The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1422 Fuyuan Oil Tanker

Chapter 1422 Fuyuan Oil Tanker

"I've been busy lately, I've been busy..."

Recently, Qin Lang's life rhythm is really tense. He needs to maintain his daily practice and work hard to develop Lanrun's pharmaceutical business. Not much.

And after returning from country M, Lanrun Pharmaceutical has now settled domestic and foreign sales channels, Qin Lang felt that it was time for him to relax, take his girlfriend to relax and cultivate a lot of relationships.

Nowadays, it is popular for rich and rich people to take an oil tanker to go out to sea for fun. The last time Qin Lang was on an oil tanker in order to deal with Noguli, the former general manager of the Asian branch of Reizman, but he didn’t have much fun. Now he decided to Take Liu Zhenzhen out to play once, and at the same time hunt sharks in the open sea.

Qin Lang still misses the taste of shark's fin very much. It is the most expensive and rare delicacy on earth except in the realm of comprehension.

There is a yacht club in Huaxia's rich circle. The rich can bring their own yachts to sign up, and then anchor the yachts on the tankers and go to sea together.

However, although Qin Lang has a net worth of tens of billions, he has never put his mind on eating, drinking and having fun for his cultivation, so until now he does not have his own yacht, which is very rare in the top rich circle.

You must know that most of the rich people in China today have a net worth of tens of billions, not to mention yachts, and some even have private jets, and there are more than one.

Although Qin Lang does not have a yacht, the three families of the five major alliances still have yachts. Qin Lang once again borrowed a yacht from Li Lengfeng, and at the same time borrowed a yacht driver.

Li Lengfeng was in charge of the registration. He contacted a [-]-ton oil tanker named Fu Yuan. This large oil tanker would go to sea once every seven days. When Li Lengfeng signed up for Qin Lang, more than half of the tickets were sold. , is very popular.

The ticket for an oil tanker is [-] a piece, and board and lodging are free for five days at sea. Such a price is a drop in the bucket for the rich, but it may be more than one or two months' salary for ordinary office workers.

After Li Lengfeng settled everything, Qin Lang also brought Liu Zhenzhen to the largest seaport in Shanghai, preparing to board the Fuyuanyuan oil tanker.

Before boarding the tanker, Qin Lang also met his old subordinate Li Shan, who was the yacht pilot sent by the Li family.

"Hello, Leader!" Li Shan greeted Qin Lang with a smile.

"Hehe, not bad, Li Shan, I haven't seen you for several months, and now I have been promoted from the early stage of Wuzun to the middle stage of Wuzun. The speed of improvement is really fast enough." Qin Lang also patted this guy's strong shoulder.

"It all depends on the cultivation of the family and the leader, otherwise I would not have such a fast improvement speed."

Li Shan is very good at talking, this guy is indeed a good seed for martial arts, it seems that he can become an ancient martial artist just around the corner.

Before Qin Lang came to the Fuyuan, Li Shan had already arranged everything here. The yacht has already anchored on the tanker, so Qin Lang doesn't need to worry about everything.

Therefore, now Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen only need to get on the tanker with peace of mind and have fun for five days.

I have to say that this guy Li Shan is quite competent as a servant. After Qin Lang boarded the tanker, he also secretly praised this kid for his eyesight.

In fact, Qin Lang is not much older than Li Shan. Qin Lang is 24 years old this year, and Li Shan is the same. Qin Lang was born in the first half of the year, while Li Sheng was born in the second half of the year, so he is only a few months older.

People of the same age should have more communication with each other, but Qin Lang is a high-level cultivator. After too many things, his vision now far exceeds that of Huaxia's warriors and ancient warriors, and even the three of the Five-Party Alliance The patriarchs of the family expressed their admiration and respect for this.

Moreover, Qin Lang's abilities in all aspects are obvious to all. In terms of martial arts, it is even more remarkable that he can be the master of all warriors in the Five-Party Alliance.

That's why Li Shan didn't dare to be negligent when facing Qin Lang. He yelled at each other, and he respected Qin Lang very much.

But Qin Lang felt awkward when he got on the oil tanker. There were people coming and going on the oil tanker. It seemed a bit inappropriate to call him this way, so he asked Li Shan to call himself Young Master instead.

Then, Li Shan's role as a servant in the Fuyuan tanker was basically settled, and he became Qin Lang's exclusive escort.

However, although Li Shan played the role of a servant, Qin Lang did not treat him as a current person. In fact, Qin Lang has always been very friendly and does not put on airs. The conversation between the two parties has always been an equal relationship.

Fu Yuan is a large luxury tanker.This is a seven-story sky-blue tanker, with five floors above the deck and two floors below the deck.

