The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1434 Diversified Development

Chapter 1434 Diversified Development

Li Lengfeng is worthy of being the patriarch of the top five warrior families in China. His connections and foundation are very strong. He soon sold 60.00% of the shares of the Reizman Group that Qin Lang handed over to him through the black market. A large cosmetics company "Yalan Shidai".

Yalan Shidai ranks first in the ranks of international cosmetics. The products have a long history and retail outlets are distributed all over the world. They are many times larger than the international first-line brands like Reizman. It is unbelievable that Yalan Shidai took over Reizman. It is definitely not a problem to settle the black and white in M's country with the shares of Guangguang.

In this regard, if Lanrun Cosmetics took over the shares of Reizman, it would be impossible to do this at all, so Qin Lang also had to sell the shares of Reizman.

To be honest, although Lanrun Cosmetics has reached the level of an international quasi-first-line brand, compared with Yalan Shidai, the world leader in the cosmetics industry, it still has a lot of background.

However, at present, Yalan Shidai has become saturated in the international cosmetics market and has developed to the extreme, while Lanrun is currently an emerging force in the cosmetics industry. The leader of cosmetics.

This was also the goal that Qin Lang had set up since he founded Lanrun Cosmetics Co., Ltd.He wants to make Lanrun a brand as famous as Estee Lauder, Dior and other international first-line cosmetics brands.

Even though Lan Run's background has not yet reached the level of Estee Lauder, he is not in a hurry.

There is a saying called "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi". This is the truth. When the big waves wash away the sand, the latecomers must be willing to fight and hope to become bigger and stronger than their predecessors.

After selling the shares related to Retzman, Qin Lang immediately got a large amount of cash flow, about more than 50 billion and it was still in US dollars. Suddenly, Qin Lang decided to use part of this batch of US dollars to invest in medical laboratories for the development of new drugs. The other part is used to speed up the construction of pharmaceutical factories.

But not long after he made this decision, he received a call from a stranger. Qin Lang was stunned for a while at first, but then he realized who the caller was.

It turned out that the person who called was actually Jin Laowu, the Huaxia real estate family tycoon whom he met on Fuyuan last time.

Jin Laowu laughed loudly on the phone: "Boss Qin! Ever since Fuyuan parted, we agreed to call and contact each other after we went back, but there has been no movement from your side, and Jin misses it very much."

"The company has been quite busy recently."

Qin Lang responded with a smile, and said again: "Mr. Jin is calling this time, he should be going to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, right?"

He doesn't hate this person, so he doesn't mind getting on the phone and chatting with him.

The other end of the phone paused, and said: "Hehe, it's like this, Boss Qin, you also know that I am the main person in charge of the family in charge of the area of ​​Magic City and Yunhai, and I run Jinlin Real Estate Development Company under my hand. Du and Yunhai still have [-]-[-] million construction projects that have been in full swing."

"Recently there is a new policy here in Shanghai, and a new development zone is to be established in Puhai, so many real estate developers have begun to seize business opportunities, and my Jinlin Real Estate has also won a large piece of land, but at present it is full of people. Not enough, this piece of land has never been able to be built.”

"There is news from above that if Jinlin Real Estate has not completed the first-phase development and construction of this land within half a year, our Jinlin bid will be withdrawn. This will be a big I thought of Qin Lin. Boss, I heard that Boss Qin Lanrun Group also owns a real estate development company. Hehe, I wonder if Boss Qin is interested in cooperating with Jinlin Real Estate to develop this piece of land? As long as Boss Qin is interested, Jinlin will provide the funds. Lan Run only needs to send out his hands."

After listening to Jin Lao Wu's words, Qin Lang thought for a while, and said: "Lanrun is also very happy to cooperate with Mr. Jin to develop the piece of land you bid, but how to calculate the distribution of benefits?"

"It's very simple. The project on this piece of land needs about 33 billion funds to be completed in three phases. You don't need to worry about the funds. My Jinlin Real Estate has all the packages. Your Lanrun will send out some engineering and technical surveyors and a team. A professional contracting team of hundreds of people will do. It will take about a year and a half to complete the construction of the project. At that time, there is no need to wait for the real estate to be sold. We, Jinlin, will pay you Lanrun [-] million directly when the real estate is completed and the ribbon is cut. How about the project construction funds?"

"This, I don't think it's right."

Qin Lang didn't agree after listening.

"What's the matter? This time, we Jinlin approached you with full sincerity, earning [-] million yuan in one and a half years. After deducting the expenses of engineering personnel, you Lanrun can earn at least half of it! And there is no need for Lanrun during the entire construction process." As an advance, you only need to send people, and the conditions for such cooperation are very favorable."

Jin Lao Wu was very surprised.

