The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1449 The eyes are straightened!

Chapter 1449 The eyes are straightened!

Raymond Rivaldo, CEO of [-]Trees, stayed in China for five days. After receiving all the money, he hurried back to South America, planning to use the money obtained from the sale of shares to solve the family's financial crisis.

After Qin Lang successfully invested in [-]trees, the entire Lanrun Group became busy. First, it held an internal meeting at the group headquarters, and then sent people to the headquarters of [-]trees in South America, preparing to obtain information about Qinlang, the second largest shareholder. There are a series of relevant authorizations and information.

And this time, the $[-] billion auction was indeed a big deal. As a direct result, Lan Run Group's funds began to be tight, and the production line construction of the pharmaceutical factory and the development and construction of real estate almost came to a standstill.

The families of the five-party alliance were loaned out by Qin Lang due to a large amount of liquidity, and the situation was not very optimistic. Therefore, Qin Lang decided to pay back the money borrowed by the families of the five-party alliance as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Qin Lang called Tang Qian, the general manager of Lanrun Company, to his office.

"Tang Qian, after Lanrun acquired 40.00% of the shares of [-]Trees, a world-class pharmaceutical channel provider, the capital turnover has begun to appear. I wonder if you have any good solutions?"

Qin Lang asked.

"Boss, there are two solutions."

Putting on her black-rimmed glasses, Tang Qian, a tall and thin workplace beauty, said: "One is to raise funds and issue additional shares to promote and list the entire Lanrun. I will definitely be very interested, and after the equity is listed, it is not impossible for the market value of Lanrun to increase several times or even dozens of times."

"This method is good. It not only solves the urgent need, but also can quickly cash out a large amount of funds. But..."

Qin Lang thought about it and said: "You know, the reason why I never let Lanrun go public is that I don't want my group company to be controlled by the outside world..."

"Indeed, if Lanrun Group's equity is listed, it will be subject to market supervision, and the group's transparency to the outside world will be too great. In the future, Lanrun Group will be restricted in many places, which can be regarded as both advantages and disadvantages."

Tang Qian nodded and understood Qin Lang's meaning: "Since the boss is unwilling to let Lanrun go public, then we can only adopt the second method, which is to conduct an asset appraisal of the entire group, and then find a world-class bank for a loan .”

"Well, this method works."

Qin Lang nodded and said: "Then, you should go through the asset appraisal procedures first, and then we will go to the bank together."

"Okay, boss."

Tang Qian retreated in response.

After Tang Qian left the office, Qin Lang stroked his chin and pondered for a while, and murmured: "Leave aside the matter of financing and loans. With Prince Sla's cooperation, can I go one step further... to expand the scale of my business."

At present, the cooperation between Qin Lang and Bit Prince Alsla in the Middle East is only in the field of cosmetics. The equity distribution between the two parties was that Alsla invested [-] million US dollars, accounting for [-]% of the shares, and Qin Lang produced technology and products, accounting for [-]%.

Now the cosmetics market in the Middle East has developed, with a turnover of at least one billion yuan per month. Qin Lang's monthly profit from the Middle East cosmetics market is at least four hundred million yuan, and Prince Alsra's initial investment is also Almost all received a refund.

The cooperation between the two parties can be said to have made a lot of money, and they feel very happy with each other. This money is easy to earn. Now the cosmetics market in the entire Middle East is almost monopolized by Lanrun Cosmetics, with a market share of over 60.00%. .

Now the cosmetics market in the Middle East is almost saturated, but the real estate and pharmaceutical sectors are in a blank state, which is also the focus of Qin Lang's next step.

The Middle East and Europe and the United States have always been at odds, and there is a strong ethnic hatred between the two sides, so it also gave Qin Lang, a Chinese, a great opportunity to seize the market. As long as he is a smart person, he will never give up this huge cake.

So after the business developed to a certain extent, Qin Lang also had a new idea and decided to further cooperate with Prince Alsla to expand the fields of medicine and real estate.

In his plan, Ars will provide the main funds, while his Lanrun Group will provide technology and manpower to develop a brand-new self-owned channel in the Middle East. Once this channel is established, it can be used in the future. Provide more golden blood to the headquarters of Lanrun Group.

"Prince Bit Alsra is a big local tycoon with tens of billions of dollars in working capital. This guy is also a model of a fool with a lot of money. He is particularly interested in the investment industry. I believe that after Lanrun has made a plan, it will only need to promote more If you don't believe me, that guy won't take the bait..."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang couldn't help laughing a few times, it is a little more profitable than the money in Huaxia Middle East, after all, there are [-] or [-] countries there.

Moreover, after Qin Lang experienced a series of incidents in the Middle East, he now has a very good relationship with the Middle East. With the title of Viscount issued by the Bit royal family, he is now considered an upper-class person in the Middle East, and he can be regarded as completely integrated into the society of the Middle East. aspects of recognition.

