The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1437 Laboratory Sudden Change

Chapter 1437 Laboratory Sudden Change

Night, as cool as water.

Qin Lang sat cross-legged on the roof of the 33rd floor of Yunhai Daxia, meditating and practicing.

After reaching the peak of Yuanying mid-term, after continuous practice, Qin Lang's cultivation level has now reached a bottleneck state, and there is only a slight difference from breaking through that layer of barriers.

The recent series of battles has allowed Qin Lang to continuously train and strengthen his physical fitness, while also accumulating his own background to a certain extent.

There is a good saying that fighting is the best shortcut to improve a cultivator. This sentence is indeed true. After returning to the earth from the Qinghe Continent for more than a year, Qin Lang's cultivation speed has not dropped much, thanks to this year. A lot of fighting.

From mutants, to wizards, to voodoo witches, and then to high-level mutants... Qin Lang still has many opponents on Earth, which is also a sufficient training for him.

After recent practice and polishing, Qin Lang's body has gradually adapted to the meridians that have expanded three to five times again, and his true energy is slowly overflowing. However, there are quite a lot of spirit stones needed to replenish the body's consumption. It is estimated that it will cost at least 3000 yuan to replace it with a middle-grade spirit stone.

Before he knew it, Qin Lang felt that the wealth he had accumulated after returning to the city from Miaojiang had once again shrunk. Now he still has more than 4 middle-grade spirit stones, 500 yuan for top-grade spirit stones, and 24 yuan for top-grade spirit stones. .

After one or two months, the middle-grade spirit stones have changed from more than 7 to more than 4, and the top-grade spirit stones have also dropped by a few hundred. At the beginning, it was estimated that the spirit stone reserves could be used for at least a year, and it is estimated that at most they can only persist It's been about half a year.

The main reason for this situation is that the recent battles have consumed too much, and they are all high-intensity battles that consume huge pills and spirit stones, which also makes Qin Lang's spirit stones feel a little tight again.

The moonlight is bright tonight, while Qin Lang is cultivating, his mind is gradually entering a mysterious and mysterious state, as if he has detached himself and let his soul escape from his body.

The primordial spirit came out of his body, and Qin Lang looked at his body sitting cross-legged in the middle of the roof gradually fascinated from high altitude, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't seem to be thinking about anything, time passed bit by bit.

The faint moonlight scattered, in fact, the moonlight is also a kind of spiritual substance, slowly nourishing Qin Lang's body, making every cell in Qin Lang's body feel comfortable.

Moonlight is a kind of yin energy. Although the earth is in the end of the Dharma period and the spirituality of heaven and earth is gradually losing, there is still a lot of energy contained in the moonlight on the days of the full moon.

However, Yuehua can only nourish Qin Lang's body, but if he really wants to absorb it, it will not be in harmony with his body's attributes. Forcibly absorbing it will cause the disorder of the true energy in the body.

After all, this is a kind of yin attribute energy, and only yin attribute monsters, yin objects and the like will like it very much. For them, Yuehua is the real tonic.

But for cultivators whose attributes are at odds, it is enough for Yuehua to simply nourish the body, and letting go of the absorption would simply make him feel uncomfortable.

Qin Lang has been doing this meditation for four or five hours. He felt very comfortable throughout the whole process, relaxed physically and mentally. Next steps to be taken.

At present, apart from practicing and living with his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen, Qin Lang is most concerned about some affairs of the Lanrun Group. After several years of development, the small company he created by himself has finally become a giant now. , and become a large group and large enterprise that develops medicine, cosmetics and real estate across the country.

In this world, Qin Lang is gradually approaching the top of wealth. This is an achievement, but also a kind of pride and joy. The wish he made in this world at the beginning has gradually been fulfilled. From a poor dick to today, think about it It's incredible.

However, where there is a will, there is a way. The world is full of incredible things. As long as you have perseverance and perseverance, some wishes are still very likely to come true, isn't it?
And Qin Lang's current achievements are a very obvious example. As long as the pace of progress does not stop, I believe his future will go further.

"Recently, the cooperation between Lanrun Real Estate and Jinlin has been proceeding in an orderly manner. Jin Dawu's [-] million Jinlin, which is under construction for the first phase of Dahan Longcheng, has been reversed, and Lanrun Real Estate's [-] billion yuan has also been in place. Manpower The mobilization is also completed...all we have to do is wait for the building to officially start construction."

"In terms of cosmetics, the current market share of Lanrun in the domestic cosmetics market has reached more than 40.00%, which is very gratifying. However, compared with the market share in the Middle East, this domestic market share is not worth mentioning. After more than half a year of development, the current market share in the Middle East has reached an astonishing 70.00%, almost monopolizing the entire Middle East cosmetics market.”

"So now the entire Middle East is almost like a cornucopia for Hualanrun Cosmetics. There is at least a net profit of nearly [-] million U.S. dollars every month. After the share distribution with the little Arab prince, I can earn money here. About [-] million is not a problem."

