The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1440 A Bizarre Turnaround Appears

Chapter 1440 A Bizarre Turnaround Appears

Just when Qin Lang felt the greatest crisis in his life, there was a burst of throbbing in his storage bag, and he sensed the breath of an S-level mutant, and his mutant clone also recovered!

The mutant clone gave itself a message, it wants to come out, it wants to come out, it has a way to deal with this S-level mutant Gulata.

Out of curiosity, Qin Lang released the mutant avatar, and after the avatar was released, a radio wave was emitted from the brain system and radiated towards the S-class mutant Gulada.


It turned out that the majestic Gulata, the Gulata who was so powerful that Qin Lang felt a little scared, this S-level mutant suddenly rolled on the ground with his head in his arms.

How is this going?

And Qin Lang then connected with his avatar, and only then did he know the reason. It turned out that his avatar sent a piece of garbled code to the other party through the system connection with the S-level mutant just now, causing confusion in the brain of the S-level mutant. Now Gula Take has lost control of his body.

"Fuck, that's fine too."

Qin Lang was astonished. It turns out that these mutant genetic monsters are different from human beings. They are controlled by the system program in the brain. This is the biggest weakness of the opponent.

And that piece of garbled code is equivalent to a virus, and now it has occupied the brain system of the S-level mutant, and new garbled codes are constantly being generated, crowding out all the computing power of the S-level mutant Gulata's brain.

In just a split second, the scene was bizarrely reversed, and the S-rank mutant Gulata in front of him was completely turned into a waste product.

When Qin Lang saw this, he quickly issued a series of restrictions to seal the mutant, and put it in his storage bag. He planned to take it back and study it carefully to see if there is any chance in the future, whether he can get this S-rank mutant Control it, if you succeed, it will be a big help to yourself.

And this time, my mutant avatar made a great contribution. However, while delivering garbled codes, my mutant avatar also infected itself, and now it is completely paralyzed on the ground.

It turns out that this garbled virus is a double-edged sword, which hurts the enemy as well as oneself.

It's not known whether this garbled virus was built into the original mutant system, or it was artificially added by people from Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory.

However, Qin Lang didn't care about this. Anyway, the biggest trouble has been solved now. After returning to the laboratory, he can clear the garbled characters in the brain system of the mutant avatar again with the help of the laboratory researchers. , to restore it back again.

The battle ended strangely, and Qin Lang felt very lucky. This was the first time that the battle was not resolved with his own ability. Speaking of which, this S-rank mutant is really powerful, and his own recovery ability is too perverted. Young and strong.

This perverted S-level mutant is probably more terrifying than the average late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. If Qin Lang had a choice, he would rather face a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator than face such an exhausting person who would not pay for his life. The S-rank mutants fight it.

Fortunately, everything is over now, and Qin Lang can now concentrate on treating Guan Kunpeng. Although he swallowed a good fortune pill for Guan Kunpeng just now, if he wants to dissolve the medicine faster and shorten the treatment time, Qin Lang has to take action .

Getting Guan Kunpeng out of the house of magic treasures, Qin Lang touched the old Xueqiong's body, his limbs had begun to heal under the effect of the weak good fortune pill, but his body was still seriously injured, and his internal organs seemed to be still deposited There is congestion, and until now his face is pale.

Qin Lang pinched his pulse for him, and immediately knew how serious his internal organs were. The liver, kidney, and spleen were all severely damaged. He was probably on the verge of death before taking the Creation Pill. That S-rank mutant attacked him. It was really cruel, and he never considered letting Guan Kunpeng live.

The S-level mutant Gulata did not personally kill Guan Kunpeng, and his more intentions were actually to use Guan Kunpeng to contain Qin Lang, so that Qin Lang had to face Gulata's provocation and had to face the conflict between the two sides. battle.

Because when the information was instilled from the M laboratory, the S-level mutant knew that the Oriental boy was a very powerful and cunning opponent. When Batty gave it instructions, he also pointed out that it would do everything possible to kill Qin Lang.

However, the final result of the battle was indeed somewhat unexpected. Not only did the S-rank mutants not expect it, even Qin Lang did not expect such an ending in the end.

Sometimes I have to say that luck is really important, Qin Lang's luck is simply against the sky, people have to sigh, he is indeed a freak with a protagonist template.

At this time, Qin Lang pressed against Guan Kunpeng's chest, and began to channel his true energy into this guy's body little by little, speeding up the diffusion of the power of the elixir, and speeding up the healing of the opponent's internal injuries.

Originally, with Guan Kunpeng's body as an ordinary person, even if a magic pill like Good Fortune Pill wanted to completely restore him, it would definitely not work within four or five hours.

However, during the process of Qin Lang's true qi crossing, the recovery process was greatly shortened. In less than half an hour, all the congestion in Guan Kunpeng's internal organs had disappeared, and the medicinal power of Good Fortune Pill had healed all the injuries in the internal organs. A seven seven eight eight.

