The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1441 Competitors of New Drugs

Chapter 1441 Competitors of New Drugs

This time, the S-level mutant broke into the Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory, which caused great damage to the entire laboratory. It not only affected the progress of medical research and development, but also cast a shadow over the hearts of many researchers in the entire laboratory. The direct result was that the laboratory was shut down for nearly a week before slowly returning to normal.

Some of the equipment lost in the laboratory was also restored within this week, and more than 3000 million US dollars were spent on repairing and adding damaged equipment.

With the help of specially hired psychological experts, some researchers who were frightened in the whole laboratory finally got out of the psychological shadow and returned to normal, and went back to work.

Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory finally restarted the research and development of the new drug "Detoxification No. [-]" a week later, and Guan Kunpeng and other key personnel in the laboratory were also busy.

Seeing this, Qin Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly urged the five major alliances to strengthen the security of the entire laboratory. The loss of more than a dozen researchers in the laboratory this time is really distressing.

"M Lab...wait, wait until I'm done with the work at hand, then I won't let you go!"

Qin Lang also hated the mastermind who caused damage to the laboratory.

However, Huaxia is really busy recently, Qin Lang couldn't let go of his hands and left for a while, so he could only wait for the matter of revenge to be postponed for a while.

After the laboratory returned to normal, Qin Lang also handed over the captured S-level mutants to the laboratory to conduct relevant research and investigation.

If this S-level mutant can be deciphered, and this S-level mutant can be completely turned into his own, then Qin Lang's previous losses can be largely compensated. After all, this level of mutant is not small against himself. help.

And when Qin Lang handed over this S-level mutant, he also knew some information. The garbled program virus used by the mutant avatar before was indeed developed by these researchers in his own laboratory. It was originally designed to crack the brain system of the mutant avatar. The self-destruct program was added, but it didn't help Qin Lang a lot during the battle between Qin Lang and the S-class mutants.


Jin Dali Medical Science and Technology Laboratory.

"Hahaha, hahaha, our new drug has finally been successfully developed! After pharmacological and toxicological tests, it can be put into the market. Chairman, as a new product for protecting the liver and kidney, the effect of the new drug researched this time is better than all other drugs on the market. Medicines are ten percent stronger.”

The director of the laboratory reported to Duan Ritian, chairman of Jindal Pharmaceutical Group, and after receiving the news, Duan Ritian was also overjoyed: "Okay, good, good! As long as new drugs are put into the market, you are all contributors, and I will not treat you badly at that time." you."

After a pause, Duan Ritian said again: "The last time we wanted to get the agency rights of Lanrun Pharmaceutical's Fushen No. [-], but the boss of Lanrun Medicine didn't have eyes, and he wanted to grab a lot of money from us. In the channel market, that brat finally formed an alliance with Huairen Medicine, which caused our sales market to be squeezed out and shrink a lot."

"This time our new drug has been successfully developed, and we can finally stay away from them again, grab those crowded markets back, and even suppress the other party's limelight! Hmph, if you want to fight against someone like me, there is absolutely no way. Good fruit to eat."

Duan Ritian seemed very happy to get the result of the successful development of the new drug. This is a big trump card. I believe that after the new drug is put into the current Huaxia Pharmaceutical market, it will definitely make waves again. one army.

You must know that it will always be better to create efficient new drugs and rely on new drugs to attack Lanrun Pharmaceutical Company and the entire Lanrun Group than to use other means.

After all, this can severely hit Lanrun Pharmaceutical from the source, and it may even cause Lanrun Pharmaceutical to fail completely, and the huge medical research expenses invested will be in vain.

This is what he wants.

"What's the name of the new drug?"

The new drug researched by Jin Dali Pharmaceutical Laboratory this time is a capsule of granules. Duan Ritian pondered for a while and said, "Let's call it Ganshenqing Capsule!"

After choosing the name, Duan Ritian confidently and patiently waited for the laboratory to enter the pharmacological and toxicological test of the new drug. After the pharmacological and toxicological test is completed, it can be directly listed, so as to be different from competitors.


And all the researchers of Qinlang Lanrun Life Science and Technology Laboratory are still working on the research on "Detox No. [-]". Because the S-class mutant incident has been delayed for more than ten days, the progress of new drug research has slowed down a lot.

And when the research work of the entire Lanrun Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Laboratory was at a critical moment, a news came from the pharmaceutical market that Jin Dali's Ganshenqing Capsule was on the market. "Thoughts overlap.

Immediately, this heavy news attracted the attention of all the researchers in the laboratory, and after Qin Lang got the news, he also attached great importance to it, and held a short meeting with the relevant senior management of the laboratory.

In the short meeting, everyone discussed several issues. One is that it is unexpected that the new drug product currently under development overlaps with other companies’ ideas, and whether it needs to be continued. The key to the new drug product "Fushen No. [-]" standing out in the market is how to defeat the Jindali Group, which developed the "Gan Shen Qing" capsule.