"One of the reasons why the Middle East market can be promoted so quickly is the cooperation with the little Arab prince Alsra, and the influence of the Alsra royal family in the Middle East. Another reason is that I have done a few months ago. When the Desert Fox was overthrown in the Middle East, so many people in the upper class were saved, a good relationship was formed, and the market channel door of the entire Middle East was directly opened."

"In addition to cosmetics, the channel sales of the pharmaceutical sector have also been fully opened at present. There are sales channels of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group in China, and sales channels of Enke Pharmaceutical Group in foreign countries. The cooperation between them is good, and the business is also booming. One section is high, and the future market prospect is immeasurable."

"The prospect of medicine is immeasurable. In the future, it will definitely catch up with cosmetics and become the new leading sector. In the future, when the pharmaceutical sector develops to a certain level, Lanrun will also have its own channel sales network, and will no longer rely solely on others. Of course, food needs It is a long-term plan to eat one bite at a time, and it is unrealistic to mention these now."

"At present, Lanrun Pharmaceutical only needs to do two things well. One is to invest heavily in the development of new drugs in pharmaceutical laboratories, and strive to produce more drug patents. In the future, there will be more products in the pharmaceutical sector, and the sales points will naturally increase. The second is The construction of pharmaceutical factories must focus on follow-up. At present, the production speed of new drugs can not keep up with the sales speed every month. The production line needs [-] million capital, which is not a small cost, so it is impossible for Lan Run to do it in one step, so we can only take it slowly."


Before he knew it, Qin Lang sat on the roof of Yunhai Building for one night, and he gained a lot this night. The most important thing was to sort out the plans for his next career development.

Just as she was about to call Tang Qian to reveal some thoughts in her brain to the group's top executive, an emergency call came from the laboratory: "It's not good! It's not good! The laboratory sent some big Incident, more than a dozen researchers were killed or injured, and the deputy director Guan Kunpeng was also robbed!"

"What's the matter? Who did it?"

Qin Lang was shocked after hearing this, and asked quickly.Such a big event happened in the laboratory, and he didn't know which force had the courage to stroke the tiger's whiskers under the eyes of the Five-Party Alliance. You must know that Lanrun's medical section, including the medical science and technology laboratory It is an interest group jointly invested by several forces of the five-party alliance.

The current five-party alliance is in full swing in the whole of China. The three families of the five-party alliance, the Li family, the Nalan family, and the Lei family, have successfully been promoted from the warrior family to the Guwu family, which has also made the entire five-party alliance more and more powerful. Great, there are basically few forces in China who dare to offend the five-party alliance as long as they know the situation.

"I don't know, there is only one person on the other side... a European and American face."

The lab answered.

"European and American faces? That should be a mutant... That's right, it's definitely a mutant from M Lab!"

Qin Lang closed his eyes after listening, and took a deep breath.

"It should be! That mutant is so powerful. He killed more than a dozen researchers in the laboratory in one shot, and then took Deputy Director Guan away. Before leaving, he seemed to say that if you want to take people, you can Tell Boss Qin to rush to the factory area on the other side of the Broken Bridge in the Sea of ​​Clouds within three hours."


When Qin Lang heard this, he stomped his feet heavily, and the whole building trembled. "I didn't expect that mutant to play the trick of kidnapping. I'll go there right away."

Guan Kunpeng is currently the direct person in charge of Huaxia Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory, and also a member of the laboratory's technical research team. It is of great significance to the entire laboratory, so this person must not be missed.

So Qin Lang didn't even think about it, he directly summoned the Magic Treasure House, and took advantage of the dawn to head towards the Broken Bridge in the Sea of ​​Clouds, hoping to rescue his capable general as soon as possible.

"Being able to break into the interior of the laboratory amidst the heavy guards, kill many researchers in the experiment, and take away the top director of the laboratory, this mutant sent from the M laboratory is definitely very high-level, probably at the extraordinary level above."

During the flight, Qin Lang was also thinking in his brain, and felt that the mutants he was going to face this time were probably the legendary S-level mutants.

"I have obtained some data from the mutant clone. The S-level mutant is also a new product of the M laboratory in recent months. The development cost is as high as [-] million U.S. dollars. At present, there is only one mutant of this level in the entire M laboratory."

"Unexpectedly, the relationship between Reizman and M Lab is so deep. In order to avenge Renault, M Lab is actually worthy of sending the only S-level mutant currently in the testing stage in the entire lab. Qiu still needs to work harder, could it be said that this old boy Lei Nuo is really related to the head of the M laboratory by blood?"

Qin Lang's mind was guessing unrealistically, but what he didn't know was that he killed Renault and took away most of the shares of the Reitzman Group, which was equivalent to cutting off the largest source of research funding behind the scenes of M Lab. This is what irritated M Lab the most.

Youdao is to steal people's money, just like killing their parents, so M Lab has to fight Qin Lang this time.

(End of this chapter)

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