The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1436 S-Class Mutant Warrior

Chapter 1436 S-Class Mutant Warrior

The Lanrun Medical Science and Technology Laboratory is running at high speed again. Modern biomedicine has shifted from the macro to the micro. Various precision instruments for auxiliary research are beyond the imagination of ancient medical practitioners. The degree of development of medicine is many times stronger than that of ancient times.

Starting from the dialectics of ancient medicine, people will suffer from all kinds of diseases if they eat five grains, and eating, drinking and laxatives will affect the liver and kidney. The study of liver and kidney diseases has been an important topic since ancient times, and even involves the theory of the balance of the five elements.

However, this topic has always been an unsolved problem. Even in the modern age of advanced medical science, medical technology has been upgraded to the current level, and many related medicines can only save some people. On the contrary, people with symptoms of liver disease and kidney disease are more and more. More and more and more and more.

Nowadays, there are so many health care products in the medical and health product market that are used to protect the liver and kidney, but very few of them can really have the same healing effect as medicine.

This time, Lanrun Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Laboratory is really starting from the two aspects of medicine and health care, and is conducting research on liver and kidney protection drugs related to "Detoxification No. [-]". This is an important topic. If Lanrun can obtain If it succeeds, I believe it will definitely create a sensation in the market again.

Of course, the premise is that the research of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Laboratory can catch up with the results produced before Jindali Pharmaceutical Technology. A blow to Jin Dali's competitor.


Qin Lang came to Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory again, because Guan Kunpeng, the deputy director of the laboratory, called him to tell him that the self-explosion research and cracking of the mutant system had been successful.

After seeing Guan Kunpeng, this 50-year-old researcher, wearing big black-rimmed glasses and looking a little staid, now has an excited expression on his face, holding his beloved Venus pen in his hand and taking notes on some research results and data tests.

For this expert who has studied deeply in academics and must have excellent professional knowledge, Qin Lang naturally believes in his ability. At this time, he smiled and asked: "Has the self-explosion program in the mutant brain system been removed?" He pointed The mutant clone on the test bench.

"Hehe, living up to expectations, the data cracking has been completed!"

Guan Kunpeng said while busy.He was very focused when he was busy, and he ignored Qin Lang after he finished speaking, and was still studying and registering his notes.

However, Qin Lang didn't get angry because Guan Kunpeng played a big role and ignored him. There are not many experts and scholars who are so straightforward in today's country.

After about half an hour, Guan Kunpeng finally finished taking notes and began to prepare for specific operations.

Under his command, the research team started to turn on the data lights in the laboratory, and a series of lights began to light up. In front of the server in front of Guan Kunpeng, a large amount of data began to connect with the mutant brain system.

"Data docking complete! Modify parameters..."

The server's electronic synthesis sounded.

After the server was connected to the brain data of the mutant, a prompt box appeared on the LCD interface. Now the self-destruction program of the mutant system has been cracked, so all the operations of the research team appear to be very orderly.

"The parameter modification is in progress, please confirm!"

The server's electronic synthesizer prompts.

After Guan Kunpeng and the research team members quickly entered a set of codes, they finally confirmed the degree of parameter modification.

"The parameter modification reading starts, ten, nine, eight, seven..."

A long reading bar appeared on the display interface of the server. When the progress reached 10%, the server began to modify the self-destruct program of the connected mutant brain. It took about [-] minutes for this process to be completed.

At this time, the entire mutant body trembled slightly, and the brain system was forcibly modified and directly fed back to the body, so there was such a big movement.

And when the server finished modifying the data of the brain system of the mutant avatar, the mutant avatar finally calmed down, and now the self-destructive degree of the system has been completely dismantled successfully!

"Okay, it's alright."

Guan Kunpeng wiped the sweat off his face. It took a lot of energy to concentrate on the uninterrupted research just now. His physical fitness is only average, so he was exhausted. He didn't relax until the server finished modifying the internal system of the mutant's brain. in one breath.

And after the self-destruct program of the mutant brain system was removed, Qin Lang's consciousness also connected with this clone. After entering the body of the mutant clone, he scanned it carefully for a while. Sure enough, the entire brain system of the clone is now There is no longer a constraint on the self-destruct procedure.

That is to say, in the future, even if Qin Lang's extraordinary-level mutant avatar encounters those advanced mutants in M ​​Lab, he doesn't have to worry about being activated by the other party to activate the system's self-destruct program. After all, the system's self-destruct program has been removed now. .

