Chapter 1423

The scenery out to sea is undoubtedly wonderful, with blue sky, blue sea, and the same color as the sea and sky in the distance.

Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen have been standing on the deck of the tanker, admiring the rare beauty.In fact, appreciating the beautiful scenery is secondary. The most important thing is that the two of them hug each other in such an atmosphere, with their hearts close to each other, and they both feel a rare warmth and romance.

There used to be a play called Titanic, which was a big box office movie that was popular all over the world. It told a love story that happened together on a tanker.

Because of this drama, the tanker is also covered with a beautiful and mysterious veil in people's hearts.

The oil tanker is also irresistible to the love girls who yearn for romance. This is a very ideal place to create warmth and romance.

Think about it, when you go out to sea, there is a beautiful and charming sea breeze blowing, and you can enjoy the sea view with your beloved one, is it something you dream of?For young people, it is really a cool thing.

Of course, Qin Lang took Liu Zhenzhen for a ride on the tanker to the sea definitely not for the sake of being cool, but mainly for the purpose of relaxing, relaxing and cultivating the relationship between the two of them.

Another important thing is shark hunting. Shark fin is a rare high-end delicacy in the Chinese market. Qin Lang has eaten it once and never forgets it. Moreover, the gift of this food is also high-end and high-end. Qin Lang has not contacted him for a long time Parents are dead, and I really want to honor them two old people again.

The two of them stayed in the gentle sea breeze for several hours, Qin Lang rarely practiced or did anything else, just watched the distant sea quietly with Liu Zhenzhen.

At this moment, in addition to the warmth in his heart, there is also a slight loosening of his state of mind, which seems to have nothing to do with practice, and seems to have something to do with it. This is something that has always been mysterious and mysterious. The six senses have been enhanced, and the senses themselves have become more acute.

So, even if he didn't release his consciousness, he could still hear the sound of the sea water rubbing against the bottom of the ship below the deck, and the sound of guests eating in the restaurant in the distance.

Even, his eyesight was strengthened several times in this state, and he actually saw a small dark spot in the distance moving forward with the big oil tanker, as if a yacht was chasing the oil tanker.

Inadvertently, Qin Lang seemed to see four or five figures on the yacht. Although the faces could not be seen clearly, the hair was all golden.


Qin Lang's heart moved, but under this thought, his state of mind was suddenly withdrawn from nothingness. Qin Lang seemed to have returned to the mortal world from heaven, and he could no longer see the direction so far when he opened his eyes. Now even the one chasing the tanker Yacht black spots can not be seen.


What Qin Lang didn't know was that he missed a very crucial clue just now. The five people on the yacht chasing the tanker came for him.

Now I turn my attention to tens of nautical miles behind the tanker, and it really is a yacht that is constantly increasing its horsepower and moving in the direction that the tanker used to travel.

And there are five people with European and American faces on the yacht. If Qin Lang can see them clearly at this time, he will definitely know the identity of these guys. Yes, they are all mutants, and they are all mutants of extraordinary level.

These five Transcendent level mutants remained motionless in the sea breeze, each with a cold expression, letting the surrounding sea breeze blow the long golden hair and the clothes on their bodies.

This guy Renault finally took action against Qin Lang. This time, he borrowed [-] extraordinary level mutants from the M laboratory, and then returned directly to the M country. Seeing that the foundation he had been operating for many years was destroyed, he immediately knew that it was once The good deeds done by the competitor Lan Run Company, and the heart is also full of great resentment towards Qin Lang, an oriental boy.

"Well, not long after I left country M, this kid came directly to Reizman's headquarters. It's really time to fight..."

So, he directly sent five extraordinary-level mutants to leave country M to seek revenge in China.

Five extraordinary-level mutants were used to deal with Qin Lang in the mid-Yuanying period. It seemed that they might not be able to take Qin Lang down, but this time, Lei Nuo was full of confidence, because these extraordinary-level mutants all carried improved versions genetic medicine.

After using the improved version of the genetic medicine, it will not cause the genetic collapse of the mutants. This will undoubtedly greatly improve the combat effectiveness and endurance of these super-level mutants in front of them. Now the super-level mutants no longer need to be afraid of using genetic potions After that, there will be huge side effects. When you meet Qin Lang, you can fight if you want, and you can run away if you want. The trouble to deal with it will increase by more than one star and a half.

It's a pity that Qin Lang, who is far above the tanker, can't feel the murderous intent behind him. After all, the two sides are too far apart now, and it may take several hours for the yacht to completely catch up with the tanker .


After staying on the deck for several hours, it was time for dinner before he knew it, so Qin Lang took Liu Zhenzhen's hand and went directly to the restaurant.

