The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1420 The Kron Project

Chapter 1420 The Kron Project
This was a major discovery. All the warriors present at the moment looked at the two captains, waiting for the two ancient warriors to make a decision. What should everyone do now.

After the two ancient warriors discussed with each other, they decided that one team would stay outside, while the other team would directly enter the underground passage under the villa.

"Brother Lei Huohua, be more careful along the way!"

One of the ancient warriors patted another ancient warrior who decided to explore the underground passage under the villa.

"Everyone is waiting for my news on the top, the second team listens to my password, now follow me closely..."

After the ancient warrior named Lei Huohua nodded, he led the team into the underground passage under the villa.

The underground passage of this mountain is very deep, Lei Huohua and his team of warriors walked about several hundred meters before reaching the end, when they found a large private laboratory.

The private laboratory inside the mountain in front of me is about [-] square meters, brightly lit inside, and there are ten or twenty busy researchers. When this team of warriors arrived, all the researchers raised their heads and stared at these intruders.

And after this team of warriors entered this large private laboratory, they opened their mouths in shock when they saw the subjects studied by these researchers.

What's more, each of these faces looks exactly like Renault, the president of Leitzman. There are more than a dozen guys with exactly the same faces in front of them. Are they all Renault's twin brothers?

No, absolutely impossible. There are twins, triplets and even quadruplets in this world, but I haven't heard of anyone giving birth to ten in one go like piglets.

So these identical faces in front of him should be clones, they are all... Kron people, Kron people with Renault's face.

I don't know why Reizman President Renault came out to study these Kron people with the same face as himself. Is the Renault killed by the lord real? It would be a bit bad if it was a Kron.

"Damn it, this general research base is actually secretly carrying out the internationally prohibited Kron project. Those mutant fighters are also made by these people, damn it!"

All warriors became angry.

They allow their opponents to be stronger than them, but Kelong's method is tantamount to cheating, which is very embarrassing.


When Qin Lang woke up, his heart skipped a beat when he saw the movement around him. It turned out that these warriors had already tied up the researchers from the underground laboratory of Woking Mountain, and they were all lined up together.

"They...what's the situation?"

Qin Lang just woke up, so he didn't know about the underground laboratory, so he asked curiously at this time.

He knew that these researchers appeared here inexplicably, and it must have happened during the time he was in a coma that he didn't know.

"That's right, my lord..."

Next, the ancient warrior Lei Huohua explained in detail how he led the team into the underground laboratory of Mount Woking.

Qin Lang was also surprised to know that there was a large private laboratory inside the Wojin Mountain, and that many Kelong people, Renault, had been trained in the laboratory.

Then he frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "This fellow Renault built such a large private laboratory to develop Cron people, so the Renault we killed in this operation is not necessarily Renault himself, it is very It may also be a Kroner."

After thinking about it, Qin Lang got up at this time and walked towards the researchers in the laboratory. After a period of coma, Qin Lang's energy has recovered more than half, so the current state is still reluctant.

He put his hands on the brain of one of the researchers. This is a gray-haired old man in his 60s. He should be the leader of this group of researchers. Qin Lang is now using the technique of searching for gods on this old guy. .

This old man is just an ordinary person. Under Qin Lang's God-searching technique, the memory in this guy's brain can't hide at all, and Qin Lang soon got some information he wanted.

It turned out that the Renault that Qin Lang killed in the convoy before was indeed a Kelong man, and his full name was "Kelong man No. [-]".Of course, this Cron person usually pretends to be Renault himself, and is mainly responsible for handling the external business of Leitzman Company, and has worked in this position for a long time.

And Renault himself is not actually in country M, and these researchers actually don't know where he went to the laboratory. They only know that Renault's identity is very mysterious, and it's not just as simple as the president of the Leitzman Group in country M.

And the Cron private underground laboratory established by Lei Nuo in Woking Mountain replicated so many Cron bodies, and it was also for his own plan. Specifically, the researchers in the underground laboratory did not know what this mysterious Lei Nuo wanted to do.

After getting the news, Qin Lang frowned even tighter. At this time, he let go of his hand, and the old man who was searched by God slid directly to the ground. After being searched by Qin Lang, the brain of this guy was also severely damaged, and he had become a idiot one.