Moreover, as Qin Lang's true qi circulated in Guan Kunpeng's body for two or three times, now some dark wounds in Guan Kunpeng's meridians disappeared, and the joints of the fractured limbs also began to adhere and heal.

When the old scholar was almost recovered, Qin Lang left an extremely weak trace of true energy in his body and continued to nourish his body.

After receiving Qin Lang's treatment, Guan Kunpeng's benefit was very great. Not to mention that the whole body and Zhou Tianju were opened up in this treatment, and the medicinal power of the elixir also completely cleansed the body of an ordinary person like him. It made Guan Kunpeng look much younger, and most of the white hair on the top of his head started to turn black.

Moreover, the potency of the elixir of creation remains in his body, at least it can prolong the old man's life by 30 years, which is the biggest gain.

It's a pity that Guan Kunpeng is not a warrior. If he were a warrior, he would benefit even more, and his body transformation would go further.Because in the course of the treatment just now, the potency of the Creation Pill was wasted even more, and the effective effect was actually only one-third of the original potency.

Finally, Guan Kunpeng was rescued. In fact, Qin Lang didn't care about the waste of a mere Good Fortune Pill. Guan Kunpeng's importance to himself and to the whole Lanrun Medicine doesn't need to be said, it's worth it for him to do so.

Guan Kunpeng didn't wake up during the treatment, but Qin Lang successfully tapped his black sweet acupoint during the treatment, so that Guan Kunpeng fell into a coma all the time, so that he could suffer less pain.

After curing Guan Kunpeng, Qin Lang rushed to his medical laboratory with his people. The S-level mutant Gulata suddenly broke into the Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory, causing a lot of casualties. He arrived just in time to deal with and clean up the aftermath.

Now the laboratory has heard that at least ten researchers were injured or injured. Now the whole laboratory must be in panic. Those researchers are the elites of the entire Lanrun Pharmaceutical. It is such a loss. Thinking about it, it is really frustrating People have a headache.

You must know that in order to attract more than [-] researchers who were looted from Europe and America, Qin Lang did not hesitate to use the means of cheating and abduction, and promised a lot of profits to let those researchers who have just arrived feel at ease to serve him. The importance of researchers.

It is now at a critical moment in the development of new drugs. The loss of a dozen researchers at once is a blow to the entire laboratory. The blow to Qin Lang is undoubtedly huge. If possible, Qin Lang is even willing to pay a huge price to kill these dead researchers. Resuscitate.

Soon, Qin Lang came to the Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory. Now the entire laboratory is under martial law. The three families of the five major alliances have sent a large number of warriors to block it. The head of the family came here in person.

"how is the situation?"

As soon as Qin Lang arrived, he began to ask the three of them for news.

"Eleven researchers were lost, and there were seven more injured who needed treatment, and the equipment in the laboratory was also severely damaged. This time, the loss of the laboratory is at least 5000 million U.S. dollars!"

Frowning Li Lengfeng reported the statistics just now to Qin Lang.

"There are so many...damn."

Qin Lang was also very distressed when he heard it, and said at this time: "Where are the wounded, I will go and see them."

"In a room to the east of the laboratory, it has become a temporary medical room. Fortunately, most of the seven injured are moderately injured, and only one is seriously injured."

Li Lengfeng pointed in one direction.

Then Qin Lang hurried over to save people. He had the Creation Pill and the Small Return Pill on his body. These are panacea pills for healing injuries in the cultivation world, and the effect is much stronger than ordinary medical care methods.

At the same time, he is also planning to arrange Guan Kunpeng to a hospital bed, so that the old man can take a good rest. After all, the previous fright was not light, and he hoped that he did not leave a shadow in the old man's heart. In the future, Qin Lang still needs to rely on Guan Kunpeng. It's on!
Soon Qin Lang came to the temporary medical room. The laboratory already has a medical system, and the medical staff here are actually their own people.

With the help of several medical MMs who are also laboratory assistants, Qin Lang gave all the injured one Xiaohuandan. Although the seriously injured person was said to be seriously injured, it was not particularly serious, and he could be cured with Xiaohuandan. come over.

After Qin Lang administered the elixir to all the injured, he gave everyone a burst of qi massage, and then asked the medical MM to arrange a row of beds for Guan Kunpeng to recuperate.

After this turmoil in the laboratory, Qin Lang knew that the research and development of new drugs needed to be temporarily suspended.

Because he feels that there are still some deficiencies in the current laboratory, the security of the laboratory needs to be strengthened to a higher level, and several psychological experts have to be invited to provide psychological consultation and counseling to some researchers, so as to prevent the previous The incident left a shadow on the minds of some researchers.

(End of this chapter)

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