This large oil tanker is about 230 meters in length. It is a large ocean-going bulk carrier with a load of 10 tons. The price is about 8000 million US dollars.The entire tanker has obviously undergone a large-scale refit, and the price of the refit is estimated to account for half of the tanker.

It is worth mentioning that this large oil tanker also belongs to the Yacht Club. The Yacht Club is the largest entertainment organization in the rich circle. Currently, it is mainly distributed in three places in China, one of which is in Shanghai, and the other two are in Xiangjiang. On the other side, the other one is in Macau.

After boarding the tanker, Qin Lang found that the tanker was really big. Could it be too big? Each floor was at least 200 meters long, equivalent to a small football field!
As a luxury tanker, the facilities on the tanker can be said to be everything. The bottom layer has a large swimming pool connected to sea water, and there is a special temperature control system that can keep the water temperature at about 20 degrees Celsius.

There is also a jacuzzi beside the swimming pool, so that tourists who are tired from swimming can enjoy the jacuzzi.There's even a golf course for the more refined.

The second floor is the warehouse, which is used to store a large amount of food and supplies.

The outside of the third round of the tanker is the deck, and the inside is a restaurant and bar. There are also some theater boxes inside the bar.

The fourth and fifth floors are entertainment venues.The most worth mentioning is the fourth floor of this tanker. The feature of Fuyuan is that there are large-scale singing and dancing performances every time the tanker goes to sea, and even some big stars appear.

Of course, the appearance fees of first-line stars are too high. Except for the special event held once a year by the yacht club, they will not usually invite too big-name stars to perform, and at most they will go through the motions.

However, even if you can meet face-to-face celebrities from the second and third tiers, watching their performances is a very rare visual enjoyment, so even many young fans who have a little spare money come here especially for their fame, chasing distance Enjoy a romantic sea trip.

The entire ferry carries 3000 passengers, two-thirds of whom are young people under the age of 25, which also makes the entire large tanker full of vigor and vigor.

In addition to the fourth floor of entertainment venues, the fifth floor is a regular casino, which is also one of the most attractive selling points of luxury tankers. Many tourists boarding the ship want to be on the high seas besides watching songs and dances and chasing stars. Show yourself in this casino...

It is worth mentioning that most of the people who can get on this luxury tanker are either rich or expensive, and there are a lot of high-rollers who spend a lot of money, so the casino is also the biggest source of income for the tanker, because although the ticket alone can also earn some, But definitely not as much as a casino.

After all, first, when tourists buy tickets to board the ship, the tanker first needs to provide tourists with food and accommodation for five days; second, the daily maintenance of the tanker, staff salaries, and inviting singing and dancing groups and celebrity artists to perform on stage also cost a lot.

500 tourists each spend [-] to buy a ticket. Although the total ticket revenue for the tanker is [-] million, but after deducting expenses, if these expenses are covered by the ticket revenue, the tanker management may You can earn some but definitely not much.

As for the casino, the tanker side basically did a no-cost business, with a profit of more than ten times.

Think about it, as long as 1000 of the 1000 tourists on board have played in the casino, even if each person only spends about [-] to gamble and win, the tanker will still have a net profit of about [-] million.

Of course, it does not mean that gamblers will definitely lose money when they enter the casino. In fact, some gamblers who enter the casino every day make money and some make money, or even half of them.

However, the casino’s pumping and lottery rules are the only way for the casino to make money. If the gamblers win and lose evenly, it can unknowingly drain most of the gamblers’ wallets that have been spent here for a long time , like an invisible knife that kills people.

There are many gambling games in the casino. After each round, the losing gamblers will naturally lose their gambling capital. The winning gamblers will take about [-]% of the profit as a head. This is commonly known as raking, and it is also a common way to make money in casinos around the world .

From the perspective of winning gamblers, a 30% margin is nothing, it seems like a drop in the bucket.But if you use the mathematical planning method to calculate, you will find that if you lose [-]% of your profit in each game, if you play more than [-] games with flat bets, all the previous profits will be consumed.

In this case, it will undoubtedly increase the advantage of the casino. The gamblers are actually the weak side. In the end, most of the gamblers have only one result...lose, because you can't maintain the state of always winning, and it is very likely to lose a lot. It takes two to three rounds to pull it back. If you are unlucky, winning money is as difficult as climbing a mountain.

Of course, even if this is the case, there are still a lot of high-rollers who come to try their luck. After all, gambling is the most exciting and exciting game in this world.

Of course, winning money can make people very happy, but it can also make people's greed infinitely magnified, and it will be very dangerous if you are not careful.


As soon as the sailing time of "Fuyuan" came, the entire luxury tanker blew its whistle and officially left the port.

The huge displacement also caused the tail wheel of the oil tanker to form huge waves, which directly hit the shore of the port row by row. The high water splash even splashed on the guardrail of the isolation belt.

(End of this chapter)

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