Chapter 1417

The effectiveness of the Creation Pill is very powerful. The wounds of several seriously injured warriors are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, their internal and external injuries have disappeared, even recovering faster than other warriors around them. The speed is even faster.

The reason why the healing effect is so amazing is that on the one hand, the level of the panacea such as Good Fortune Pill is far higher than that of Xiaohuan Pill. On the other hand, Qin Lang also told the five seriously injured people to sit cross-legged after swallowing the pill. Speeding up the operation of inner strength to catalyze the potency of the pill, speeding up the entire recovery process.

Now that the five seriously injured have fully recovered, they are all full of energy, and feel that the power of the elixir in their bodies has not completely disappeared, but most of them are deposited in the meridians of the body, waiting to be slowly absorbed by the body in the future .

As for those warriors who used the Small Returning Pill, although they felt that the medicinal power of the Big Returning Pill was not as good as that of the Creation Pill, each of them added three to five years of internal strength out of thin air, which was equivalent to saving three to five years of hard training.

In fact, warriors usually use elixirs for practicing kung fu, but they are all elixirs refined from common medicinal materials in the world, far less miraculous than the magic elixirs in the cultivation world. , Everyone feels that they have earned it.

After giving these warriors elixir, Qin Lang directly used a large amount of essence pills and middle-grade spirit stones to quickly recover his own consumption. In this battle, he felt that his spiritual consciousness and physical strength were not consumed much, but the consumption of true energy It's really big.

This loss of nearly 20% of the true energy, Qin Lang almost swallowed more than 2000 Jingyuan pills, and used more than [-] middle-grade spirit stones to fully recover.

Now the spirit stone powder under his body has accumulated into a small pile, and the consumption of spirit stones in battle is really terrible. Fortunately, Qin Lang got a lot of supplements during the trip to Miaojiang, and the spirit stones on his body should last for a while , otherwise, Qin Lang would really be reluctant to use Lingshi like this.

After Qin Lang recovered, the scene had been cleaned by his warriors. At this time, Qin Lang was going to go to Wojin Mountain and take out Renault's lair.

Renault owns a farm and a villa in Mount Woking, and there are also about [-] mutant bodyguards stationed there, but now it is impossible for Qin Lang to take people to sneak attack. The movement of the battle just now was so loud, the side of Mount Woking should have already knew.

Therefore, a sneak attack is absolutely impossible. In fact, Qin Lang is not planning to carry out a sneak attack anymore, but is planning to carry out a forced entry plan.

This time, his plan is to have two of his ancient warriors lead a team to block the entire entrance and exit of Mount Woking, and then break into the inside of Mount Woking alone, and hunt out all the mutant bodyguards stationed in the farm and villa area. .

This plan seems crazy. Qin Lang challenged fifty mutant bodyguards who are not weak by himself, and there are five mutant genetic fighters of extraordinary level among them. If this battle is head-to-head, It is definitely very fierce, in fact, Qin Lang's chance of winning is only [-]%.

This is also because Qin Lang has the best battle magic weapon of the magic weapon house in hand, so he has such confidence, otherwise he is really not sure that he can win this mountain.

After exchanging tactics with his warriors, Qin Lang led his people towards Wojin Mountain, and soon surrounded the entrance and exit of Wojin Mountain, and then Qin Lang went straight up the mountain.

On the mountain, the mutant bodyguards who were originally stationed were already waiting in full force. Before Qin Lang went up the mountain, he encountered a wave of bullets, including powerful dum bullets and rocket launchers.

This is also the reason for the free circulation of guns and guns in country M, so there are so many powerful and large-caliber guns and guns openly, and they are replaced by Chinese weapons that are definitely at the control level.

Now that Qin Lang has reached the middle stage of Yuanying, ordinary bullets can no longer break through his protection, and he really pays more attention to these powerful bullets, but compared to the early stage of Yuanying, he is not very afraid of these bullets now. , Hitting the body will at most consume a little more energy.

You must know that Qin Lang's true energy background is no longer comparable to that in the early days of Yuanying, and the reserve of true energy is definitely more than five or six times that at that time.

It is precisely because of this background that Qin Lang has the confidence to venture into Wojin Mountain alone.After opening the defense of the magic weapon, Qin Lang cast the Phantom Wind Walk and began to walk through the hail of bullets, quickly approaching the target in front.

Under the blessing of the speed of the shadow changing boots, basically Qin Lang's entire body has formed an afterimage.

However, none of these mutant gunmen in front of us are weak. Each of them is comparable to a humanoid supercomputer, and their dynamic vision, analysis and prediction capabilities are far superior to normal people. If Qin Lang moves very regularly, it is absolutely possible for these The mutants predicted the route of travel.

In this way, Qin Lang can only make irregular movement routes in the process of advancing, so as to ensure that his actions will not be predicted in advance by these genetic monsters, and reduce the number of times his force field defense layer is scratched by bullets.

When they were less than [-] feet away from the target in front, the bullets suddenly became denser. These mutants are also very smart. Up to now, they have been relying on external forces to consume Qin Lang's true energy, but they have not consumed much themselves.

