Chapter 1416

After killing this extraordinary-level mutant, Qin Lang's next opponents are only two extraordinary-level mutants.

In this case, it will be easier to deal with, and without much effort, these two extraordinary level mutants have also followed in the footsteps of their companions.

The whole battle seemed a bit unexpected. It took Qin Lang less than 3 minutes to finish off the three opponents.

At this time, he turned his head and looked around, and began to pay attention to the changes in the surrounding battle situation.

Among the warriors under my command, the two ancient warriors were in an inextricable fight with the remaining two extraordinary-level mutants, while the other eighteen warrior-level mutants took the lead in sneak attacking, but the situation was not good. , almost everyone has been injured, and all have suffered injuries to varying degrees.

After all, there are too many opponents. The old guy Renault always has fifty mutant bodyguards around him. Except for the five extraordinary mutants, the remaining 45 are top-level mutants. The strength is not weak.

If it wasn't for his own big move before, which injured 45 or [-] of these [-] top-level mutants, the [-] Wuzun-level warriors brought by Qin Lang this time would not be as simple as hanging, and it is likely that they have not waited. After dealing with three extraordinary level mutants by himself, he had already collapsed.

After all, although the top-level mutants are weaker than Wu Zun's later warriors, they have a huge advantage in numbers. The number of top-level mutants is almost three times that of Wu Zun-level warriors.

At this time, Qin Lang, who had freed up his hands, quickly joined the battle group to support his subordinates. With his joining, the pressure on these Martial Master-level warriors was immediately relieved, and they no longer had to work hard.

Although everyone of these Wuzun-level warriors is injured now, their efforts are worthwhile. They have held back these 45 top-level mutants for Qin Lang, and the whole battle has been stalemate for 3 minutes.

But now after Qin Lang shot, the 45 top-level mutants were shot one by one, and were easily killed by Qin Lang's fierce sword energy.

Now Qin Lang in the mid-Yuanying period is really no different from beating up children of the top level when dealing with top-level mutants. With the help of eighteen Wuzun-level warriors, these top-level mutants will soon be wiped out.

After killing these top-level mutants, when Qin Lang watched the remaining two ancient warriors fighting with two extraordinary-level mutants, he found that there had been new changes in the battle situation there.

After Qin Lang killed the three extraordinary-level mutants, the two extraordinary-level mutants had already seen that the situation was not good, so they broke free from the entanglement of the two ancient warriors and started running to Wojin Mountain, wanting to fight with another group stationed on the mountain Friends meet.

When Qin Lang looked at them, the two escaped fish had already run at least 1000 meters away.

At this time, Qin Lang gave a cold snort, directly set up the magic treasure house, entered the magic treasure house and started chasing the two fish that slipped through the net.

He didn't want these two escaped fish to really escape. If he reunited with the group of mutant guards on the mountain, then his plan would undoubtedly be destroyed in the future, making it difficult for the next operation to eliminate mutants. more difficult.

Qin Lang's magic house escaped very fast, and he had caught up behind the two extraordinary-level mutants who slipped through the net in an instant. After the brains of these two extraordinary-level mutants were calculated by the system, they knew that it was difficult to escape Qin Lang's pursuit. Genetic agents were used during the run just now.

After using the genetic potion, the two extraordinary level mutants also stopped running wildly when the potion took effect. Instead, they stopped their bodies, turned around and began to face the chasing magic house ghost ship.

The eyes of these two Transcendent mutants are now red, like mad cows who have lost their minds, and the force field momentum on their bodies is also surging.

"Ah..." "Ahhh..." The two super mutants raised their heads and roared, and then started to transform at the same time. Even if the body of a guy has increased by more than five times, his body appears like a human ancestor With thick and black hair, it turned into a huge long-haired orangutan, which is also known as King Kong in the movie.

The other Transcendent level mutant's body was completely metalized, turning into an incomparably huge metal sledgehammer. The hammer looked like a hill, and the hammer handle was more than ten feet long.

The extraordinary-level mutant who transformed into a gigantic king kong screamed loudly, took the metal sledgehammer transformed by his companion in his hand, and swung wildly, smashing towards the magic house in the air.

The sledgehammer swept across, and the whirring sound was deafening. With the strength of this huge King Kong, the power of the weapon almost broke the sound barrier.

Although Qin Lang wasn't afraid of the opponent's weapon, he didn't want to take the opponent's attack hard at the moment. In that case, if the metal sledgehammer hit the magic treasure house, it would cause fluctuations in the force field shield of the magic treasure house, which would affect his own true energy. The consumption is simply too great.

So, under Qin Lang's control, the palm-sized Magic Treasure House shuttled back and forth dexterously, like a black butterfly.

After fighting for a while, the huge King Kong saw that he still couldn't catch the enemy in front of him, and he was also very angry. The moment he and his companions took the genetic potion, they were doomed to be destroyed. So angry, King Kong directly activated the ultimate move.