"No, I think that since we cooperate, we must be equal, not just this simple employment relationship... Therefore, we, Lanrun Real Estate, are also willing to jointly invest with Jinlin."

Qin Lang smiled and said, "In this case, the risks will be shared equally and the benefits will be distributed according to the shareholding system. What do you think?"

Now that Qin Lang has sold the shares of Reizman, he is worried about how to spend the US dollars on hand. It is nothing to withdraw a few hundred million US dollars from the funds for the construction and development of medical laboratories and pharmaceutical factories. He thinks so The way of cooperation is better.

"Boss Qin is really shrewd." There was a wry smile on the phone, and Jin Laowu sighed; "There is no way, Jinlin really can't spare manpower to develop this piece of land at present, and he doesn't want to give up this big bid, so it seems I can only agree to Boss Qin’s request. Let’s do this, we Jinlin will pay 60.00 million yuan, plus the tendered land will account for 40.00% of the overall project, and you Lanrun will pay [-] million yuan plus the person in charge of the entire project. The specific project construction accounts for [-]% of the overall project, so it should be fine!"

"Okay, that's it."

Qin Lang nodded, now he is very satisfied with this share allocation, it can be seen that Jin Laowu is really sincere in finding him to cooperate this time, and the other party even suffered a small loss in this kind of cooperation.

However, what business needs is atmosphere. Qin Lang doesn't want to comment on how Jin Laowu is, but he does have a good way of doing business.

After making this phone call, Qin Lang asked Tang Qian to send someone to directly find Jinlin Real Estate Company of Jin Laowu, and signed the contract with the official seal of Lanrun Real Estate.

In less than two days, the contract for the cooperative real estate development project named "Dahanlongcheng" has been signed under the witness of relevant personnel from Lanrun and Jinlin, and it has the due legal effect.

After that, Lanrun Real Estate also started to get busy, and began to dispatch technical personnel to the construction site to carry out project surveys, pile foundations and other matters, all of which were necessary for the pre-construction project.

Speaking of which, "Lanrun Real Estate", one of the three major divisions of Qinlang's Lanrun Group, has been established for more than a year. Basically, it has always served the group's internal services. So far, it has not taken over a business. The joint development of the "Dragon City of Han Dynasty" project can be regarded as the first shot.

At this point, Lanrun Real Estate finally has a foreign business. Unlike before, the personnel in the entire real estate sector have nothing to do except for some construction business within the group.

Speaking of which, although Lanrun Real Estate has not lost money for more than a year since its establishment, it has never made money. This time, the "Dahan Dragon City" project hopes to break this vicious circle and let Lanrun officially make money in real estate. Your first pot of gold!
However, regardless of whether the current project is profitable or not, Qin Lang will not really take it to heart. Compared with the current development prospects of Lanrun Cosmetics and Lanrun Pharmaceutical, the current real estate structure is too small, although it is impossible to guess what will happen in the future , but now the focus of the entire group will definitely not be on this section.

Therefore, after Lanrun Group invested a little money to make the real estate sector start to operate, it didn't care much anymore.

Qin Lang's current focus is still on the pharmaceutical sector, because the last month's financial statements have come out again, and the sales of Fushen No. 9000 are very gratifying. Huaxia currently has [-] production lines in operation. It has reached around [-] million.

In overseas markets, Enke's first batch of new drugs has also been put on the shelves, and the return profit of the first batch is expected to be 300 million US dollars.

The current production capacity of the Chinese market is almost saturated, but the overseas market is far from saturated. The production line of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory is still adding a new production line every ten days with overtime. In the end, the production capacity of the overseas market is expected to be able to Increase by more than ten times.

Compared with the Chinese market, Lanrun's overseas market is more extensive. In fact, the overseas market has a greater demand for Fushen No. [-], a drug for treating mental illness. This is the pharmaceutical factory.

The pharmaceutical factory is estimated to be very busy now, not only to continuously add new production lines, but also to continue to work overtime to produce new drug products.

However, employees will be rewarded for their efforts. The benefits of Lan Run Group are numerous in the whole of China. The more you work, the more you get. The benefits and overtime pay of these employees in the pharmaceutical factory are basically doubled every month. Easy Song's monthly salary of more than [-] yuan is not a problem at all.

In fact, the entire Lanrun Group has also done a very thoughtful job in terms of humanization. The supporting facilities around the pharmaceutical factory, such as canteens, dormitories, and entertainment facilities, are all available, and they are all provided to employees for free.

That is to say, the employees have free meals, free accommodation, and the use of entertainment and fitness facilities around the pharmaceutical factory are also free.

To elaborate, the general factory only waives breakfast and meals for meals, but Lanrun’s canteen is free of all three meals, and the food is of a high standard. The combination of meat and vegetables is very nutritious, ensuring that employees can eat happily.

(End of this chapter)

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