But at this time Qin Lang made a move, and suddenly roared directly in front of him. He used the ability of a wild sound path Gu on his body, "Sound like a bell Gu", and the roar became earth-shattering after being blessed by the Gu. It rushes forward like a circle of waves.

This roar is even more astonishing than the roar of a Buddhist lion. The "Sound Ruohong Bell Gu" comes from the ancient fierce beast Great Wilderness Dragon Elephant in Miaojiang. This wild Gu insect is of a high grade, even higher than the same sound channel Gu insect hearing the song of a bird. A grade, the specific refining method has long been lost.

Wave after wave, the huge sound poured forward in an overwhelming manner, and at the same time, there were gusts of wind, blowing like a flying sand and rocks.

In the strong wind, the grass and trees were flying, and even the bullets fired by those mutant guns were deflected by strong resistance, and the distance from the original shooting target was as far as grandma's house.

Under such circumstances, the effect of bullets has been negligible, and the ancient wild sound path Gu worm on Qin Lang's body is so powerful, so there is another long series of roars, which is almost full of momentum.

In fact, Qin Lang also got several Gu worms from Miao Jiang, but the only one who has successfully sacrificed to him is "Sound Ruo Hong Zhong Gu". It was the first time to use Gu worms on a formal occasion.

The effect of the sound like Hong bell Gu is unexpected, the group attack effect of this sound channel Gu is very spectacular, and the enemy is really not easy to defend against this special sound channel sound wave attack.

If it is an ordinary warrior who encounters Qin Lang roaring once or twice, he may be stunned directly, but the resistance of these genetic monsters in front of him is inhuman, so the effect of Qin Lang's sonic attack is discounted by half, and the power of sonic waves is not enough. If they touch their bodies, they can only interfere with their actions.

However, Qin Lang is obviously very satisfied with the power of this wild sound channel Gu. Although the effect of the sonic attack he emitted is reduced by half, the bullets fired by the mutants are also invalid.

Shuashuashua, taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Lang worked harder and finally broke into the farm in Wojin Mountain.

At this time, he saw that the mutants in front of him formed a tight formation, but Qin Lang was unafraid, and directly pulled out his own purple eagle fire sword.

"The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art... is overwhelming!"

The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art is overwhelming.Send out 32 huge sword qi slashes, and the fiery red sword qi radiates in all directions. This is a group attack skill, and its power is not bad, and the coverage of the sword qi slash is not small.

There are more than 40 top-level mutants in front of me, and they were all attacked by Qin Lang's range attack, and more than 20 were directly injured after one move.

And the nannies in the mutant group are also frantically using healing, trying to heal the injuries of their companions.

However, the increased power of the sword qi now has the effect of burning flames, and the power has been increased by more than one step. It is not easy for the mutants in front of them to recover immediately after being injured.

"Dili...dili..." At this time, the alarm of the whole farm rang, which should be the alarm for the mutants in the villa area to come to support.

And at the sound of the siren, these mutants in the farm faced Qin Lang like an enemy. At this time, whether it was the injured or the mutants in good health, they all surrounded Qin Lang tightly.

Seeing this, Qin Lang laughed. The 40-odd mutants in front of him didn't have extraordinary-level mutants. Those extraordinary-level mutants stationed on the farm should all stay in the villa area. Now that the alarm is sounding, they will rush over, at least a few dozen seconds of time.

And within these tens of seconds, it was enough for Qin Lang to attack and completely disabled the group of top-level mutants in front of him.

"The sixth form of the Three Lives Sword Art... the earth is broken!"

Qin Lang's flying sword went straight into the ground, and a large amount of fiery red sword energy poured into the ground. Once the sixth form of the "San Sheng Jian Jue" "Earth Rupture" was used, the ground also trembled in a small area, just like a small earthquake. The Jinshan Farm area feels like it's shaking.

Centering on the Zidiao Fireworks Sword, the entire farm floor is cracked into a spiderweb-like structure at this moment. The closer to the center of the flying sword, the more terrifying the spiderweb pattern. The cracks on the ground are almost invisible when viewed from the bottom. .

And the ground was shaking like a blanket, and the uneven shocks made all the mutants in the entire farm feel unsteady and staggered.

Seeing the flaws in the defense of these mutants, Qin Lang sneered, and then made another big move.

"The second form of the Three Lives Sword Art...Sword Qi Illusion!" "The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art... Overwhelming the sky!"

The two moves came out in succession, and these two moves were group attacks. The fiery red sword energy was stimulated, and there were two in the air, two, three, and countless three, covering all the mutants in the farm.

"Death will be your final destination..."

Qin Lang roared again, and the sword energy danced wildly. Among the more than 40 mutants in the farm, at least [-] were torn apart by the frenzied waves of sword energy, and their entire bodies were turned into pieces and blood. rain.

There was a sweet and fishy smell in the air. Although the body structure of the mutants was different from that of the human body, when the blood volatilized in the air, the smell was similar to that of human blood.

Qin Lang showed no mercy.

These are all monsters developed by the world's top technology. In a sense, they can no longer be called human beings. They are mastered by bad guys. They will only continue to harm the world and deal with him, so he will definitely kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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