Chapter 1445
After the group of gangsters made an agreement, they started preparing to collect points one by one, and then found a relatively hidden location, knocked out a few nearby construction workers, and then began to sneak into the construction site, gradually approaching the direction of the pharmaceutical factory .

And this process seemed to be very smooth, and soon the team of 20 came to the side of the pharmaceutical factory.

The pharmaceutical factory in front of me is closed, surrounded by walls, and there is a circle of flower beds, planted with a lot of flowers and plants half the height of a person.

"Over the wall, go in!"

Seeing that the gate was closed, the gang leader waved his hand and asked everyone to climb over the wall together.

They don't care about other things. Since they are here to cause sabotage, they definitely don't want to be discovered as soon as they appear. It is undoubtedly the safest way to climb over the wall.

After all, there is no power grid installed on this wall, and even the old men can't climb it.

This group of people gathered at the heel of the wall, stacked up Arhats, and one by one began to climb over the two-meter-high wall, jumping from one side to the other.

"It's strange, how come there are seven or eight jumps over the wall without any movement..."

The gangster muttered.

After all, the people who climbed over the wall should have some movement on the other side of the wall, but there is something wrong with how quiet they are.

At this time, when he looked up, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

It turned out that he found himself surrounded by these people, and the guards of the pharmaceutical factory appeared around them unknowingly.

It turned out that they had already been discovered when they broke into the pharmaceutical factory site, because the entire pharmaceutical factory was surrounded by surveillance cameras.

Thinking about it, the pharmaceutical factory is the top priority of the entire Lanrun Pharmaceutical. Each of the more than [-] production lines in it is imported from Germany. The [-] million production line can be regarded as the top in the world. It can be said that the entire pharmaceutical factory is an accumulation of wealth made.

Lanrun Group naturally attaches great importance to such an important place, and it is definitely impossible not to send more people here. If outsiders are allowed to infiltrate and sabotage, it would be a big loss for Lanrun Group to lose a production line.


Qin Lang's phone rang, and the director of the pharmaceutical factory called: "Boss, there is something wrong with the pharmaceutical factory, a group of people who came to sabotage have been caught by our people, do you want to come and have a look. "

"I'll come over now."

After hearing this, Qin Lang rushed to Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory immediately.

Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory.

Qin Lang coldly saw twenty or so guys dressed up as gangsters in front of him, knowing that this matter was not that simple, so he curled his lips and asked his subordinates to start interrogating these seemingly rebellious gangsters.

"Who... who sent you here? To be honest, you can suffer less."

A martial artist shouted at this group of arrested people with a whip.

There are about [-] people guarding the pharmaceutical factory. They are all warriors sent by the three families of the Five-Party Alliance. Like setting off firecrackers, the momentum is very frightening. "

"Don't say it! Don't say that this whip will eat meat when it hits you. Don't blame me, Li San'er, for not reminding you..."

This warrior is from the Li family named Li San'er, who is also one of the leaders guarding the pharmaceutical factory, and has the mid-term cultivation base of Wu Zun.

However, Li San'er's momentum is still terrifying, but the arrested people dressed as gangsters in front of them are not soft-hearted, and none of them speak.

"Okay, let's not say yes, just watch!"

Li San'er was not polite when he saw this, and directly used the method of torture. The whip whipped up, crackled, and hit the gangsters in front of him.

"You...won't you say it!"

The gangster in front of him suffered a blow, his skin was ripped apart, and even his clothes were torn.But this guy gritted his teeth and persisted, appearing to have a lot of backbone.

"That's good... how about you, tell me or not!"

Li San'er slapped the other one next to him, but the other one was just as stubborn.

"What about you... bang!"

Li San'er smoked several times in a row, which made the arrested people in front of him cramp with pain, but these professional brokers that Pang Li found from nowhere really had much stronger willpower than the gangsters, and they refused to reveal their bosses. news.

"Bah... I don't believe it, how long can you last!"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Li San'er became a little disbelieving, and prepared to continue the severe torture.

But Qin Lang stopped him: "San'er, forget it... Since these people in front of you are so dishonest, let me come! Hehe, dare to come to the pharmaceutical factory to make trouble, this is what they asked for..."

Qin Lang stepped forward at this time, grabbed a guy who looked like a gangster leader, and directly used the technique of searching for gods.

Needless to say, the technique of searching for gods is terrifying.

"Ah!" Under the effect of the God-searching technique, the leader of the gangster screamed in extreme pain...

Li San'er's whipping before couldn't make this guy cry, but under Qin Lang's search, this guy can't help it. It can be seen that this technique in the cultivation world is still terrible.

Under Qin Lang's search for God, this guy screamed like a butchered pig for a while, shaking his whole body, rolling his eyes for a while, and spitting white foam from his mouth.

