The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1415 Assault on Reizman Headquarters

Chapter 1415 Assault on Reizman Headquarters
After the information was collected, Qin Lang launched a new round of "Operation Falcon". Reizman's headquarters is the target of this operation, and the largest boss of the headquarters, Renault, is the focus of the focus.

The first thing Qin Lang wants to get rid of is Reizman President Renault. In the past year, he has been attacked and hunted down many times by mutants. It can be said that the root of all problems lies in the group company Reizman. Renault, the top person in charge of Reizman's headquarters, has to pay at least half of the responsibility.

After locking on to the target, Qin Lang attacked directly and led his people straight to the area where Reizman's headquarters is located in Maicheng.

"That Renault guy lives in Woking Hill, on the western outskirts of Maicheng. I heard that the hill was bought by the Reizman Group. There are not only large farms on the hill, but also a luxury villa owned by Renault, which is very ostentatious."

"It's not easy to deal with the old guy Renault. Renault usually travels with at least ten luxury cars, surrounded by at least four to fifty bodyguards. All of these bodyguards should be mutants."

"Because we were afraid of revealing our identities, we were very careful during the entire process of collecting information, so there are omissions in the information and it is not very detailed... Now we only know that apart from the 50 people who traveled and followed the mutant bodyguards who followed Renault, Mount Woking There are another 50 people on the Internet who are all mutant bodyguards, and the specific strength of these bodyguards is not clear."

"However, what is certain is that there are absolutely mutants of the extraordinary level mentioned by the leader, so please pay more attention to the leader when you take the next action."

One of the ancient warriors reported to Qin Lang on the road. This time, Qin Lang rented a large truck from a car rental company, and let a warrior who knew how to drive the truck directly operate it, and drove all the way to the destination.

Wojin Mountain is located in the western suburbs of Maicheng, covering an area of ​​more than 500 mu, and the scenery is very good. Due to the vast territory of country M and the sparse population, the price of land is not expensive at all, so some wealthy people usually buy a few mountains on the outskirts of the city to mine, or buy large farms to develop breeding. .

It was almost evening when they arrived near Wojin Mountain, Qin Lang and his group parked the car on the side of the road directly to rest.

Then, everyone hid in a nearby dense forest, waiting for night to fall before launching operations.

Not long after Qin Lang and his group entered the dense forest, Renault's convoy had already left Maicheng headquarters and was on its way back to Wojin Mountain Villa.

About half an hour later, Qin Lang's consciousness had already locked on to this luxury motorcade.

"The fifty mutant bodyguards in this team are all mutants above the top level, and there are actually five of them at the extraordinary level!"

Qin Lang frowned and muttered, thinking in his heart: "If the mutants staying at Woking Mountain are about the same strength as this team, then the bodyguards around Renault are really terrifying. After the other party's troops converge, I think It is quite difficult to wipe out this group of forces in Woking Mountain."

Qin Lang decided to make a move in the middle of the process, first to kill Lei Nuo, so he told the group of warriors under him his thoughts through sound transmission, so that these warriors were ready to follow his next action.

Qin Lang's plan is to attack by himself, and his two ancient warriors will assist, and together with Qin Lang, he will focus on taking care of the extraordinary mutants in the team.

The other [-] warriors in the later period of Wu Zun are responsible for dealing with those top-level mutants. Qin Lang emphasized that if they find a top-level mutant of the healing department in the team, they must be eliminated first at all costs. Lose.

Renault's convoy was traveling at a very slow speed, and it was only advancing at a constant speed of about [-] miles along the way. This also gave Qin Lang and the two ancient warriors around him sufficient time to prepare.

The three of them are the sneak attackers who are going to be the first to appear. Qin Lang's target is Renault in the center of the convoy. This guy is sitting on a modified thick bulletproof luxury car. If Qin Lang wants to deal with this person, he has to break it first. The defense of the car itself will do.

I don’t know the original brand of the bulletproof luxury car in front of me. After the modification, it can almost compare with the armored car’s defense thickness. If it is Qin Lang who has not been promoted to the middle stage of Yuanying, it will cost a lot of money just to break through the defense of the bulletproof luxury car. Hands and feet may not be successful, after all, there are too many mutant bodyguards around Renault, and all these monster genetic fighters are troublesome.

And then, in the slightly dark night, Renault's convoy approached, even closer, and gradually approached the ambush site of the three of Qin Lang.

For Qin Lang and the two ancient warriors around him, this kind of night will not affect their ability to judge and sense the external environment at all.

Rumbling, rumbling, as the convoy approached, Qin Lang also felt a strange resonance on the ground. He was lurking all the time, but he didn't make a move when the first luxury car passed by.

The luxury cars in front of him passed by one after another, and when the fifth armored luxury car that Renault was riding passed by, Qin Lang finally made a move!

"Kill!" Qin Lang discovered the battle cry, and first summoned his purple carving fire sword, and launched the fourth style of the Three Lives Sword Art "Golden Needle Limang".