There is no way, the technique of searching for gods is so overbearing, the old man probably won't be able to use his knowledge in the future.

"My lord, what should we do with these researchers and the underground laboratory?" At this time, two ancient warriors next to him asked Qin Lang.

"These people..." Qin Lang knocked on his head and made a decision: "Being able to be gathered by Renault proves that they are not ordinary. These people are very professional research talents. This is a very valuable asset, and our Lanrun Biotechnology Laboratory is in great need of such talents. Therefore, I decided to take all these researchers and find a way to bring them back to China."

"As for the private underground laboratory of the Kelong people in Wojin Mountain, we will take away all the experimental equipment in it, and destroy all the experimental equipment that cannot be taken away. We must not leave any grass or tree to the enemy... Everyone understands ?"

Hearing Qin Lang's words, these warriors said in unison: "Understood!"

"That's good! The matter of taking away these research talents and experimental equipment will be handed over to everyone. You can contact the domestic families and let them handle this matter." Qin Lang nodded and said: "After this matter is dealt with , let’s go directly to Leizman’s headquarters and wipe out all of Leizman’s high-level personnel! I hope that after the joint action of all of us, the Reizman Group will cease to exist.”

In the next few days, people like Qin Lang stayed in Wojin Mountain, and these warriors under Qin Lang had contacted the three families in the country, and sent a group of people to receive the researchers and experimental equipment here, and put everything together. Move back to Huaxia.

Of course, these things need to be done in secret, so the three families of the five major alliances are not using formal channels. As for how to use these people and experimental equipment, it is not the focus of Qin Lang's concern.

At present, what Qin Lang mainly wants to deal with is the entire Reizman Group. In the next period of time, he led the group of warriors under him to launch a series of attacks against the entire Reizman Group in Country M.

Thanks to the efforts of Qin Lang and his group of fighters, the entire Reizman Group's high-level executives related to Renault were wiped out. It is strange that Renault, the president of the group, watched the family members being wiped out one by one, but never sent mutants. Jump out and fight Qin Lang.

So in the next period of time, Qin Lang's entire plan will go smoothly, and it will only take less than a week to kill the family members related to Renault in M ​​country. Of course, some high-level personnel see the situation is not good. He escaped from Country M ahead of schedule, which was considered a lucky escape.

And Reizman's business on the surface was also in chaos due to the overall changes in the group's top management. The market share in the market at home and abroad was greatly impacted for a while, and the business has also plummeted recently.

Under such circumstances, during this period of time, the employees of the entire group began to panic. Everyone lost the mood to work, and all the employees were guessing, but they have not been able to guess the real reason for the disappearance of the group's top management. reason.

After all, the series of activities carried out by Qin Lang and his subordinate warriors were carried out in secret, and did not spread within the country M, and the members of the Renault family of the Leitzman Group did not know what was going on, and the family had never been attacked. Stabbing it out, in this case, will also make the whole thing worse and worse.

The strange thing is that it stands to reason that Renault's real body who doesn't know where he is hiding should have known the purpose of Qin Lang's actions. Seeing that the group business he created by himself was in a huge crisis, he should have jumped out a long time ago, but Until now, there is still no slightest movement.

After Qin Lang almost turned the entire Reizman Group upside down, he returned to the country with his warriors. Although he failed to root out the entire Reitzman Group this time, he killed most of Renault's family members , It still hurt the entire Reizman.

The most important thing is that there is no high-level chairperson in the entire group. The current business of Leizman is also in a plummet. It has directly fallen from the altar from a world-class cosmetics brand. The market share has been squeezed out by many peers in the same industry. It has been difficult to reach the sky.

After Qin Lang returned to Huaxia, he first arranged the [-] or so biological researchers plundered from country M into the Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory. Of course, he was not very relieved of these foreign researchers. Now, the security force of the entire Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory has been strengthened again. These foreign researchers are almost equivalent to house arrest in the laboratory, and their clothing, food, housing, and transportation are all under strict surveillance.

This is also impossible!These twenty or so researchers are all from Europe and the United States, and they once appeared in Renault's private underground laboratory as Kron researchers. These researchers were humanely destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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