The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1432 Escape from Baker Forest Farm

Chapter 1432 Escape from Baker Forest Farm
After killing the two extraordinary-level mutants whose fighting state exploded, Qin Lang once again returned to the place where he killed Renault.

He saw Renault carrying a black leather bag in his hand when he was fleeing deep underground, and he didn’t have time to deal with the emergency at that time. Now that he thought about it, the old guy could carry that black leather bag all the time. something important.

So curious Qin Lang returned again, picked up the black leather bag in Renault's hand that he had killed, and opened the black leather bag to see that there was a large stack of green banknotes, worth about [-] to [-] US dollars.

In addition to US dollars, there are some bills, papers and warrants. Qin Lang actually saw that the stock certificates about Leizman held by Renault are also in it, and he personally owns 60.00% of Reizman's shares.

This stock certificate is a good thing, but it is a bit hot for Qin Lang. After that, he still finds a way to find a chance to dispose of it. It is not bad to be able to exchange it for a huge amount of wealth. .

But these are not what Qin Lang needs to consider now. Now he has completed the main task and killed Renault, so now he is trying to figure out how to leave this Baker forest farm as soon as possible. After all, this is country M, and he should be more cautious. good.

When he came out of the tunnel, Qin Lang was blocked by a large genetic monster again. These six extraordinary-level mutants in the explosive state must have used the genetic potion again, so they were able to maintain this giant state for so long.

This big guy couldn't enter the underground passage because of his huge size, so he just waited outside the passage, and launched a fierce attack as soon as Qin Lang came out.

And Qin Lang was blocked in the passage at this time, unable to rush out, he summoned the magic house again cruelly, and directly collided with this big guy, and ended up in a disgraceful face.

Magic Treasure House can't do anything to this large genetic monster. This large genetic monster is too fast and powerful, and after the fusion, the recovery speed of the body is astonishingly fast. Generally, small injuries heal almost instantly, so even if the collision process Even if you take some damage, you can recover quickly.

After colliding with each other a few times, Qin Lang suffered a small loss. At this time, he pressed his hand on a metal handle in the magic treasure house, and directly transmitted the fire of Kanli through the metal handle, so the metal shell of the magic treasure house was wrapped A layer of pale flame.

Qin Lang once again manipulated the magic house to charge forward. This time, Kanlizhihuo started to burn the opponent as soon as it touched the large genetic monster. Kanlizhihuo, as the top ten different fires on the earth fire list, is indeed very powerful. Just like this big genetic monster is afraid.

Because this large genetic monster felt that it was difficult to recover from the place burned by the fire of Kanli, the recovery process was almost forcibly interrupted.

So this big guy couldn't help but feel a little jealous of this strange flame, and he paused for a while, and Qin Lang immediately seized a moment of opportunity to manipulate the magic weapon house to get out of the big guy's encirclement.

After coming to a place that was a little bit more open, Qin Lang swallowed more than a dozen Jingyuan pills, and at the same time held the spirit stone in his hand to recover his true energy.

But what he didn't expect was that the pale flame was slowly burning on the shell of the magic house. At this moment, the shell of the magic house made a sizzling sound, and the surface actually began to dissolve, and drops of liquid metal began to drip down.

"Not good! The fire of Kanli is the fire of refining equipment and alchemy. It seems weak, but it is hundreds of times hotter than the real fire of Sanwei. Even if it floats on the surface of the shell of the magic house, it is still destroying the structure of the metal shell. Time After a long time, the metal shell may melt away directly."

Qin Lang yelled that it was not good, and quickly put away Kanli's fire, but the damage caused by his carelessness was inevitable. Although he successfully drilled out of the underground passage by using Kanli's fire, the metal shell of the magic treasure house was still subject to certain damage. Damage, the damage is about 20.00%.

After part of the metal shell of the magic treasure house is melted, although it can still maintain a complete structure, its defense and attack capabilities are greatly damaged.

While Qin Lang was in a state of agitation, the huge genetic monster got close and slapped the magic house again. The sharp claws broke through the defense of the magic house and almost penetrated into Qin Lang's head. among.

After finally getting rid of this huge genetic monster from the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang was shocked and knew that he could no longer entangle here, so he had the idea of ​​retreating.

After all, now that the Magic Treasure House was burned and melted by the fire of Kanli, it was pierced by a huge gene monster with sharp claws, and the damage was very serious. Ten percent of its defense ability was less than thirty percent, and it might fall apart at any time.

Now the badly damaged magic house can no longer be used. In desperation, Qin Lang took the magic house and summoned Feitian Luo Quesuo to escape.

Qin Lang quickly got out of the villa, but behind him were the six genetic monsters who were combined with extraordinary mutants in an explosive state, and they were chasing after him. The speed was even faster than Qin Lang who used the flying Luo Yunsuo. The huge genetic monster in the villa room is inconvenient to move, and has not been able to catch up with Qin Lang.

