The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1438 Challenge S-Class Super Experts

Chapter 1438 Challenge S-Class Super Experts

The broken bridge in the sea of ​​clouds is not long from the center of the sea of ​​clouds. It took Qin Lang more than ten minutes to reach this area, and then he let go of his consciousness and began to search.

It may be that the ability of mutants to hide their own aura is very good. Qin Lang searched for a while, but did not find the specific location of the S-level mutant, but it doesn't matter, he still found Guan Kunpeng's aura. The key person in charge was taken by that guy to an abandoned factory on the Broken Bridge in the Sea of ​​Clouds.

After finding the location, Qin Lang didn't hesitate any longer, and flew directly to the abandoned factory.

Before Qin Lang fell to the ground, a strong aura suddenly shot up to the sky, and directly exploded towards the magic house in the sky. This was an explosive blow from the S-rank mutant Gulata, and its power was comparable to the full blow of a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. .

However, when the blow was about to hit, Qin Lang in the Magic Treasure House suddenly manipulated the Magic Treasure House to deviate from the original direction of descent, avoiding this sneak attack.


The S-rank mutant Gulata who was originally hidden in the dark appeared directly in front of Qin Lang at this time, floating in the air and looking at the opposite magic house, and did not immediately start the second attack.

In fact, the sneak attack on Gulata just now didn't use all its strength, it was just a test. Qin Lang's name is also very impressive. This oriental boy can be called a mutant killer. Many high-level mutants in the M laboratory were buried before. Under this kid's hands, it has never underestimated Qin Lang's meaning, and it is ready to test Qin Lang's true ability before doing it with all its strength.

Of course, if Qin Lang was unprepared to be hit in that attack just now, he wouldn't mind changing from probing to continuous attacks like a storm, and immediately took Qin Lang down.

It's a pity that Qin Lang's strength and experience are there, and he was not attacked by a tentative sneak attack by the S-level mutant. It also let the S-level mutant Gulata know that it is difficult to kill Qin Lang easily. It seems that this Once was a hard battle.

Looking at the white man who is almost two meters tall, the most ace S-level mutant in the M laboratory, Qin Lang also spread his consciousness to the factory. He didn't feel any other ambushes around him. Apart from Guan Kunpeng who came, there was only this S-rank mutant in front of him.

However, Guan Kunpeng's physical condition seemed to be a bit bad, his breath was very weak, as if he had suffered a lot.

And the S-level mutant Gulata felt that Qin Lang released his consciousness to detect around, and couldn't help but make an electronically synthesized voice: "No need to detect, Dongfang boy! Your enemy is only me at present, but... yours in the factory That friend's condition is not good, he was seriously injured, and he can live for an hour at most, so hurry up and fight!"

With a flash of red in his eyes, the S-rank mutant Gulata teleported directly in front of the Magic Treasure House, and at some point in his hand, a huge laser sword appeared. Energy sparks.

The Magic Treasure House shook violently, and Qin Lang inside also stepped up the transmission of true energy. Now that the Magic Treasure House has risen to the fifth layer of restriction, laser weapon attacks of this level can no longer destroy the Magic Treasure House's energy defense layer. However, every When resisting an attack, the energy consumption of the Magic Treasure House itself has also increased a lot.

Therefore, Qin Lang also consumed a lot of real energy. After blocking the attack, he immediately distanced himself from the S-rank mutant Gulata and started to fight.

Next, Qin Lang gave full play to the flexible and compact combat advantage of the Magic Treasure House. After the Magic Treasure House was upgraded to activate the fifth layer of restraint, the current attack power was equal to that of the late Nascent Soul practitioners using magic weapons.

Of course, this is the power of a normal attack. If it is a big move, it will definitely increase digitally, and even reach the full blow of a cultivator at the stage of transformation.

However, the fighting power of the S-level mutants in front of him is also overwhelming, and it is even comparable to Qin Lang who is currently using the magic house, and the S-level mutants have no obvious weaknesses in their bodies. Qin Lang used the speed of the magic house to penetrate the opponent's body several times. It turned out that it was not of much use at all. After the other party's body was penetrated, it merged again in an instant, and nothing happened.

This kind of powerful recovery ability is too terrifying, he really deserves to be an S-rank mutant. If this battle of attrition continues, it will be very difficult for Qin Lang to win.

After fighting for a while, Qin Lang found that he could not cause any damage to Gulata, so he also changed his attack strategy, and directly used the attribute attack of the magic house, laying a layer of lightning on the surface of the magic house, wanting to see how to use lightning Can the power of the S rank mutants be harmed?

However, the effect of thunder and lightning is still negligible, and the recovery ability of S-rank mutants is too terrible. It is estimated that it will be fine to stand still and let Qin Lang's magic house keep attacking like this.

And after Qin Lang tried to attack for a while, the S-rank mutant Gulata, who had been expressionless all the time, also had a new movement at this time. shrouded.

"Metal Devour!"

