The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1424 Sneak into the tanker

Chapter 1424 Sneak into the tanker
While the three of Qin Lang were enjoying the performance in the theater, a yacht quietly approached the tanker in the night, and then the climbing rope hooked to the edge of the deck, and several guys jumped out of the yacht and came to the deck of the tanker .

These guys were the five extraordinary level mutants who had been chasing the oil tanker, and now they finally caught up, and they all boarded the oil tanker.

And just after the five extraordinary-level mutants with European and American faces boarded the boat, a bright flashlight shot over: "Who are you? What are you trying to do by sneaking onto the tanker? Could it be a thief..."

On the other side of the deck, a security patrol came over. At this time, the five mutants who had just boarded the ship were photographed, but the five mutants looked very calm, with no waves on their faces.

At the same time that the security guard was approaching, an extraordinary mutant suddenly jumped forward, grabbed the security guard's neck with lightning speed, and then directly lifted the security guard from the ground with one arm. .

"You... um..."

The security guard was pinched to the vitals, struggling to breathe, but the hand that pinched his neck was like an iron hoop. The more he struggled, the more he felt suffocated.

When Lang clicked, the flashlight in his hand fell directly to the ground. The security guard's face was flushed from the sudden lack of oxygen in his chest, and veins were protruding from his forehead.

However, in the face of powerful mutants, this ordinary patrolling security guard seemed very powerless.

Slowly, his struggling movements became smaller and smaller, his limbs became limp, and his whole body finally shrugged.

He was finally strangled to death by this mutant, mainly due to suffocation caused by lack of oxygen.

After strangling the security guard to death, the extraordinary-level mutant directly threw the body of the security guard into the sea. Then, picking up the strong flashlight on the ground, the five mutants began to sneak into the tanker.

In this way, a few guys had sneaked into the "Fuyuan" oil tanker without knowing it, and the disappearing patrolling security guard, no one noticed his disappearance this night.


In a guest room of the oil tanker, Qin Lang is practicing meditation once a day. For some reason, he is always restless during the practice tonight. The sixth sense in the dark always feels that the body is a little whim, as if there will be Like what's going to happen.

This strange phenomenon also surprised Qin Lang. He had always believed in his sixth sense, so he secretly stepped up his vigilance.

After hastily finishing his practice, he used the restraining formation in the room, and then took out his magic treasure house ghost ship.Since his magic house was damaged in country M, he has not had time to repair it. Tonight, he decided to restore this magic house in the guest room of the tanker.

When Qin Lang took out the magic treasure house, he saw several deep marks on it, and felt very distressed.

These marks were all scratched by laser weapons, and now the Magic Treasure House is at least 30.00% damaged, and it has never encountered such a serious trauma before.

There is still a copy of the materials for repairing the Magic Treasure House. These resources come from the treasury of the High Priest of Miaojiang. recovered.

After dismantling the magic treasure house, it took Qin Lang almost one night to completely repair the magic weapon. I have to say that the damage to the magic treasure house is quite serious this time, so it is a bit more troublesome to repair. .

The next day, the oil tanker "Fuyuan" had already landed in the open sea, but did not continue to move forward.

The entire tanker will stay in the open sea for three days before returning.

On this day, Qin Lang also took Liu Zhenzhen and Li Shan with him, and the three of them took a yacht to go out to sea to hunt sharks together.

The yacht that Li Shan drove this time is a large yacht with a price of more than 800 million. It can accommodate ten people at the same time without appearing crowded.

Before the trip, everyone studied life jackets, and the tools for hunting sharks were already prepared, and they were all in the trunk of the yacht.

The yacht started at a very fast speed, and the tail pulled away the long and huge waves and left the tanker like a bolt of lightning, away from the sight of tourists on the tanker deck.

Gradually, the yacht, the tanker, and each other disappear into an invisible point.

And not long after Qin Lang's yacht disappeared, five guys with European and American faces also appeared on the deck of the tanker. These five guys looked at the sea in the distance, and after a while, they also left the tanker and drove a yacht. Drive towards the direction where Qin Lang left.

It turned out that they were the five extraordinary-level mutants who chased Qin Lang and boarded the oil tanker before. Somehow, they actually found Qin Lang on the oil tanker and locked Qin Lang's identity.

When the three of Qin Lang went to sea to hunt sharks, now the five extraordinary mutants left the tanker and started the process of formally executing the mission, chasing Qin Lang.


At this moment, the sea and the sky are the same color, the blue waves are connected to the sky, and the scenery on the sea is infinitely beautiful.

The shark hunting location is still three hours away from here. Along the way, Li Shan, the cruise ship driver, is manipulating the cruise ship, while Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen are watching the sea view leisurely together. The marine life is rich, and many big fish in the sea fly out of the sea from time to time, looking vibrant.