Then, when Qin Lang finished searching for God, this guy passed out directly.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Lang directly threw this guy on the ground. After being searched by himself, this guy's brain has been completely destroyed, and he will be almost like a vegetable in the future.

This is what happened to the other party who didn't have eyes and dared to come to Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical factory to sabotage!And since he was caught and acted so tough, it was basically a rhythm of courting death.

After searching the gods, Qin Lang basically knew who was behind the scenes. He didn't expect that fat guy whom he had taught him before would have the courage to provoke him.

"Jin Dali Group... dare to offend me, Qin Lang, even if you are the top three pharmaceutical groups in the country, I will make you collapse next!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and a cold smile appeared on Qin Lang's face.

"My lord, how do you deal with these people in front of you?"

At this time Li San'er asked Qin Lang.

"Well, break a leg for me and throw me out!"

Qin Lang waved his hand.I believe that after such a lesson, these twenty fools will learn their lesson next time, and they should never dare to come to Lanrun to make trouble again.

And the worst thing here is probably the guy dressed up as the gangster leader. In order to take on this black job, he paid a few 10 yuan, but in the end he put himself in and turned into a vegetable, which felt really worthless.

This time the matter of the pharmaceutical factory is only a little trouble, and Qin Lang is quite satisfied with the security of the pharmaceutical factory. The security level here is second only to Lanrun Laboratory, and it is the top priority of the entire Lanrun Group.

"Recently, after the three families of the five major alliances were promoted to the ancient martial arts family, their strength has also increased by leaps and bounds. Now there are more than 200 warriors above the level of military masters in each family. It seems that we can transfer some more people from several families. , used to guard pharmaceutical factories and laboratories and strengthen defenses."

Qin Lang thought about it for a while. Although the Blue Run Pharmaceutical Group owns the majority, it also has the shares of other members of the five major alliances. Therefore, when Qin Lang made this request, everyone must be able to do their best. After all, the property of the medical sector is also equivalent to everyone's common property.

After solving this little trouble, Qin Lang looked at the progress of the pharmaceutical factory project again. After a few days of busy work, the pile foundations have been laid at the construction site, and circular pits tens of meters deep have been dug underground.

It seems that the engineering team has done a solid job in terms of quality. Qin Lang also nodded with satisfaction, and said to everyone: "Everyone, work hard! Do a good job in project construction and do a good job in project quality! The entire Lanrun Group is everyone's common wealth. It has become bigger and stronger in all aspects, and the benefits that will be given back to you in the future will be inexhaustible!"

Qin Lang has always been a very generous and good boss. Not only did he not deduct every penny from all the employees, but he changed his way to give everyone benefits and bonuses, so Qin Lang's encouragement also attracted everyone's applause .

"Boss, don't worry, we will work hard!"

"Boss, we all regard Lanrun as our home, and we will not be sloppy in every detail!"

"Unity and struggle, common progress!"


The workers on the construction site sang the song of Lan Run in unison. This is a song recently composed by the management of Lan Run Group by professional musicians for the core spirit of the group. It has a brainwashing effect.

Singing the song of Lanrun, the workers on the construction site worked harder!

Singing the song of Lan Run, the martial artists sent by the three families of the five major alliances also returned to their posts, and each of them also replaced themselves into this big group.

Singing the song of Lanrun, just as the workers said before, everyone is now united into a big group and fighting for a goal.


"What...the operation failed?! Those people who were sent out were all grown up eating shit, didn't they have any brains at all? They were caught and revealed without touching the edge of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory, and they were all arrested. Broken hands and feet."

Duan Ritian was very angry when he heard the news, and spit at the fat guy Pang Li.

While drooling, Duan Ritian was also extremely disappointed in this cousin, he was really useless, he couldn't even do a small thing well.

"Who knew that Lanrun Group's pharmaceutical factory had such a strong defensive force, they had to stumble."

Pang Li shrugged, resting his head on the pig, and murmured. "You can't blame me this time."

"Okay, it seems that the other party is also inefficient. This time the matter is over... Next, our group has something to do, and we need you to contact me."

After Duan Ritian scolded, he remembered something and said.

"whats the matter?"

Pang Li hurried over to ask.

"The International Sample Festival is coming, it should be next month!"

Duan Ritian said. "This is a rare event in the international pharmaceutical industry in ten years. At that time, many international leaders in the pharmaceutical industry will participate to discuss and exchange business experience in the development of the industry, and at the same time carry out some cooperation with each other."

"You get ready. If Jin Dali can take the opportunity to win an overseas sales channel at the sample festival this time, we can make up for the losses in the recent period."

"OK, all right."

Pang Li replied.

Is it the International Sample Festival?This time he must handle this matter well, otherwise, if he messes up again, his irascible cousin will probably swallow him alive, which is definitely not the result he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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