The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1446 International Sample Chapter

Chapter 1446 International Sample Festival

One month later, Qin Lang's "Detox No. 80.00" has occupied 40% of the market in China, and the production line of the pharmaceutical factory has also increased to more than 25. Except for [-] for the production of Fushen No. [-], the rest are used to produce new medicines.

Due to the increase of production lines and the fact that the OEM contracts between Lanrun and other manufacturers have not been cancelled, Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory has also begun to have some medicines in stock.

It's time to start preparing for overseas sales channels. Through Enke, Lanrun began to send "Detox No. [-]" overseas to earn foreign exchange.

However, Enke is only a small overseas channel provider in the world. It has energy in more than a dozen overseas countries, and there are more than 40 countries in blank areas. Therefore, Qin Lang's idea of ​​expanding the pharmaceutical business to the world is still very limited. long.

However, Qin Lang is not in a hurry, the road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite, right?

On this day, Luo Liren, the general manager of Huairen Pharmaceutical Chain Group, a pharmaceutical partner who has been in contact with Qin Lang, called: "Mr. Qin, is your Lanrun Pharmaceutical interested in participating in this industry's International Sample Festival?"

"International Sample Festival?"

As a newcomer in the pharmaceutical industry, Qin Lang has not been involved in this industry deeply, so he has never heard of the International Sample Festival.

"It's like this. The International Sample Festival was founded by the International Association of Medical Combination Committees. It is very helpful to promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry.”

Luo Lizhi explained carefully.

"Oh, like this."

Qin Lang was stunned, and then agreed: "Then I will also participate, how to sign up?"

"The International Sample Festival will be held around the 100th of next month. The location is at the Shanghai International Gymnasium. If you sign up, you will be there. However, the registration fee is expensive. Basically, every member of the International Medical Association needs to pay [-] million yuan. deposit to prove their qualifications in the industry."


Qin Lang nodded, 100 million is not a problem for him, in fact, who can join the medical association is not a big business!

"Nowadays, Lanrun Pharmaceutical is still taking the route of joint cooperation in the expansion of overseas channels, but Enke, an overseas channel provider, feels that the scale is still a bit small. In this case, Lanrun's business cannot radiate the world. It will reduce profits a lot.”

"Therefore, Lanrun still needs to make more efforts in terms of overseas channel expansion. It is best to open another overseas channel and expand more business volume."

"And now the International Sample Festival is also a good opportunity for Lanrun Pharmaceutical to communicate. I will see if I can achieve this wish at the International Sample Festival."

After making preparations, Qin Lang asked Lanrun Medicine to apply to the Medical Organizing Committee with the relevant qualifications and the magic city. Joining the International Medical Organizing Committee is also a good thing for Lanrun Medicine as a whole, which is equivalent to improving the international reputation of Lanrun Medicine in disguise. fame.

In comparison, the 100 million registration fee and the hundreds of thousands of annual membership fees after joining the Medical Association are nothing.

After all, what you pay for is what you get. With the brand of the member of the International Medical Association, the reputation of Lanrun Pharmaceutical has been improved, and you can often get a lot of latest relevant news from the international pharmaceutical industry provided by the Medical Association every year, as well as other Regular exchanges and gatherings of top figures, etc.

In this way, it is also convenient for Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. to better integrate into the international pharmaceutical industry, and it can also enter into more and better exchanges and cooperation with colleagues.

When registering, Qin Lang didn't come in person, but asked Tang Qian to send someone to register. After all, the registration is only a trivial matter. Qin Lang has a lot of things to do now, and it is impossible to do everything by himself.

After a while, Qin Lang's main focus was still on the medical laboratory. He waited for the S-level mutants to be handed over to the medical laboratory for research, and has been waiting for the laboratory to completely crack the system program in the brain of the S-level mutant. .

After all, the S-rank mutants are very powerful, even Qin Lang in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is not sure of defeating him.

If he can crack or replace the system program in the brain of an S-level mutant, Qin Lang will be able to master a higher-level mutant genetic monster again. In that case, it will also be of great help to his own strength.

So for this matter, Qin Lang also seems to be looking forward to it. He only hopes that the laboratory can work harder and produce some research results as soon as possible.

Regarding the research on S-level mutants, it is currently at 3S in the confidentiality level of the entire Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory, which is the core confidential level, so there are not many researchers, only four or five expert teams led by Guan Kunpeng are working. Research.

However, the system in the mutant's brain is the highest achievement of biotechnology combined by the top experts of European and American M laboratories. It is easier to crack a single structure in the system. Feeling quite tricky, progress has been little.

And Qin Lang is not in a hurry, he has been slowly waiting for Guan Kunpeng and the most senior expert-level researchers in several laboratories to do research. Sometimes he will also participate, and from time to time provide some fresh ideas to several experts for development. Brain hole.

