The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1433 The Mystery of the Golden Sea Eye Stone

Chapter 1433 The Mystery of the Golden Sea Eye Stone
The Magic Treasure House is currently his strongest magic weapon. Since it is damaged, he can only find ways to repair it.

This time the treasure house was seriously damaged, and Qin Lang seemed to have insufficient resources to completely repair the ghost ship, which made him feel a little distressed.

Since obtaining such a top-grade magic weapon, Qin Lang's combat power has also been greatly improved. Every time he fights against a strong enemy, he relies on it to make outstanding achievements. He finds that he has become more and more inseparable from this powerful magic weapon house.

"The resources and materials on my body are only enough to repair the Magic Treasure House, but after the restoration, the restriction level of the ghost ship in the Magic Treasure House will be knocked down a notch, from the original four-level restriction level to the third-level restriction level , the ability is greatly reduced."

"There's no way around it. There are only so many resources on my body now. Alas, I'll just use it in the future... But it's undoubtedly much more difficult to deal with mutants with the Magic Treasure House that triggers the three-layer ban."

Qin Lang sighed, and began to use some of the remaining refining resources on his body, and began to repair the magic house.

When taking these resources out of the storage ring, a golden stone inadvertently fell out. This golden stone is too small and not very eye-catching, and now it is also mixed in these resources.

Qin Lang didn't notice this small golden stone during the sacrifice, it also melted with a lot of resources.

The Magic Treasure House began to be repaired bit by bit with a small amount of resources. Qin Lang manipulated the entire repair process with extreme proficiency. During this process, he continued to add the prohibition method of refining tools to supplement the original restriction of the missing part of the Magic Treasure House.

Slowly, in the process of refining, Qin Lang felt that the resources were very powerful this time. After repairing the restriction of the three-story magic house, there were still a lot of them. He couldn't help but feel strange, but he didn't think too much about it, and went directly to repair the magic house .

The fourth layer of restriction was unknowingly repaired, and those resources that melted into a liquid state were still not used up, and there were still a very considerable amount. Qin Lang also felt strange at this time: "What's going on today, I thought It is very difficult to repair the third layer of restrictions with such a little resource, and now the fourth layer of the magic house has been repaired. After reaching the original level, there are still some leftovers. It seems that the fifth layer of the ghost ship is restricted. You can try to turn it on."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang suppressed the doubts in his heart, and began to concentrate on continuing to refine the house of magic treasures, and really tried to open the fifth layer of restriction.

But this time, the remaining melted liquid was finally completely absorbed by the Magic Treasure House as a whole, and the fifth-layer restriction of the Magic Treasure House that had absorbed all the resources was also activated.

Although he has not tried it, Qin Lang also knows that the magic house has become stronger now, which makes him return to his doubts just now. This time the whole process of refining and repairing the magic house is really weird. What causes it?Logically speaking, the small amount of resources I had just now is simply not enough to raise the magic treasure house to the fifth floor...

Afterwards, Qin Lang repeatedly tried to test this newly refined magic house, and it has indeed been upgraded to the fifth floor. All aspects of the ability have been strengthened by 30.00% compared to before, and a new function of the magic house has also been produced, killing Recruit the Nether Battlefield.

The House of Magical Treasures is a magic weapon of ghosts, and after the fifth level of restriction was opened, this magic weapon of ghosts broke away from the way of directly confronting the enemy head-on, and has its own battlefield ultimate move.

The Nether Battlefield is a ranged ghostly ultimate move. After it is cast, it will form an area-wide battlefield ultimate move. In this battlefield, the attack power of the magic house will be multiplied, and the combat power of the enemies trapped inside will be doubled. It will be greatly reduced, and will always be hurt by ghostly ghost energy.

Of course, the true energy that maintains this ultimate battlefield move is also astonishingly terrifying. With Qin Lang Yuanying's mid-term cultivation base, it is estimated that it can only last for about 3 minutes at most, and all the true energy of the body will be consumed.

After all, battlefield ultimate moves are generally only available to cultivators at the level of deity transformation. Although Qin Lang's Nether Ship has unlocked the fifth floor, he can use this battlefield ultimate move in advance, but the consumption of the true energy is the real stage of transformation Level, if Qin Lang uses it step by step, the consumption is too huge.

Therefore, Qin Lang just tried it twice, and knew that this battlefield ultimate move was temporarily beyond his control, and it might be much better after he was promoted to the late Nascent Soul.

However, even if this is the case, Qin Lang is also very happy. After all, the magic weapon house has activated the fifth layer of prohibition, which has further improved his combat effectiveness, and he also has a battlefield ultimate move with the same hole card, although this battlefield ultimate move It's a bit of a misnomer for who I am now.

