The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1425 Taking the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death

Chapter 1425 Taking the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death
In the M labs in European and American countries, mutants are divided into five levels, namely elementary level, elite level, top level, extraordinary level, and S level.

According to the news Qin Lang got before, apart from the S-level mutants in theory, the extraordinary-level mutants are basically the highest level among European and American black technology mutant genetic warriors.

And Qin Lang and the mutants of the extraordinary level are also considered old opponents. They have fought many times, so now they have accumulated a lot of relevant combat experience, and know how to use the most effective method to deal with this type of mutants in the most effective time.

To be honest, mutant genetic warriors are very weird and tricky, and super mutants not only inherit this characteristic, but also have terrible recovery ability. Even if they are seriously injured, they can recover within a few hours without treatment. Direct recovery, this point is far from being able to be achieved by practitioners of the same level.

At this time, they also took out their laser weapons one after another and entered a fighting state.

Swipe!Swipe!The air above the sea is full of sword energy, and mutants are also floating above the sea. These mutants have adopted anti-gravity technology in their bodies, so their bodies can directly float in the air.

The battle reached its fiercest level. Seeing that they had no chance of winning, the five mutants all took genetic potions at this time, and their aura suddenly rose.

In front of such five opponents whose strength suddenly increased, Qin Lang also felt a huge pressure at this time, and had to call out the Magic Treasure House and drilled in.

The five extraordinary-level mutants who were originally about the same strength as the Nascent Soul stage cultivators, after taking the gene potion, now have aura abilities that are close to those of the Nascent Soul stage.

Moreover, because of their special bodies and the laser weapons they hold, each combat power is even stronger than the average Nascent Soul mid-stage.

The laser weapons in the hands of these five extraordinary-level mutants are terribly powerful. Every time they hit the defense layer of Qin Lang's magic house, they take away a lot of energy from the magic house itself.

Clap clap!Clap clap!A series of attacks hit the defense of the Magic Treasure House, and the energy level of the Magic Treasure House's defensive force field also plummeted.

Even if he got into the house of magic weapons, Qin Lang now feels very hard. It is really too difficult for him to deal with five opponents of similar strength in the middle stage of Yuanying.

In order to maintain the huge consumption of true energy, he really worked very hard.

At this time, he felt that if he didn't do anything, he might not last long.

So when the five extraordinary-level mutants exploded, he also used the violent Yuandan to explode, and his strength was also raised to the late stage of Yuanying, which still suppressed the five mutants in the explosive state in front of him. .

In this case, Qin Lang's strength in the explosive state continued to suppress the five extraordinary mutants.

At this time, the five super mutants in the explosive state glanced at each other. They still hadn't used their big moves, and they were about to use them now.

"Reaction ability... water gathering!"

The five mutants in an explosive state spread out, forming a faint formation, sucking a large amount of surrounding seawater to the sky above the sea, forming a huge seawater cage to seal off this area, trapping the magic house inside the area together with Qin Lang.

"The water bomb burst!"

Inside the sealed seawater cage, the surrounding seawater is continuously drawn from the air to form water bombs, and after formation, they follow the flight trajectory of the magic house and explode themselves.

Don't underestimate the water bombs formed by this kind of reaction ability. These are compressed water bombs. The power can even blow through alloy steel plates. Although the power is not comparable to the degree of damage to the energy house of the magic house by laser weapons, it is better than the number There are many and endless life, so before Qin Lang escaped from this seawater cage, the magic treasure house was attacked by a large number of water bombs, and the energy consumption has always been huge.

Fortunately, after Qin Lang used the Baoyuan Pill, he has reached the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and the true energy is automatically running endlessly, barely able to support the current energy consumption speed of the Magic Treasure House.

And his calculations are also very good now. Although the five extraordinary level mutants in front of him are very strong after they erupt, this eruption state can only last for ten minutes, and the side effects are very fatal.

Now as long as I drag it on for a while, until the expiration of the genetic potion expires, the five mutants in the explosive state in front of me will have their genes collapsed, and then I can win without a fight.

But Qin Lang's calculations were in vain. The five mutants in the outbreak state were about to end the time limit of the gene potion, and each of them took out the second gene potion and took it, and they were still alive and well.

This continued high-intensity fighting for more than 20 minutes, and Qin Lang also felt that something was wrong. There was definitely something wrong with the five extraordinary-level mutants in front of him.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The European and American M laboratories have recently developed a second-generation genetic potion. Not only will the mutants not experience the huge side effects after the drug's effect time has passed, but this genetic potion can also be used without restriction, allowing mutants to People are always in a state of explosion.

However, the development cost of this genetic medicine is also very high. The development cost of each second-generation genetic medicine exceeds one million dollars, which is truly more precious than diamonds.

