The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1450 Loan 1 Billion

Chapter 1450 Loan 100 Billion
This is the difference between big customers and ordinary small customers. If Qin Lang only borrows millions or even tens of thousands of small customers, then this staff member's attitude is nothing at all, and it will have little impact on the bank.

However, if the impact is huge, then the bank can only say sorry to the staff member!
Soon, Qin Lang met the president of this private bank, and during the whole process, the middle-aged woman just now behaved better than Quail, if Qin Lang hadn't seen the character of this woman before, I'm afraid it really Thought she was another person.

The president of Huarong Jiangli Bank rushed over in person. As expected, this world-class private bank attached great importance to the $100 billion order.

"My surname is Pan, and my name is Huanghe...the branch president of Huarong Jiangli Bank's Asian headquarters."

This short middle-aged man in a suit walked towards Qin Lang with a smile. The bank president was not much taller than Wu Dalang.

But Qin Lang is not a guy who judges people by their appearance. To be the president of this world-class private bank's Asian branch with such a good appearance, he is naturally a capable person. For those who are capable, they should be recognized by others respect.

What's more, as a lender, Qin Lang is really asking for something, so he doesn't dare to ignore the other party.

He is not the stupid middle-aged female salesperson just now, she has always paid great attention to etiquette in social occasions, which is the key to being a person in the business field.

"Hello, I'm Qin Lang, the boss of Lanrun Group... This is my assistant Tang Qian, the general manager of the group."

While explaining himself, Qin Lang also introduced Tang Qian who was beside him.


Tang Qian next to her also greeted with a smile.

When the two parties shook hands, Pan Huanghe took Qin Lang and Tang Qian to a VIP room. The investment department was busy with people coming and going, and it was inconvenient to talk about such a large business, so Pan Huanghe took the initiative to transfer the negotiation location .

In this VIP room, President Pan first asked his assistant to serve tea to the two, and then he personally read the application materials handed over by Qin Lang.

"Well, Lanrun's qualifications...the estimated fixed assets are about 50 billion U.S. dollars, but there are also a lot of foreign debts. It should be no problem to borrow 100 billion U.S. dollars from our bank, but [-] seems Still have to think about it."

While looking at the qualification assessment provided by Qin Lang, President Pan pondered and said.

"Ha ha……"

Qin Lang took a sip from the teacup at this time, and sighed: "Good tea, it should be Gujing tribute tea... This tea is very sweet, and it is hard to buy in the market. President Pan really has a heart."

After taking a sip to moisten his throat, Qin Lang smiled and said: "President Pan, it is true that Lan Run has some foreign debts, but you should also consider Lan Run's intangible assets... Now the whole Lan Run is benign. Explosive development, with Lanrun's current brand effect, I think there should be no problem with President Pan's support for some capital offsets."

"This one……"

The small man tapped his mature head, and then said: "Actually, I have heard of you, Lanrun, who have grown rapidly in China in the past two years. If it is a public bank under the government department, it would be difficult to apply for such a freshman." It is indeed much easier to get a loan, but it also accounts for a large proportion in terms of rebates.”

"Boss Qin, you Lanrun must have chosen our Huarong Jiangli Bank because of our interest rate ratio. Hehe, it is not impossible to borrow 100 billion US dollars, but Huarong Jiangli Bank still needs to report based on these evaluations. Do some more market research to see Lanrun's current status in the hearts of the people, and to determine the true value of these intangible can see if it is possible."

Pan Huanghe thought for a while, and then said.

"Well, that's fine."

Qin Lang and Tang Qian looked at each other, then replied.

"Okay, we can draft an agreement on behalf of the loan. If Lanrun Group really meets the loan requirements... After our bank conducts relevant market research, the terms of the agreement will come into effect, and then we will sign the contract and formally sign it to you Loan it down."


"Then we have a happy cooperation. To be honest, it is the first time we have encountered a large loan contract of 100 billion U.S. dollars since the establishment of Huarong Jiangli Bank. In fact, I am also looking forward to this cooperation."

Pan Huanghe stood up and held out a hand.

He is right. Huarong Jiangli Bank has been established for about 20 years. Although I have seen such a huge order like Lanrun, it has only happened with other international counterparts.

But in the Huarong Jiangli headquarters, there has never been a penny, so such a list is also a publicity and promotion for the private bank itself, indirectly confirming that the capital of this private bank is indeed very strong.

"Happy cooperation!"

Qin Lang and Tang Qian also stood up and shook hands with the little man. The negotiation between the two parties went smoothly. I believe that this time the loan approval should not be a problem.

"Then, you just wait for our good news... We will step up our market research. If it goes well, we will call you Lanrun in about seven days."

Pan Huanghe said.

"That's troublesome..."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, this time the discussion here is considered complete, and then he and Tang Qian can go back to Lanrun and wait for the news quietly.

About a week later, Huarong Jiangli Bank really called. The market research was over, and the bank approved the huge loan.

