The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1435 Detoxification Project No. 2

Chapter 1435 Detoxification Project No. [-]
For the employees of the pharmaceutical factory, Lanrun’s dormitory is not a simple environment like a common dormitory. Instead, it adopts the standard of a single room in a hotel-style apartment. The room is not only equipped with all household appliances, but also equipped with a computer network. Weekly There are dedicated cleaners for cleaning.

As for food, the cafeteria has received special financial allocations to ensure that each employee has a nutritional standard of 30 yuan for breakfast, and a nutritional standard of [-] yuan for lunch and dinner. Sometimes there are even seafood hairy crabs in the cafeteria. , The employees are already familiar with it.

No way, the food in Lanrun’s cafeteria is so good. The new employees who entered the cafeteria for the first time may feel that it is very fresh at first. They feel that the food standard is too good. But after that, everyone gradually got used to it. After all, the food in Lanrun Canteen is of such a high standard.

With such benefits, Lan Run's employees' enthusiasm for work has really increased a lot. Everyone regards this place as a real home. Lan Run treats everyone so sincerely, and they love Lan Run even more.

The pharmaceutical factory is developing vigorously and rapidly. Now the entire pharmaceutical factory has tripled in size, and the number of employees has increased from more than 2000 to more than 5000.

And with the increase in the number of personnel in the pharmaceutical factory, the entire Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical sector is also developing like a bullet. This rapid development momentum has already made the entire pharmaceutical sector show signs of gradually catching up with the cosmetics sector.

At present, cosmetics still holds the leading position of the three major sectors for the time being, and its position is unshakable.

However, once another new drug is developed and launched in the Lanrun Pharmaceutical section, I am afraid that the leading position of Lanrun Cosmetics will really be handed over to the pharmaceutical section.

After all, medicine is the most popular and profitable industry in the world. There is no such thing as one. It is inevitable that people will suffer from all kinds of diseases after eating five grains. It is only natural that people have to spend money to buy diseases after getting sick. .

After Qin Lang finalized the real estate cooperation with Jinlaohewu, he came directly to the Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory. First, he came to see how the researchers who were looted from M country were doing. Let's see if Guan Kunpeng has made any progress in his research on mutant clones. I don't know if he has successfully cracked the self-destruct device of the mutant clone system.

Of course, neither of these two purposes is the main purpose. Qin Lang also has the most critical purpose, which is to let the entire medical science and technology laboratory start the second phase of the new drug development plan...

At present, Qin Lang has a new medical idea, or a new plan. The second new drug developed by the medical science and technology laboratory should be a new drug for the treatment of various liver diseases and kidney diseases, because liver diseases and kidney diseases are also the most common in the world. It is one of the most common diseases in the world, and the medical sales prospects of this disease even surpass that of the psychotropic drugs.

Qin Lang entered the medical science and technology laboratory, and first took a look at the twenty or so newly joined foreign researchers. Now these foreign researchers who were robbed were really not very happy to come here at the beginning, but after getting along for a long time , they really liked it here.

First of all, Qin Lang and the entire laboratory management did not treat these people as prisoners, but gave these new researchers equal treatment, and they enjoyed all the treatment they deserved like other researchers.

Secondly, the academic atmosphere in the experiment of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology is really great, which is really great for these experts and scholars who are devoted to biotechnology, and it makes them feel reluctant to leave.

Third, Qin Lang also promised them before that as long as they have worked in this laboratory for five years, they will not embarrass newcomers like them when they go or stay in the laboratory. Such loose conditions are even more important. Give these new entrants the motivation to work and let them know that there is still hope for freedom in the future.

The entire laboratory has not changed because of Qin Lang's arrival. All the researchers in the laboratory are still busy, including the twenty new researchers.

The result of this investigation also made Qin Lang very satisfied. After watching it for a while, he went directly to Guan Kunpeng to see if Guan Kunpeng had cracked the self-destruct program of the mutant avatar system.

After finding Guan Kunpeng, Qin Lang asked, "Deputy Director Guan, how is the task given to you before going?"

He funded the establishment of this research room owned by him, of course to study some projects about mutant fighters, the purpose is not to copy the same mutant fighters, but to prevent the passing of time, hoping to find a way to restrain these mutant fighters.

After all, this kind of high technology is used for bad things, and the threat it causes is very great. If possible, he certainly hopes to find a way to restrain it.

"Oh, you said that the research on the mutant system has some clues, but it may take a few days to completely crack the self-destruct program in the system."