However, in order to deal with Qin Lang this time, Renault also spent a lot of money. Each of the five extraordinary mutants in front of him carried at least five new genetic medicines on him.

If Qin Lang can last longer with these five extraordinary-level mutants in the explosive state, it will undoubtedly be a tragedy. He will definitely not be able to support the five mutants in the explosive state in front of him.

Fortunately, after the mutants in front of him swallowed the second genetic potion, Qin Lang already felt that something was wrong. Now he has two options, one is to continue fighting, and the other is to run away.

If he escapes, Qin Lang will try his best to break through this huge seawater cage with the power of the Magic Treasure House. There is absolutely no problem.

However, he can't just take care of himself now, if he chooses to escape, Liu Zhenzhen and Li Shan in the yacht not far away will be very dangerous.

The current situation is very bad. The duration of Qin Lang's Violent Yuan Pill's effect is less than 10 minutes. He must make a choice within this short period of time.

"How to do how to do……"

Qin Lang in the Magic Treasure House frowned, feeling that he seemed to be in a huge crisis, and it seemed almost impossible to break the situation.

There is not much time left for him now. If he can't think of a solution in just a few minutes, then not only will he die directly, but even Liu Zhenzhen and Li Shan will be affected by the explosion in front of him. The extraordinary level mutants in the state were killed.

After all, although Lei Nuo's order to these mutants is to kill Qin Lang directly, the people who are with Qin Lang are also enemies in the eyes of these mutants.

If Qin Lang is killed, the five extraordinary-level mutants will not mind moving their hands and feet more, and they will also kill Liu Zhenzhen and Li Shan on the nearby yacht.

"What to do, what to do... what to do!"

The crisis in front of him also made Qin Lang fall into hard thinking. He was very distressed, and felt that every second now seemed like a year, very long, but every long second was suffering, because he had no matter what to do in his heart. Can't find an effective solution.

He thought about the items he currently possessed. Except for the Magic Treasure House, which was a little more powerful, the other magic weapons seemed to have no key effect on the enemy in such a high-level battle.
Unless you blew up a batch of magic weapons by yourself and used them to deal with the powerful enemies in front of you, but self-detonation magic weapons can hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred, and it is also a matter of greatly hurting your own vitality and background. The magic weapons on Qin Lang's body now are not Not much, is it really going to be done next?
Next, Qin Lang dug in his bosom for a while, and when he was about to make this impossible choice, he took out an antique box.

When seeing this thing, Qin Lang's eyes suddenly lit up.This box contained the most precious treasure he obtained in the secret realm of the pyramid, the "Forbidden Fruit of Heaven and Earth".

Open the box, inside is a bright red fruit, which contains explosive energy, very powerful.

The effect of using this fruit is a bit like Baoyuan Pill, but it is much better than Baoyuan Pill. After using Baoyuan Pill, it can increase the combat power of the body by 50.00%, but there will be a period of weakness after the battle, which can be regarded as a part of overdrawing the body in advance. A special panacea.

The forbidden fruit of life and death is mainly to stimulate the potential of the human body. After the potential of the human body explodes, it can actually be retained in the body. After the person's cultivation level skyrockets, there is not much side effect.

However, after stimulating the potential of the human body, most of the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death will disappear after a day. This is the only shortcoming.In real terms, the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death will only increase a small amount of potential to the real strength of the individual, and the permanent potential increased after use is actually not much.

The Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death has the effect of stimulating the full potential in an instant. The Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death once gave him the feeling that the process of using it is also risky. Although it is possible to get benefits after using it, it is very likely that it will not be able to sustain the potential explosion and die .

This treasure has a very high level of use, at least those who are above the Nascent Soul stage are eligible to use it, so Qin Lang kept it in a corner of the storage ring after getting this treasure, and he didn't remember it until now.

"The Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death is also a good thing. After using it, it can permanently increase a small amount of potential, and its effect is stronger than that of Yuanyuan Pill. It should be regarded as a top-quality pill."

"However, if this fruit is used in a normal state, there is a risk of body explosion, so it is safest to use it when my body is seriously overdrawn. And now I am fighting against five extraordinary-level mutants in an explosive state. , already had to use the Violent Yuan Pill to explode, and the current body is very overdrawn, but it happens to be the best time to use the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death."

"And after taking the forbidden fruit of life and death, I believe that after this rare treasure of heaven and earth turns into a medicine, the huge energy burst out will not cause the risk of exploding the body, but it can just resolve the terrible side effects of the violent yuan pill and allow myself to accept it in its entirety. All the medicinal power of the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death. If it goes cultivation base can be improved again, and it should not be a problem to resolve the crisis in front of me."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang didn't hesitate, and directly swallowed the "Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death" in the antique box.

(End of this chapter)

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