The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1442 The drug is officially on the market

Chapter 1442 The drug is officially on the market
"Boss, the drug patent application for Detox No. [-] in China and [-] overseas countries has been completed! Moreover, the pharmaceutical factory has set aside ten production lines to start producing new drugs, and it is estimated that it can produce [-] boxes per day!"

During the phone call, Tang Qian reported to Qin Lang the work progress of Lanrun's pharmaceutical section, "As for the pricing of medicines, Lanrun has always maintained the idea of ​​taking a fixed price route for the benefit of the people, so that ordinary people can eat medicines with conscience and peace of mind. , so the ex-factory price of the drug is set at about 20 yuan per box. According to the agreement between the pharmaceutical factory and the distributor, the final sales price of the drug in the terminal market shall not be higher than twice the ex-factory price, that is to say, the patient can buy it in the pharmacy. Detox No. 60 will definitely not be higher than [-] yuan per box."

"The packaging of the new drug is a version of ten tablets, and a box of three versions. Patients can get good curative effect by taking three tablets a day on average... It is estimated that a patient with moderate liver disease and kidney disease can be cured as long as he insists on taking it for three months." If the condition is under control, and the condition has improved, it will be completely cured in the first half of the year or so, fully recovered!"

"Patients with severe liver disease and kidney disease can also effectively control or even alleviate their disease during the process of insisting on using new drugs, and gradually improve their condition in the subsequent follow-up treatment."

"It can be said that the drug detoxification No. 50.00 was developed, which is simply another miracle of medicine. Kidney disease patients are ushering in a new spring! It is expected that the sales of the new drug will be booming soon after it is launched, and it will even knock out the related drug Gan Shen Qing from Jindalee Pharmaceutical Group. "

"Oh, how is the sales of the Liver and Kidney Cleansing made by Jin Dali?" Hearing that Tang Qian mentioned his competitor Jin Dali, Qin Lang couldn't help asking curiously.

"Gan Shen Qing currently has a market share of 40.00% of related drugs, and the sales are very hot. If the price of the drug is not too high, it is estimated that the market share will increase a lot. After all, before our detox No. [-] came out, Gan Shen Qing The therapeutic effect of this new drug is the best in the market, more than [-]% higher than that of the same class of drugs."

"The terminal sales price of Ganshenqing is 350 a bottle, Jindali Pharmaceutical Group is really dark enough!" Qin Lang couldn't help but click his tongue after hearing the sales price of the competitor's new drug. The production cost of Lanrun's "Detox No. [-]" drug Each box does not exceed three yuan. He does not believe that the production cost of Jin Dali's "Liver and Kidney Cleansing" is higher than that of Lanrun's "Detox No. [-]".

You must know that the production cost of "Detoxification No. [-]" is so complicated. Presumably, "Gan Shen Qing" is much worse in terms of drug ingredients and rationality, and now it is completely black-hearted money.

Therefore, when Lanrun's conscience drug "Padox No. [-]" is launched, the market for liver and kidney clearing will inevitably plummet, and it is even possible that this new drug from Jindalee Pharmaceutical Group will be squeezed out of the market.

After all, compared with the price, "Gan Shen Qing" has no price advantage, and compared to the quality of "Gan Shen Qing", it is quite a bit inferior to "Detox No. [-]". How can Jin Dali compete with the new drug produced by Lanrun Pharmaceutical.

"Detox No. 58" still uses the channel of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group in China. The ex-factory price of the new drug is [-] yuan, and the agreed terminal sales price is [-] yuan a box. Compared with the same type of drugs, the price is not very expensive. But the treatment effect is very different.

On the fifth day after Lanrun Pharmaceutical obtained the new drug patent number, the terminal of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group had already started the sale of new drugs. The first batch of Lanrun Pharmaceuticals shipped a total of 30 boxes of "Detoxification No. [-]". Fushen No. [-]" produced by most of the production lines.

Sure enough, the launch of "Detox No. [-]" caused a sensation in the market, which was much bigger than that caused by Jin Dali's launch of "Liver and Kidney Cleansing" more than ten days ago.

This civilian-priced drug triggered a frenzy of sales. All patients who had used this drug immediately felt the therapeutic effect, so they rushed to buy it. 30 boxes of "Detox No. All sold out before the [-]rd.

"Not enough, not enough..."

"I want more, I want another twenty... No, I want to order a hundred boxes!"

The patients crowded all the stores in Huairen Terminal, each of them was agitated, and people who didn't know why thought they were rioting outside the store!After questioning, I found out that these people were all suffering from liver and kidney diseases. After taking the new drug "Detoxification No. [-]" produced by Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group, they spontaneously formed a panic buying frenzy.

However, the current production line of Lanrun is not enough to produce "Fushen No. [-]". Currently, ten new drugs on the market are extruded from the original production line to produce "Detox No. [-]", and the new production line is still under construction. Among them, basically one is increasing every ten days, and there is no rush.

