The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1421 5 Year Commitment

Chapter 1421 Five-Year Promise

At this moment, Qin Lang was already standing in a hall of the Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory, and was speaking to the twenty or so researchers newly recruited by the laboratory.

That's right, it's just a lecture. In order to let these biological researchers plundered from M country be honest and work for Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory with peace of mind, he really has to say something to these guys.

"Everyone, you are all the top experts and scholars in the field of biology. This time I brought you back to China from country M because of your professional academic ability... In other words, I have taken a fancy to talents like you. I think you are worth cultivating. So I want to keep you in my Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory to serve me and my company."

"Of course, as long as you stay in Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory with peace of mind and work hard to do research with all the researchers here, I will not treat you badly, and your treatment will be the same as all the researchers here .”

"In addition, I can make a promise, that is, as long as you stay honestly in this laboratory for five years, after the five-year period expires, I promise not to restrict your personal freedom, and you can decide whether to stay or not at that time. Do you think what I have said is satisfactory?"

After listening to what Qin Lang said, these researchers who were plundered from the underground laboratory of the Wojinshan Kelong people in M ​​country chatted with each other for a while, and then a researcher said as a representative: "Sir, in fact, we are just purely academic research. Or, in our eyes, science has no nationality, and there is no distinction between right and wrong, so we are willing to accept your conditions and hope that you can keep your promises when the time comes."

"Don't worry! What I, Qin Lang, say is like splashed water, every spittle nails, I will definitely abide by my lies."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, looking very friendly, which also gave them a lot of confidence.

"That's good, thank you, Mr. Qin Lang."

The researcher representative breathed a sigh of relief.

The exchange between the two parties was really pleasant. After the exchange, the matter was settled. These researchers plundered from country M expressed their willingness to stay in Lanrun Medical Technology and do research with all the researchers.

As for Lanrun Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Laboratory, after completing the "Fushen No. [-]", it is currently conducting the research and development process of the second new drug. It is said that the progress has been halfway through, and the addition of these research personnel is considered to be very timely.

I believe that with the help of these new forces, the emergence of the second new drug of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory will be accelerated a lot.

After finishing this matter, Qin Lang also smiled slightly, and asked the laboratory to prepare their own rooms for these new entrants, and the usual living treatment was carried out in accordance with the highest standards of researchers.

After leaving Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory, Tang Qian from the group headquarters called to report to Qin Lang on the operation of the pharmaceutical company in the past month.

"Boss, in the last month, the sales of the new drug Fushen No. 25 in China has reached its peak. The six production lines of the pharmaceutical factory are running at the same time, which can barely support most of the domestic demand. Now the pharmaceutical factory is in full swing. The new production line is expected to be installed in all [-] production lines of the pharmaceutical factory in three months."

"The latest month's sales of new drugs are 3000 million, and the net profit is about 600 million. I believe that with the continuous increase of production lines, the turnover of pharmaceutical companies will increase significantly. After all, the domestic pharmaceutical market is still It's far from being saturated."

"After talking about the domestic business situation, it's time to talk about our cooperation with Enke. Since Lanrun signed a channel agency and sales contract with Enke a month ago, it has been doing a series of However, due to the current shortage of production lines in pharmaceutical factories, overseas channel agents and distributors will delay delivery for about one month, which means that we will exchange the first batch of new drug products with Enke at the end of next month."

After listening to Tang Qian's report, Qin Lang also nodded and said: "It seems that it has been a lot of hard work for everyone in the past few months. Now the most difficult problems encountered by Lanrun Medicine have been solved, and domestic and foreign channels have been closed. Unblocked, then the next step is to wait for the continuous expansion of the pharmaceutical factory.”

"In addition, all group employees who participated in the construction of Lanrun Pharmaceutical will double their bonuses this month. In addition, at the end of this quarter, everyone will be given a chance to travel abroad, and all expenses will be reimbursed by the pharmaceutical company."

On the other side of the phone, Lan Qian laughed for a while and said, "Then, on behalf of the employees of the company, I would like to express my gratitude to the boss. I believe everyone will be very happy to hear the news."

"Actually, for everyone, our Lanrun is a big family. I also hope that when everyone is working hard, everyone in this big group can live happily."

Qin Lang spoke his mind, he has always been an understanding and open-minded boss, he is very good at testing the sufferings of employees, so he tries to create an extremely comfortable environment for his employees in work and life.

