Chapter 1448
Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Duan Ritian felt his heart beating violently. He thought, this kid should quit now. If he bids again, I really have to give up!
Although he was able to transfer more than [-] billion funds, he felt that Qin Lang in front of him was really disgusting himself. The sincerity of the price increase was too insufficient, and he might retreat at any time.

"[-] billion and [-]."

Qin Lang still raised the price in a neutral manner and did not stop.

"Good! Good! Good..." Duan Ritian suddenly laughed a few times, and pointed at Qin Lang who was not far away: "You kid deliberately set up tricks to get me into the trap, right? Okay, this time I will let the equity auction Here you go...I give up!"

At this moment, the auctioneer uttered a sound and knocked on the auction hammer; "Crack! [-] billion and [-], is there any bidder, and is there..."

"One hundred and five billion one hundred and ten thousand times!"

"[-] times!"

"[-] billion and [-] times! Deal..."

In this way, Qin Lang successfully bought a 40.00% stake in Three Trees, one of the top ten international pharmaceutical distributors, at a price of US$[-] billion.

After the auction was successful, Qin Lang squeezed in the direction of Duan Ritian, and then said to the old boy with a smile: "What a surprise! I was determined to win this auction, even if someone raises the price, I will continue to follow the auction , I didn’t expect you, old man Duan, to know the current affairs so quickly! It’s rare, rare!”

"You Lanrun Pharmaceutical paid such a high price to win the auction, I'm afraid the situation will not be much better!"

Duan Ritian snorted coldly.

He believed that Qin Lang was trying to fight him hard this time, but in the face of the actual value of the assets, such a huge successful auction price should have suffered a loss.

"Haha! Old man Duan, you guessed wrong. The sales of Lanrun Pharmaceutical are booming recently. I believe that with the expansion of overseas channels, I will be able to recover this investment in a short time! However, old man Duan... I heard that your company Recently, the sales market has been swollen, and it should be because of the urgency of the funds that we have to withdraw from this competition, otherwise, with your temperament, I don't believe that you will back down with such good intentions!"

Qin Lang said with a smile.


Some days the weather was trembling, he pointed at Qin Lang's nose and couldn't speak for a long time, but suddenly he rolled his eyes and vomited blood, and passed out directly in the crowd.

"Ah, Mr. Chairman!"

"What's the matter with you, my lord?"

"It should be a heart attack, call the doctor quickly..."

The subordinates accompanying Duan Ritian next to him suddenly became flustered, rushing to do various rescues for Duan Ritian, it seemed that several subordinates knew that the old boy had a heart attack.

But if you think about it, it’s common for grumpy guys to have this kind of illness. I hope Qin Lang didn’t piss him off this time. If he pissed him off directly, it would prove that this old boy is as vulnerable as Zhou Yu in ancient times.

Alright, the bidding is over, and the representative of 40.00Trees started to walk towards Qin Lang and stretched out his left hand: "My friend, congratulations on acquiring [-]% of the shares in [-]Trees and becoming the second largest shareholder of [-]Trees, a Waldo family business."

"Happy together."

Qin Lang chuckled and shook hands with the representative who looked to be in his 30s. "I also hope that after the Valdo family gets this sum of money, they can solve some financial problems smoothly."

"It seems that my friend has a deep understanding of the Waldo family..."

The representative looked at Qin Lang with a smile, and introduced: "My name is Raymond Rivaldo, one of the direct descendants of the Waldo family, and the executive president of Three Trees."

"Qin Lang, the boss of Huaxia Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd."

Qin Lang also introduced himself.

"Oh, I've heard about you... Your company's patented drug Fushen No. [-] is now well-known internationally. In fact, I have always wanted to be your company's channel agent. I didn't expect such a fate now!"

"Haha, there is indeed a destiny. From now on, we will be like a family... By the way! Your news is out of date. In addition to Fushen No. [-], another new drug of Lanrun, Detoxification No. [-], is more powerful..."

"Really? Then I must have a better understanding."


After introducing each other, Raymond Rivaldo pulled Qin Lang and said: "Come on, let's sign the equity transfer contract now, and wait for the cooperation to be fully implemented."


Qin Lang didn't have much to say. It seems that the Rivaldo family can't wait for this liquid capital, and he is also happy to get it all done quickly.

In fact, if the Rivaldo family’s funds were not tight to a certain extent, it would be impossible to auction the shares to the outside world at all, because [-]Trees, as the world’s top ten distributors in the pharmaceutical industry, has always been operating in a good state, and it is also one of the golden roosters of the family. Selling a part of the equity means that some of the eggs laid by this chicken will not belong to the family in the future.

At this time, Qin Lang's subordinates had already arrived at the scene one after another. Qin Lang asked Tang Qian to be responsible for signing the equity transfer contract, and said that after the contract was signed, the funds used by Lan Run to purchase this part of the equity would be allocated within ten days. Go to the account provided in the agreement.

"Happy cooperation!"

The signing process of the contract was very fast. The lawyers of both parties looked at it and felt that there was no problem with the printed contract. Then Qin Lang exchanged signatures and stamps with Raymond Rivaldo.