After one month passed, the International Sample Festival finally started.

Magic Stadium.

On this day, the entire Shanghai Stadium was booked out. Hundreds of top luxury cars from all over the world were parked in the large parking lot of the stadium, and even a dozen specially-approved helicopters were parked in the square lawn outside the stadium.

There are nearly 4000 member units participating in this international sample festival in China alone, and there are at least three to [-] representatives sent by member units from overseas.

It is also the second time for Qin Lang, the gymnasium in Shanghai, to come here. The last time was to participate in the medical exchange meeting, but the medical exchange meeting is only a small exchange meeting held in China, and it is not comparable to the scale of this sample festival.

This is definitely an unprecedented grand event!

The International Medical Association has a total of eight governing units, and Huaxia is one of them. This time, Huaxia's governing units are the main body, and they will work with the local government to maintain order in the venue.

Qin Lang brought Tang Qian and a dozen representatives of Lanrun Pharmaceutical into the Shanghai Metropolitan Stadium. The Metropolitan Stadium is actually called the No. [-] Stadium, and it is a very famous landmark in the Metropolis.

Inside No. [-], there are not only an indoor football field that can accommodate tens of thousands of fans, but also other sports venues such as swimming pools, golf courts, and badminton balls.

All the venues in the entire gymnasium are arranged like a red carpet. It is estimated that the organizing committee spent at least tens of millions of dollars on the layout of the venues.

The interior layout of the entire sample festival venue is more luxurious than that of a five-star hotel. The tables and chairs in the conference venue are all the most expensive mahogany materials. The tabletops are filled with various rare fruits and drinks. It is full of precious oil paintings from all over the world.

This time, a lot of domestic and foreign reporters also came, and the spotlights were flickering everywhere inside the gymnasium. It is estimated that the number of reporters has reached 500 people.

The host venue for this event is in the middle of an indoor football field that can accommodate 3 people. Currently, there are lights and festoons and a sea of ​​people.The event has already started, and the organizer of the organizing committee delivered a speech for nearly an hour before giving everyone a chance to communicate freely.

In fact, all the member units participating in this event have set up booths in the gymnasium. At the beginning of the exchange meeting, everyone dispersed to their respective booths to carry out promotion and exchange activities.

Naturally, Tang Qian was in charge of Lanrun's booth together with a dozen or so medical representatives, while Qin Lang directly found his old friend Luo Lizhi, and followed him to visit various booths in the gymnasium.

"Mr. Luo, at present, Lanyao Pharmaceutical wants to expand its overseas channels again. I wonder if you can give some relevant suggestions..." While walking, Qin Lang chatted with Luo Lizhi.

"What? Enke can't satisfy you..."

Luo Lizhi looked at Qin Lang and said with a smile: "It seems that Lanrun is really a big tiger, with ambition and ambition. Boss Qin's goal is probably to develop Lanrun Medicine into a world-class one! In this case, overseas channels are indeed It needs to be expanded again... After all, Enke, which started as a condom seller, is one of the world's top [-] companies, but its ranking in the international pharmaceutical industry is actually not high."

"Currently, there are ten largest overseas channel providers, namely Deguan, Zhongxin, Polymi, Yasida, Amway, Hoff, Virtex, Three Trees, Baolai, and Adafil. These ten If a pharmaceutical company can get on line with one of them, it will be very helpful to the expansion of your Lanrun Pharmaceutical's overseas channels."

"Is that so? Then I really have a good discussion with these ten!"

Qin Lang nodded and said.

After walking for a while, Qin Lang's eyes lit up: "The booth over there seems to be one of the top ten distributors in the world, the booth of Three Trees, let's go and have a look."

After coming to this booth, the two found that there were many people around here, and [-]Trees actually invited an auctioneer to conduct an equity auction on the spot.

They actually inquired about a very shocking news. Because of the needs of business expansion, Three Trees actually wanted to find a partner at the sample festival to sell a part of the equity.

This was a shocking news, which immediately attracted a large number of member units who wanted to take over this part of the equity.

After inquiring, Qin Lang learned more. It turns out that Sankeshu is one of the top ten pharmaceutical distributors in the world. It belongs to the Rivaldo family in South America. It is also a large family group enterprise with multi-industry and cross-channel operations. It's just one section of this family group.

Recently, in order to expand a key business, the family reached the maximum amount of loans from the World Bank. As a result, a mistake occurred and the loss was huge, so there was a deficit in funds. In order to prevent the liquidity chain from breaking and going bankrupt, they had to sell some shares on the sample festival. to alleviate the crisis.

This is a great opportunity. Qin Lang's eyes lit up, and he saw the opportunity for Lanrun Pharmaceutical to obtain an independent overseas channel, so he decided to participate in this equity competition similar to an auction.

(End of this chapter)

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