The metal sledgehammer approached Qin Lang's magic house during the sweeping process. At this time, before the magic house could evade, the metal sledgehammer suddenly burst into countless fragments, and the power of the pieces was not much worse than the power of the flying sword in Qin Lang's hand.

The fragments hit Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House's defensive force field like countless raindrops at the same time, and at this time, the Magic Treasure House's force field protection was also shaking violently, and five or six layers of the surface were pierced by the debris.

"Roar!" The gigantic King Kong let out a roar, and swung its claws as large as millstones and continued to smash towards the magic house. The claws passed through the gap in the force field defense, and once again penetrated the second layer of force field defense inside. .

In this attack, the defensive force field of Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House was almost bottomed out, and it also made his heart rise to his throat. He felt that at that moment just now, almost [-]% of his true energy was directly consumed. The previous battle wasted, and now the remaining true energy in the body is less than half.

"It's really depressing. I'm the only pure cultivator on earth, and I'm at the Nascent Soul stage. I could have easily swept away all the masters in the world, but I have to be careful in front of the monsters created by modern technology!"

Qin Lang said depressedly in his heart.

Although a lot of this was due to the thinness of spiritual energy on the earth, his attack could not bring about fluctuations in the spiritual energy of the world, and the power of the same blow was much weaker than that in the cultivation world of the Qinghe Continent, but it was still a bit annoying.

Fortunately, the opponent obviously miscalculated. The magic house's defense is so formidable that it cannot penetrate it at all.

In fact, even the strength of the Miaojiang great witch-level Mama priest who was possessed by the dragon god was not able to penetrate the magic house, and the extraordinary-level mutant in the explosive state in front of him was even less likely to do this. Qin Lang was too worried.

However, this extraordinary-level mutant who transformed into a giant King Kong after the outbreak is really good, and his physique is extremely strong. It is estimated that it will not be a problem for two or three practitioners who specialize in strengthening the body in the Nascent Soul stage.

It's a pity that Qin Lang has such an unconventional magic weapon as the Magic Treasure House, and it is doomed that even if the last mutant of the extraordinary level breaks out, it will be a useless effort, and in the end he can only die with hatred.

And before the body of this extraordinary-level mutant who transformed into King Kong after the outbreak collapsed, Qin Lang also tried to penetrate his body repeatedly with the magic treasure house, but failed to kill him directly.

It’s true that it was injured, and it’s true that its injuries continued to worsen, but it just didn’t fall down.

In this case, the other party lasted until the side effects of the gene potion appeared, and the physical collapse would not be considered over.

Such a powerful body is really terrifying. Even a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level may not be able to achieve this level. It can be seen that a super mutant who has taken the gene potion is really terrible. If it is not for fatal flaws It will directly break up the original stable gene series of mutants, and eventually cause the result of gene collapse. Qin Lang really dare not face such an opponent.

The extraordinary level mutants in the explosive state are really scary. This time the situation is better. The last time he fought four extraordinary people in the explosive state in the thunderstorm, Qin Lang almost died that time.

Such guys are indeed humanoid weapons. At present, there are really few opponents on the whole earth. Except for Qin Lang, the enlightened high priest of the great witch level in the Miao King Temple is qualified to fight against them.

The siege was finally completed, and the result was ideal. Renault and the fifty mutant bodyguards around him were all cleaned up by Qin Lang to fight.

But now after the battle is over, Qin Lang feels that his true energy has been consumed a lot, and only about [-]% of his body's true energy is left.

And the [-] warriors in the surrounding area are basically all wounded, and some of them are even heavy responsibilities. This situation also makes Qin Lang have to find a way to heal them first, and then recover the true energy he consumed.

For those slightly injured warriors, Qin Lang directly gave them a Great Repayment Pill, and then asked them to take it directly and use their skills to heal their injuries.

As for the remaining three or five seriously injured, Qin Lang gave each of them a good fortune pill, good fortune Fan Tongshi life and death human flesh and bones, this time Qin Lang also spent his blood, and used five pills at once.

And these seriously injured people can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Good Fortune Pill is also a top-grade panacea that is famous in the cultivation world. It is used by these warriors, even if they are all warriors in the late stage of Wuzun, they will get a lot of benefits.

This is really a chance for them, a great fortune.

As the elixirs entered their stomachs one by one, the elixirs melted in the bodies of the five seriously injured, turning into a hot stream that began to moisten their bodies and heal their injuries.

At the same time, the powerful medicine is also transforming their bodies. This process is very refreshing, which is equivalent to a powerful hair cutting and marrow washing, which is rare for warriors.

I believe that after using this elixir, it will be much easier for them to break through the final barrier of the warriors. After all, this elixir is really rare. Warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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