Recently, there was a public opinion survey of the top [-] companies in Huaxia. According to the news, in the survey of the satisfaction of most employees in the Huaxia workplace with their respective companies, the sense of belonging of Lanrun employees is one of the strongest, ranking seventh.

The statistical process of this employee satisfaction survey is very complicated. The survey agency on the Forbes list has at least collected survey data from hundreds of companies in large and small cities across China. The authenticity of the data is absolutely no problem.


While Huaxia's Lanrun Pharmaceutical continued to grow and develop, the Leitzman Group in country M was in a worse situation. The collective disappearance of senior management almost brought the entire group to a standstill.

It is reported that the authorities of Country M have joined the investigation of the incident. After all, Reizman was once a Fortune [-] company, and it is also a large taxpayer in Country M. Now that there are internal problems in this large taxpayer, the authorities cannot Don't care about it.

It is a pity that the authorities of country M have been looking for it for a long time, but they have not been able to contact the top management of Reizman, especially the president Renault, who seems to have disappeared completely, and he does not know where he went during this time.


And in a remote place of a certain person in country F, the person that the authorities of country M and China Qin Lang are looking for is here. At this moment, Lei Nuo's real body finally appeared.

This is a special laboratory, the M laboratory secretly supported by the Reizman Group, a terrifying research institution specializing in the study of mutant genetic warriors.

At this moment, Renault came out of a closed hall in the laboratory, followed by a group of researchers, and several mutant bodyguards.

"The research on the improvement of genetic potions has finally made progress. Although it is not yet perfect, it has completely solved the problem of genetic collapse in the body of mutants after using it for more than ten minutes... This is not a small matter. I have seen the progress of everyone in the laboratory, and I guarantee that the follow-up financial support will spare no effort."

As Lei Nuo walked, he chatted with the laboratory researchers around him. It could be seen that Lei Nuo had a lot of status in the M laboratory, and those researchers still needed to accompany and chat with him carefully.

While talking, Renault's phone rang. After picking up the phone and listening to it for a while, the old guy in his 60s suddenly changed his face, because the news about the changes in the Leitzman Group during this period of time finally spread from country M to inside his ears.

Now that the entire Leizman Group has been blocked by unknown persons, and the group's senior management has almost been wiped out, Renault's face has turned into a liver color, and after careful measurement, Renault knows the competition between himself and the Leitzman Company Few of the opponents could do this, and soon he judged that this should be done by Qin Lang, the boss of Lanrun Company, a competitor from Huaxia.

"Damn it, more than half of my foundation in country M has been ruined. This Chinese oriental boy's attack is too cruel. I can hardly breathe. What should I do now?"

The bad news came from inside M country, which also made Lei Nuo's face turn ashen.

Before thinking about it, he decided to go back to country M to personally resolve the current crisis that the Leitzman Group is facing. At the same time, he discussed with the person in charge of the laboratory for a while. On the other hand, he promised to equip Renault, the investor, with a batch of new mutant bodyguards.

"The quality of these new mutant bodyguards is good. Although there are only twenty of them, all of them are of extraordinary strength. It is no problem to use them to help protect my personal safety."

Renault murmured to himself.

He himself has a very special relationship with the mutant M laboratory in front of him. At the beginning, this M laboratory was established with his full financial support, and the top person in charge of the laboratory was his old friend.

And Renault himself also serves as the honorary consultant of the M laboratory, and often visits the M laboratory.

Under such circumstances, Lei Nuo obtained a lot of core knowledge about life science and technology from the M laboratory, and his private laboratory of the Woking Shankron was developed from some of the core knowledge about life science and technology he obtained. of.

At this moment, Lei Nuo didn't care about the matter of the M laboratory, and began to rush back to the M country in a hurry to tidy up his Reitzman Group.

The moment he left the M laboratory, Renault seemed to think of something, and directly said to his good friend, Batty, the highest person in charge of the entire M laboratory: "Old friend, let me tell you one more thing. Can a mutant be loaned out to stay with me for a while?"

"You mean that S-level Cron man? No, no, this is the first of the entire M laboratory. Several researches and data tests in the laboratory are related to it, so you can't take it away."

Hearing his old friend's request, Batty shook his head and objected directly.

"Okay then, I wish you a happy research, bye."

Seeing that Batty disagreed, Renault no longer struggled with this matter.

In fact, he transferred [-] extraordinary-level mutants from the M laboratory this time, which has almost emptied the current inventory of mutants of this level in the entire laboratory. In addition, with the fact that Renault is the main investor of M Lab, I am afraid that he really will not agree to the previous request.

(End of this chapter)

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