The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1439 The Battle of the Broken Bridge

Chapter 1439 The Battle of the Broken Bridge
The time was only one hour, but considering that the process of rescuing Guan Kunpeng would take some time, Qin Lang felt that it would be best to rescue him within half an hour.

Brush brush!
After Qin Lang swept out a few sword qi, he was about to drill into the abandoned factory building, but the S-level mutant Gulata was like the roundworm in Qin Lang's stomach, who knew Qin Lang's thoughts in advance, and teleported over to enter the abandoned factory building. The passageway was tightly blocked.

"Sword-style phantom crack!" Qin Lang split countless sword qi attacks, but the sword qi attack hit the S-level mutant, and was quickly defeated by Gulata's super healing ability. The sword qi was all useless.

Feeling that Jianjue is not very effective against the S-level mutants in front of him, Qin Lang put away the flying sword and murmured: "It seems that only Kanli's fire can engrave the opponent a little bit, but the S-level mutants It moves so fast, how can it hurt it..."

After thinking about it, Qin Lang took out something from his arms. This was a magic weapon of the previous auxiliary category "Shifang Shenhuo Cauldron", which can increase the energy of the arc fire attribute by ten times.

Qin Lang's eyes lit up when he saw this middle-grade auxiliary system magic weapon, or he could try it with this magic weapon.

Therefore, Qin used the ten-direction divine fire cauldron to intensify the fire of Kanli. After being augmented by the ten-direction divine fire cauldron, the original pale flame of Castanopsis has become the size of a small house, and the surrounding area exudes intense temperature. .

Kanli's fire, ranked among the top ten of the earth fire list among the three kinds of flames of heaven, earth and human beings, is a powerful strange fire, and its power is naturally impressive, far surpassing any flame in the mortal world.

"go with!"

Qin Lang flicked it casually, and countless small sparks popped out of the huge fire ball floating in the air in front of him, turning into meteor fire rain and starting to splash towards the opposite side.

And the S-rank mutants seemed to be more afraid of the traffic rain transformed by the fire, and immediately dodged, and the next moment the meteor fire rain passed, all objects began to burn, even stones were no exception.

In fact, there is nothing combustible in this abandoned factory, otherwise the fire would be really spectacular.

Flash... At this time, Qin Lang finally took advantage of the other party's evasion and slipped into the abandoned factory building. He was going to check Guan Kunpeng's physical condition first.

While rushing into the abandoned large factory building, in order to prevent the S-rank mutants behind him from blocking again, Qin Lang threw back a set of five-element array flags and turned it into a small defensive array to block the enemy.

Although the five-element array flag is only a set of top-level magic weapon, not even a magic weapon, but this magic weapon has special functions, and sometimes its power is even greater than ordinary magic weapons.

Facing the powerful destruction of S-level mutants, this set of five-element array flags will not be damaged for a long time. After all, the S-level mutant Gulata in front of him is comparable to the late Nascent Soul cultivator.

However, Qin Lang now only needs the five-element array flag to buy himself a little time, so as to rescue his capable general Guan Kunpeng.

At this time, he saw Guan Kunpeng, the top science and technology academic leader of China's biomedicine, who is not in a good condition. He is in a coma, and seems to have suffered serious internal injuries.

Moreover, the S-level mutant Gulata didn't know if it was intentional, but actually abused such an expert and scholar who was an ordinary person, breaking Guan Kunpeng's limbs.

If such an injury were replaced by most doctors, it would definitely be very troublesome. Even if Guan Kunpeng could be saved, it would probably be the result of a lifelong disability.

However, if Guan Kunpeng becomes disabled after being rescued, that is really not what Qin Lang wants.

Fortunately, Qin Lang has obtained the complete memory of Xuan Qingzi, a heavenly doctor in the cultivation world. His own medical skills are amazing, and he is also superb in alchemy. He has the top healing elixir in the cultivation world. .

After all, Good Fortune Pill is the top pill for life and death, flesh and bones in the world of comprehension. It is claimed that even the seriously injured can be rescued even if there is still a breath. It is not difficult to fully recover Guan Kunpeng with Good Fortune Pill and Qin Lang's medical skills do things.

At this time, Qin Lang hurriedly fed a capsule of Creation Pill to the top expert in China's biomedicine, and then directly gave Guan Kunpeng a bone to restore all the discounted limbs.

This process took a minute or two, and now he doesn't have much time to continue treating Guan Kunpeng and dissipate the aura of the pill in his body, because Qin Lang just used a set of five-element formation flags to arrange the formation, just in this short period of time. In just one or two minutes, it had been forcibly destroyed by an S-rank mutant, and Gulata was rushing towards Qin Lang quickly.

At this time, while Qin Lang injected a bit of spiritual energy into Guan Kunpeng's body, he also stuffed Guan Kunpeng into the magic house for protection, and then continued to fight against the S-level mutant Gulata.


Qin Lang summoned Kanli's fire to fight with the opponent again. He knew that neither the flying sword nor the magic house could cause damage to S-level mutants, and now the only thing he could rely on was Kanli's fire.