This is good news, Qin Lang immediately asked Tang Qian to send someone to handle the loan, and the funds were settled.After the funds were settled, Qin Lang began to repay the funds borrowed from several families of the Five-Party Alliance before. About [-] billion U.S. dollars were repaid, and the remaining [-] billion U.S. dollars decided to continue to borrow and pay back slowly.

After all, on the side of the Five-Party Alliance, it is enough to ensure that a few allies have substantial liquidity bonuses to use for turnover of business, and the remaining five billion Qin Lang is still useful for the construction of pharmaceutical factories, the increase of production lines and laboratories. The development of all needs funds to support, so the five billion US dollars have been used in these areas.

And after all this was settled, the entire Lanrun Group began to operate smoothly, and the hidden worries of stagnant funds had disappeared.

And it was rare for Qin Lang to be free for a few days, spending a few days in the two-person world with Liu Zhenzhen, and at the same time, his daily practice did not fall behind.

On this day, both Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen came to the construction site of the pharmaceutical factory, and the two began to work on another matter, which was to arrange a large-scale defensive formation at the construction site of the pharmaceutical factory.

This large-scale defensive formation is also the result of Liu Zhenzhen's recent research. If the arrangement is successful, the overall defense capability of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Factory will be greatly enhanced after the formation is activated. On average, each guard can be used as a ten-fold to play their own defense. effect.

Because of the construction of the pharmaceutical factory, the deployment of this defense came at the right time. If it is usually necessary to successfully deploy this large-scale defensive formation, the amount of work will definitely be huge, and it will cost a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources. Now Qin Lang and Liu Zhen Really seized the opportunity to arrange this defensive formation.

The materials used to arrange this large-scale defensive formation are all Qinshan stones carefully selected by Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen, and more than a dozen trucks were used to transport them. This kind of large stones range from tens of catties to several tons.

However, Qin Lang did some processing before the shipment, and now most of the dozen or so carts of large stones weigh seventy to eighty catties each.The position of the array arranged by Qin Lang is to plant these large stones in some suitable positions at the bottom of the pile foundation of the entire construction site.

However, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen don't need to do it themselves now. There are so many workers on the construction site, and they only need to give instructions. Naturally, these workers on the construction site will do the specific operations.

"Put this big rock in that big hole. Pay attention to the location of the northwest solution... Move it again, to the right, to the right, and you need to move it again!"

"Another stone is on the right side of the pit. Dig a little deeper, and then bury the stone. Yes, it's a good job..."

"Well, wait a minute... the stone is buried, I still need to add a little engraving in this pit..."

Qin Lang said to several workers, and then he jumped down the big pit and began to arrange a large array of curse patterns.

Of course, the workers don't know that Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen are arranging the curse pattern of the defensive array, and they are also the bosses arranging the Fengshui array of the homestead. This is popular in all parts of China, but they are all arranged by some Fengshui masters, like the boss himself. Hands-on situations are indeed rare.

This proves that the boss and his girlfriend have a deep understanding of feng shui, and all the workers are amazed when they see this. It is no wonder that a boss who understands feng shui can go smoothly in the business field. The business has become bigger and stronger, and it has reached the point where it is now.

In fact, they didn't know the real inside story. Qin Lang's Lanrun Group was able to make its business bigger and stronger, not relying on Feng Shui theory, but relying on its own mind to manage and protect its business as a cultivator.

Based on Qin Lang's current formation ability--it is rather difficult to arrange this large formation. After all, he is only a senior formation apprentice, not a formation master, but there is a formation master level Liu Zhenzhen beside him, so all this It doesn't seem so difficult.

It took about five days to set up this large defensive formation. During the period, it was quite cumbersome to place the position of the stones and describe the restriction of the formation pattern. The knowledge of the formation is also a very profound knowledge. At present, Huaxia has the ability to independently It is estimated that Liu Zhenzhen is the only person who arranges this level of defensive formation.

After all, Liu Zhenzhen was born in a family of agencies, and his talent in formation agencies is very strong, surpassing everyone in the family, coupled with some opportunities, he has achieved his current achievements.

In contrast, Qin Lang is not bad. His current situation is that he has learned a lot and is too complicated, and he doesn't have much energy to study the mechanism formation. Otherwise, I am afraid that the progress in the formation will not be so slow. After all, his talent is actually similar to that of Liu Zhenzhen.

These five days were really hard work, even if it was just talking about it, letting the workers on the construction site do most of the physical work, and spending a little energy on arranging the formation pattern, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen were exhausted enough.

After all, after all the prohibition formations of the entire defensive formation are arranged, the workload in the characterization must be tens of thousands, and there can be no slight difference between them. The consumption of mental energy is indeed terrifying.

In the process of setting up the formation, Qin Lang quietly buried several low-grade spirit stones next to each formation stone to connect the formation. In fact, the low-grade spirit stone is the key to the energy operation of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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