"Golden Needle Limang" is mainly stabbing. It is a single-body powerful move with strong defense-breaking ability, and it is also an extremely fast sword move. With Qin Lang's sword stabbing, a sword light directly shot at the armored hero. The front window of the car was directly shot through the thick bulletproof glass.


Renault in the car didn't even have time to react, and was taken away by Qin Lang. The process was so fast that the mutant bodyguards around him couldn't react in time, and Renault's life could not be saved at all.

After killing Lei Nuo, Qin Lang laughed and used big moves one after another: "The sixth form of the Three Lives Sword Art...the earth is broken! The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art...overwhelms the sky!"

Once the sixth form of the Sansheng Sword Art "Earth Rupture" was used, the ground shook in a small area, like a small earthquake, and the whole road shook violently, like a small earthquake.

And with Qin Lang's Purple Eagle Firework Sword inserted on the ground as the center, the cracks like spider webs are rapidly spreading to the surroundings, making the area of ​​tens of feet of the road uneven in an instant.

Huge changes prevented the convoy of luxury cars from passing, and at this time the mutant bodyguards of the entire car convoy reacted and opened the doors one after another to rescue the owner Renault, but Qin Lang's second attack came one after another.

The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art is overwhelming.Send out 32 huge sword qi slashes, radiating in all directions. This is a group attack skill, and its power is not bad, and the coverage of sword qi slash is not small.

With the current strength of Qin Lang's Yuanying mid-stage, this powerful pack of wolves was sent out, and most of the mutants were immediately recruited, and almost [-] or [-] mutants of the extraordinary level suffered injuries of varying severity in an instant.


At this time, the two ancient warriors also entered the battle group, and each of the two ancient warriors picked a mutant of the extraordinary level to fight.

With the strength of the ancient warrior, it is absolutely no problem for an ancient warrior to suppress an extraordinary level mutant who has not taken the genetic potion.

Two of the five extraordinary-level mutants were dragged down by his ancient warriors. Qin Lang locked the target on the remaining three. With a sweep of his sword, he launched the sword restraint on these three extraordinary-level mutants.

At this time, Qin Lang's [-] warriors of Wuzun level also killed them, and they dealt with the forty top-level mutants. Since more than half of the dozen or so top-level mutants were injured, the eighteen warriors fought and did not die. Not very strenuous.

They strictly obeyed Qin Lang's order, and first dealt with the nanny among the top-level mutants. If they found that the mutants of the healing department appeared, they would take down the nanny first at all costs.

The battle between the two sides was very fierce. Qin Lang used one against three, and did not use the magic house. He used the storm-like attack to suppress the three extraordinary-level mutants to death.

Qin Lang is also very experienced in dealing with extraordinary level mutants now. After experiencing the outbreak of extraordinary mutants in a thunderstorm last time, he knew that extraordinary mutants who swallowed genetic potions are also quite scary, so this time he did not give this It's time for the three guys to leave the battle and use the genetic potion.

The rhythm of the battle was completely controlled by Qin Lang. Qin Lang basically used the bound sword style to trap three extraordinary mutants, and then dealt with these three guys with different sword styles, making them all become trapped in the net. The beast can't struggle.

Qin Lang has made more than 1 moves in less than a minute, with an average of more than five attacks per second. This kind of attack frequency plus the movement of body skills makes Qin Lang look like an afterimage.

And the three Transcendent level mutants who were trapped were also covered in bruises at the moment. However, the mutants really deserved to be genetic monsters with strong willpower. Even though they were injured, they still resisted to the end. There was no significant decline.

Knowing that the body self-healing ability of extraordinary level mutants is astonishing, Qin Lang also increased the output of the attack, and fully mobilized the fire attribute energy damage of the flying sword. Burning with flames of different kinds of energy, at least increased the attack power of the original move by more than [-]%.


Three minutes later, Qin Lang finally pierced the chest of the first Transcendent Mutant, causing serious injuries and bleeding.

The serious injury this time also reduced the combat effectiveness of the extraordinary-level mutant in front of him by a large amount. Qin Lang seemed to have found a breakthrough, smiled coldly, and directly began to tilt his attack force towards the seriously injured person.

"Puff puff!"

Several times in succession, the injury on this guy's body became more serious. It tried its best to get rid of Qin Lang's pursuit, but was restrained by Qin Lang's sword energy and couldn't stop.

At present, all the three-life sword moves below Qin Lang's Yuanying stage have basically been mastered, reaching the point where the sword's intention can follow one's heart, especially the sword Qi Shuyuan move, in terms of lingering ability, it is definitely a nightmare for all enemies.

In fact, when the seriously injured Transcendent mutant was struggling, the two surrounding companions also wanted to support him, but the other two Transcendent mutants were trapped by Qin Lang's continuous sword style, and they didn't care about themselves.

Therefore, the next mutant who was seriously injured at the extraordinary level was a complete disaster. Even though he was a genetic monster, he couldn't resist the more and more serious injuries, and was finally beheaded by Qin Lang's big move.

A large amount of blood was splashed in a sudden, and the heads of this extraordinary level mutant fell to the ground. I am afraid that he will never be able to be resurrected like this.

(End of this chapter)

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