Chapter 1419

At this moment, the two extraordinary-level mutants holding laser swords finally broke through the defense of Qin Lang's magic house, breaking directly on the metal shell, making a hissing sound.

The laser cut two cracks in the metal material of the magic treasure house, and the magic treasure house suffered some damage. Qin Lang inside the magic treasure house was even more startled, and quickly increased the transmission of true energy, and re-opened the magic treasure house's defensive shield. Blessed to the maximum, it resisted the continued erosion of laser weapons.

Qin Lang, who swallowed the Violent Yuan Pill and was promoted to the late Yuanying stage, is now full of real energy, so it is almost impossible for two extraordinary-level mutants holding laser swords to further expand their results, but neither of these two guys Give up, still trying to play the most violent attack on Qin Lang.

At this time, Qin Lang also knew that he didn't have much time, and his body could only maintain an explosive state for half an hour at most.

And when the power of Baoyuan Pill is exhausted, the side effects will follow. If you can't try to get rid of all these extraordinary level mutants in front of you within half an hour, then the unlucky ones will become in the end. Be yourself.

It has been almost 10 minutes since taking Baoyuan Pill, that is to say, now Qin Lang only has 10 minutes to complete this task at most.

After the four extraordinary-level mutant laser weapons were released, both hands were actually injured, and then Qin Lang's main focus of attack was on these four guys.

As for the other two Transcendent level mutants holding laser weapons, Qin Lang continued to resist their attacks directly. It seems that after the war, it definitely needs a major overhaul.

In the outbreak process after Qin Lang used the Baoyuan Pill, the four extraordinary level mutants without laser weapons finally couldn't hold on and took the genetic medicine, but the result of taking the genetic medicine was no different from suicide.

Regardless of whether the four extraordinary level mutants who lost their weapons could kill Qin Lang, it would be the result of genetic collapse and physical death in the end.

Seeing four mutants who had lost their weapons and used the genetic potion, Qin Lang was also expecting it. He didn't feel flustered. Anyway, he did it on purpose just now.

Because he had expected that mutants would also be able to obtain an explosive state after using the gene potion, but this explosive state did not last long, only ten minutes at most, and the effect of his Violent Yuan Pill could last for about 10 to [-] minutes. .

Therefore, he only needs to carry out delaying tactics, and he can completely drag to death the four extraordinary-level mutants who are in an explosive state.

However, the premise is that he must carefully avoid the crazy attacks of these mutants who suddenly erupted.

"Transform!" The extraordinary-level mutants in the explosive state also have the ability to transform. These four guys all embraced together and turned into a large metal net, covering Qin Lang's magic house with a face-to-face cover. It is necessary to tie down the house of magic treasures.

And Qin Lang also understood the enemy's motives in an instant, and quickly activated the teleportation ability of the magic house, and appeared directly in another place five feet away in the next second.

The teleportation ability of the Magic Treasure House consumes a lot of real energy. If Qin Lang was still in the middle stage of Yuanying, he would not be able to use it a few times, but now under the medicinal power of Baoyuan Pill, his body has broken through to the late stage of Yuanying. It is almost endless, and the automatic replenishment recovery speed is very fast, so there is no such worry.

At present, Qin Lang can only use delaying tactics. Now he is one against six. In addition to facing four extraordinary-level mutants in a burst state, he also has to face two other extraordinary-level mutant companions holding laser weapons.

As for the remaining five top-level mutants, they couldn't get involved in this battle at all. Their five grades were more than a step behind Qin Lang and the extraordinary-level mutants.

The extraordinary-level mutant in the outbreak state performed a metal transformation, turned into a metal net and failed to encircle Qin Lang. The next second, he directly recovered his human form, and then changed again, and continued to open the large net to encircle Qin Lang.

However, Qin Lang manipulated the magic house and was able to use teleportation to dodge every time, so the battle situation in front of him has been very stalemate.Time passed minute by minute, and now both sides are racing against time, and Qin Lang's mood fluctuated slightly and anxiously.

However, it didn't take long for this fluctuating and anxious emotion to appear before Qin Lang secretly suppressed it.

On the other hand, these mutants in front of them have always had Gujing Wubo on their faces. They are indeed genetic monsters and have no emotions at all. They are all living biochemical machines.