After stroking his glasses, Guan Kunpeng replied that he is currently in front of a sophisticated large-scale computer instrument, busy comparing a series of research parameters with his assistant Nalan Hairong.

"Oh, all right."

Qin Lang also nodded when he heard that the research had taken shape.At this time, I thought of my main purpose of coming to the laboratory, so I said again: "By the way, I took a look. At present, the research in the entire laboratory is very scattered and there is no focus. Now let me make a suggestion, our Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory The research plan for the second new drug is still based on drugs for the treatment of liver and kidney diseases, let's start from this aspect!"

"After all, while Lanrun invests a lot of money in the laboratory, it can also consider commercial benefits. Whether the development of this second new drug can quickly produce a large amount of commercial effects is actually the focus of the group's attention. Therefore, I hope the laboratory can take my advice."

After listening to Qin Lang's words, Guan Kunpeng stopped what he was doing, lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "Well, I will do as you said. But I don't have time to conduct the second round of new drug research, so I will leave it to Others!"

"no problem."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, and then said to Nalan Hairong: "You write these down, and then I will hold a short meeting with the relevant personnel of the entire laboratory to inform everyone of this decision."

"Okay, boss."

After Nalan Hairong heard this, she nodded. Now she has worked as an assistant for these experts and scholars in the laboratory for a month or two. Nalan Hairong has also grown a lot, and her abilities in all aspects have also been improved. A fledgling girl in society.

After that, Qin Lang held a short meeting in a large conference hall in the laboratory, and basically all the researchers in the entire laboratory were present.

At present, the entire Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory has focused on a large number of experts and scholars from the five-party alliance. The number has already exceeded [-], and it can be regarded as a relatively prominent large-scale laboratory in the field of biotechnology in China.

Moreover, this large laboratory is still a private structure, which is even more difficult.You must know that the few companies that can be ranked above Lanrun Biotechnology Laboratories in China are basically nationalized.

In this short meeting, Qin Lang first praised the working atmosphere of the entire laboratory as a routine, and then went directly to the key point without any bureaucratic tone. very precious.

After conveying the plan and meaning of his second new drug, Qin Lang quickly ended this round of short meetings, and after understanding what Qin Lang meant, all researchers began to turn their research directions in the field of new drugs to the liver. Started in the fields of medicine and kidney disease.

Basically, the research path for the second new drug has been clarified by Qin Lang, and now we are just waiting for the results.

On the other side of China, in the laboratory of Jin Dali Medical Technology, there is also a group of researchers in medical technology who are intensively conducting medical research.

Coincidentally, the research direction of Jin Dali Medical Science and Technology Laboratory this time also started from liver disease and kidney disease, and the research plan at hand appeared more than a month earlier than Lanrun's.

"This time, if the new drug is successfully developed, I will promise every add 200 million US dollars in research and development bonuses to the laboratory. So, everyone, work harder!"

Duan Ritian, the president of Jindale Pharmaceutical Company, also appeared in the laboratory at this moment, cheering and encouraging the researchers under him.

For some reason, Lan Run and Jin Dali, two top pharmaceutical groups in China, have overlapping research ideas. It is estimated that the research steps of new drugs are similar, and it is unknown which laboratory can develop new drugs first and apply for patents.

If one party can research it in advance, the other party may have to vomit blood, because the manpower, material resources and mental effort spent in the research process are huge. If one party achieves results, it means that the other party's investment is absolutely in vain.

However, Jindale Pharmaceutical Group's medical laboratory research is ahead of schedule, and the efforts made on liver disease and kidney disease drug research programs are one month ahead of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory.

It is not that Qin Lang's Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory has no chance of catching up, because the predecessor of Qin Lang's Medical Run Medical Technology Laboratory was "Sanhe Life Technology", which was jointly founded by three families belonging to the five major alliances, bringing together several major family forces The strength of the common channel actually far surpasses that of Jindalee Medical Technology Laboratory in terms of laboratory background.

At present, Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory has called the new round of medical research project "Detoxification No. [-]" project. It is very likely that the name of the new drug will be this. After all, Qin Lang is not good at naming names, and he often just takes local materials directly. When it's almost time, bring it and use it right away.

And Qin Lang is now waiting for the development of new drugs, while also paying attention to the progress of Guan Kunpeng's cracking of the self-explosion program of the mutant avatar system, because Guan Kunpeng gave him a message that the self-explosion program in the system can be completely cracked within a week at most come out.

(End of this chapter)

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