The electronic synthesizer sounded, and the S-rank mutant activated a special ability, which actually wanted to swallow Qin Lang's magic house.

When being wrapped in the S-level mutant's changing metal liquid, Qin Lang also felt the huge pressure around him, and suddenly felt bad, so he also used the magic weapon house's battlefield killing move ""Ghost Battlefield".

As soon as this battlefield ultimate move was released, even though it was daytime, the surrounding area suddenly became dark, and the metal devouring ability of the S-rank mutant Gulata was within the range of the battlefield ultimate move, and its power was greatly reduced, at least The power has been reduced by half.

Qin Lang Dadan conveyed his true energy, and at this time he led the Magic Treasure House to forcibly break through the encirclement of the metal liquid, and escaped from the metal devouring of the S-rank mutant.

Then, the battlefield killing move suddenly disappeared, but Qin Lang felt that the consumption was too high and automatically canceled the battlefield killing move that came with this magic house. After all, if this battlefield killing move is fully operational, Qin Lang will exhaust his body in less than 3 minutes All true energy.

And in the short 20 seconds just now, Qin Lang almost consumed nearly [-]% of the real energy in his body.

Now he is close to the late stage of Nascent Soul, his meridians have been expanded once by the forbidden fruit of life and death, and his true energy is at least five times more than that of ordinary mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, and he can only maintain this battlefield ultimate move for 3 minutes. It can be seen that " How terrible is the consumption of true energy in the Nether Battlefield.

Seeing that the magic house escaped from the metal devouring ability, Gulata was also surprised, the metal liquid flickered, and changed from the metal liquid state back to the body again.

Then, it stretched out a hand, and the five fingers began to stretch infinitely, and countless dense metal wires grew out of the palm like weeds, extending outward.


The sound of metal synthesis sounded, and Gulata's hand turned into thousands of metal wires, each of which floated to the sky like a woman's hair, forming a net and beginning to cover the entire area.

The mutant's alienated metal wires directly chased the magic house and began to wind around. Qin Lang felt that each of these metal wires seemed to be spiritual, and contained a powerful devouring ability, so he didn't dare to neglect. Manipulate the magic house to teleport away from the original area.

He knew that if these metal wires were attached to the body of the Magic Treasure House, the energy on the surface would be swallowed up by the metal wires. In that case, the consumption rate of his true energy would increase dozens of times, which would be very unfavorable to him.

Through this round of battle just now, Qin Lang now understands that this S-level mutant has strange abilities, has powerful metal abilities and devouring abilities, and is very restrained in his magic house. It really is not a powerful existence that is easy to deal with.

After thinking about it, Qin Lang actually escaped directly from the magic house, looked at the S-rank mutant in front of him, and at this time cast Kanli's Fire.

As the mind poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, the mass of fire in the sea of ​​consciousness jumped out of the sea of ​​consciousness directly, and appeared on the chest, about the size of a castan.

This is a pale flame, and it is also one of the top ten strange fires on the earth fire list. It is a strange flame that does not belong to the world, and has the ability to refine everything in the world.

And Qin Lang's departure from the Magic Treasure House is to use this group of fire from the barrier. If it is used in the Magic Treasure House, this group of alien flames can directly melt the metal shell of the Magic Treasure House.


With a wave of Qin Lang's hand, this group of pale flames directly greeted the thousands of metal filaments in the air, and Gulata, who sensed the horror of this group of alien flames, finally had an expression on his face, and instantly devoured the changing metal wires. The ability was taken back.

brush! The S-rank mutant teleported directly and disappeared in place.

Qin Lang's Kanli Fire floated in the air, and then flew back directly, but failed to attack the opponent.

It can be said that the two sides failed to win the fight this time. This result also made Qin Lang and the S-level mutant in front of him have a deeper impression of each other. The opponent is really not easy to mess with!

At this moment, Qin Lang's heart is extremely heavy. Not only does he have to defeat the terrifying S-rank mutant in front of him, but he even has to rush to treat Guan Kunpeng in the abandoned factory building within an hour, because Guan Kunpeng was seriously injured. If effective treatment cannot be obtained within an hour, accidents are likely to occur.

However, the S-level mutant in front of him is indeed too powerful. Qin Lang feels that this guy is more powerful than four or five extraordinary-level mutants in explosive states combined.

After all, his magic house has already triggered the fifth layer of restriction. Under such circumstances, he can only fight to a draw with the opponent. If it is replaced by an extraordinary level mutant in a combined state, Qin Lang can definitely occupy the magic house with the current ability of the magic house. Upwind.

Moreover, neither side seems to have played their biggest cards yet. The S-level mutants are already so powerful without using the genetic potion. If they use the genetic potion, Qin Lang dare not think about it anymore. Got the other side.

"Distressed! A deadlocked battle is not what I want. I must rescue Guan Kunpeng as soon as possible."

Qin Lang looked at the disgusting Gulata, thinking extremely depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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