But after leaving the villa, the huge genetic monster quickly narrowed the distance between Qin Lang and Qin Lang. In desperation, Qin Lang could only take Explosive Yuan Pill to temporarily promote himself to the late Yuan Ying stage, using Yuan Ying The late cultivation base came to escape.

All in all, the strength of the huge genetic monster with six extraordinary-level mutants in the explosive state behind him is about the same as that of the cultivators in the late Yuanying period. If Qin Lang's magic treasure house is not damaged, it is still possible to kill it if he uses the violent Yuandan. of.

But now the Magic Treasure House is seriously damaged. Qin Lang feels that the current state is at most equal to this guy. It is very difficult to defeat him, or even kill him. Will be killed by the other party, so now he has to escape.

This is probably the most useless time Qin Lang has come back from the world of comprehension and returned to the earth.

He had never encountered such a situation before, and it was really abnormal that extraordinary-level mutants in an explosive state were too perverted, and they were combined in groups of six, and the integrated strength was rare even in the cultivation world.

After all, this kind of fighting body can no longer be regarded as the ultimate power of human beings. The earth is already in the age of doomsday. No matter how tyrannical the ultimate power of human beings is, it can reach the level of the early Yuanying stage. The tyrannical power of mutant fighters, in a sense In fact, it is the power of the most cutting-edge technology in modern times.

To make a very simple analogy, even if a cultivator of Huashen landed on the earth, and an atom or bomb exploded around the cultivator of Huashen, then the cultivator of Huashen would still die even if his cultivation was as high as the sky.

It has to be said that the black technology of the M laboratory is really powerful, especially now that the second-generation gene potion has been developed, all the mutants have taken the gene potion, which means that the overall strength has been raised to a higher level.

After much difficulty, Qin Lang finally got rid of that terrifying giant gene monster, and then fled frantically in the forest, unknowingly fled to the border between M country and J country.

After flying for half a year and an hour, he fled for about five or six hundred miles. Qin Lang fell directly from the air. The time for the Baoyuan Pill's potency had expired, and he fell into a stream in a canyon in the forest.

Fortunately, he was not completely unconscious this time. It may be because the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death has improved his own attributes. Now his physical fitness is much stronger than before, and he insisted on sustaining this overdrawn state.

However, although he is not in a coma, his condition is not much better now. Basically, it is impossible to move his fingers. It is estimated that he will not be able to recover slowly in a few hours.

This unnamed stream in front of me is crystal clear, probably because of the desolation and inhabitation, there are many fish in the stream, and they are not afraid of people. After Qin Lang fell into the stream, a large number of fish surrounded them curiously and formed a small Small fish tide.

And a greedy osprey in the sky saw the spectacle in the stream, and was also attracted by the fish tide. It flew over the water surface above the fish tide with a volley, and directly picked up a fat wild fish of three or two sizes in its mouth. Fly into the sky.

The fish tide was so startled by the osprey, and they scattered again, and got into the crevices at the bottom of the stream. The wild fish in this stream were not big in size, and the largest ones were no more than eight taels, but each one Fat and very attractive.

Therefore, this is also a paradise for large birds such as ospreys. It should be the fish season now, and there are so many fish in the stream that they can't eat them all. It is also a very happy thing for ospreys.

About three hours later, Qin Lang finally regained some consciousness and felt that he could regain control of his body, so he slowly got up from the stream.

Shaking his wet body, Qin Lang came to sit cross-legged on a big rock by the stream, then swallowed a handful of Essence Pill, held the spirit stone in his hand and began to restore his true energy.

This process took about 20 minutes, and Qin Lang recovered [-]% to [-]% of his body's true energy, and only then did he feel that his physical condition was better.

After being overdrawn, his body was very hungry. At this time, Qin Lang went directly to the stream to catch fish. After catching fish, he did not light a fire. He directly removed the internal organs and cut them into slices with a knife. He felt that the original sashimi was really good, of course. Even better with a little salt.

This is because the body's hunger is too strong, so Qin Lang did this.

After eating about five or six raw fish, Qin Lang felt that the hunger was not so strong, and then he started to change the fire, set up a stove by the stream and add firewood to grill the fish skewers directly, adding some salt and other condiments while grilling, these The ingredients and seasonings are actually well prepared in the storage bag.

After that, the process of eating grilled fish skewers in Qinlang Meimei was another experience. The pollution-free water of this unknown valley and mountain stream has definitely reached the green 3A level. It belongs to pure mountain spring water and can definitely be drunk directly.

Therefore, the wild fish produced in this kind of water quality is also extremely delicious. Qin Lang had a great time eating it, and ate about a dozen grilled fish to satisfy the meal.

After supplementing the original needs of the body, Qin Lang started to do his own business. He first used the fire attribute to dry the clothes on his body, and then arranged an unsightly formation by the stream.

In the formation, Qin Lang used Jingyuan Dan and Lingshi to continue to replenish the consumption in his body, and then took out his magic house. This magic house has been damaged several times recently, and every repair will consume Losing a lot of Qin Lang's resources is really distressing to say the least.

(End of this chapter)

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