We have discussed a lot about these two issues. This time, the laboratory has spent tens of millions of dollars on the development of new drugs. Now that there is a "Gan Shen Qing" capsule with a similar idea on the market, if the research is interrupted, Lan Run The previous investment in the laboratory was in vain.

Therefore, the research on "Fushen No. [-]" has to continue. Now if you want to stand out in the market and defeat the "Liver and Kidney Qing" of the Jindali Group, Lanrun Laboratory will work hard on these, and strive to develop it here. The new medicine that comes out must be better than the other party's curative effect.

For Jin Dali Group, a competitor, Qin Lang is not very cold. Jin Dali Group once wanted to acquire the production and sales rights of "Fushen No. [-]" of Lanrun Company. It had a dark heart, and secretly plotted against Qin Lang, but was directly slapped in the face by Qin Lang fought back.

If possible, Qin Lang would not mind stepping on this unsightly competitor again, and now he felt that he had to do something.

Although Qin Lang is not an expert in the field of biopharmaceuticals, he has dual identities in the field of comprehension. He is also a master of alchemy who relies on Tianyimen, and he also holds a lot of alchemy formulas in his hands, some of which are excellent. Fang he felt that it could be used for reference in the development of "Detoxification No. [-]".

After the meeting, Qin Lang directly copied a few prescriptions related to body detoxification, and compared them to relevant researchers in the laboratory.

And the laboratory experts who got these prescriptions were all amazed. The monarch, minister, assistant, and genus of these prescriptions are so well matched, and the medicines form an excellent balance. It can be said that these prescriptions are absolutely perfect. It is priceless.

"Wonderful... These pills can be directly used to make medicines. I believe they are all miraculous in detoxifying, nourishing the liver and protecting the kidneys! Of course, if they are improved and further refined and purified, the effects will be even more miraculous!"

Therefore, based on the prescriptions provided by Qin Lang, the Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory entered into intensive research. Now the researchers in the laboratory who have obtained new ideas are full of enthusiasm. I believe that new medicines can be developed in a short time. success.

About four days after Lanrun's competitor, Jin Dali Company's "Gan Shen Qing" came into the market, Qin Lang's Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory also heard cheers, and "Detox No. [-]" was finally researched!
Although "Detox No. [-]" was developed almost a week later than the competitor "Gan Shen Qing", but the impact caused by the S-class mutants making a fuss in the laboratory must be considered, otherwise "Detox No. [-]" will be better than "Detox No. [-]" "Liver and kidney clearing" appeared early.

After the pharmacological and toxicological tests, the results of "Detox No. [-]" are very gratifying. The effect of the same type of drugs on the market is at least half stronger in terms of curative effect. Even the new drug "Gan Shen Qing" produced by the competitor Jin Dali can't compare with it. .

I believe that after the launch of the second new drug of Lanrun Pharmaceutical, it will definitely detonate the domestic and foreign markets again and form a sales frenzy.

After all, the curative effect of the new medicines developed based on the prescriptions provided by Qin Lang is so good that it is unimaginable. I believe that as soon as the detox No. [-] is released, the market share of other medicines of the same category will be greatly squeezed.

Even the competitor Jindalee Pharmaceutical Group's new drug product "Gan Shen Qing" will be a successful victim. The whole market is so naked, either you die or I die.

As soon as the new drug "Detox No. [-]" came out, Lanrun Pharmaceutical Technology began to apply for patents to relevant domestic and international departments. After a batch of patents, it can be mass-produced, and then directly distributed to the market through the previous pharmaceutical channels.

After the launch of the new drug "Gan Shen Qing", Jin Dali Pharmaceutical Group received a good market response, and quickly occupied the leading position in the sales list of drugs related to detoxification, liver and kidney, overwhelming other drugs of the same category.

If it weren't for the high retail price of "Gan Shen Qing", which can be called a luxury drug category, and there is no price war with other drugs of the same category, I am afraid that other drugs of the same category would have no way to survive.

At present, the retail price of "Gan Shen Qing" in the market is 350 a bottle, and a bottle is about [-] capsules. Patients can take it for about a month, and the price is relatively high. The price of other drugs of the same category is basically only [-]% of that of "Gan Shen Qing". between one and one-fifth.

And when the new drug "Gan Shen Qing" came out of Jin Dali's factory, its cost was only about three yuan a bottle, which was definitely a huge profit.

Black, absolutely black!It does not consider the purchasing power of the majority of patients at all.

Although the price of the new drug is high, most liver and kidney disease patients in the market prefer to choose Jindali's "Gan Shen Qing" for curative effect, unless they really have no money, they will not choose those low-priced drugs with less curative effect.

There is no way to do this. It is inevitable for everyone to get sick, and in order to get the most effective treatment possible for the disease, patients often pay a lot of money as a price.

As soon as the new drug "Liver and Kidney Cleansing" was released, the Jindali Group immediately made a lot of money. However, when everyone in Jindalili, including the chairman Duan Ritian, was smiling and earning black-hearted money, there was another round in the pharmaceutical market. The crisis came quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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