but only get such a small amount of channel profit in the end.”

"Furthermore, the new drug Fushen No. [-] has passed the test in China's domestic market, and the overall response is good. It can be expected that after the promotion of this new drug, it will definitely be another round of explosive sales in overseas markets, so we blue Run’s opinion is that this distribution method should be reversed, and [-]% of the product’s profits should go to Lan Run.”

"Sixty percent of the profit goes to Lan Run... Doesn't it seem unreasonable?" Hardman was taken aback, and quickly shook his head. He felt that people like Lan Run were really ruthless and bold.

In fact, Enke has been a channel agent for many years, and there is no precedent for only taking [-]% of the profit... Besides, Enke’s role as a channel agent seems to have no risk, but the cost of personnel and venues for channel operations is also high. Fight for more benefits for yourself.

Next, the two sides launched a fierce negotiation on the matter of channel sharing. Both sides held tight and did not let go, making full use of all the negotiation skills in the modern business negotiation process.

In this tug-of-war negotiation, Qin Lang will hand it over to Tang Qian and members of the negotiating team. After all, these people are more professional.

Drinking the bitter black coffee, Qin Lang quietly closed his eyes and waited for the result of the negotiation. Under such a noisy environment, he did not feel like he was out of the dust.

After reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Qin Lang's current state of mind has become more and more relaxed and refined, and his temperament has also undergone some subtle changes compared to before.

This round of negotiations lasted for four or five hours, which shows that the entire negotiation was intense and difficult. The businessmen always spared no effort in chasing profits, so the two parties present also tried their best to share the profits between each other in the process of cooperation.

Afterwards, the distribution of the channel share of "Fushen No. [-]" was finally determined, and both parties made a concession, and finally decided to divide the channel profit of the new drug into a [-]-[-] share.

For such a negotiation result, both parties expressed that they could accept it, so the formal authorization and contract signing began next.

Hardman dictated it to his assistant, and then his assistant left. After about ten minutes, the assistant came back with two contracts that had been drawn up.

These are two contracts in English. Tang Qian, who is the main negotiator, and the team members read it carefully, and finally confirmed that there is no problem with the contract. Then they put the contract in front of Qin Lang and asked Qin Lang to sign and authorize it.

After a busy conversation, the cooperation between Qin Lang and Enke Pharmaceuticals has been officially finalized. Although the negotiation process this time was very difficult, it was relatively smooth. The main reason is that both parties are optimistic about the market prospect of the new drug "Fushen No. [-]" , Only then can everything be negotiated smoothly.

After signing and finalizing the contract, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Tang Qian to contact Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory to make preparations and expand production.

Of course, it is only an expedient measure to transport new drug products from China. The customs declaration and transportation costs of the products are not a small expense. In the future, Qin Lang is likely to open pharmaceutical branches in Europe and the United States to reduce the cost of intermediate links of products. cost in order to maximize the profit of the product.

But this is all for the future. To be honest, the most urgent place in Lanrun Pharmaceutical is the pharmaceutical factory.

Now Lanrun Pharmaceutical is just a start-up, and domestic pharmaceutical factories are also expanding. The production capacity has not even been settled in China's internal market. Now there is an additional overseas distribution channel. The current production line is completely insufficient. For the current Lanrun Pharmaceutical It is said that happiness and distress coexist.

However, Qin Lang is not very worried about the insufficient production capacity of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory, and he also has his own solution.

Didn’t I meet so many giants at the domestic pharmaceutical exchange meeting last time? When the time comes, I will contact a few giants and borrow the idle production lines of their respective pharmaceutical factories to speed up the production progress of new drugs. is a viable plan.

Of course, the production line equipment of those giants may not be as advanced as Qin Lang, and the shipping efficiency and volume of their respective production lines are much worse than the [-] million state-of-the-art German production line bought by Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory. At least half of the production capacity should be available.

Therefore, it is a quick-witted strategy to solve the problem of insufficient production capacity of the current Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory. This method fully demonstrates the importance of connections in modern society. I can't think of such a good way at all.

After signing the contract, the two parties shook hands happily, and then Hardman booked a few tables in one of the best hotels in Luojishan to celebrate the success of this cooperation.

Qin Lang and his negotiating team were all invited to attend the celebration banquet, and Enke Pharmaceuticals also went to ten or twenty people, including CEO Hardman and several marketing department directors and other elite backbones. .

Foreigners like to eat western food, but Hardman did the opposite this time. He actually ordered Chinese food, and ordered a random mix of natural combinations.

Not to mention, the Chinese food prepared by the chef of this six-star hotel called Sheraton is quite authentic. Many dishes have the taste of hometown, which is really not simple.

But the fly in the ointment is that these foreigners can't drink white wine, so they basically order red wine. The strength of red wine is so soft that even ordinary ladies can drink a few glasses, but this kind of wine is very suitable to celebrate the success of the cooperation between the two parties. .


"Cheers! The cooperation is successful."

The two sides clinked wine with each other, and the celebratory banquet lasted for more than an hour, and finally came to a successful conclusion in the celebration of these gringo gentlemen.

In the next ten days, the negotiation team under Qin Lang did not return to Huaxia immediately after completing the task, but still stayed in Luojishan to carry out a series of investigation activities, learning some foreign companies' operation and management experience, and at the same time, they also had a deep understanding of themselves. A new round of detailed investigation by our partner Enke Pharmaceuticals has deepened our understanding.

The negotiating team is currently hosted by Tang Qian. After Qin Lang settled the new drug channel cooperation with Enke, he left the negotiating team and contacted the twenty senior fighters under him.

The warrior team led by two ancient warriors sent news one after another. They have basically found out the headquarters of Reizman Group M country, including the residences of the group president Renault and several senior management, and Regularity of daily action.

Speaking of which, the [-] fighters under Qin Lang really have the talent to be spies. These days, they have found out the entire headquarters of Reizman. The people on the other side probably haven't noticed that anyone is investigating them.

This is also the reason why these 30 warriors have rich life experience. In fact, these warriors above the late stage of Wuzun are all over [-] years old. Their rich experience also makes their work style very mature and stable, which also makes Qin Lang feel Very relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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