Three hours later, the yacht finally arrived at the designated area in the deep sea, which is also a place frequented by sharks.

Sharks are the most ferocious big fish in the ocean, they live by preying on other fish.

The fins of sharks, commonly known as shark fins, are precious food. The skin can be used to make leather, and the liver can be used to make cod liver oil, which has the effect of improving eyesight.It can be said that the whole body of a shark is a treasure, and it is also a supreme delicacy that even rich people may not be able to afford.

This kind of fish is very sensitive to the smell of blood. It is extremely bloodthirsty and easy to kill. It is as ferocious as a tiger on land, so it is not so easy to hunt. If you are not well prepared, not only will you not be able to catch sharks, but you will be bitten by them. die, bite.

The three of Qin Lang are of course very well prepared for shark hunting this time. There are shark hunting rods and steel spear guns in the trunk of the yacht. However, it is still far away to hunt sharks with these things alone. Not enough.

Because if there is no fresh blood to eat, the sharks will not gather, and the shark hunting activities will not be carried out.

However, this is not difficult for Qin Lang at all. He is going to get a few big fish and let them bleed to attract the attention of the sharks hidden in the sea, and then start his own shark hunting operation.

Qin Lang summoned his own flying magic weapon, then jumped into the sky above the sea, and began to search around for big fish on the sea, preparing to get a few to use as bait.

However, when Qin Lang controlled the flying magic weapon to fly over the sea, he suddenly found a small black spot in the distance, which seemed to be a yacht, and was heading in this direction.

"The people in that yacht...are they also here to hunt sharks?"

Qin Lang stared in that direction twice more.

The black dots were enlarged bit by bit. After Qin Lang's attention was attracted, he suddenly felt a familiar aura. At this time, he let go of his consciousness and found some abnormalities.

There were five foreigners with strange faces among the chasing yachts, and after his spiritual sense sensed the breath of these five foreigners with strange faces, Qin Lang's face changed slightly: "Mutants...and they are also extraordinary mutants ?”

The black dot was quickly approaching Qin Lang, and after zooming in again, Qin Lang could clearly see the faces of the five extraordinary mutants in the yacht even without his spiritual sense.

Good guy!At this time, Qin Lang also knew who sent these mutants, and the only person who had a mortal hatred against him was Leizman's president, Renault.

Qin Lang has reason to believe that after killing his own son and many family members and destroying the business he has operated for many years, it is no wonder that Renault does not hate him so much.

Therefore, it is normal for Renault, who had been playing disappearance in country M before and could not find his real body, to send five extraordinary mutants to China to seek revenge on him.

"Pay attention, there are enemy attacks, and they are five extraordinary-level mutants."

At this time, Qin Lang transmitted the message to Li Shan and Liu Zhenzhen on the yacht, asking them to pay more attention to their own safety.

After explaining this, Qin Lang began to take the initiative to meet the yacht in the distance. He wanted to protect the two people in his yacht, so he had to keep the battlefield away from here.

While flying, Qin Lang summoned his own purple eagle fire sword, and when he approached the yacht, he directly swung the sword and threw out more than a dozen long and narrow sword qi.

At the same time, Qin Lang opened his mouth and used the ability of the wild sound path Gu to attack the powerful bell Gu, sending out a tsunami-like sound wave to attack.And under the blessing of Qin Lang's Gu worm, the huge sound waves brought up the waves on the sea surface to form turbulent waves, directly rolled up to a height of more than ten feet, and pressed on the yachts of the five mutants on the other side.

Huge waves hit the past, forming a huge force of heaven and earth, which even the five extraordinary level mutants couldn't resist, and directly overturned the entire yacht!

When the five extraordinary-level mutants entered the water one after another, more than a dozen sword qi were hidden in the huge waves, and directly launched a surprise attack on the five extraordinary-level mutants.

The huge waves engulfed them, but the next moment, a fierce aura suddenly appeared behind Qin Lang, and five extraordinary-level mutants rose directly from the bottom of the sea, bringing huge splashes, and launched the most violent attack on Qin Lang together.


Qin Lang snorted coldly, swiped the flying sword again and again, and once again swung dozens of sword qi in succession.

Being at a high altitude, he occupies the advantage of the terrain, and is in a state of suppressing the five extraordinary-level mutants below, so he also spared no effort at this time to suppress these pursuers with firepower.

At the beginning of the battle, Qin Lang had the upper hand, but the five extraordinary mutants in front of him were really not for nothing, each of them was close to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and because of their special body structure, they were not even weaker than ordinary cultivators in the early stage of the Nascent Soul .

The battle was in a stalemate at the beginning, Qin Lang had a slight advantage, but the effect was not very obvious.

In just a short moment, the two sides fought at least a hundred moves, and at this time they did not show their cards.

(End of this chapter)

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