After entering the restaurant, both Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen saw Li Shan who was currently acting as a servant. Qin Lang smiled slightly and asked, "Li Shan, how did you play before?"

It turned out that when Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen stayed on the deck and kissed me, Li Shan felt that it would be a shame to continue to stay on the deck, so after bidding farewell to Qin Lang and the two, he went directly to the casino on the fifth floor of the tanker to play. for a while.

"It's okay, so-so!"

Li Shan seemed to have won a little bit, and was a little happy. "Master, as you know, I'm not good at playing these things, so I stayed in front of the slot machine all afternoon."

"Originally, the young master gave me a reward of 50 yuan. After I exchanged it into chips, I almost lost it all. Then suddenly a grand slam came and doubled it hundreds of times. The 3 yuan bet suddenly It became more than 4 yuan, plus I won a little later, and now the bet has reached more than [-] yuan."

"Haha, good fun."

Qin Lang smiled.

He knew that Li Shan, who was born in a family of warriors, was not fond of gambling, and this time he went to the casino just to relax. He didn't expect that he didn't lose the principal that he tipped him, which was a bit interesting.

Afterwards, after the three of them sat down at a table, Li Shan, who is currently a servant of Qin Lang, reported food to this table, which was actually to order some restaurant-style buffets.

Although it is a buffet, the quality of the food is very good and the taste is very pure. The chefs who make these foods can hold their ground even in a five-star hotel.

Qin Lang and the three of them ate this buffet very happily. Qin Lang ate at least 50 to [-] catties of food, while Li Shan was even more exaggerated. Li Shan, who is a high-level warrior, was even more able to eat, and directly ate more than [-] catties of food .

In contrast, only Liu Zhenzhen was normal, but she also ate two bowls.

The situation at this table quickly attracted the attention of other diners in the restaurant, but Li Shan, who is a "servant", glared viciously afterwards. head, not daring to take another look.

I don't know why, these diners knew that Li Shan's identity was a servant, but their hearts kept pounding. The aura emanating from the warrior was really terrifying to ordinary people.

Of course, with Li Shan coming forward, Qin Lang doesn't need to show off, otherwise, the comprehensionist's momentum will be more powerful. If it leaks out, it will almost suppress everyone in the restaurant.

However, even though the diners in the restaurant were shocked by Li Shan's eyes and evil spirit, they were contemptuous in their hearts. They could eat so well... Could it be that they were all hungry ghosts from the countryside?

That's true, not to mention Qin Lang!Li Shan ate more than 50 catties of food for this meal. If this luxury tanker held a big appetite competition, Li Shan would definitely win the championship at this moment. This amount of food is really terrifying.

In fact, for a martial artist, especially a mid-term martial artist like Li Shan, it is very normal to eat more than 50 catties of food in one meal. Even in the family, he would eat half a pig's meat in a meal after practicing martial arts. Only by allowing a large amount of meat to undergo nutritional transformation can one be able to maintain one's physical needs after practicing.

Now on the oil tanker, because he didn't practice martial arts, the food he ate this time is actually a relatively small meal.

It has to be said that the ability of absorbing and transforming food for martial artists at the level of Wu Zun is still terrifying. After eating so much food, Li Shan's belly is only slightly swollen, and he just wants to burp with satisfaction.


After eating, Qin Lang took Liu Zhenzhen and his servant Li Shan to the fourth floor of the tanker.

Because the evening song and dance show on the oil tanker has started, I heard that there are many stars in the song and dance show on the large oil tanker, and there are many highlights in the show. It is a good place to digest food after a meal.

The fourth floor of the entire tanker is a venue similar to a theater. Although there are lights overhead, the light is very dim, which makes the entire theater look hazy.

On the stage directly in front, the first batch of singing and dancing personnel are already in place. The performance is a stage play. The actors are both handsome and beautiful. Qin Lang saw that several of the faces were familiar, and they should all be stars. .

However, Qin Lang didn't pay much attention to China's entertainment section, so he couldn't call out the names of these star actors, but felt that the quality of these actors was very professional, and the characters they performed were wonderful.

This seems to be a poignant love story. Many audience members in the theater cried because of the superb performance of the actors. Some young men and women held tissues and wiped their tears while watching.

Qin Lang is not an emotional person, but after the stage play ended, he still gave this stage a very high score in his heart, [-] out of [-].

Part of the reason why he gave this stage play such a high score was because of his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen. Although Liu Zhenzhen didn't cry like some girls around him, the red eyes were also for the sake of him. Seeing her crying, her appearance also touched the weak side of Qin Lang's heart. .

There seems to be a saying in the Huaxia entertainment industry that good actors are those who can move the audience, and these performers in front of them have already done this with their actions.

And this first performance in the theater was so wonderful, Qin Lang also looked forward to the following.

(End of this chapter)

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