After careful inspection for a while, Qin Lang felt something peculiar in this magic house, that is, the originally pitch-black metal shell of the ghost ship actually had some golden streamer, this golden streamer was full of rich aura, giving He has a very familiar feeling.

How is this going?Why did the Magic Treasure House that inspired the fifth layer of prohibition produce such a golden streamer?Qin Lang was very puzzled. He knew that after a normal ghost ship was upgraded to the fifth floor, the metal shell would not produce a golden streamer, but after thinking about it, he didn't know what was going on.

At this time, a sudden inspiration appeared, Qin Lang seemed to feel something, and began to count the items on his body, mainly the storage ring and the things in the bag.

During the counting process, he finally realized what was missing from his storage ring. A small golden sea-eye stone that he had collected in the storage ring was missing.

Speaking of this golden sea-eye stone, we have to talk about Qin Lang’s treasure hunt in the Strait of Malacca, which was the treasure of Hoover, the most powerful pirate king in the Arab world. In this treasure, Qin Lang obtained it in a mysterious small space. I bought this golden sea-eye stone, but I never knew what function it had.

Unexpectedly, in the process of repairing the magic treasure house this time, the golden sea-eye stone was accidentally mixed with some refining resources, but the result was unexpected. The magic treasure house was completely restored, and the magic weapon The fifth floor of the house was also activated.

Laughing, Qin Lang feels that being able to get such unexpected benefits is also due to the auspicious person's own natural appearance. He is a lucky person, and probably even the heavens are helping him.

"Golden sea-eye stone, hehe, I didn't expect the effect to be so strong!"

"This time it was lucky."

After collecting the treasure house, Qin Lang tidied up and was ready to go to Baker Forest Farm again.

He is a person who does not take revenge overnight, and now that the Magic Treasure House has been upgraded so much, he feels that it is time to mention the previous useless revenge and see if that group of mutants is still there.

If they are still there, then blame them for their bad luck. Now Qin Lang already has the ability to wipe out these mutants.

Now the ghost ship in the Magic Treasure House has been raised to the fifth level of restriction, so Qin Lang naturally joined the extraordinary-level mutant in the explosive state after the fusion. He is no longer afraid, and he is confident that he can directly defeat the opponent with his strength, or even kill the opponent.

But when Qin Lang rushed to Bega Farm, he found that the whole farm had changed drastically, the villa had been turned into ruins, and all the mutants had already evacuated here.

Qin Lang was also a little surprised by this, but he felt a little relieved when he thought that he had left here for four or five hours, and these four or five hours were enough for many things to happen here.

He guessed that the remaining mutants had returned to the M laboratory, so he didn't plan to pursue them again. The main purpose of his coming to M country this time was to kill Renault, and then wipe out Renault's family power. , this matter has not been completed yet.

As for the M labs in Europe and the United States, after I have completed this task, it will not be too late to deal with the M labs.

Originally, Qin Lang still had a mission to bring down the Reizman Cosmetics Group, but now that after killing Renault, he got the equity certificate of 60.00% of Reizman's shares held by Renault, he was not in such a hurry, and decided to think about it first. The solution is to dispose of the share certificate.

For the next period of time, Qin Lang continued to stay in country M and began the process of cleaning up the Renault family's power. ,

In fact, some time ago, Qin Lang led people to clean up once. At that time, Lei Nuo's family suffered heavy losses, and some of them fled abroad, but after Lei Nuo returned to China, he was called back to China again.

So Qin Lang's second cleanup came too timely, and finally wiped out all the remaining members of Renault's family. So far, the family consortium represented by Renault has completely collapsed.

After killing Renault's family power, Qin Lang began to return to the country, and handed over the equity certificate of the Reizman Group in his hand to Li Lengfeng, the head of the Li family of the Five-Party Alliance, and asked Li Lengfeng to find a way to buy this equity from the overseas black market. This stock certificate is very hot to deal with, but I believe that Li Lengfeng will have a solution.

As an international first-line cosmetics group and one of the world's top 60.00 companies, Reizman Group has a deep foundation. Even if the company's stock market has plummeted recently, 100% of its shares can be traded for at least [-] billion US dollars. Speaking of which, the foreign cosmetics group Reizman is still worth much more than the Lanrun Group as a whole.

If Leitzman is a large group of international first-tier brands, the current Lanrun Group has unknowingly reached the level of quasi-first-line. I believe that after a period of hard work, Lanrun Group will catch up with the other party, or even surpass it.

After all, the current third-line development of Lanrun Group, cosmetics, medicine, and real estate are all in the process of development. The production capacity and income of the group are also gradually increasing, and the future prospects are also bright.

(End of this chapter)

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