In this way, even if he encounters those advanced mutants in the M laboratory in the future, Qin Lang can also manipulate this clone to fight, without worrying about anything wrong, which is equivalent to an additional fighting method.

"Haha, thank you, Laoguan."

After getting the mutant clone with the self-destruct program removed, Qin Lang was obviously very happy, and he couldn't help but flattering Guan Kunpeng twice.

However, this serious and rigid old man has no sense of humor at all. When he heard Qin Lang's flattery, he didn't respond at all, which also made Qin Lang feel very boring.

However, when he thought that this kind of scientific and rigorous attitude is what the experiment requires, Qin Lang was relieved again. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like flattery. What he needs is this kind of real scientific research talent. It is really the right person to hand over the room to Guan Kunpeng.

After cracking the self-destruction program of Qin Lang's mutant avatar, Guan Kunpeng's research team joined the medical research non-stop, and worked with the entire laboratory to develop the new drug "Detoxification No. [-]".

With the addition of the Kunpeng team, the research progress of new drugs has been accelerated a lot. After all, the four or five members of Guan Kunpeng's team are the most senior researchers in the entire laboratory, and they are all well-deserved leaders in the field of biomedicine. , The knowledge and experience reserves are much deeper than other researchers.

Just as Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory entered a good medical research atmosphere, an invisible crisis began to erode Qin Lang, and even affected Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory.

The place where the crisis occurred was in a remote location in country F, far overseas. Batty, the direct director of the M laboratory, learned that the entire Reizman Group was blocked by unknown persons, and the entire group's top management had been wiped out, including his own experiment. After Renault, the largest behind-the-scenes fund provider in the office, was killed, his face sank.

"Damn it, the related research on mutants in M ​​Lab is now at its most critical juncture. The data revision of the top S-level mutants requires a lot of financial support, and the funding chain behind it suddenly broke!"

"This Reizman won't have a problem sooner or later, but at this critical time, he lost the chain. It seems that the grip correction of the top S-level mutants has to be suspended! Damn, these are all Because of that kid from China..."

In the process of dealing with Renault before, Batty also knew that Leizman's competitor was from Huaxia, an oriental boy named Qin Lang and the Lanrun Group behind him.

After thinking about it, the frowning Batty decided to avenge his old friend. The experiment is now that the M laboratory has lost most of the behind-the-scenes financial support, which also makes him feel very annoyed, so he also secretly hates that kid from China up.


Batty called out at this moment.

"Master, what are your orders?"

An extremely tall white man appeared behind Batty silently and unintentionally. This white man was more than two meters tall and his face was as expressionless as a piece of wood.

And his body exudes a fierce evil spirit, which is even stronger than that of an extraordinary level mutant.

"You go to the eastern country Huaxia, I need you to kill someone..."

At this time, Batty pondered for a while, gave instructions to this extremely tall Gula Tower, and provided Qin Lang's background information to this Gula Tower.

Qin Lang's background information was actually left by Renault, and Gulata glanced at the information on the computer with red eyes, and there was an electronically synthesized voice: "The scan is complete!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Batty waved his hand, as if he was very confident in this Gulata.

Can Gulata alone deal with that oriental boy who overthrew the entire Reizman Group?This tall white man also seemed to be a mutant genetic warrior, and he looked very strong.

"Gulata is the only S-level mutant developed by the laboratory so far, and it is currently the highest-end combat power of the M laboratory. Although there are some flaws, this guy can fit ten extraordinary-level mutants. It shouldn’t be a problem to get that oriental boy.”

Looking at the back of Gulata leaving, Batty murmured that this S-level mutant has spent a lot of effort in the laboratory, and the cost is as high as [-] million US dollars. It can be said that all the research in the M laboratory has been done recently. All the funds have been invested in such a biochemical combat machine.

It's like the last time when Renault left the M laboratory, he wanted to borrow this S-level mutant, but Batty didn't even agree. This S-level mutant is really too precious, and the funds invested are not worth it. Say, S-class mutants are out of print throughout M Labs.

But now, in order to avenge his old friend, or the news that M Lab's capital chain was broken, Batty was very angry. He finally decided to send such a super mutant killer to Huaxia, preparing to kill that oriental kid Qin Lang, even An order was issued to destroy everything related to this oriental boy.

(End of this chapter)

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