"Happy cooperation!"

After taking back the agreement, Qin Lang handed it to Lan Qian, looking at Raymond Rivaldo with another smile.

After obtaining 40.00% of the shares of [-]Trees, now Qin Lang has formally joined the board of directors of [-]Trees and has the right to speak.

Of course, Qin Lang's ambitions are also great. If the Rivaldo family still needs funds in the future, he doesn't mind buying more shares of [-]Trees, taking full control of the entire board of directors and becoming the real owner of [-]Trees.

After the signing of the contract, the Rivaldo family currently holds 50.00% of the shares of 40.00Trees, Qin Lang holds [-]% of the shares, and another [-]% of the shares are in the hands of several small shareholders.

It is worth mentioning that [-]Trees Pharmaceuticals, a channel provider, is not listed like Qinlang's Lanrun Group. In this case, it can explain why the Rivaldo family was able to own nearly all of [-]Trees' shares before.

Participating in an event like the International Sample Festival this time, not only from [-]Trees, but also from Qin Lang's side felt that they had gained a lot.

After the contract was signed, in order to deepen the friendship between each other, Qin Lang decided to entertain these foreigners who would become friends in the future, so Tang Qian booked a luxurious hall in the most luxurious five-star hotel in Shanghai, Wanguo Hotel. Five or six tables.

In addition to the staff from Lanrun Medicine and [-]Trees attending the banquet, Qin Lang also invited his old friend Luo Lizhi and his staff.

The dinner party was held on the No.18 floor of the Wanguo Hotel, and more than 40 people attended it, which was considered a lively party.To show his success, Qin Lang directly signed the hotel's most luxurious [-]-table set meal, a total of [-] dishes, a combination of Chinese and Western, two bottles of small Lafite wine, three bottles of dry red from a German winery, and two bottles Wuliangye.

The most expensive of these should be two bottles of Lafite, which add up to about [-] to [-], and then the dry red from a German hotel. The three bottles add up to nearly [-], and the cheapest is actually two bottles of Wuliangye.

Before serving the table, Qin Lang saw the German dry red on the wine table, and suddenly remembered his winery far away in the Middle East. Now the winery should have produced a lot of high-quality red wine after the second harvest of grapes. In two or three years, I can entertain guests with these high-quality red wines in the future, and the quality is no worse than these international brands in front of me.

"At the table!"

Qin Lang warmly entertained the guests. He was very thoughtful and knew that foreign friends were not used to Chinese tableware, so he prepared this half Chinese and half Western set meal.

In terms of tableware, there are not only Western-style plates and forks, but also Chinese-style chopsticks and spoons in front of everyone. Everyone can eat with their favorite tableware according to their own habits. Here, there is no distance or restraint.

"Come, come! Celebrate our happy cooperation!"

Qin Lang first stood up and toasted, and circled around the friends at each table.

"Happy cooperation!"

Everyone at each table raised their glasses, and drank the first glass enthusiastically.

Thus, the whole banquet officially started, and everyone picked their favorite food to eliminate.The advantage of Chinese and Western set meals is that when foreign friends eating Western food see Chinese friends eating so happily, they will also become curious about some Chinese food on the table, so they try to eat a piece with a knife and fork.

If you don’t eat, you don’t know. After eating, these foreign friends will also give a “tsk tsk” sound of praise. Although language has national boundaries, food has no national boundaries. The chef of the five-star Wanguo Hotel in Shanghai is in the kitchen In terms of art, it has a well-deserved reputation and has received unanimous praise from everyone.

It took three hours for the banquet to end. During the period, all the wine was drunk, and even two bottles of red wine were added to each table. The guests and hosts drank to the fullest, and out of ten foreign friends, eight of them passed out immediately. Qin Lang and Luo Lizhi also fell a lot.

Of course, as a cultivator, it was impossible for Qin Lang to get drunk. In the end, it naturally became a situation of "everyone is drunk, but I am alone".

"It's so cold at the top!"

Qin Lang muttered a few lines of ancient poems, and he had no choice but to carry out the pretense to the end by himself.

He drank up the good wine left on the table, ate a lot of seafood, and went to pay the bill after he was full.

"Sir, including the red wine that will be added later, it will be 50 per table... a total of [-]."

The checkout girl at the front desk said crisply, and at the same time looked at this handsome guy with gold stars in her eyes. Such a rich and handsome young man is harder to find than the diamond king, and I don't know which girl is cheaper.

After checking out with a gold card, the chick at the front desk who looked very handsome and had a match with Fan Bingbing suddenly blushed and handed Qin Lang a small note: "Sir, you are so handsome, can we be friends?"

Qin Lang picked it up and took a look, he couldn't help laughing. It turned out to be a series of phone numbers and a delicate name "Liang Jie", which should have been written hastily by this little girl when paying the bill just now.

"Oh, don't blame me, actually, I already have a girlfriend."

Shaking his head, Qin Lang stuffed the note into the little girl's collar, laughed and turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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