There is no way, the current situation can only make everyone wait longer, and the Huairen terminal store has to take new measures to control the purchase volume of patients. Everyone has to purchase medicines with their ID cards. Do not exceed one month's dosage.

This is something that can’t be helped. The new measure of restricting the amount of goods purchased by patients is probably the first time in Huairen’s terminal stores for many years. It sounds really strange.

However, the crowds of people outside the Huairen store prove that this incident is not unusual at all. If this is not done, the patients who cannot buy medicine will probably drown all the store staff by spitting one by one.

In order to appease the emotions of these patients, Huairen Terminal's store has really put in a lot of effort, and at the same time told these patients not to worry, new drugs will be released every five days, basically ensuring that everyone can buy reassuring drugs.

Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory.

At present, the entire pharmaceutical factory has 35 production lines, and new drug production lines are still being built and added.

After the launch of "Detox No. [-]", it caused a frenzy. Now Lanrun Pharmaceutical is far from enough to meet the needs of the country, so it has temporarily given up the development of overseas channels.

There are currently 35 production lines, except for 25 that continue to produce "Fushen No. [-]", the remaining [-] lines have been determined to be used for the production of "Detox No. [-]", and the subsequent production lines are also ready to be used to produce new drugs.

The reason for making such a choice is also because the market for new drugs is too large. The market for liver disease and kidney disease is larger than that of "Fushen No. [-]" psychotropic drugs, and "Detox No. "Make more money.

Because "Gan Shen Qing" is priced at the top, the ex-factory price of "Detoxification No. 20" is actually very high at [-] yuan. The profit earned by each box is at least five times the production price, which is more profitable than "Fushen No. [-]". The ten production lines of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory are now printing money.

The relevant market is basically in a situation where the supply is less than the demand. Currently, the market share of "Detox No. 30.00" is about [-]%. It is believed that with the increase of production capacity, this market share should increase exponentially.

The increase in market share related to Lanrun also means that the sales of other similar drugs are becoming more and more sluggish. In particular, the new drug "Gan Shen Qing" produced by Jindale Pharmaceuticals was originally sold well when there were no competitors in this segment. Medicine also looks to new drugs to make a fortune in the market.

As a result, less than ten days after the new drug came out, the similar product "Detoxification No. [-]" of the old enemy Lanrun Pharmaceutical came out. The part of "Liver and Kidney Clearing" completely squeezed out "Liver and Kidney Clearing".

This is a slap in the face, naked in the face!When Duan Ritian got the news of a new round of market feedback, he wanted to cry without tears. In less than ten days, Jindalee Pharmaceuticals was squeezed out of its original sales leader, and its market share fell from the previous 60.00. % dropped to less than 20.00% now.

If it wasn't for Lanrun Pharmaceutical's "Detoxification No. 20.00" production capacity temporarily unable to keep up, I believe that the remaining [-]% of Jin Dali will soon be squeezed out!
This is a rhythm that does not give way to survival at all!If Jin Dali doesn't take any measures, I'm afraid this prophecy will come true in a short time. Duan Ritian is so anxious that he doesn't know what to do if there are ants in the hot pot now.


At this time, a fat man weighing more than 200 jin approached Duan Ritian. This guy was Pang Li who had been severely taught by Qin Lang. "This time Lanrun is really disgusting! Our company's new drug Ganshenqing has just entered the market, and the other party's detoxification No. [-] is also coming out. It is completely against us Jin Dali! Since this is not the case, why don't we find someone? Then teach them a lesson..."

"Hit... have you ever beaten the opponent? The lesson you received last time wasn't enough?"

Duan Ritian looked up at this time, looked at Pang Li, his cousin, and sneered.

He had figured it out a long time ago. If he wanted to hit Lanrun Medicine severely and hang up Lanrun's boss Qin Tian to beat him up, the best way would be to start with new medicines. Even if nothing is done, after the new drug is put on the market, it can immediately make Lanrun Pharmaceutical suffer a complete defeat.

It's just that man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Lanrun Pharmaceutical has developed a new drug with excellent effect, and it is fighting with his company, so he can't wait to kill Qin Tian immediately.

It's just that last time he suffered a big loss by using force, so he didn't dare to try it lightly this time.

Unless Pang Li can come up with an absolute solution.

"I admit that Qin Lang, the boss of Lanrun, is indeed capable. He is a powerful warrior. I can't beat him."

Pang Li shook his fat face and said: "Although we can't deal with him himself, we can start from other aspects. For example, the No. [-] new drug of detoxification should be produced from Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory! Starting the production line of the pharmaceutical factory, destroying several production lines, I believe Lanrun will also suffer a lot."

"Oh... In this case, it is indeed possible."

Duan Ritian pondered for a while, and said: "However, this matter must be kept secret, we cannot let Lanrun know that it was our Jin Dali who did it, even if there is speculation afterwards, at least we cannot let the other party catch us in the open .”

"Don't worry, cousin."

Pang Li patted his chest to ensure that he was competent for this job.

(End of this chapter)

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