However, Gulata's teleportation ability is very terrifying. Qin Lang's Fire of Kanli not only failed to hit the opponent several times, but was almost approached by the opponent.

At this moment, Lieyan Yuanyang Ruler is hanging above Qin Lang's head. This top-grade magic weapon exerts its greatest defense ability to protect Qin Lang dutifully. It is absolutely top-notch inside, the entire magic weapon defense has twelve layers of prohibition once it is opened, it is not easy for an S-rank mutant to break through it in a short time.

After all, Qin Lang's current cultivation base is there, and he is very close to the late Nascent Soul. Although he is weaker than the S-level mutant in some aspects, his combat methods are diverse, and his combat effectiveness is actually not much weaker.

Because of his amazing healing ability, the S-rank mutant Gulata felt that close combat with Qin Lang was the best choice, so he repeatedly launched the teleport ability to get close, and slashed with the laser sword in his hand.

In order to deal with this terrible enemy, Qin Lang activated the speed of the Shadow Boots, and also used the Wind Escape Talisman to increase his speed, relying on the Phantom Wind Walk to barely keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

However, it was Qin Lang who was really struggling in the battle, because after this battle, Qin Lang's true energy continued to decline, but he was unable to cause effective damage to the opponent. Instead, he was frequently forced into danger by the opponent .

"Shadow Bracelet...Avatar."

At this time, Qin Lang used another auxiliary magic weapon to change into five identical clones to confuse the opponent's vision.

Although the split shadow bracelet is a mid-level auxiliary magic weapon, it has a strong psychedelic effect. For the five identical clones that have transformed, even the S-level mutant Gulada can't tell them apart for a while.

So Qin Lang finally relaxed a little bit at this time. Just now, he was pressed by Gulata every step of the way, and he was forced to hang himself. It felt really uncomfortable.


At this time, six identical Qin Lang summoned Kanli's Fire at the same time. Although five of them were just mirror images and were all fake, the scene in front of them was still very spectacular.

And the Gulata brain system in front of him calculated for a while, but couldn't tell the truth from the fake, so he could only stand blankly in the encirclement and deal with it carefully.

At this time Qin Lang moved, six identical shadows waved, and six pale flame groups the size of a house simultaneously released a large amount of fire rain towards the S-rank mutant Gulata, and the entire abandoned factory seemed to be suddenly involved In the Milky Way, the stars twinkle.

Then there was a series of beeping sounds. This time, Gulata was unable to resist, and his body suffered a lot of meteor fire rain, and suffered severe flame burn injuries.

Feeling bad at the same time, Gulata also flew back, but how could Qin Lang give up such a rare opportunity, so the six shadows chased together, and at the same time summoned the set of five-element formation flags, and once again arranged a small trap The formation is used to trap the opponent.

"Meteor shower!"

After trapping the S-level mutant Gulata, Qin Lang quickly launched a meteor fire rain to carry out a covering attack. He knew that the trapping array arranged by the top magic weapon five-element array flag could not trap the opponent for a long time, so he spared no effort when outputting now. .

Under the action of a large amount of light rain, the S-level mutant was burned to pieces by the light rain of Kanli flames, and under the light rain enveloped, Gulada's figure suddenly disappeared.


Qin Lang was puzzled, and at the same time carefully detected the movement inside the trap with his consciousness, but he couldn't detect anything at all.

And just when Qin Lang thought that the opponent was killed, suddenly a pool of metallic liquid on the ground transformed into an S-rank mutant body, broke through the blockade of the five-element array flag, and rushed towards Qin Lang's body.

"Lock the target!"

While attacking, the S-level mutant also made an electronically synthesized sound. It turned out that when Qin Lang used his divine sense to search for the opponent, the S-level mutant Gulata saw through his real body instead.

Bang... Gulata slammed into Qin Lang, and Qin Lang's body shield burst into a huge colorful light, and his true energy dropped by nearly [-]% for a while.

And Qin Lang himself was knocked into the air several tens of feet away, and hit hard on a thick concrete column with two people hugging each other in the huge factory building, cracking the original extremely solid column before falling down.

"Ahem, what a formidable opponent."

When Qin Lang stood up from the ground, he coughed several times before calming down his agitated body.

When the S-level mutant was trapped in the formation just now, he actually used a trick to cover his eyes. Qin Lang's flame attack from Kanli's fire was probably completely avoided by it.

"What the hell is going on!"

Qin Lang sighed at this moment and looked at the mutant who was two meters tall.

When facing it again, besides fear, Qin Lang was more helpless. He felt that there was really nothing he could do about this genetic monster like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed.

Because in this short moment just now, Qin Lang felt that the other party's injury from being burned by Kanli's fire had recovered a lot, and his combat effectiveness had once again improved.

"The target is locked again, death is your best outcome..."

The S-rank mutant turned around and locked Qin Lang once again. Its red eyes flickered non-stop, and the synthesized electronic sound poured into Qin Lang's eardrums like a magic sound.

"Are you really going to rush to the street?"

Looking at the terrifying enemy in front of him, Qin Lang muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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