Soon, Tang Qian completed the evaluation of the relevant plan of Lanrun Group. With this evaluation, Qin Lang and her started to run the major banks and entered into the matter of fixed asset mortgage loans.

Comparing the interest rates of major banks, Qin Lang and Tang Qian feel that the loan interest rates of public banks established by governments of various countries are a bit higher, while in contrast, the loan interest rates of private-level private banks are much lower.

Although the difference is only a few points, considering that Lanrun currently uses the fixed assets and intangible capital of the entire group as collateral, the loan amount will be relatively high, at least more than [-] billion U.S. dollars, so the loan interest rate is a few less This point is also very important to Lanrun.

"Boss, after comparing several companies, this Huarong Jiangli Bank should have the lowest loan interest rate. Next, we can contact the representative of this private bank to discuss and try to get the loan approved!"

After the analysis, Tang Qian made suggestions to Qin Lang.

Tang Qian's ability to do things is still very strong, and the key is to work hard. It is difficult for a person who is capable and willing to devote himself to work to mess things up.

And Qin Lang also nodded: "Okay!"

Then the two walked into the bank, and saw the scene of people coming and going in the lobby. Huarong Jiangli Bank is a world-class private bank, and coincidentally, it is also a Chinese private bank.

As soon as the two entered the bank gate, they went straight to the investment department, ready to discuss loan matters with the manager of the investment department. However, the investment department seems to be busy in the future, and there are seven or eight people in line who are all looking for loans.

However, compared to such a large order as Qin Lang, the orders of these seven or eight customers are not very large, and the loan amounts are all between 50 and 200 million. Such amounts should all belong to small and micro enterprise loans in Huaxia.

Maybe it should be busy today, coupled with the bad mood, the attitude of the staff in charge of the loan agreement towards customers has not been very good.

This is a menopausal woman. Although she is dressed fashionable and wears heavy makeup, she cannot conceal her old age. It is obviously an example of failure to pretend to be tender.

"Your, finished, next..."

After completing a business, the menopausal women waved away directly. As a staff member of the investment department of a bank, their attitude was very unfriendly. It may also have something to do with the fact that these loan borrowers are all seeking from the bank. In front of these loan customers , the bank is the uncle.

After the next loan customer walked to the business desk, just as he handed in the form, the worker glanced at him and said, "You, the form is unqualified, go away!"

Did not say the reason, just let the customer get out of the way.

The business of the investment department was indeed very busy. The loan client wanted to find some theory, but was squeezed away by the clients behind him.After about half an hour, I finally got the business from Qin Lang.

Qin Lang stepped forward and asked, "Is the president of your bank here?"

"Why are you looking for the bank president? It's useless to ask the bank manager if you can't get a loan... Bring me the list, if you can't, get out of the way!"

Menopausal women still have extremely sharp mouth corners. It seems that Qin Lang will be passed immediately if he doesn't follow the rhythm of her words.


Qin Lang submitted the form, although he was a bit speechless with the attitude of the staff, but his work efficiency was indeed fast enough, and within half an hour, seven or eight of them had been completed, which was almost super fast.

However, the key is how those customers who were driven away felt, Qin Lang didn't know.

Menopausal women are a little impatient when they finish the list casually, thinking that the other party is looking for some kind of president, and they will pass their own test first, and the other party may not even be able to pass her test.

But after taking a look at the list, menopausal women's eyes are straightened!
"A loan of 100 million... oh no, [-] billion dollars?!"

The middle-aged woman screamed, and after confirming that she was not dazzled, she looked at Qin Lang suspiciously: "Are you joking? If you are joking, please go away..."

Unknowingly, her attitude towards Qin Tian made a 180-degree turn, and her tone became much more respectful and polite.

"I'm not joking. I'm representing the Lanrun Group in an asset-backed loan. Is there a problem?"

Qin Lang smiled and asked.

"No... no problem."

The middle-aged woman shivered for a moment. Although there are usually many loan orders of hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, there are not many more than ten million or more. Moreover, the amount this time is too huge. She knew that this time she really had to meet a super big client.

"So, can you decide this list by yourself?"

Qin Lang asked.

"Decision...can't decide."

The middle-aged woman's tone was low, and now she lowered her eyebrows to the extreme like changing her face.

"So, can I talk to your president now?"

Qin Lang asked back, now he is taking over the opponent, after all, the middle-aged woman was too snobbish just now.

"Ok, Ok."

The middle-aged woman nodded again and again, her momentum was extremely weak.

If the order was smashed after falling into her hands and the customer was let go, it is estimated that as long as someone responded, she would be able to pack up and leave the bank immediately.

And it's not a big deal to pack up and leave. The key is that if this matter is known, no one in the entire industry will dare to use her again. After all, it is taboo in the industry for bank staff to drive away big customers because of their bad attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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