The battle gradually dragged on to 10 minutes away, and the stalemate remained unchanged, but the situation for the mutants had begun to go bad. The genetic potion on the four mutants in the outbreak state was about to expire, and the four mutants of the extraordinary level were in the At this last moment, they all chose to self-destruct, and the self-destruction also blocked the space in this area.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

The self-detonation of the four super mutants in the explosive state blew up all the objects in this area of ​​the farm, and a huge deep pit appeared on the spot. The other two super mutants holding laser weapons exploded after the four companions Although they are still alive, the two guys are in a terrible state of distress now, their bodies are not injured, and even the laser sword in their hands has been blown away.

The four extraordinary-level mutants who exploded just now blew themselves up, which can be said to be an indiscriminate attack, so even their two companions were not spared.

However, because the system in the brain had been warned by the four companions in advance, the two guys had stretched their force field defenses to the maximum just now, and at the same time tried their best to avoid the core area where the four companions self-destructed, so they were only injured. Not being dragged on the road by four companions.

But the other five top-level mutants were not so lucky, and all of them were wiped out just now.

And after this explosion, the two extraordinary level mutants who survived carefully paid attention to the mess of the venue, their eyes emitted X-ray-like detection waves and scanned the surroundings, but they did not find any trace of Qin Lang's magic house.

Just when the two guys thought that Qin Lang had died together with his four companions in the explosion just now, Qin Lang's voice sounded behind the two guys: "I'm here!"

Qin Lang's figure appeared five meters behind the two extraordinary-level mutants. The two extraordinary-level mutants saw it as soon as they turned their heads. The expressions of the two guys finally fluctuated. After the explosion just now.

You know, the self-explosion power of the four super mutants in the explosive state is superimposed, and they are all comparable to powerful missiles. If you don’t see them, even if you have predicted them in advance and tried your best to avoid them, they are all after the explosion. Are you seriously injured?

But Qin Lang had a smile on his face, but his heart was filled with bitterness. Although the Magic Treasure House had survived the explosion just now, the damage was even more serious. It would cost a lot of money to repair it. The resources on hand It's running out, and I don't know if it will be enough in the future.

There are still five or six minutes before the effect of the Baoyuan Pill expires. Qin Lang didn't have time to feel sorry for these, so he quickly took action and launched the Zidiao Firework Sword to deal with the remaining two extraordinary level mutants.

However, unexpectedly, the remaining two extraordinary level mutants were extremely easy to deal with. They didn't even have time to take the genetic potion, and they were beheaded by Qin Lang directly.

In this case, Qin Lang was also relieved. Now the battle on Wojin Mountain has basically been resolved, and all the mutants have been wiped out.

Looking at the foot of the mountain in the distance, Qin Lang put his hand in his mouth and whistled for a while. This was a secret signal agreed with those of his own at the foot of the mountain. The battle is almost over, and these warriors can go up the mountain to help clean up the battlefield.

After doing all this, Qin Lang felt that he had become top-heavy, knowing that the effect of Baoyuan Pill was about to disappear, so he quickly swallowed more than a dozen Jingyuan Pills and a few Fushen Pills, while holding a large amount of The top-grade Lingshi strives to restore its overdrawn potential.

However, these actions were still useless. When the effect of the Baoyuan Pill ended, Qin Lang's eyes went dark, and he completely lost his movement and fell to the ground from a cross-legged state.

However, before he fell down, his spiritual sense sensed that the warriors at the foot of the mountain were gradually approaching him, so he let go of most of his heart, and passed out with a relaxed expression.


After Qin Lang passed out in a coma, the [-] warriors at the foot of the mountain finally arrived. At this moment, seeing the tragic scene in front of them, they couldn't help but gasped. This battle was too fierce!
Can it not be intense?They were far below the foot of the mountain, thousands of meters apart, and they could feel the earth-shattering battle. At that time, everyone was sweating, but they didn't realize the crisis that Qin Lang had encountered.

Fortunately, Qin Lang survived the difficulties with his own ability, and successfully dealt with these mutants on the mountain. This kind of strength also made all the warriors under him respectful. The leader is really extraordinary.

Since Qin Lang is currently in a coma, the warriors under him did not dare to disturb Qin Lang's body. The two captains left half of the warriors to guard the scene, and directly led people to search the entire farm and villa area, and began to clean the battlefield.

During the search, after a few warriors entered the villa, a scream came out not long after.

And this scream also made all the warriors on the scene more vigilant, and a large number of warriors began to gather in the villa area. After asking a few warriors who originally searched the villa area, they found out that a warrior had been hit after entering the villa. The agency was actually killed by the agency.

This is incredible. I didn't expect there to be such a powerful mechanism in the villa. Later, two ancient warriors took the lead in searching that area, and found an underground secret passage leading directly to the inside of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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